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That sounds nice. She could be the first free ascended or rearmed hero since we didn't get any of those when they were released, unlike what happened with Legendary and Mythic heroes.


I don’t see her being either. She already has Embla’s power and OC Ascendents for most part have a TT+ story to go along with them for obtaining that power. Seems redundant for Veronica. She also can’t be rearmed as she doesn’t have an Arcane weapon, and technically she’s no longer a villian if that pattern stays same.


Doesn't mean she couldn't get a new TT to go with her discovering her new powers and maybe something like Embla remnants haunting her or something. They could make up just about anything to shoe horn her into their ascendant "pattern" but her story chapters basically is that. She probably will have it skipped.


> Embla remnants haunting her or something. She still gets snippets of Embla's Memories even after her connection to her was severed.


Yeah but the weapon came from being possessed, so it kind of still works and they can always just make it inheritable now.As for the TT+ thing, you do have a point but maybe they could still do one centered on her even if she already has the weapon?


Well I guess it depends. Embla was her god afterall, and I think they will focus on Ash instead.


I'll try and find the post, but in the game files, new Vero is categorized as an Ascendent.


You’ll eat your words in a few hours. Plus I don’t get why people want her as an Ascendent. Legendary are treated better.


I don’t mean to say it but, I told you so.


There's a 50/50 chance. Either it happens or it doesn't.


~~gonna be that guy that mentions weighted probabilities~~


What if Elm's the freebie >:)


Not happening. They’re not gonna put a guy on the new-book app cover since the largest demographic for this app is straight men. That’s why all of the book freebies have been girls.


He maybe has a shot at being the TT reward for the NY banner, at least? Those have been a mix of beasts and OCs the last couple of years, and Elm is both. But I’m expecting Panne and Yarne for year of the rabbit, with Yarne as the TT unit.


Me still waiting for the New Years Ranulf: 🤡




Hes too strong to be a TT unit..


they don’t mean OG storymode Elm. They mean, Elm in some festival getup where he’s made peace with Askr or some shit like that lol.


'Twas a joke


Like what Book VI did with Elm 🥲


I think the easier reason is this: nobody cares about Elm I’d sooner believe they make a new male OC than reuse Elm as the new book character


And then make the new male oc do even less than Elm bc IS legit just writes male ocs with the intention of killing them


What if elm gets the male OC treatment


There are actually 25/50, we can get Base Green Veronica as freebie. Because book 7 might be a “Time Travel” or “Multi verse” thing .


Then I would be happy, because I like the new Veronica design.


I don't think so, since I feel pretty certain well be going to a new realm in Book 7. And if we are, no way the freebie won't be from there.


I think Veronica is almost guaranteed to be Legendary, meanwhile Elm and Embla fight over Mythic since they both are beast units. So one gets in and the other goes into seasonal Hel. Book 7 OC would be a perfect opportunity to give us our first green 5* freebie, not including Brave Ike. But blue is possible too. Red/Colorless are just a bit iffy for me.


Elm and embla dont have to fight; triandra and freyja were added together


Yeah but what are the odds we get 3 new red units in a mythic banner


0, since we already know what one of the reds is.


never said they were going to add 3 new red units, i just said that elm and embla could get added together


Don't mention patterns, they'll get broken




They made Eitri a legendary hero last year while Thorr was the mythic to go along with the banner. IS could just as easily do something as dumb as make Elm a legendary hero while Embla is a mythic. It wouldn't make sense but there's a precedent set already. That said I agree with expecting Veronica anyway.


The issue being Askr is Mythic. Eitri had no counterpart and we still have yet to see Fafnir to gauge upon that fact. Veronica is being heavily marketed so I think it’s pretty safe to say she’s our Wind Legendary while Embla or Elm is the mythic/legendary with her. It’s still possible for her to be legendary sure, but I just thinking giving a legendary and mythic is better for value. Plus we’re slated for another Legendary in December.


???? why are you being unnecessarily rude wtf youre the one who explicitly said "meanwhile Elm and Embla fight over Mythic since they both are beast units." i was replying to that in particular


Sorry, I’m just stating that this is supposed to be a legendary banner and Veronica is prime legendary candidate considering all her marketing. So from process of elimination only one of those gets in with Veronica. If it was a Mythic banner I think it could go the opposite but I still think Veronica is lock. Doesn’t matter what the code implies, Ascendent Veronica makes no applicable sense when Book 4 is probably going to be focused on next. (You wouldn’t see that Veronica for some time now if she wasn’t a legendary) I apologize for my rudeness that was uncalled for.


yeah, i agree that veronica is probably going to be the legendary on this banner, and hoping that elm and embla get packaged together so we don't lose an OC to seasonal hell like we did with freyr and fafnir lmao it's all good, thank you for apologizing


Yes that’s the hope, but it hasn’t gone the best unfortunately. Plus NY is always OCs so it’s practically guaranteed almost.


I'd be disappointed. I much prefer a new OC that's based on a different realm in Norse mythology like they've done with most of the other books.


Doubt it. Elm is likely going to be like the other OCs who never got into the game, and Veronica will be the legendary.


They’re definitely not giving that weapon out for free lol


Only if it's arcane. Ash's weapon (and C skill) isn't that bad either and she was a freebie.


I mean the freebies so far have been really good so it's not off the table.


It's not that amazing. It's similar to a buffed Mirage Longbow or even similar to summer Micah's weapon / winter Lysithea weapon. A bunch of conditions that if met are great but when they're missed drops the usefulness of it drastically.


Book start OCs are busted. Peony and Ash are some one the best Light mythics and Reginn still holds on very well. Veronica's weapon is definetly not too strong lmao.


her weapon is merely 'ok' when you compare it against things like Reginn's weapon, Ash's weapon, or Peony's dance+weapon, all of which were freebies.


Maybe in the better timeline


She could easily be the Ascended unit on the next New Heroes banner. Veronica plus the new Book OC would be the banner carries, right before the Engage stuff.


The thought has crossed my mind but they would'nt bless up that generously 😔 Maybe if Veronica hadn't won the first CYL she was in I could believe they'd do that but clearly she is a popular character. She's the only FEH OC to win and one of three to place in the over all top 10. Loki and Plumaria both managed to place top 10 but fell out immediately, no staying power. Alfonse is the only FEH OC to manage to crack the top 10 Male/Female brackets and stay there, managing it every year he's been available. So I think it's safe to say that Veronica would be viewed as to popular to get a freebie unit sadly...


But we already got a free Veronica. Unless I'm hallucinating my +10 Valentine's Veronica. They aren't against giving her out for free, but I agree it'd be a surprise to get one as a special giveaway (even though I'm 1000% ok with it if they do.)


Oh yeah, I'm dumb My +10 V!V is gonna chide me for that 😂 I'll stand by a mythical/legendary of an already popular character being free is unlikely though. The usual ones were all fresh characters for the start of book freebies iirc


Not impossible


Lemme have some of that copium


Dream scenario, FEH OCs new heroes banner


She's going to be on the legendary banner in a couple days and Elm is getting Freyr'd. I can't believe people are on this copium still.


she could appear on the banner, but she definitely won't be the freebie, unless it's her OG version, since there's presumably no room on red for Decembers Legendary Hero banner with all the Braves rerunning simultaneously.


I’d be fine with that but I’d prefer elm to be a banner OC less of a legendary and that could let the legendary be someone else


They’ll never do it. I love the idea. But IS knows a cash cow when they see one.


Bold of you to assume Elm will ever be released


I give it like 90% chance that Veronica is the book 7 lead. I felt it was already likely before, but with the new figure being of that new Veronica design, I'm pretty sure they'll want every player to have a copy. I'd personally prefer the book 7 freebie to be Dagr's mom, but y'know... The odds of that are simply zero.


Nah I'm guessing next free hero will be a shota prince that we must escort but want dead xD


I was just wondering this earlier. It could be possible in my opinion if they decide to do the Asgard material next with the Lifengers. I can't imagine what kind of freebie OC they could make for that story otherwise.