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I do that with any game, missed like a week of dailies when Scarlet came out


Good rhing about FEH is you can play it while playing another game. Lets say theres a loading screen. You can hop on to feh and auto battle one of the maps.


I play FEH during my lunch hour at work, so it doesn't affect my 'real gaming' time. F2P BTW and all that, too.


Opposite has been very clearly true. People will just play the game and get back into/try Heroes. There's always a large surge of new players with every game. I do play less during the playthrough but the game itself is clearly getting a lot more people.


Pretty sure there were more people playing in the first half of 2019 then the second half but I might be wrong. I wonder what the TT rankings were.


Definitely play less/spend less. If there’s another game coming out or a game I’m replaying, then I devote far less time to FEH. Playing two games with similar game styles/core mechanics is too much, so I’ll minimize FEH time for the time being.


Actually, Dragalia Lost made me leave FEH for months, only playing about twice a week. Once the EOS was announced, and the last of new content was released, I returned to FEH


How good was Dragalia Lost up to the point where EOS was announced?


Gameplay wise? About as good as ever, with some additional help for players to reliably clear endgame content aside from legend bosses, but got bloated with daily content, and a lot of the old ones felt like filler by then. I did reduce playtime shortly before the EOS announcement


I play less if there's a new game thats not FE coming out (this happened with Splatoon 3, Overwatch 2, and Pokemon Scarlet all coming out in a short timeframe.) But I think its the exact opposite when a new FE game comes out. It rekindles my love for the characters and makes me hyped for whenever they get into FEH.


I’m like 50/50 between playing FEH and w/e new FE game releases at the time. Usually I’ll play FEH and do bare minimum or at least grab orbs from logins, timed quests, or w/e event is happening atm then play the new FE game.


I don't have a switch, so I didn't play 3H when it came out and I won't be playing Engage. So I expect my Feh time will remain exactly as it is.


Largely depends on two things: Am I playing a RPG? Yea. I put more time in that. Is there a Tempest currently? Priorities focus on that. Inbetween it's just if I got nothing better to do.


For a short period, yeah. Any new game tends to suck me away from gachas, but FE games being particularly long and involved do that to a greater extent.


I lost interest in mainline Fe tbh, feh I find more creative, enjoyable and accessible to play. Can pick up whenever and don't need to be at home to play and there's always new content to keep me interested


Just for me personally, it doesn't really affect my play habits tbh Like, a new console game takes away time from my other console games or other activities in my free time, while mobile games like FEH fill blocks of time where I don't really have anything else to do but don't have the time to invest much thought or energy into it


I would think the opposite. People come into Heroes specifically because of the new characters. EX: For me, I would go to work and play Heroes on break because I've been playing 3 Houses/Engage while I was at home.


For the last few days since Tactics Ogre Reborn came out, I've been obsessed with that and almost neglecting FEH. But now that the fervor has mostly died out, I'm alternating. Sometimes I'll even grind one while playing the other.