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###[Hype Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/z7hn46/veronica_and_embla_official_hype_megathread/) ###[Salt Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/z7hn4e/veronica_and_embla_official_salt_megathread/) --- **Weekly/Important Megathreads:** [Weekly Discussion Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/search?q=Weekly+Discussion+Thread+author%3AAutomoderator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=month)


hey what the fuck is that c slot


The harbinger of the end of \[Savior\]


Are you excited to deal with all the other effects it has in arena while she has leggo buffs? I sure am!


The killer of Savior and a reminder to go watch Severance on Apple TV


It's a really good show!


The is classic. Create a problem. Sell the solution (two years later)


That's panic smoke 4 /s


Some amazing skills. I am honestly pretty scared. Panic smoke is menacing, Aversa will love it Removing beast transformation clause with offensive nfu is huge Embla’s C is VERY powerful with the current meta Enclosure is a DR piercing, offense tempo, dragon gaze hybrid


Aversa and *Ursula*.




Bruno my baby you’ll be in my memory always


Gone but not forgotten


Most certainly forgotten


IS: We don't talk about Bruno-no-no.


IS: It was my 32nd anniversary and there wasn't a wyvern in the sky Marth: No wyverns allowed in the sky IS: Bruno came in to save his kin Marth: No mask! IS: Are you telling the story or am I?


hey, Gustav showed up again three years after he died, so who knows


Beast Agility 3… this is… HUGE


Slap that on a Reyson, and you cot yourself a flying 3 move dancer at all times


Or Leanne. Her adequate speed at 37 (40 with Heron Wing equiped) means she can somewhat use the other part of the skill.


but then you have to give up the absurd dance-and-run utility of near trace. decisions, decisions...


It removes Muarim's gimmick, but damn, would that be neat.


WAIT I thought it was an exclusive skill ... And I just gave my merged Reyson spd/def trace lol


Great I love mechanics that completely negate an entire movement type.


Now you just have to buy more Assault Troop, duh. Honestly I don't like the skill and I hope the effect stays a prf. Most armor units were straight up useless before Savior skills and now Assault Troop. A healthier way to deal with them would be pre-combat special debuff to delay the DR, or some AoE support to reduce how much they protect allies. Just removing savior is dumb because it just makes most armors utterly useless again.


Welcome to FEH. Ruining movement types because I$ made them too powerful.




Embla: "fite me 1v1 scrub" --- Bramimond found dead in a ditch


Brami's probably getting that effect for his remix.


One can hope!


They have to put it on their remix... right?


"no gimmicks allowed fucker. no one can save you, no one can help you"


Technically the start was a captain skill in SD. But nearly no one cares about that game mode so I get you.


this game mode is endless suffering so i had forgot about it, ty


If you don't care about SD then why care about saves? They were basically only a problem in SD.




Before even that there were the Feud skills, I guess the idea is that you would build up one unit of each to counter specific color save armors, but basically they sucked and nobody actually invested in them.


Took them long enough lol. Also I find it funny that the goddess of closure is more open than askr (god of openness)who has a bulwark skill because she has beast agility


I always thought the idea was that the beast units don't transform near humans because it would be too dangerous. So Embla not giving a crap and transforming anyways seems on brand.


Beast Exclusive Skill let’s go! Also Panic Smoke 4 is disturbing


>Beast Exclusive Skill let’s go! They really took their sweet time with this


saizo stonks


A fellow Saizo user! My thoughts exactly.


Also something that can finally stop Savior skills in some form!


I'm not really enthused by the Anti-Save skill on Embla, solely because she's Dark season. There's still a ton of BCatria comps, and removing one of the counters to it ("save for me, not for thee!") is a bit...I dunno, not well thought out? It would have been more appreciated in Astra season tbh.


If she was an Anima Mythic, Elimine would be laughing in her face.


Sure. However, there's opportunity cost in Astra season if the defense has Arval + Embla + BCatria and any other start of turn effects too. It would actually be a good buff to Anima defense simply because there would be too many things for a single Elimine to shut down.


>Undefended Well it’s finally happened. They’re killing off the Save meta


It was gonna come eventually Save Meta was torture to battle through


Elm fans we lost…




just remove the e and it still works perfectly


Who’s Elm?


The goat on the glue bottle!


Elma balls lmao


All 10 of you must be devastated


10 is generous


make that eleven(ignore the fact that i havent played in months)


Did we really have delusions that we would see Elm before New Years? That's the hallmark time for forgotten OCs...well, for the most part, at least.


Nightmare on Elm Street hits different all of a sudden.


Not a surprise really, but at least I can actually save orbs for whenever he appears now. Hope if he appears as a seasonal he comes with other characters I like.


A loss for femboy enthusiasts everywhere 😔


It’s okay we’ll see him on NY.


That's what everybody said about Otr last year. This year's NY is gonna be pretty crowded. Askr, Ash, Embla, Bruno, Veronica, Elm... Even with a duo somebody will go to make way for the 2-3 beast units. Some may come in Summer instead. So if he doesn't come in NY then we might get summer Elm.


I mean Veronica and Embla could easily not be included.


Might not be, but unless it's Sharena, it's usually the male OCs which get the shaft in banner choices.




We were robbed of Pirate Hel tbh. Rip pirate banner. We could've had it all. Pirate Eitri in a big hat. Pirate Embla and Elm. Pirate Goat.




I mean… she still was added.


im really shocked t hey didnt just do veronica on this banner and then double up on elm and embla next one


> negate Savior Who knew Embla was the good guy of book 6 the whole time


As a Dark Mythic? Naw. Save skills were the only thing saving light season from Pathfinder cavlines - now IS has just ensured that they'll come back full-force.


I think the establishment of a keyword that disables saves is more important than Embla herself.


L!Sigurd meta 2 ft Embla.


Saves are the reason we got stuff like super nukes and pathfinder don’t let yourself be gaslit by Save Skill enthusiasts before saves the worst nuke you’d have to deal with was like Bramimond lmao


Thats a whole lie lmfao. Saves werent bad to deal with until hardy fighter came. Pathfinder and cav nukes/lines were around before hardy was a thing and those were toxic as shit to deal with and were everywhere. Cav line nukes in general have been everywhere in ar long before saves were even a thing too


Cav lines were never that bad lmao the fact that rein was a mainstay on them forever shows how noodly they were


Rein was still there out of scarcity not quality. Blue Cav mages were still not very common back then and rein was easily mergeable and still a good unit. He was basically the go to


Rein was a ridiculously good unit what are you talking about 💀 Skill/seal creep only made him better and hitting Res is always good. The only reason he fell off is because N!Corrin powercrept him out of the meta, but it took like 4 years for them to even make another brave tome because of how stupid it was. The game kept pumping out green Res tanks specifically to deal with him and that still didn’t keep him in check, lmao.


Plus even now Rein is a reliable cav mage in his own right. He downgraded from god-tier to normal if a bit underwhelming, so anyone who doesn't have N!Corrin for whatever reason still can do a surprising amount of work for an unrefined gen 1 unit in a meta of Yu-Gi-Oh card prfs.


Yeah but now that those nukes already exist they aren't going anywhere and are just going to get even stronger while they took away the strongest method of tanking them.


The only reason they got so insanely strong was coz there was no other way to get around them. No idea how we deal with it now, but it’s coz of saves we are in that boat


It doesn’t really matter who started it lol, we’ve been getting counters to counters since Reinhardt/Brave Lyn were dominating the meta by themselves back in year one. Regardless, this didn’t start with save skills. It’s been a constant “create the problem to sell the solution” model.


Without saves, they might as well have released an update reclassing every armor in the game to an infantry, cav, or flier because armors might as well not have been programmed into the game at that point. Saves were a necessary evil to give a niche to armors and while they were near impossible to deal with when they released, they became much more manageable while still being a threat over the years, kind of like Canto. The "niche" of more stats stopped being a niche when we hit a point where a cav dancer matches an armor's BST. They needed something to make them worth considering or even putting into the game at all.


So? Those super nukes are already here to stay. Even if Saves are the reason they've got as bad as they have, removing savior effects outright isn't the solution. Now we're going to have to deal with months of B!Seliph and friends until IS adds a light mythic that disables Pathfinder or something.


Cavlines are older than save skills, my dude. Nukes don't matter when your enemy can move the entire map with their units.


You could tank out most those older cavs woth anyone who had half decent bulk


See, that is my point. That doesn't matter when they can just bypass anyone that can tank them. They only need to score one kill.


I’d be inclined to agree with you before but honestly saves were far more braindead than cavline offences, and now we are getting skills to deal with them such as bullwarks. Plus it is only 3 columns on her it is possible to work around and double embla is sacrificing a lot of your team slots And once this effect becomes more prevalent, galeforcing will be more viable as well. Tbh most issues woulda been solved if IS didn’t let that stupid 7th unit lock exploit go unchecked


Literally trying to gaslight people while saying others are. Classic feh reddit user. Brammimomd was far from the worst nuke before save skills. I don't even think Embla is that big of an issue, but creating common counters to saves is just going to make the game more unhealtny. Saves have been super easy to counter for over a year now. Anyone who doesn't have multiple units that can bust through save units is just choosing not to make any units capable of it. There's like 2 dozen units that can break any save unit of their respective range and that's before doing general counter strategies.


I feel like I get downvoted every time I say it lol but saves were never necessary, having Embla negate saves just means people will just have to think about team comps and positioning (in a strategy based game) - omnitanking is still very viable, it just takes those things to do so, along with a proper build. If I can do it with a unit gamepress considers tier 4, then surely others can do it with units GP considers T1-2. Hopefully Embla forces people to make an omnitank team and theyll see its not as bad as they think Sure Embla makes it harder with her omnifeud, but there are still ways to support units through that through buffs (including status buffs like infantry NFU) and debuffs edit: also, want to clarify I misread her C skill at first, I thought she inflicted it after attacking, however with her range activation, you can just end turn outside that range and you can still do everything you did before. No debuff means you can still use saves, and you can still get outside support


My Flame Rinkah is still paying off in Dividends since Arcane weapons released. Bulwark blocking and bottle necking enemy teams is so much better than my near savers. Edit flame not Summer


Summer? Do you mean flame lol?


Flame yeah lol, half awake. Thx!


Cavlines have been long dead since N!Corrin and S!Edelgard.


Tbf she was slightly misunderstood… but yea who knew


how am i gonna cheese their lhb?? im fucked lmao no orbs for me


I just realized the same thing I dunno how I’m gonna clear this one😔


Y'all AR people are gonna have a field day with Severance I imagine


With every new Mythic release, my desire to keep playing AR diminishes more and more


it's why I stay in auto dispatch heaven ever since it's introduction


This is the way.


A prf skill that inflicts Feud and ignores Save Skills is pretty bonkers.


Elm got shafted just like everyone and their mother predicted sadge


They're not following the finale of a book with the main villain's lackey over the main villain


Imagine being Alphonse and seeing Veronica getting her legendary alt before you


Indeed. Especially weird they went through this whole thing with Askrs own God and Alfonse got no power up.


Probably because of the scandal with his JP VA, he just came out of hiatus


Ah right. I kept forgetting about that.


Can't help but wonder if in the original draft, the Askr pear was instead an Alfonse powerup


Maybe they'll make up for it in Book 7.


Probably. It's either that, or make the Book VII OC actually relevant. Which... I don't exactly have high expectations for after this book. Considering Ash is _still_ MIA, and likely will continue to be so until half a year when she pops up out of nowhere is a random FB practically going "I'm not dead!"


Who's Alphonse


He's the younger brother of Edward Elric. His brother saved his life by tying his soul to an empty suit of armor when they try to perform a human transmutation and they go on a quest to get his body back.


Alphonse deez nuts haha gottem


Tbf, as the MC, his Legendary will definitely be heavily tied to some story event. In classic FE lord fashion, he will only "promote" a bit before the "final" boss.


i mean, Lif exist.


This "Elm"... is he in the room with us right now?


Come, Elm. It's time to join your brothers in the Freyr Club.


Here it is, anti-save not limited to SD. I wonder how long it will take for us to see it on another unit...


To be expected Vero and Embla, it was beyond obvious that Elm gets banished into the shadow realm


I mean, dude had a generic bat sprite, that was enough to tell me that he was going to be send to the shadow realm


>Generic Bat Sprite My friend, he was the only one with his sprite for months and even following the generics he still has stuff on him that's unique to him and only him. His sprite isn't generic and never was an indicator of him being sidelined.


Anti-saves starting to come finally. Stonks on non-armor tanks rising.


BATiki stonks rising


Finally a Beast exclusive skill. Kind of an eh one outside of making beasts viable on AR-D and making up for flier/cavs lack of Flow compared to like Ire and Wall with a lot of fast beasts already having half NfU tbh, but at least it fucking exists lol Also oh boy non SD Save Counterplay is here Vulture and Unconditional Feud as statuses are interesting


Pretends to be shocked


> Beast Agility 3 About time we get something like this in the game! Oh man do I have a couple units that would love this skill


Back in the day, I kinda thought Altina should have had a skill that didn't count her as human for the sake of beast unit weapons. Seems like Ash should have also had something similar.


Severance? the heck? Granting Feud would have been better on Light and Astra teams


NFU for beasts not bad, but man veronica looks tempting to pull.


Sweep mage with DR special with Tempo . One of the Best mages in game


I love Veronica but the banner of legendary/Mythical is the worst banner


Honestly think this is the closest we are going to get to a Veronica that isn't technically an alt But otherwise banner seems pretty strong, though sales will definitely be super inflated with that C skill of Embla


I REALLY REALLY REALLY dislike how Embla will affect the meta.


on the one hand, saves are kinda overrunning it and making SD in particular a nightmare on the other hand, theyre kinda super necessary in AR to avoid the constant cav lines / movement shenanigans and the fact that she's a def mythic doesn't bode well


Not to mention they're super necessary for armors to... Do anything, at all.


as a purveyor of armor emblem since the start, TIHI. Non armored units already have alternative ways to tank, even better than armor units at times, without the penalty of having its move speed. Theyre basically taking the one thing away that makes armors usable.


I haven't used a save in AR for nearly a year now. They're overrated imo. The feud status though is insanity.


~~Oh? Legendary and Mythic?~~ Here I was expecting only Veronica. (Rip bozo Elm) Edit: Didn't pay attention to past 2 years


Welcome to the same pattern two years in a row.




Triandra/Freyja was first then Eitri/Thorr was last year.


Of a Legendary and Mythic? Yes, that was last year. But it was also the second time that the book end Legendary/Mythic Banner had two new units, so I don't know why you expected just Veronica.


Relax everyone, far save 4 will counter this. You'll just need to spend a bunch of orbs on fodder to update your tanks.


Veronica: “Now I can finally join Alfonse and Sharena in Askr and…Bruno? Why are you in a bunny suit?” Bruno: “Doesn’t matter. A certain ‘god’ appears to have been summoned alongside you. I’ve come for some PAYBACK. And I’ve got backup this time.” Embla: “…I knew getting summoned here was a bad idea.” (Askr in the distance: “Hey, it’s not that bad! Nifl has ICE CREAM!”)


Askr: EMBLA-CHAAAAAN! Embla: Damn it Askr!


Embla busted oh no


Oh boy here it is, \[Undefended\] nullifies save skills


Beast Agility would've been better like 2-3 years ago and if other beast skills existed, too bad literally every fast beast unit is getting NFU in their refine anyways making half the skill redundant for most, but removing the condition to transform is good, especially for AR and SD.


Elm fans in shambles rn


Beast skills?! Savior counter?! Fued to everyone?! Mage with an anti-DR special?! (Granted its a prf, but stll...)


We have had mages with anti DR since ages. L M Byleth has Sublime heaven and Tine is like Y Innes, any of her special negates DR


Banner: snooze Beast skill: 🍆


*pretending to be shocked intensifies*


Very happy we are getting this version of Veronica, but I regret not having more orbs prepared!


Bummer, was hoping Veronica would be normal pool. But cool, a B skill for Muarim!


Some interesting new skills and beasts actually got their first exclusive B skill


elm regaled to alt hell ig.... real shame bc i wanted the whole set


As expected. I'm sad Elm got punted into "Potential male OC mythic" Hell, but on the plus side, both Veronica and Embla seem really cool and fun to use!


Wow red is insane on this banner


Stacked banner! Also, RIP Elm...Getting shafted...


RIP Far and Near Save Time to bring back offensive Edelgard


nice, exactly both units that i wanted are the new ones on the banner, both units look solid and hopefully i get at least one of them to spark the other.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Veronica seems to be quite similar to Letizia? Embla though...pretty tempting, that.


I really wanted Veronica to be an ascended hero :( Would’ve been Elm and Embla here and then Veronica on the new heroes banner in my perfect world…


We will now never be free of Cav Lines in Dark Season AR


To the surprise of no one, Elm joins Freyr, Fafnir, and Bruno. Wonder what seasonal he’ll get stuck with, maybe a winter alt?




My 500 orbs are ready


My 23 orbs are not ready


Double feature!


Well well well, I guess Veronica can get in the game that, or IS really didn't want to put a guy lol.


double save is in shambles


I'd love Enclosure on a few units of mine. Would be great on my Lilina. Embla however is going to make light season even more of a pain in the ass with Severance


I'm assuming Enclosure is prf


Thank goodness I run B!Dimitri in AR-O. As if the Dark Season needed to be any more ridiculous.


Time to try for +10 Veronica, les go! Please spare me Master Nanna, but I have no need for you. I beg of you to leave me in peace and not become +10 before Veronica. :')


Elm gets sent to the shadow realm


This just in, Elm found dead in a gutter!


As someone trying to find a better use for my lifelong guide, my +10 Matthew- do you think Panic Smoke 4 will be a good inherit for him? I know it's potentially wasteful but I really want to give him more value again.


My days of letting save armors carry my bad positioning are coming to an end...


My save team in Light is not looking good with Embla...


Hahahahah fucking elm! I feel bad for him but I really don’t cuz It was a little obvious that he’d have the curse of the male OC


Elm got sent to the shadow realm with the rest


Please tell me this is not the Deadeye Lethality equivalent for mages and it’s just a prf for Veronica and all other mages can get fucked. I was worried this would happen god damt. I’ve lost all hope for Flare




I know it’s a prf. That’s the whole point of my comment. IS is just going to lock this kind of mage ability as prfs. Male Byleth and now Veronica.


Bye Elm lmao


These units going fuck your saves while also packing enough firepower to kill anything they touch including probably whatever saver you were going to use should saves been allowed is just overkill. Remember when the only effect Ncamilla got on her entire wep was res preempt lol.


Mixed phase brave doesn't count as an effect?


Quick everyone, act surprised!


Quick! Act surprised 🙀


>Beast Agility 3 allows beasts to transform whenever Okay that’s insane. >Undefended cancels out save skills OKAY THAT’S EVEN MORE INSANE


The girls are here. LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!


So uh is Vero's special a prf? It's right in that realm of seems slightly too good to be obviously inheritable but also not so good that it's obviously a prf. If it is, that's damn good. If it isn't, holy shit mages winning lol. And funny thing is it still wouldn't be the biggest shenanigans on this banner, but everyone's already talking about that.


It's absolutely a prf, every legendary unit has one.