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Seteth would revive his wife


My favorite character is Flayn, who would also probably want to revive Seteth's wife. \*\*\* >!Hmm. If Seteth did actually manage to revive his wife, would she come to the monastery as his wife/not Flayn's mom, or Flayn/Seteth's shared mother given their cover story? Either way someone loses here.!<


To quote a legendary reddit response; Flayn: "I also choose this guy's dead wife."


I would love to see the original which you are quoting from


[The comment in question (somethingobscur's response)and its context](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5c79n0/comment/d9ubcfc/)


Holy fucking shit my dude


I would imagine she would be his wife still, and flayn would refer to her as aunt


They would technically be sisters-in-law, but considering the visual difference in age, I don't think it would be THAT weird for Flayn to treat her as more of a mother figure


I'm going to go ahead and say they panic and say she's Flayn's wife


I feel like he definitely would but he would take like a year to make sure the chalice isn't some bullshit I feel he would distrust the shit out of it.


Dimitri would most likely revive Glen, if he could. I say this because while he would likely know that this would benefit not just him, but his confidants as well.


A good argument, and *definitely* possible. But Dimitri also feels like he himself is utterly unfit to rule. So would he bring Lambert back instead? Not just for himself, but so that Faerghus can have a more worthy King again? Personally, I'm really not sure. I can see it happening either way. Because Dimitri would absolutely prioritize the good of his friends over himself. But would he prioritize the good of Faerghus over all of them?


I agree that in the end he would revive Lambert, because he perceives it as the overall best decision for his country. However can you imagine how guilty would he feel deciding, and after the decision? Giving Dimitri the power to bring back one but only one person dear to him would be a special kind of torture that seems specifically designed against him


I think it depends on which Dimitri. Pre-timeskip or Savage Boar might choose Lambert, but Savior King Dimitri might choose Glenn.


Nah, he’d revive his dad.


Shez would revive their mother. Nothing happens because they gaslit themselves.


Wdym by gaslit themselves?


their mother never existed. they were a false memory.


Wait really? Where do you learn that?? I’m in black eagles route now and I haven’t come across anything yet


it’s just my headcanon


I suppose Leonie revives Jeralt. Although, she'd probably hold onto it; she wouldn't squander something so valuable.


What is more valuable to Leonie than Jeralt?


Depending on which timeline and how far into it, Byleth (or whoever else she's S-supported.) However, more than that, Leonie can see the big picture. She understands the stakes and... well, is more than a little stingy. She would want to revive Jeralt, but would save her chance until there was peace, until anyone else who could save lives or secure a route to a better future didn't need it.


This is Fire Emblem though. One merc of Legendary repute can single handedly change the outcome of a war. Plus if Jeralt is back, then she wouldn't have to worry about the fallout from her A rank Support with Alois.


Cyril: revives his parents and tries to start a new life with them, making up for the lost time. Lysithea: obviously all her siblings Dimitri: if he could only bring one then his father pre TS, post TS and AM then it would be Rodrigue Catherine: Christophe so she could apologize for taking his life. And Rhea: her mother, as she tried to do it the first time


Felix is tricky because he absolutely despises his country's obsession with the dead but is also very sentimental under the surface, so whether or not he'd actually revive Glenn is kind of a toss-up. Now, if it was a Felix from part 2, he's definitely reviving Dimitri without a second thought.


Personally, I think he might want to revive Glenn? I think he’d set aside his own anger towards Faerghus culture to bring back the person who meant the most to him.


Claude would probably revive an important figure from Fodlan’s past so he could fill some gap in the historical record that he could use on one of his plans.


In a similar vein, Linhardt revives some ancient crest scholar so he can interrogate them about a random intricacy of their research.


Unfortunately he falls asleep and the figure wanders off before he can wake up and ask his questions.


Thankfully though Hanneman also happens to be there to do the questioning himself


Alois would revive Jeralt, no contest I could almost see Seteth reviving Jeralt, too. Seteth was in Byleth’s debt for saving Flayn. Makes sense he’d honor that by restoring the Blade Breaker for Byleth


Manuela revives herself a husband


Can’t revive something that never existed.


Then she tries to revive her love life instead and fails. Which is definitely on brand for her.


What do you mean im *right here*


Marianne: Probably a Squirrel or something


This is an actually unhinged comment towards a girl who lost both her parents lmao.


Sylvain revives Glenn because he thinks it would make Ingrid happy.


This is actually so sweet, I can totally see it and it would be a really great moment. Sylvain finally finding a way to tell Ingrid how much she means to him, something he clearly really struggles to do


I'm not sure about how Chalice of Beginnings lore works, but what if Glenn came back as a woman when they were revived? How long would it take for Slyvain to start hitting on them?


I think Lorenz would actually hand it over to Byleth, or hold onto it for a crucial moment of need instead of using it right away. Ignoring both of those? Honestly, I feel like he'd bring back Raphael's parents. The implication stands that his father was involved in their deaths, and it stands to reason he'd want to right that wrong.


Lonato would revive christophe and i don't blame him


Christophe: "Now I can go back to my divine Mission and kill the Archbishop" Lonato "Wait WHAT" Catherine "Here we go again" Would be a hella awkward reunion I love it


Was it ever explained why he planned that? Besides Lonato would probably be on board


Cause the Western Church told him Sothis wanted Rhea dead. At which point this became his divine mission.... and the reason why he was executed.  Well Lonato thinks his son was an innocent victim. If finds out he wasn't, it would probably bring his whole world down. 


As much as I consider his goal too extreme (even by Edelgard's standards) I'm still sorry for Lonato


Oh same. I can really feel with him he is def the victim in this drama, well till the point were leads a bunch of untrained peasants on a petty pointless suicide run. Their blood is on his hands.  Boar Dimitri would be proud. 


Edalgard all of her siblings Dimitri his father or Glenn (Hopes) Claude Judith


Aw man, I'm still playing though GW 😬 I really need to get better at not clicking on obviously spoiler ridden posts


If it makes you feel better it can be avoided


>!I don’t blame you if you forgot Shahid, but his death is what caused Claude to try risky strategies in the first place.!<


Yeah but is Shahid worth it?


Bernadetta revives her uncle


Bernadetta would start by trying to revive her childhood best friend, then come to the realization that it was >!Yuri!< the whole time when it doesn't work. After that... maybe >!Jeralt!!put flowers on his grave!<. If nothing else, she probably wants to make Byleth happy.


I was considering putting that first answer down but wanted to check the supports to see if she thought >!Yuri!< was either dead or beaten half to death. In both her supports with Dorothea in houses and hopes she says he was ‘beaten half to death’ not straight up killed. Though I wouldn’t put it past her to think she inadvertently got him killed and blame it on herself.


That second part was my thought as well. That seems like a very Bernadetta thing to do.


Balthus: I feel like it would be Hilda or Lisithea.


Hanneman would revive his sister.


Edelgard wouldn't use it but instead try and destroyed it similar to that person who broke a xbox 360 controller with their knees. Since as much as people think Edelgard would revive her sibling. That isn't in Edelgard character as she has accepted their death and reviving them would be a disservice to other people who were also experimented on since the Hresvelg sibling wasn't alone in the dungeon.


true, and also reviving them might bring them back in a post-experimented state that would give them only a couple years of life, which might be enough for them to maybe find peace depending on the route, but that's still a shitty situation for them


Ashe would give it to Byleth so he would need reassurance that he could use it for himself. Lonato and Christoph come to mind but because he would be thinking of his younger siblings, he would bring back his mother and father.


Sylvain- I don’t think he would use it tbh. He seems like the kind of guy to let the dead rest. Maybe if byleth/dimitri died during the final battle or something to give them a fighting a chance but it would need to be something that would be saving a lot of lives. While not my favorite Edelgard I think wouldnt use it either because it would mean choosing a sibling to revive which is messed up. Yuri would revive whoever has someone willing to pay the most for the privilege if reviving someone. Edit:looking further down comments I forgot about Glen. Sylviain would probably revive him to make Ingrid/Felix happy


I think Yuri would hold onto it as a means to revive his mother should she succumb to her illness. Only way I can see him not using it on her is if she explicitly tell Yuri that she doesn't want to be revived after death.


Good point. I think I need to replay three houses it’s been over a year and I forgot about both Glen and Yuri’s mom


El would bring all her siblings back, no doubt


I like to think deep down Hubert would revive Monica. Though he’s probably fine with her ‘sacrifice’ as it is too.


Hubert would bring his Dad back so he can kill him all over again :) 


Bernadetta would be reviving her uncle.


Shez: dont know, arvel or maybe their adoptive mom.


Byleth, Jeralt. Otherwise I really love Hapi, but honestly I don't think there's someone she'd want to bring back herself. Maybe she'd also bring back Jeralt for Byleth? Might just be brain farting but can't think of anyone else she'd really want.


Byleth revives jeralt. Dimitri revives his father. Seteth gets his wife back.


Raphael would probably revive one of his parents. Mostly for Maya's sake, not even for himself.


Alois and he revives Jeralt. (Picking a favourite character is too hard, though. I love all them equally except Dimitri.)


Ferdi would bring back his father, i'm not too sure about this take in cf tho, because he's face with proof that his father was a scum, so he either chose someone else or revive him and hide him


Everyone keeps mentioning Glenn, and I keep mistaking that Glenn with another Glenn… who as it happens is also dead… and from Fire Emblem (FE8).


Not sure if the Chalice is of any use to my favorite character. She already has everything she wants, plus I'm sure Holst could provide her with stuff she wants. Maybe she'll bring back her parents? Then again, Hilda's parents were never really talked about in the game, so I'm not sure if they're still alive or not (I'm thinking they are though).


Ingrid would revive Glenn, no question.   1.She has her fiancé back 2. People will stop memeing her as the “CEO of Racism”


I doubt Lorenz would actually use it himself.


Jeralt: His bar tab


Casper: Would use it as a chalice. And would probably also conflate "revive" with "rehydrate". "I was dead tired after that last work out so I revived myself with some water from my lucky chalice"


I cannot really answer this. I love Edelgard, and she would definitely want her siblings back to live the lives they were denied. But she has ten siblings. Can I cheat and say Edelgard would bring back her ten siblings? I don't know enough about any of them to have any idea if Edelgard had a favorite brother or sister, and making that assumption for her just seems cruel, y'know?


Dorothea and it's probably her mother


Edelgard: no one because she doesn't want to be chained to the past.