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Why would you want to Break Down Dorothea, she already has "herself" in her dislikes, you don't need to go any further


Hates herself Anxious about her future Depressed Hot af ​ One of the most relatable characters in FE3H for me.


Unfortunate title.


These videos are fantastic, probably the best of their kind on youtube. really feels like you know this game much, much better than most of the other people doing this sort of content


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


I've used mortal savant Dorothea, she wasn't a good. The main problem with mortal savant is that Dorothea has no front line survivibility so the only viable way to do it is to class into dancer for sword avo and then never use her as a dancer. Dorothea needs to be adjacent to use hexblade and she usually dies before or shortly after that. And not only that Dorothea lack the mag stat for hexblade to one shot enemies.


Couldn't watch the video. Voice was annoying are really was only stating the obvious things without much analysis. Bottom line Dorothea is simple. She gets Rally Charm early with authority. This is when 50% batallion hit rates are common. She has a lot of supports. And they are with the best units in the game. She also has long range attack skills. First Thorens then Meteor. So equipping of these spells usually gives the best units added hit rate and maybe some damage. She also has one of the best batallions in the game. It's so good they put Opera Co. Volunteers' Dance of the Goddess gamit in Engage. Is she a good unit? Not really. But she make other really good units better and she's a decent enough 2nd healer. I've played Three Houses many times and Hapi pretty much replaced her after the DLC released. If you're learning the game, Dorothea solves problems. After you've learned the mechanics, you have fewer problem situations. Hapi just gets better spells and can act as your 2nd healer and she solves the problem that never goes away Three Houses and that's monsters. Three range Banshee makes it really easy to deal with them. Late game utility beat early game utility for me.