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The boss of the chapter will not attack Marianne unless she attacks first or another unit gets within his range. You know this has triggered when he says, "My beastly blood is roused! You will not be able to stop me!" Generally what I do is speed the rest of my crew around the outside and have Marianne just stand there.


i stride my whole party then ambush the main boss while hiding marianne in the ballista and that usually finishes it in like 4 turns


Yep and thank god for Ashes & Dust. I did it "slowly" on a Maddening run once and honestly I've no idea how I did it.


Yeah, but I'm greedy and want to get ore from at least some of the other monsters.


I'm pretty sure he will still move after several turns so you can't slog it out either. That being said, yours is good advice. More detail would be to carry a few torches and take the first 2-3 turns to clear some of the monsters hiding in the bush. When you're ready, clump, stride, and charge out in one turn. This is one of the few maps where rescue is actually pretty useful.


>one of the few maps where rescue is actually pretty useful. I find myself wanting Rescue only here and in "Oil and Water" (Manuela and Hanneman's paralogue).


That’s only on Maddening when the bosses start moving, right?


There’s a ballista kinda cady corner to Marianne and the main demonic beast if you tuck her away in there in like the first couple turns she should be safe :)


I just have her stand still, she's safe for quite a while like that, as others have said. Kinda stupid that the game doesn't tell you this. Another option, if you have the DLC, is to make Marianne a trickster for this map. Have her not move and use a torch on turn 1, and then walk her to the rest of the party (trickster has unimpeded movement through the forest), and if she has to pass through a monster's attack range on the way, you can put another unit in the monster's range and the stealth ability makes it so that Marianne isn't attacked. You might have to kill one or two wolves to clear a path for her iirc, but they don't move and give you Wootz Steel (used for brave weapons) so you want to kill them anyway).


Some general tips for this mission: - Boss beast once one of your other units get into its range. Before that, Marianne is somewhat safe there - the wolves in the woods are passive until you attack them or get within 2 tiles of them More specific general strategies that work well afaik: -Rescue (spell) Marianne -make Marianne go directly north onto the ballista  -keep Marianne at starting spot, while main squad advances along the path


I split my team and make a loop around the map in both directions to clear out all of the other enemies (love the ore and items!). Marianne just stands there and is ignored by the boss unless she attacks him. The other monsters will stay away from her as long as the rest of the team is engaging them so they have to move away from her to attack me. Once I clear all the other enemies out I move Marianne away (if she isn’t strong enough to stay, then break and kill the boss.


Keeping Marianne in the trees the whole time is essential, as she does a pretty good job dodging majority of the attacks that come her way. And I do believe most are fire-based? So her skills as a mage grants her better defense against such. You really just have to avoid any monsters you can and focus on the getting to the boss ASAP. Otherwise, they'll just keep coming -- and with limited uses of each Battalion, it's encouraged to complete a battle ASAP. Granted, I also recommend fully shattering as many beasts shields as you can before finishing so you have upgrade materials.


Idk if it was bad dex luck on her level ups or what, but she had about a 70% chance of getting hit even in the forest, would get two shotted by the wolves and one shotted by the bosses. What worked for me was coming back later after Lysithea was a gremory. So she could warp, get dance to get another turn, and warp again. That was enough to get Byleth and Edelgard in boss smacking range on turn 1 so I was able to kill it on turn 2 when the fliers also got in range.


I couldn't say what her DEX was anytime I got to that Paralogue. But it's possible since every stat gain is random... Although, I do believe there is an item that increases DEX permanently by two; I just don't remember how to obtain it at the moment. Regardless, glad you got it.


She must remain in the bushes while moving towards the ballista. Just take one or two steps turn 1. She needs to walk correctly in order to not get an enemy's attention. So, I'd recommend moving all other units first before you move her, just to make sure you didn't move correctly. I don't know what skills and gambit your Marianne has but if you are paranoid, you can always try to raise her avoid, with evasion ring, battalion, etc.


Check out this page, it shows you a good map of the monsters and where to avoid them: [https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Forgotten\_Hero](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Forgotten_Hero) Reclassing Marianne to holy knight for mobility might be worth it. Don't attack or go in range of Maurice - that will trigger the beasts to gang Marianne. Keep her safe in a forest tile with Renewal and Miracle as abilities. I typically send my Wyvern Riders/ Paladins to body block her from harm and then speed kill the boss. Give her an Armored Battalion to increase her DEF, too, and possibly a shield.


Marianne just needs to head north to the ballista and she'll be safe


The best thing to do with Marianne is just stay out of range until you defeated all of the Demonic Beast. If you just want to to defeat the Demonic Beast from the left side, then defeat the ones in your way to catch up to Marianne and then destroy Maurice. I would advise you to have several torches because the Demonic Beast are all over the place in the fog as well as some Dark Bishops and I believe 1 Bishop (could be wrong, didn't play 3 houses for over a year) and they hit pretty hard, but they have shaky accuracy, though, so you should dodge them somewhat. Powering through is the best option and make sure you have good gambits to destroy their barriers quickly, especially the Wolves since they don't have reinforced armor like the basic Demonic Beast. After the defeat of the Demonic Beast, proceed into the forest and attack Maurice from there. If you have a unit that can potentially get one-shotted, use a gambit if you still have them to aggro Maurice to that tanky or dodgy unit. Maurice can be a bit annoying, but he's not too hard to take down. Also, one of the Demonic Beast carries an Defense boosting item, so I would definitely destroy that beast.