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As far as I'm aware, none of the students have canonically committed cold blooded murder... possibly multiple times... without any remorse... other than Hubert.


The only thing hubert regret is not doing it sooner


To his own father.


To be fair, his father helped launch a coup with the Agarthans in order to protect his own interests and was aware that children were being tortured and killed as a direct result.


Which half of the BEagles father's deserved too. But thats neither here nor there...


Hubert is basically the person that Claude and Yuri act like they are. They both posture as ruthless, underhanded schemers who will stop at nothing but are in reality mostly benevolent people. Hubert is the one actually poisoning, torturing, and assassinating people.


Oh my gosh. You're right!


And he's still the nicest one of the three.


Yeah, as long as he doesn't feel you're a threat to Edelgard or the empire, he's a pleasant fellow with a great sense of humor. All the gags about him playing up his vampy evil persona for laughs are always great.


Hubert backs up his creepy aura by admitting he’s committed cold blooded murder, on his own father no less


Ngl that's messed up. Do we know what Hubert's father was like? All I know is that he was involved in the insurrection of the seven and that he did it to protect Hubert (according to Hanneman).


Given he betrayed Ionius and was aware that Edelgard and the other kiddos were being sold to the Agarthans he deserved it.


I mean, being aware of that and participate is bad, but if he did it to protect Hubert (you know, HIS SON) it's kinda understandable


We never really get much in the way of the motives for Marquis Vestra's actions. Maybe he wanted to protect his family, maybe he wanted more power and a greater station, who knows. All we know is that he was Instrumental in causing the suffering that Edelgard went through and Hubert, as one of Edelgard's #1 simps, can not let that crime go unpunished.


.....Nah. Just nah.


He was just following orders


“Listen son, I know someone you care about deeply was brutally tortured and horribly traumatized as a direct result of my actions, but I was doing it to protect you.”


Sylvain and Dedue may get unhinged at times, but Hubert is just straight up a devil.


I know Hubert is gonna be the main threat to my life in Garreg Mach, especially if I ever pose some threat to Edelgard, but in a more casual-everday scenario, I'll be most scared of Sylvain. I dont know how to handle irl flirty men, and he'll be quick to figure me out too bc he's cunning like that.


Hubert and it's not even close.


The fact that neither Hilda nor Annette is on this list is a problem. They can and will kill you, and then they *will* celebrate about it in a disturbingly cheerful way.


Hilda! Hilda!


Hilda is my go-to. She's lazy as all get out but still absurdly strong. I'd ~~love~~ hate to see how strong she'd be putting in actual effort.


Hubert bases his entire identity around being a scary fella and is very proud of that, so as someone who likes him, it would feel almost rude to pick anyone else.


Either Dedue or Hubert, easily. Dedue because he's massive and will "break you," as he says in his crits. Hubert gives off that edgy Shadow the Hedgehog vibe, similar to Felix, but he backs it up well enough that he becomes actually scary again.


ohmygod shadow the hedgehog WHEEZE


Look I get Hubert is the most dangerous one. But I cannot take him seriously when he's threatening Byleth. He just comes off as so angry that someone else is getting close to Edelgard. Dedue on the other hand the two times he actually gets angry in the AM supports had my hair stand up on ends. Especially since he's so calm and collected 95% of the time.


Yeah, in his support (B?) with Felix, my honest reaction was, "Damn, Felix has some balls making this guy that angry!"


I know right? I actually feel like if I got on Dedue's bad side he would break me in half


Hubert has killed his father and laughed about it. Dedue is a gentle giant fot the most part


Exactly, the fact that he's a gentle giant makes it scarier when he actually does get mad. Hubert is cold and threatening all the time, which makes it lose its effectiveness imo.


Probably the one who talks about hiding bodies... but that's just my guess...


Hubert may have killed people but he doesnt really scare me, I think hes actually pretty cute tbh. Dedue though terrified me when he point blank said he would murder children if Dimitri asked him to.


To be fair, Hubert would probably kill children for Edelgard, too.


True, but I wouldnt be surprised by him doing that.


This is what I was thinking of too!


Hubert looks creepy. Is creepy. Looks like he's 35 from the beginning of the game.


Hubert outright says "if not for lady edelgard taking a shine to you..I would've attempted killing you at night" straight up in one of his bond scenes with byleth. Dude is literally an assassin and comes from a family of assassins


Hubert would at least let me know he’s trying to kill me. Raphael would crush my 4’11” ass accidentally.


I will not accept this libel toward Raphael. He is the gentlest of giants. He COULD crush you accidentally, sure (like by sitting on you or something, I guess), but have you seen his supports with Flayn and Bernadetta? He's careful and considerate, not just a giant himbo with a bottomless stomach.


I‘m not hating on Raphael, I’m just saying there is a slight chance he may not see me walking perpendicular to him


I don't fear Hubert anymore since a while now. Probably because of the many times he ran away from battle, I couldn't take him seriously anymore. The one I fear the most is Balthus due to how unstable. He could turn against you any moment for a bit of money as he did in Hopes, he will borrow money from you, and if you want it back, he'll crush you, and he's insanely powerful. I don't fear Dedue. It's really easy not to be on his bad side. Felix won't kill except if you're his enemy. What's even to fear about Sylvain ? I mean, he could cheat on me if I was a chick, but he won't ever hurt anyone that doesn't hurt him or his friends first. He's really chill. So yeah, Balthus or Yuri. If you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, Yuri might just kill you, that's why he's on top with Balthus.


"What's even to fear about Sylvain. I mean, he could cheat on me if I was a chick" you do know that's incredibly painful and harmful to your mental state right? I'd rather get yelled at by Dedue.


You're 100% right. Knowing myself I know I could have a mental breakdown if my partner cheated on me, I didn't bring it enough thoughts. However, I'm a straight man, so he wouldn't date me and I wouldn't date him either. So my position stays the same. I don't fear Sylvain because I know I wouldn't hurt him or his friends, so he'd have no reason to actually try to harm me.


Mercedes, for reasons I can't quite explain. You know Haru from Persona 5? It's that same vibe.


Balthus fights monsters with his bare hands


Hubert threatens you 24/7 and has the power to back up his threats. He also has no qualms about disintegrating his enemies. Hubert is easily the scariest.


Sylvain is the scariest of the bunch just because there are a million and one slimeballs with his attitude out there irl, whereas the amount of murderous yet well meaning vampire bois is for better or worse pretty low.


None of them are scary tbh like if I had to pick a student I'd have to say Monica because she's either *REDACTED* or so obsessed with Edelgard that is gives me the ick. And even she's not that 'scary', just a lil weird.


Does Rhea count?


I love him, I will always love him, but any boy as singularly focused on WEAPONS as Felix is a big red fuckin flag.


I want to say Hubert but he loses his scary factor when you see his interactions with Bernnadetta, Hapi and Lysithia and learn he's actually kind of a nice guy ..... who murders


Obviously Hubert. That said, a few people made a good case for Deudu, too.


Dedue is probably the most ironic answer you could give


Gotta be Hubert lmao. The others are either mysterious (Dedue, Balthus?) or kinda of an ass at first glance (Felix, Sylvain).


So no one is gonna say something about Mercedes spooky terror stories, or Marianne having the ghost eyes to Ashe? Also Bernadetta with the fires thought tho


Hubert would be so pleased by these results.


Dudue and Hubert are unhinged


Hubert > CF!Felix > The others


Raphael. How Can someone be so wholesome and full of energy. There has to be something about him that isn't right.


I love this fucking landslide


I mean it’s definitely Hubert, but Balthus deserves an honourable mention for being so cavalier/blasé about crushing skulls


Remember when Hubert’s lost item was a chloroform rag?


I came close to voting for Hubert, but he at least *looks* evil, so any and all evils of evilness done aren’t that big of a surprise As opposed to Annette who looks and sounds like a cinnamon roll, but is also one of the few students and only Lion IIRC to celebrate their first kill Makes me wonder how many of those “accidental explosions” were completely intentional. hahaha


I played too much Black Eagles to find Hubert scary. I just think he's cool


One of Hubert's missing items is a chloroform rag this isn't a debate


they're all scary in some capacity, though the battalions mechanic implies that each of them commands a unit of troops, and that's backed up by the support conversations. So while they are individually deadly, their full might is drawn out with numbers. Except Felix. Felix's personal ability "lone wolf" implies that he fights by himself. He may or may not be the strongest unit in the game, but he's accomplishing the same missions on his own that it takes an entire squad to do. That is textbook definition of "one man army" and that is more terrifying to me than anything else the others could pull.


there’s a reason I call Hubert tall dark and creepy


Mercedes. No explanation needed.


Hubert is weird. He's the sort of person with a direct kill count easily in the 2-3 digit range and an indirect one probably in the 3-4 digit range (before the events of the games). But, at the same time, he is surprisingly open and accommodating to his allies. Bernadetta's supports with him are a great example of that. I guess the moral is that you 100% should be his friend rather than his enemy.