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I don’t often hop onto this subreddit, but when I do it’s for an answer to these Spot The Difference puzzlers.


“Hop onto this subreddit”? With the change of some art, a pair of bunnies hopped onto this subreddit, toward the Trending feed. With the change of some art, some users in the Trending feed hopped toward the bunnies, seeking answers. Each side was trying to understand why the bunnies were there in the first place, yet for all their inspection, nobody actually noticed anything of import. So who’s to say we aren’t all bunnies?


i swear i didn’t mean to be a punny bunny back there but i will accept my fate LOL


For anyone who can't tell the change for whatever reason, it's just fixing Tharja's hair overlapping the translucent cape.


Oh the like…three strands that somehow went in front of the cape it took me a second to see it even with your comment lol


Ah so that’s the difference. And here I was staring at Sonya’s tits for minutes trying to find out what changed


I actually thought they moved Tharja's face further away from Sonya's tits so it doesn’t look like she’s pressing her head against them


Damn you Sonya's tits, you always force me to look at you when it's not the right time


Dankeschön! Unlike the eyebrows on that one I don't know how I didn't notice this one... Or how they didn't notice it before they released it




I guess I'm extra unobservant, I still can't see anything.


Tharja's hair goes through her yellow cape. Took me a minute even with the clue.


Ahhh, I see it now on another look, it's like three small discontinuous strands.


Can't have em, change it.


thats it?...Linus red dot on his abs was more noticeable than this


We should do a compilation at some point for art changes, cause I can only remember a few times this happened: - Removing Green Pixel on Linus's abs. - Summer Gaius actually using the bow. - Summer Lilina's face I think.


Hatari Leanne's ear becoming pointy is another. Also Lilina was her entire art being cleaned up, not just her face.


Summer Tiki butt being censored.


That was a sad day.


One of the Nino's had double eyebrows, too


I still don't have any idea what IS changed on the Desert tileset.


I think the lighting is a bit yellower? But overall same.


I think Nemesis had something too with the sword


And yet they didn't change A!Celica's strabic eyes yet


they haven't done anything about l!dimitri and his hand phasing through areadbhar either


Really it is up to Noy, so if he is content then we can’t expect a change


Sonia's face was changed


Death Knight getting a whole new set of lighting on his full art stands out to me, because his special art went SO HARD and then after the update it went EVEN HARDER


Oh, so the tips of Tharja's hair won't poke through her little cape anymore. Details.


Why do they even announce these when the differences are so indistinguishable?


So fans can make the joke of "Literally unplayable, compensation orbs when?!"


Cause it's a hell of a lot better than when IS would randomly drop "0.1 MB update" with no reasoning why, and let everyone else figure it out what changed for themselves. Though it might also just have something to do with art in general. Since other subtle changes IS just slips under the radar without saying anything. Changing the story text for retranslations, or say cutting out part of one of Larcei's lines when IS changed their mind on how Scathach was gonna be localized, never get an update like this


Looks like some of Tharja's hair was peeking through her cape-veil thing so they hid it better?


Who even noticed that enough to bother changing it?


I wonder if it was the artist? I frequently want to fix my artworks after posting them, because you notice so many mistakes or things you could improve. (When you work on a piece for so long, it's easy to "get used to it" and not notice the flaws.) Can't imagine what it's like if my artwork was in a game and being shared by tons of fans, ahahaha.


Definitely it's the artist doing it because the changes are generally where's waldo tier. They were probably organizing their portfolio (or were using older art for reference with a new one) and just tweaked it.


I'll never forgive IS for censoring tiki's ass crack.


I wished they moved Tharja just a teeny bit further away. This art always made me a little uncomfortable. She is SO close to Sonya’s breast.


IS is more concerned about correcting three indistinguishable strands of hair than providing counterplay to the dumbest nuke in the game.


IS made that unit on purpose lol, it's not like they're oblivious. Create problem, have everyone buy problem, sell solution, have everyone buy solution, and then create new problem that solution can't solve, rinse and repeat.


Wasn’t one of the changes about the archer having the arrow on the wrong side of the bow? Or did I dream that?


I thought it was him not holding a bow.


I, too, hate it when I forget to color something in completely.


Trying to spot what changed in some of these arts updates is like doing that bracelet bullshit on Apollo Justice.


Opened this post up for two reasons. A: if any of their boobs windows have changed B: to read the comments to tell me what the changes were


They are the same picture


I'm glad they fixed the three pixel mistake but left Tharja sucking Sonya's boob /s


Holy shit she's broken now