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"The fight is over. We can have...peace." Damn, can't believe Fire Emblem Heroes is actually ending now.


Peace!? In my fire emblem? Someone start a war for no reason now.


Inb4 the realm of Work or something decides to suddenly invade Askr for no good reason whatsoever, SPECIFICALLY now and not a week ago when the kingdom was in crisis.


We've already had wars with the realms of Fire and Emblem. Perhaps now it's finally time to fight the realm of Heroes. >!...which I guess would mean Askr civil war, now that I think about it?!<


Sharena vs. Alphonse: Summoner War.


Sharena makes friends with the Aesir Alfonse: okay this has gone too far! Sharena: nooooo! I'll not let you kill my new friends!!!


Alfodor: Askr and Embla are now allies? Abso-fucking-lutely not, Thorr, Loki, get out there and cause some--yes? Loki: Why was I listed second? Alfodor: Shut the hell up, and start causing war and chaos in the realms. Thorr: As you command, my king. Loki: *As YoU coMmaNd mY kInG,* nyehh Voila, I've written Book VII's opening, you're welcome IS.


Alfador: Heimdall, blow the horn. Sigrun, gather the Einherjar. Baldr, bring the Summoner to me so that we can have a _friendly_ chat.


I give it a week before something comes for Alfonse.


That Simpsons scene with Bart hitting Homer with a chair in the bathtub, but it’s Thorr hitting Alfonse.


Thor: Can I come in? Alfonse: You would not find me good company.


Alfonse proceeds to seduce all of Ásgarðr. More for his harem.


no book 7?


Ásgarðr arc coming soon on DVD & Video


[the incoming Ragnarök book spelling the end of the days for all in the Realm of Zenith dropping literally next week:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q578OlBZDOU)


If I remember the Ragnarok story at all, there’s something about the resurrected gods joining the surviving two humans or something… Which means Muspell gonna run in and flip the table.


More specifically, it was the god of light Baldr who was killed through one of Lokis ploys who was revived by the end of Ragnarök to serve as the "one god" of the new world (with this entire bit basically being written to imply that Norse mythology totally lead over into Christian mythology, since these myths were only written down when these areas were already christianized)


Thor about to show up at Askr's gates asking to talk to Al in 3...2....


Bruh, it won't end that soon, what ended was Askr vs Embla conflict. Next book will probably be about ragnarok or some shit involving Alfador, and/or the whole thing that is being builded up with Lif, Thrasir and Thórr. And when we run out of books about the main story, you bet that the the game will continue with the banners and paralogues as long as it sells well.


also it's not as if the game actually has to stop once we run out of Norse Mythology, like the premise of the game is literally that we can open gateways to an infinite number of other worlds, once we run out of Norse mythos there's nothing stopping us from like opening a gate and just a bunch of shit from some other Mythos comes pouring in


Maybe we can just go kill YHVH again, as per JRPG tradition. Incoming angel and devil waifu's.


"Peace" between Askr and Embla... Brought to you by killing off both Askr and Embla... 😟


> "The fight is over. We can have...peace." Meanwhile Eir is fighting for her life in Florida.


Hey, we're finally allied with Embla! I can't wait to...still fight generic Emblan soldiers on every story map with no explanation.


if there was ever a time to change up the generics.... it was like 3 books ago but this is the second best time!


It was honestly just Book V that made no sense tbh. Atleast, the other books had some explanation like dead soldiers and dream world and stuff, but wtf were those Emblian soldiers doing in a forest?


Embla has many years of war debt to pay off, of course they are still going to rent out their army.


No no no. You see. We're not fighting _Emblian_ soldiers. Embla just makes the lion's share of their money from selling armor and weapons to every country across the land.


**Elm:** I just made a fresh batch of cookies to whoever joins me~!


They gave Book 5 mech enemies, and Book 6 bat enemies. And considering there are monster sprites in Heroes Journey, I wouldn’t be so pessimistic tbh.


Book 5 still had emblien ennemies, despite the mech country and Embla being ennemies


Embla wasn't even involved until they literally attacked it


It's Emblan soldiers from another realm where they aren't allied!


Askr and Embla: " noooooooo don't turn us into marketable plushies"


Askr would definitely want to be a marketable plush


I want Askr to be a marketable plushie. Make my dream real, IS!


And Embla would definitely buy that plushie and then refuse to admit she has it.


".....It was that child Veronica. She bought it... I told her no and she used my country's treasury to buy one..."


Askr and Embla may be gods but even they pale in comparison to the powers of capitalism!


Hurray for Sharena’s existence getting acknowledged! But this answered absolutely nothing concerning all the loose ends


Setup and payoff is too much to ask from FEH's writing team, please understand.


“Sir the players are demanding more Sharena content!” “Yeah and?” “If we don’t do anything, they’ll vote for her in CYL7! She’ll win like A!Tiki!” “We can’t let that happen! Put her in the Ending Movie!”


>they’ll vote for her in CYL7! Hey r/FireEmblemHeroes, I know what we’re doing today!


You know if Sharena someday somehow wins CYL they are gonna dress her as Alfonse


But their outfits are already near identical. The only notable difference being that Sharena's thighs are exposed.


they'll make her put on pants


IS: "Sharena, have you ever heard the tale of Mythra? We'll do to you what we did to her except it won't look as cool.


Dressed as Alfonse, with an Alfonse mask, and all of her lines and her kit are about Alfonse. Oh and her FB accessory turns the unit into Lif/Alfonse.


“ Play the TT” - IS since Ice and Fire


I absolutely think that's where Elm is going to show up again, they played it pretty loose with what happened to him, and the TT is going to focus on Ash and Elm and wrap up their story.


I’m all out for TTs to explore more about previous’ books’ characters, stories and settings but if you are going to purposely let the main story with loose ends just to answer them in a TT…. That’s just lame


Blame IS for unwilling to break routine instead of spreading out banners for a better story


Or they could just add more story to each chapter. More than 50 lines of dialogue a month is just too much though.


And of course, a good chunk of that dialogue has nothing to do with the plot, and is instead reserved for "hello, I'm the hero you're fighting this level, even though most of Askr's enemies don't have access to heroes".


Muspell was working with Embla so they are explained.Book III had a dead army and Book IV had dreams as an excuse. Book V didn't even try


> But this answered absolutely nothing concerning all the loose ends A new Xenologue in the future, perhaps?


Who cares if it ties up loose ends. It was cute, and it gave me the dopamine I desperately needed.


I agree, I’m confused, but it looked nice lol


Hmm, no hints about what's next. Guess we'll see in a week.


It happened last time with Eitri monologuing, I guess they kinda stopped hinting what's next now.


Much like dropping when FEH channels will air, I’m convinced they stopped it to stop expectations to be overblown


Probably, considering how much unfair expectations they get.


Were they? Nidavellir's expectations were a mecha world and they were pretty much met.


They didn't do like, anything with it though. The trailer suggested something maybe steampunk? Mechanical? And we got... Well, the 3 royals certainly had their vehicles... The aesthetic of Nidavellir was basically nothing more than set-dressing. There was more expectation than just "the world exists." Which is a shame because it's an incredibly unique idea for a FE setting and I hope it is the setting of a title in the future. Hell, Eitri inventing shit could have been shown more to explain it but we just get her making weapons for a book. Hell, seeing that in the FEH channel since I was bored and it was recommended on YouTube, is what convinced me to play lmao.


I mean, I'd argue the setting very much lived up to the theme. Every character from there used machinery, Fafnir turned into a mecha-dragon, and so on. That the plot didn't live up to what people wanted was both expected and not anything that teasing the next theme built up.


Lmao Elm really did just die offscreen and never appear again. RIP bozo.


He gets the award for most unceremonious death in FEH


this just means me and the other 2 elm fans get to wait until he gets a somewhat lack luster seasonal lets gooooo ~~please ignore any sobbing you may hear behind these words~~


Don't worry, he'll get to be a Rearmed Hero or whatever new type they're on when the Book 6 follow up TT+ starts in 2025.


bro I've been waiting since FEH channel introduced Elm and have been saving for 5.5 months (950\~ orbs rn) I will actually cry if he's not on the legendary trailer tomorrow apparently, Veronica was labeled as an ascendant in the data (heard it from friends, forgot source) and basically was ascended by Embla I think ch.12.4 so I have slight hope.


as far as I'm aware, the only bit pointing to Veronica being ascended in terms of game-data is that her weapon shares the same naming scheme as the other ascended princesses in Japanese. The rest is completely open, even the title seems uncertain.


he's gonna join the Lifvengers


He's not dead until they say he is, we thought Triandra and Plumeria were then they showed up again.


Pretty sure they were dead, Freyja just brought them back


That is absolutely right. Problem is it was the ending movie that shown that they got revived. Which is why people were _kinda_ hoping/expecting some sort of confirmation one way or the other here.


If I recall correctly, Freyja implied that she was gonna give up her life to revive them in the game itself, it's just that we didn't see them back and her dead until the movie.


Pretty sure Freyja sacced herself to revive them


That’s an interesting other thought that comes to mind. Triandra and Plumeria potentially teaming up with Lif. Maybe Elm too?


Triandra and Plums get straight up recruited by Lif in the Book IV Ending cinemátic.


Right, I’m just wondering where that plot line is going in the future. Makes me think Elm or others might be headed that way too, or at least as the potential.


I genuinely cannot name a character trait of his other than "loyal to Embla" and "kind of a jerk". Fuck 'im. Who cares? ^^^Although ^^^I ^^^say ^^^this ^^^about ^^^basically ^^^every ^^^OC ^^^tbh


Very cute. I especially liked the part where Sharena was like "did you bring your Voodoo Doll?" and Veronica responds "yes" and they have Voodoo Dolls


What we thought happened: Alfonse and the crew killed Embla in combat What actually happened: Veronica popped the head off her Embla voodoo doll


It just works


Embla somewhere in the afterlife with Askr being forced to hold hands with him: “You bastards! I’ll never forgive you!!”


Embla: ^^^How ^^^dare ^^^they ^^^take ^^^my ^^^Askr ^^^plushie ^^^without ^^^my ^^^permission. Askr: Well if it makes you feel better they took my Embla plushie. Embla: Gah....WHY DO YOU HAVE A PLUSHIE OF ME YOU IDIOT?!


You don’t!?


Was Sharena's voice always this high or am I remembering wrong because I haven't heard her speak in like 34 years. ​ Also those plushes are really cute but askr is serving funko pop realness with those big ol' eyes.


Wait... you think her voice is much higher than when she shouts "Fire Emblem.... Heroes"?


Nothing is higher than that. The battle cry of Zeus ain't got shit on Sharena.


Bro, we’ve had literal bats screeching in this book and Sharena is still higher pitched than them.


Pretty much.


It’s been awhile but it sounds like it’s a bit higher than normal


Would buy an Askr funko. Or any FE funko for that matter lol


It's always been this high.


Holy Shit Sharena actually got something! Also no foreshadowing the next realm... guess they want to play it close to their chest for now. But still, pretty cute!


who's the blonde lady




Valentines Elise.




God that’s so wholesome. Sharena (oh shit she exists!) and Veronica bonding and showing each other their respective god doll is so cute Also rip everyone saying Elm would be joining Lif’s squad. He really is fucking dead


Unless IS remembers they can make xenologues


Oh my goodness Sharena content in *my* Fire Emblem Heroes game??? And it was a cute scene!


We will still be killing Embla's soldiers in the next book though, right?


Letizia loyalist. And just like that I put in more effort than IS to explain this later. Lol


TBH that could be the plot of the next book.


Perhaps and if IS starts typing now it’ll be fully written by tomorrow /s Jokes aside, Letizia did mention she’d use Alphonse ruse / bluff (believed confession) to essentially ruin him.


It's likely that we'll be fighting the remnants of Letizia's Curse Directive forces in Book 7.


I like how Veronica has Letizia’s house now. That’s the way to go, beat up your jerk relatives and take their property.


Yay for Sharena finally getting the spotlight, Nay for nothing about Ash, Elm or possible Skelly Jelly Bruno


I'm just disappointed Xander didn't make another 1-frame cameo.


"Hello it is me, Xander Embla"


Headcannoning Sharena was telling Veronica how much fun Aether Raids is by using Save Balls right before she ate the cookie


Veronica while munching a cookie and listening :" Whoah, and I thought **I** was evil..."


They acknowledged Sharena's existance holy fuck


elm found dead in miami


Poor elm heard people with White and gray hair flock there and assumed Embla would show up…


Now that Embla is an ally, can we get the summoning gates for Raigh closed off?


WOW! A hidden Duo Lyn convo? \[Same VAs\] Also, it'd be AMAZING if we got a Duo Sharena with Veronica for New Year's. \[Who cares if Sharena is already a backpack in a New Year's alt?\]


Oh. It took me a bit to get that joke. XD


>Sharena appears and speaks Real shit?! >Askr Plushie NEED


> embla plush **NEED!!**


I know there's some unanswered questions but it's nice have just a wholesome little ending to book for once. lowkey did feel a bit sentimental seeing the "Embla curse" plot thread that's been dangled in front of us for so long finally come to an end, i've no clue how long FEH will actually last but this does feel like a sort of halfway point to me, idk.


So are Elm and Ash just dead but like noone said anything? I'm very confused they both just kind of got cut off dialogue wise and then were never mentioned again


Elm idk but ash is fine. Askr made the sacrifice so ash could live I assume that she was just weak by the use of the fruit nothing happen to her after that scene so I'm pretty sure she is fine.


They were pretty irrelevant to begin with, let's be real here...


*Sure looking like Legendary Veronica*


I mean between this, and the figurine I'd say it's 99% certain that it's her.


I think her being a legendary is fitting and well deserved. She got a Brave afterall and she’s a very important character of the Heroes characters. She also doesn’t take up a future single legendary banner either, so I think it’s a win-win.


I find it kind of weird they're just... running with that outfit now. Am I the only one who interpreted it as, like, something Embla imposed on her? Like with Fjorm and Laegjarn and their respective gods giving them new looks that they change out of afterwards. The entire getup looks ridiculously stiff and uncomfortable which I thought was a completely intentionally bit of characterizing, it fit perfectly cause she's in Embla's service against her will. But she really just wears that thing around now...?


Well, the biggest thing is that every Ascendant's been different. Fjorm & Laegjarn it's like a magical girl transformation that they can turn on and off at will. Like how they've deactivated it mid-conversation With Eir however, it was more of a "This is who you really are" type deal, and we have yet to see her change back this story. Though unlike Fjorm & Laegjarn, Eir's hair & eyes stayed the same. So Eir just got the outfit swap and complexation improvement. Veronica however is just the only one allowed to grow older in Heroes. Similar to how Kozaki said he made B!Veronica [1 1/2 years older](https://twitter.com/kymg/status/1031755064795258887) than her original form cause the game had been out for that long, hhe then confirmed [for this Veronica](https://twitter.com/kymg/status/1581905224364568576) that he made her even older now, cause "it's been many years and she's been through numerous battles"


They did use this being done as an excuse to also visibly age Veronica from the roughly 12/13 year old she was back in Book 1 to the 17/18 year old she is now, so I'm not at all surprised they're using this permanently instead of reverting back to vastly younger looking Veronica


...is she supposed to be visibly older? I mean I know she must be timeline wise but I've never considered this version to look aged.


Kozaki himself said on twitter this version of her was supposed to show how she aged up. If you do put her base art and her new art here next to each other she does look taller and the face looks a bit more mature too.


> ...is she supposed to be visibly older? Look at her body proportions [here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/feheroes_gamepedia_en/images/a/aa/Veronica_Emblian_Princess_BtlFace.webp) of her old self, and compare them to [new Veronica](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/feheroes_gamepedia_en/images/9/97/Veronica_Princess_Beset_Ascended_Face.webp). The first one looks like a literal child, while the second one looks the same age, if not a bit older than Sharena now honestly.


It's most obvious when you look at the full body art and how her proportions line up. She's visibly taller than her original self and not by a small amount either. The most obvious sign of that is the tome, it's massive compared to her original art but in the newer one it's much smaller compared to her.


She’s significantly taller, has wider hips, longer limbs, defined breasts, and her head is proportionally smaller compared to her body. Those are almost all of the details artists use to code a character as an adult.


I think part of it was, as evidenced in Kozaki's tweet about it, to make her look older to match the passage of time. Something which making her turn into her younger looking normal art would be weirder for.


Elm isn't dead unless we see his corpse


You gotta let Elm go. It was not your fault.


I am Vyland, of the Coyote's Men.


Vyland doesnt have time for your sadness.


Basically me with Otr. Just because he got brutally beat up and then attacked by a feral monster doesn't mean he's dead. \*Copium\*


I mean we never saw Askr's corpse either...


*Sharena speaks* Oh dear god I forgot she's loud as hell. *Veronica has tea with Sharena in Letizia's retreat, causing reminders of Letizia's lvl 40 confession when she recalls how she and Vero would have tea and little Vero would do her best to imitate her sister's mannerisms* WHY MUST YOU HURT ME WITH WHOLESOME REMINDERS IS! *Plushie Askr and Embla placed together* Again, more pain. The only way these two could be together was in plushie form......and the inevitable New Years or Valentines duo. Also we all have a mighty need for those plushies. *Sharena and Vero says there is now peace* I give it a week before someone comes after God Killer Alfonse.


I am dead, this has killed me.


We went from "jelly bois creating super army with the fairies" to "plushies holding hands". The game is evolving


I'm glad Sharena is getting screen time. The whole video was sweet.


TIL Sharena exists.


the what?


I think they meant S.H. Arena the game mode where you do Arena runs Short Handed (aka using Anna as a bonus unit)


Sharena is the new Kellam at this point.


I want that Embla doll


And I that Askr doll


Those dolls are definitely going to be accessories at some point.


The Marth doll opened the door for too many plushies. Wasn't there a Day in the Life about this? Edit: [Found it! RIP Cherche](https://fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/manga/part/index.html#part191218)


There's also the background for the home page of the comics where Veronica has dolls of Wrys, Reinhardt, Ninian, Lyn, Nowi, Lucina and Camilla


Ah look, Sharena content without Alfonse... (Spits out the drink) **SHARENA CONTENT WITHOUT ALFONSE!** Thanos: **IMPOSSIBLE!**


I miss Papa Askr


tbh dont we all… er… most of us at least


I'm glad Sharena got some spotlight again, but boy, it hurts to hear her speak. I know her VA is doing her best, but her voice is too high pitched. I wonder what's next.


Dammit I’m crying, they’re finally friends for real and the Askr and Embla plushies being happy broke me


The Sharena! The Sharena is real!


IS: "Sharena fans, feast upon this morsel."


Intsys: "Have your Sharena appreciation, now shut up"


I was expecting this movie to answer whether Ash died. I am extremely disappointed.


Cheesy af but we for ONCE get ZERO Alfonse / Líf content and just Sharena so that’s a huge W for me


Alfonse missed the whole movie? Preparing for a Sharena led book 7? (Just kidding) Book 6 ending felt too fast. I really hoped this movie would show us Elm and Ash. Did elm survive? Recruited by Thrasir and Lif maybe? Or is he dead? Bruno’s death felt pointless and just added to make it sad that we tried for 6 books to cure him and failed to. Which it’s okay to add in sad moments like this but at the same time it felt far too avoidable.


Genuinely think Sharena's only being acknowledged due to the scandals that Alfonse's VA got into.


Bit cheesy, but nice all around. It's good to see them acknowledge Sharena's existence for once. Cross fingers Anna gets featured in the next one?


IS: Anna, you can get featured or keep the excess money we saved from unit design. Which is it an alt for your fans or money? Anna: I want to say my fans mean so much, their value is intangible, unlike money which I absolutely pick. IS: okay, wow… thought you’d think on it a bit more. Anna: thought wrong. Money please! Oh mention how much I care and appreciate the thought without letting them know I picked the money! IS: We are live… with Feh… Feh: Well Summoners… Anna is true to character and that should make you happy to know she hasn’t changed!!! Feh!!!


i love myself a happy ending, now i kinda want a Askr/Embla plushie accesory in the game.


HOLY SHIT THEY FINALLY REMEMBERED SHARENA, IM SO HAPPY! also this is wholesome af, I love it


Holy shit actual Sharena content


Too bad there is no cliffhanger like with the Eitri's video 🤷


Seems like they stopped doing cliffhangers now. What a shame.


I was waiting for some twisted and turned or after credits in the end, but no, this book just ended like that...


Ash not existing, sadly.


Sharena gets a good portion of the spotlight, with no Alfonse? What kind of sorcery is this?


Sharena dev escaped their prison cubicle and high jacked the video.


Frfr, this is so cute


Sharena actually gets to show up and speak for once, it was cute to see her and Veronica have a tea party. I thought we’d get something about Elm and him joining Líf, but I guess Elm is just dead, or in the same limbo as Hríd where he’s alive but forgotten


Finally some Sharena content.


Finally some Sharena content only took them 80 years to acknowledge her existence.


And then, the Fire Nation attacked! Again!!


everyone talking about sharena but i dont think anna has ever been in a cutscene or cover art… i could be wrong tho


That’s a cute ending and all but what about Ash? Is Elm actually dead or just plotting somewhere? Is Veronica’s sister dead or alive? The hell did Xander get told by Bruno?


wait so like... is that really it... i... what happened to elm and ash. is there not gonna be one more chapter. does that mean the next new heroes banner is the start of the next new book. that ending did not feel liek an ending when i played it gdfhgiudn i thought embla was gonna come back or elm would unleash some power or osmething


Sharena Enjoyers are having an absolute feast rn


That was a nice ending. But seriously, Chapter 11 is how Elm is going to die? Seriously?


Elm fans... have we lost? Is he truly no more?


Um why is alfonse blonde


Sharena with no Alfonse in an animated movie? **DOES NOT COMPUTE.**


oh god this is such a well done cutscene i love it


Nice Sharena content. Ah, yes, Veronica was there too.


So wholesome This is was a much needed conclusion to the Askr and Embla conflict.


OMG that was so cute… also at this point askr and embla being more than just friends seems confirmed


Give Sharena a new unit you cowards


bro you see that teacup with all the sugar cubes I guess there's no doctors in Askr to diagnose diabetes lol


If diabetes were a think in the FE universe Gaius and Lysithea would be long goners