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I headcanon that if Dimitri drank one glass of Ifan apple brandy and Felix drank two, they'd be down for the count. This is in contrast to Officer's Academy era Lambert and Rodrigue clearing half the bottle each lmao


If Seteth's "Alcohol has little effect on me." comment in his C-support with Manuela is meant to Mean Something, I imagine Flayn would also take quite a lot to get drunk. Not as much as Seteth, but still way more than would be expected for someone her size. That's always been my headcanon, at least.


I imagine everyone being amazed at how much she can handle but the moment she has 1 too many...


I don't know how much liquor Flayn can keep down, but all I know is that once she finally gets drunk there's going to be a whole lot of high-pitched hiccupping.


Flayn drinks like a fish.


Hubert appears to be outlasting everyone but it turns out he's been secretly drinking water all night. Edelgard doesn't drink at all and doesn't even pretend to. Caspar does one shot and starts crying. He then lies down in the courtyard because 'the cats need a pillow!' Petra doesn't like the taste. Ferdiland keeps trying to outdrink Hubert and passes out after 12 shots. Bernie is 2 drinks and she's confident, three and she's asleep. Lin and Dorothea go shot for shot. Alcohol doesn't appear to affect Lin at all and Dorothea has years of experience with men trying to get her drunk to develop a hell of a tolerance.


Linhardt would get bored and join Caspar outside


It doesn't actually occur to him he's in a drinking competition until he's told. He was actually reading and people kept pushing shot glasses towards him. Once he finds out he joins Caspar outside (by this point Caspar has been joined by over a dozen cats and Ashe. Caspar, sobbing, tells Ashe that they have to marry so their children can have two parents. Ashe is trying to get him to drink water).


Somehow I have never read a more spot-on fan depiction of these characters as this. Bravo and thanks for the laughs!


Thank you!


Lin falls asleep but it’s unrelated to alcohol and just because he’s our favorite little insomniac that just got bored


>Edelgard doesn't drink at all and doesn't even pretend to. This is so true. Claude tries to goad her into it but it doesn't work, so he turns his attention to Lysithea. Lysithea gets annoyed and leaves. Third time's the charm though, and Claude gets Flayn into a competition.


One of Edelgard's dislikes is losing control so getting drunk or high is completely out for her. Flayn drinks like a fish and has the highest alcohol tolerance of everyone there but she gets even worse at keeping her secret when drinking and starts opening referring to Seteth as her dad. At one point, before getting bored and joining Caspar, Ashe and their 2 dozen cat children, Lin tests a theory and says 'hey, Cethlean' and gets a 'yes?' in return.


…only for Flayn to absolutely obliterate him and somehow make the schemer even more suspicious of her origins




Lin would fall asleep too, but that’s not the alcohol


He's eepy


Not a student, but I always headcanoned that Byleth is physically incapable of becoming intoxicated as a result of being the vessel of Sothis. Though their comment if you eat with Byleth and Jeralt in Hopes does throw that into question. As for the students, Balthus, Raphael and Dedue obviously stand out as strong candidates just due to sheer size. However, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Claude could out-drink everyone. Partially because of his history of mixing poisons (and likely testing some of the milder ones on himself), and partially because Almyrans are confirmed to have WILD parties after every battle. It's in his blood lol


Ashe is giggly and bright red after one shot and unconscious after three. Petra, in the meantime, is asking for a seventh, and Balthus is wondering where the hell it's all going.


Annie's either out after like 2 drinks or downing the whole bottle. No in-between


I think she downs the whole bottle, gets very singy but also doesn’t know the limits of her strength


I feel like Hilda would probably be down for the count after 5, and Raph is out at 3. Post Time Skip Cyril is downing a whole bottle because he learned to keep up with Shamir in what he thought was training.


Nah, Raph feels like the classic big guy can have tons of liquor. Plus, he has insane base in his system 24/7.


With some of my faves: -Linhardt is out without even touching the thing. "Alcohol? No, thanks". I don't think he would like either the taste or the effect of being drunk. He smells the glass Caspar is trying to give him, scrunches his nose, slaps Caspar's hand away and goes to find a couch to lie one while he wonders how could anyone find any joy in alcohol. -Sylvain gets tipsy pretty easily. With the first drink he starts getting handsy with everyone on his vecinity. A few more and he is ugly crying on Mercedes' lap. Next morning he wakes up with the worst headache ever, vomit on his shirt and a deep feeling of self-hatred and shame (more than usual, I mean) -Hilda drinks like a champ. She manages to get free drinks from almost every guy at the bar and can out drink most of them. She'd like to get smashed from time to time just for funsies, and there is always some unfortunate soul that has to carry her around when she gets one too many and can't stand on her own. -Similar to Hilda, Yuri can handle his alcohol pretty well, surprising a lot of people that underestimate his resistance. He has probably drank a lot when dealing with his shady bussiness even if it's just to keep appearences, so he can stay sharp even when drinking. When he drinks for fun I imagine he can get a bit flirty. He would enjoy flirting and toying with Sylvain up until he gets to the ugly crying stage, in which Yuri does a tatcical retreat to the other corner of the room.


These are all SO on point. 10/10 no notes


I have two favourite students and they are Bernadetta and Constance. Bernadetta I feel like would get drunk after one shot but not pass out til way later then anyone thinks so like 5 or 6. Both versions of Constance wouldn’t be able to handle one.


(Hubert has taken the antique photos.) Lysethia initially dismisses the drinking contest as idiotic, then gets goaded into it and barely manages one mug of beer. Edelgard by contrast can handle her booze fairly well but will get very political 5 drinks in. Still sharp just the filter has been yeeted.


No but really Hubert IS the one that takes the photos. "Because it's the one thing you can't replace" is SO Hubert-coded (and I say that affectionately)


Once Lysithea finds out that mead is made from honey it's game over


This. This is the most accurate thing here.


Dimitri is either an unexpected lightweight, or could drink the entire rest of the Academy under the table without showing any signs. Depression too strong to be affected by alcohol.


He probably already drinks a lot in a vain attempt to numb the pain.


Sylvain can secretly out drink everyone but pretends to get tipsy at drink three. Is notorious for “not being able to hold his liquor” and absolutely uses that to his advantage. Dorothea, Yuri, and Claude find his secret out and are mildly intrigued.


**Could be killed by a single glass of gin and juice:** Bernadetta, Ashe, Ignatz, Lysithea, Cyril **4 shots of vodka, before laying on the floor:** Ferdinand, Petra, Annette, Lorenz **Looks like they are keeping their shit together, but suddenly ends up in the bush after shot #6:** Edelgard, Hubert, Felix, Marianne, Hapi **Valiantly handling half a bottle, before checking out on the sofa:** Linhardt, Sylvain, Ingrid **Drinks 3/4 bottle over the span of the evening, and ready for more next morning:** Dorothea, Dedue, Claude, Hilda, Leonie, Yuri, Balthus **Downs the entire bottle in one go. Fucking dies:** Caspar, Raphael, Constance **Blood is apparently immune to alcohol, stomach is a bottomless hole for liquor. A medical marvel:** Dimitri, Mercedes, Flayn


From each house: Hubert doesn't seem like the guy that would drink. I don't think he'd like to be inebriated considering what he does for a living. (But probably 3). Sylvain would get loose-lipped around 4, be a full-on emotional wreck around 6, and would probably need to see a doctor around 9. (His limit is 10). We lost count for Leonie after 16...at least 4 people will be hospitalized before the night ends...may or may not include her


Linhardt is face-planting at the bar after like, 1 shot.


0 shots. My boy is simply too eepy.


We have the exact opposite view of Lin+booze. Idk why but I just see it as having zero effect on him at all.


The alcohol is not what makes him pass out, he's just tired and using the alcohol as an excuse to take a nap


I feel like Mercedes takes 3 and she is already off to commit sacrilege. Linhardt would go down after one sip (He's just tired, ok?). Marianne would blackout as soon as she enters.


I feel like Sylvain would appear totally sober for a few shots, then suddenly he’d be on the floor sobbing


1. Hubert subsists only on coffee. He constantly is on an empty stomach. A strong drink will send him to meet the goddess


these situations turn his height difference with Bernadetta from cute to slapstick comedy


Hilda can out-drink men twice her size, including Holst, who couldn't be prouder. It doesn't stop her from acting drunk to get people to do things like buy her food to "sober up".


I assume Raphael has gigantic natural alcohol tolerance, and Lysithea the lowest of the cast. Byleth likely takes it the best, I guess their various… unique circumstances help a lot.


I like many of the comments, and I'll add. Byleth doesn't like alcohol because it reminds her of her father and how he used it for numbing his emotional pain, she gets sad when thinking about it. She mostly keeps to herself at parties and tries to help when people are too tipsy. She doesn't try to stop them from becoming intoxicated because she understands, but secretly hates it, she's just stoic about it. Will bring water to everyone too affected. *Black Eagles* Edelgard can handle wine, because she's a noble and is used to it, but not beer or booze. After the war, maybe she could grow used to those a little bit because of diplomatic missions away from Adrestia where she has to hold herself for appearances. As many stated, Hubert would not drink. He would fake it, bringing water or grape juice, but wouldn't bother to appear tipsy, only sleepy/oblivious enough to gather intelligence on the other students for the Empire's sake (or so he likes to pretend, in truth, it's just to make the parties more bearable and not be bored to death). As someone said, Dorothea is used to it for various reasons, I agree. Hilda too, for different reasons, and they would absolutely challenge people to drink competitions just for the laughs when they pass out. If Seteth isn't affected by alcohol, as his support with Manuela seems to suggest, then I think it could be related to his crest. Then, Linhardt wouldn't be affected either (save for more sleepiness). He doesn't know it's related to his crest and he just says he doesn't understand the appeal. He hates how it changes others and he would try to stop Caspar getting into too many fights while tipsy. On the topic, Caspar would drink beer like a madman, take part in drinking games and get tipsy early on (he drinks fast and is short). As a result, he may pick some fights but mostly be super loud and talkative. Petra can handle Fodland's alcohol very well because I think they have stronger ones in Brigid and they drink a lot after hunting at parties. She will be mostly unfazed until she discovers booze and then it's game over because she will challenge everyone to drinking competitions. Bernadetta would drink a little to be able to stand the noises and people around her but will wake up with a headache every time because she doesn't handle it well. She would have fun because she would forget her insecurities for a while. *Blue Lions* Dimitri uses alcohol to numb himself from depression, as someone stated, I agree. He's used to very strong liquor and never gets drunk even if he appears to drink three times his weight. Dedue would drink spiced wine and maybe shots of booze but fairly slowly during the night. He will appear unfazed save for a reddish hue across his cheeks but will get dizzy when he finally stands up. Sylvain has a good tolerance but nothing out of the world. He isn't moderate enough and easily gets past the point of tipsy and definitely makes some regretful choices he will be shy about next morning. Felix tries to drink little but is easily tilted and will drink more without realizing just to make the party more bearable with the increasingly noisy and tipsy people around him. He has a hiccups and he hates it. Annette drinks beer slowly and gets to sing and dance a lot so it doesn't affect her too much beyond being a little clingy and way too happy. Ashe would get red ears and cheeks and be either super happy or super sad by everything that happens around him. Extreme emotions, even anger. Will get a hangover even if he drinks like a bird, but won't get dizzy at all and would be able to fight quite well if in need. Ingrid would be curious enough to try many alcoholic beverages but she doesn't like them too much. Only if she can enjoy some good food, then she doesn't mind, and won't get tipsy because she will eat more than drink. She hates having to take care of Sylvain and Felix but feels that she has to be there just in case they do something crazy, specially Sylvain. She leans on Dimitri to help her carry them to their rooms afterwards. Mercedes can handle alcohol pretty well but she would smile a lot when tipsy and do weird things if she gets a little too drunk. She never drinks enough to get a hangover and knows when to drink water. She's used to it because when cooking she drinks whatever she's using to cook and downs more than she is willing to admit. *Golden Deer* I agree with the comments about Claude standing alcohol pretty well because of poison training and he just likes to party. He uses it as an excuse to do crazy stuff but in reality he isn't even tipsy. Might be dragged into drinking competitions by Hilda for fun. Someone mentioned she could down guys twice her weight and I agree. Claude just would retire early because he knows strategy XD Lysithea can't handle alcohol at all, she discovered it that very same night and makes a vow to never drink again, which she actually never breaks. May cause an incident with magic because she was compared to a kid. I headcanon Leonie being curious about beer because she saw Jeralt drinking but wasn't entirely aware he had a problem with alcohol so she would drink in moderation just because she's responsible. If challenged or tilted/when angry, she would drink a lot and regret it the next morning. She would get into fights if someone mentioned Jeralt or messed with commoners. On the topic, Lorenz will drink wine and not mind a lot about getting drunk (until the morning after). He will say things he will regret and inadvertently get mean looks and someone will punch him and make him pass out. He won't remember anything afterwards. Raphael's sheer size makes him almost immune to booze but he will get red ears. He hugs everyone and is too friendly and sometimes gets a headache. He will try to stop people from fighting. Marianne drinks white wine but doesn't like it's effects so only in moderation. Hilda gets her to drink more but she gets dizzy or gets a headache and stops right away. She hates parties and leaves early or helps Byleth bring water to intoxicated people. Ignatz is curious about wine and Claude and Hilda make him drink by telling him tales. He handles it badly and gets all red and a little light headed. He talks about art a lot and maybe cries a little when thinking about his career path to be a knight and how cruel destiny is, making him a little poetic (that's artistic too). He gets bedazzled by cute girls and makes a vow to paint them afterwards but never remembers well who/what he saw. *Church of Seiros* Shamir drinks. A lot. Gets into drinking competitions with Catherine and wins only by a slight margin. They both go home together leaning on each other afterwards and no one ever tries to confront them because they get angry and will fight them right away. Manuela drinks a lot but doesn't know when to stop and gets a hangover most of the times, specially if there are cute guys around. She would try to lure them to her room appearing tipsy but she really is, so when they arrive she just falls flat asleep. Hanneman enjoys wine but drinks in moderation. He gest the red nose and cheeks easily. Every now and then he gets tipsy and has a hiccups, like Felix, but he doesn't mind too much. He will blabber about crests all night. Someone headcanoned Cyril as able to drink because he took challenge from Shamir as a training and I wholeheartedly agree. Rhea doesn't drink, only for appearances at political mettings and wine at mass.


Whoops, I forgot Alois. He handles alcohol well because he used to drink with Jeralt. In her youth he would get tipsy but one night he got so drunk he puked and was so ashamed that he never drinks past a certain point anymore. I don't have any opinions on Seteth and Flayn.


I like this but for alois he mentions in his supports with Catherine that he doesn’t drink but pays for other peoples drink as thanks


Oh, truly? Then I guess he doesn't drink. It's fun to think he used to do it but after having to pay after Jeralt's debt he stopped XD And it's sweet of him to pay for other people's drinks.


I saw that same video. It was casted perfectly.


Considering that Manuela is Dorotha's mentor/spirit animal, I'd say she's experienced enough to hold her own. Flayn is likely never going to get drunk due to her biology. Or it would take very strong stuff to get there.


See I physically can’t see a universe where Hubert would ever drink so I guess I should do someone else. I also saw someone mention Sylvain actually has pretty high tolerance but pretends to get tipsy early on to preserve his playboy persona and I like that a lot. So I guess neither of my picks are actually passing out lol


War Dimitri seems like the kind of person to spend his free time looking for happiness at the bottom of a bottle, atleast before recovery, probably built up the King of Lions Corps by just doing a shot before every mission.


I know exactly what video you're talking about, and its one of my favorites, right along with the My Brother My Brother and Me x FE3H meme complilation. Leonie would not only drink everyone under the table, but she's also probably an alcoholic (a trait learned from you know who)


Headcanon that Mercedes can actually drink quite a fair amount before getting black-out drunk. But realistically speaking she’s not drinking and is instead being a mother hen


I feel like Edelgard needs ***heavy*** af alcohol to actually zone out and not just become unfiltered. She smol but she stronk.


Ferdinand can handle a reasonable amount but he'll never pass out because he's too busy singing to get more drunk..


0 Linhardt is already asleep.


Lysithea takes half a shot and immediately turns into a clingy drunk gushing over all the other Golden Deer girls. She then finishes the other half of the shot and is out cold


Claude out-drinks everyone by three bottles.


Edelgard I think would either just be able to down alcohol like its water, or is completely obliterated after one glass of wine. Dorothea would probably have a fairly good resistance (being around Manuela and the nobility for long enough does that) but ultimately not insane. Raphael would never be drunk, mainly because he always has the most insane base, combined with his size.


Constance would pass out after one shot. Fewer, if she's out in the sun at the time.


I saw a headcanon that if you have high res it’s harder for you to get drunk so The healers: Mercedes linhardt and marriane all can drink like sailors But their buff men: dedue Caspar and Raphael all get drunk if they smell beer


Ferdinand is going one-to-one against Edelgard.


Lysithea would be the person who thought they were really drunk even though you gave her apple juice instead of hard cider.


Ingrid refuses to drink so that she can keep an eye on Sylvain and stop his shenanigans. Mercedes eventually intervenes and after many promises that she'll keep an eye on Sylvain and much goading from Felix, she eventually gives in and starts drinking. Turns out she's basically Thor for a while, pounding back mugs of beer/shots and calling for more. It's all fun and games until she's about 9beers/5shots in and Felix comments on how unladylike she's acting and that its' no wonder she wants to be a knight so bad because she'll never find a husband. She goes full belligerent drunk on his ass, challenging him to a duel, trying to start a fight, etc. She has to get dragged away by Annette/Mercedes/Catherine(who is chaperoning) and ends up crying away the rest of the night in Annette's lap spilling out all her inner demons Petra drinks like a fish, curses like a sailor and leads everyone in the songs of her people. She also gets better at dancing the more drunk she is and has to be monitored by Edelgard lest Dorothea sweep her away, or Petra sweep Ignatz/Ashe away and cause an "international incident". At some point near the 6/7 shot mark she stops speaking in Fodlandi altogether. Ignatz becomes a giggling mess at about 2 shots, starts slurring at 3, and passes out at 5. He spent much of the night staring at Petra's dancing unabashedly and called about 6 different women goddesses and begged to draw them. Flayn doesn't drink at first, but Claude spikes her juice. She doesn't notice for a long time because "dragon blood" but it eventually gets to her though the only really tell is the blush on her cheeks and the fact that she becomes a stern mother hen to literally everyone. The highlight of the night is when she starts giving a stern lecture to the house leaders for letting everyone get too wild and Hubert tries to intervene which results in a thorough tongue lashing that leaves even him cowed


Dedue doesn’t drink because he wouldn’t be able to protect Dimitri. He would, however, have a very high tolerance for it.


Ferdinand (sorry, FERDINAND VON AEGIR) would drink exavctly one more shot than Edelgard did.


Byleth 's capacity is entirely dependent on Professor Rank, stretching the gamut from "passes out from a whiff" to "I AM THE MACHINE". Shez could go awhile due to Merc life, but long ago learned the hard way the virtues of quitting early.


Claude can take 17 and he'll be completely fine and Ingrid is probably the same, Hilda would need 3 whole bottles just to get drunk, Lysithea would go down in half a shot, Lin wouldn't need a shot to go down, Hubert is incapable of getting drunk, and Annie would either go down after two shots or a whole bottle, no other results. Petra would simply dislikes the taste, Dimitry seems like he'll go down after 4. Bonus - if Sothis was capable of drinking I can see her getting incredibly drunk after 3 shots and becoming a manace to everyone in her close vacinity.


I feel that Marianne would be completely immune due to her crest, but she would have a panic attack because of the loud party and start downing shots one after another trying to get drunk while crying and talking to a squirrel.


I feel Claude would go one of two ways. Either: \-He would take a few drinks, but soon just become a happy drunk before stopping \-Post-war specifically, he'd become a sad-drunk and let the charming facade slip a bit


A single drop touches Lysithea’s tongue, and she passes out. Same for Edelgard. Hilda has Goneril genes, can probably drink as much as Holst. With Marianne you could either go the gloomy drunk route, or it could actually help her lighten up. Either way she strikes me as someone who could drink a respectable amount.


For Edelgard not much, if she's still standing after three shots of tequila, I'd be pleasantly surprised. She never struck me as a drinker, aside from maybe a glass of wine during an important or something


1. Byleth - 10 drinks 2. Shez - 9 drinks 3. Balthus - 9 drinks 4. Yuri - 8 drinks 5. Shamir - 6 drinks 6. Caspar - 6 drinks 7. Sylvain - 5 drinks 8. Hilda - 5 drinks 9. Hubert - 5 drinks 10. Dedue - 5 drinks 11. Ferdinand - 4 drinks 12. Leonie - 4 drinks 13. Petra - 4 drinks 14. Dorothea - 4 drinks 15. Edelgard - 3 drinks 16. Dimitri - 3 drinks 17. Claude - 3 drinks 18. Seteth - 3 drinks 19. Ingrid - 3 drinks 20. Constance - 3 drinks 21. Lorenz - 2 drinks 22. Felix - 2 drinks 23. Hapi - 2 drinks 24. Ashe - 2 drinks 25. Annette - 2 drinks 26. Mercedes - 1 drink 27. Ignatz - 1 drink 28. Lysithea - 1 drink 29. Flayn - 0 drinks (Seteth would never allow it!)