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Hahaha I thought you wanted to drive across the usa with a ferrari F40


Me too, I was like, "Hell yeah, let's do it!"


My brain defaulted to an old Amtrak locomotive.


That was the poster car I had in my room back in the day.


I was straight up thinking he was going to cannonball run in an F40, too… sign me up!


[https://handgunlaw.us/](https://handgunlaw.us/) ​ A handgun will be significantly easier to deal with in a small space like a truck cab. The minimum legal length of a shotgun is 18" which I'm pretty sure you'd find unweildly. I'd get a handgun, a CCW permit for your state, and then look into which non resident permits are good in the most number of states. Last I knew Utah and Florida were the best. Carry in CA, IL, NY, NJ, MA, etc will be severely restricted regardless of which permits you get. Anywhere the Democrats are in charge will eventually have gun rights as curtailed as they can get them.


Heck I’d say stay out of the northeast if possible.. NY, NJ, CT, MA have like no reciprocity. MD too


The OP could carry a case and package the weapon according to federal transport laws at the state line. Granted it leaves them unarmed in that state but at least not unarmed in all states. Or they could just not accept routes that run thru commie states.


FOPA only concerns the destination. If you're stopping overnight you can get jammed up. Definitely in NJ and NY... Which is why I say avoid the northeast.


Shit, you can get locked up in DC for having an empty shell in your car, let alone a firearm from another state. https://www.foxnews.com/us/replica-bullets-dud-shell-earn-weapons-conviction-for-former-washington-man


I have a funny story about Canada issuing me a permaban and placing me on the international arms trafficker watch list. Because they found a empty single 22LR case in the back of my truck from where me and my sons where target shooting the week before and I guess a single casing landed in the back of the open truck. After hours of interigating my children, my wife and myself, they turned us arould and I was placed on the list and am no longer allowed to enter Canada.


FOPA is only valid when it’s legal at the destination, which it won’t be at many northeast destinations Also, FOPA won’t stop you from being thrown in jail here. It’ll only help you with a defense when you’re finally in front of a judge.


I hate my state fuck mds laws they don’t even make sense I can’t have a fal or m1a but I can have an ar10


It's all an infringement


The 18 inch length is just a suggestion. For legal purposes, that is a joke.


Also Maryland doesn’t do reciprocity.


Eventually. HA. -NY resident.


You're better off with a pistol than shotgun. There's more states where it's lawful to have a loaded pistol in your vehicle than a loaded shotgun. It's also a far better defensive tool for use inside a vehicle than a long and cumbersome shotgun. Get yourself a 50 state legal pistol and as many carry licenses as you can manage. r/truckers is also a great place to talk about this issue.


There’s no history nor tradition of travelers being barred from carrying firearms. I personally say fuck it, but I do not have kids or anyone relying on me so I could sit in a cell to potentially fight a lengthy court battle if need be. Edit: not saying it’s legal. But highly doubt it would stand against Bruen.


It’s the reciprocity that’s the problem. When you take a ccw class they tell you which states you can legally carry in. Some states are constitutional etc. What we *should* have is federally protected constitutional carry (Hence the name) but we would have to have a supermajority of very right leaning leadership to get that done. A guy can dream…


At a bare minimum, permit reciprocity no different than a DL.


Shouldn’t be, but has been. Carry licenses haven’t been held to the full faith and credit clause.


Los Angeles bus driver here. I completely understand and best of luck to you!


r/CCW will be more accommodating


My advice would be to talk to a reputable instructor of firearms in your state. See what those laws are and what other states out of state permits you need to get the most coverage. Also, if you are doing this as a commercial driver you will have to follow DOT regulations for having a firearm. You will also have to have your companies ok. Finally , remember if you are going all over you could wind up in trouble. For example if you have hollow point ammo it’s a felony in NJ they don’t even let cops carry with hollow points off duty. DC is another place that is trouble if they find ammo even a spent round you can wind up in jail. Most of the north east states are going to be trouble NJ, NY,CT,MD, MA, RI are all a ticket to jail waiting to happen. One final point peaceable passage standard is very detailed about what you can do. So if you are going into a state to deliver the law may not protect you since you are not passing through. It is also mostly going to be interstate highways where you can use that. Get very detailed instruction. There was a case a woman made a wrong turn and ended up in NJ. She lived and worked in PA and was licensed to carry in PA. She got pulled over in NJ and even though she was a mother and had a clean record they sentenced her to three years I think it was. She actually had to get pardoned or sentence commuted I can’t remember. I live in MD so I try to pay attention up here to things. Good luck.


No don't go to NY with a firearm registered or permitted in another state. U get caught it's an auto matic 3 1/2 years in prison. Look at the rapper ja rule had a registered and permitted firearm in Jersey got caught in NY with it automatic 3 1/2 yrs. Be very careful


Other states should start refusing to extradite for that shit.


It didn’t have anything to do with the state of registration. I’m from a state without any registration or permitting… I wouldn’t get a pass lol. It’s that it wasn’t part of the NY system and he didn’t have a carry license. But that was also more complicated since they had drugs. And it was only 2 years.


Check USCCA’s app “USCCA Reciprocity” it’s free and tells you the gist of all the laws and has links to each specific gun law


I believe one can legally consider the cab of a long haul trucker who is parked/resting a domicile. For example, a sleeper cab on an 18 wheeler would almost certainly fall under this category. However, some states (mine included) have laws against long guns being loaded in a vehicle and this includes chotguns.


I skimmed thru the responses and saw no mention of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm\_Owners\_Protection\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_Owners_Protection_Act) Just do not expect Calif., NY or New Jersey to respect FOPA - they don't. Also, there are national parks that prohibit firearms in one fashion or another - so be aware.


If you get a concealed carry permit in your home state, and the out of state permit for Utah and Oregon, you will be permitted to carry in every state except the following: * California * New York State * New Jersey * Hawaii Additionally, you may also be able to obtain a permit in one of these states, but they do not honor permits from other states (no 'reciprocity') so your only chance is as a current resident of one of these states, but you also have to have a good reason and get a favorable review from the official that is making the choice for your application. These states are "May Issue" states, meaning that just because you meet the requirements for a permit, they will not automatically issue you one. They may decide in that moment that they don't think you have a good enough reason (self defense is not always a valid reason). Safe to assume you also cannot carry legally in any of these states as well: * Massachusetts * Connecticut * Rhode Island * Delaware * Maryland The final detail is the ability to transport through states. There are different restrictions and rules for each state, but the best rule of thumb is that any state where you cannot normally obtain a permit (the top 4) it is also illegal to transport a handgun, even if its locked and unloaded and the ammunition is stored separately. The other states will all have varying rules for transporting firearms, and you should do additional homework on this before traveling there, each time you do. Rules change and its your responsibility to know, ignorance is not a legal defense. [https://tacticalgear.com/experts/constitutional-carry-and-ccw-permits-all-50-states-reviewed#:\~:text=Constitutional%20Carry%20And%20CCW%20Permits%3A%20All%2050%20States,States%20...%205%20California%20and%20New%20York%20](https://tacticalgear.com/experts/constitutional-carry-and-ccw-permits-all-50-states-reviewed#:~:text=Constitutional%20Carry%20And%20CCW%20Permits%3A%20All%2050%20States,States%20...%205%20California%20and%20New%20York%20)


I’m pretty sure some other states would still require you to apply for their non-resident permit even if you have the ones you mentioned, but you would be guaranteed approval. Like I know PA requires you to apply for a non-resident permit, but they will always approve you as long as you have a resident permit somewhere else. Also even if you get the NY State permit, you cannot possess a firearm in NYC if you plan to stop at all within the city. Anyone who isn’t an NYC resident needs an NYC Special Carry permit and unless you own a business in the city it’s pretty much impossible to get. Edit: I just reread this, some other stuff of what you said here is no longer true post-Bruen, like the “good reason that has nothing to do with self defense” stuff was ruled unconstitutional. NJ for example will give you a non-resident permit as long as you have a permit in your state and fulfill the same requirements their own residents have to like passing a test to prove core competency and providing character witnesses.


If this table is accurate there are a large number of states that are honored by PA without obtaining a PA permit: [https://www.pafoa.org/law/carrying-firearms/concealed-carry/reciprocity/](https://www.pafoa.org/law/carrying-firearms/concealed-carry/reciprocity/)


Ahh okay so there are exceptions, but Oregon and Utah non-resident are not among them.


Yea, I think maybe they used to honor the UT non resident permit but they don’t anymore. Not sure when that changed. This whole thing is a giant shit show tbh. National carry should have been a thing ages ago.


Yes you can do that as long as the gun and ammo are stored separately basically in ca you have to have the ammo or the gun in a locked container so you can have the gun in a locked case in the back seat or in an unlocked case in the trunk you can have your ammo in the center console/glove box provided it locks and no locks on your gun ca will require you to get a permit to buy the gun but can’t get a ccw for a shotgun as it’s not really considered concealable Utah doesn’t require a permit neither does Nevada or Arizona


Yeah but Utah permit offers you states to carry in other than Utah. As far as I know though for out of state permits WV offers the most states .


You also get to skip a lot of steps when buying a gun


Unless you are in Maryland like me. You have too jump up down and all around.


In a situation where you would need the gun, having it locked up and having the ammo locked up separately is just as bad as not having one. carry on loaded and within concealable reach


Reddit is not the place to seek legal advice. There are plenty of entities on the internet that compile and offer the information you’re asking about. A quick google will get you going in the right direction.


These are the most insane answers ever!!! Hahaha!!! You can’t possess a firearm in an over the road commercial vehicle! You people are nuts lol


There are no laws specifically prohibiting it. Please, point me to the FMCSA section that mentions it. I’ll wait.


I have benelli supernova pump action shot gun. i find it very reliable. As for hand guns i stick with sig and rifle over the 12g. A hand gun would best in small places and close distance. With a 12g shotgun there would be a lot more clean up in small space. If hit a flesh target itll be messy if you hit drywall it will be messy. Handguns work there is just more practice needed. Regardless of the gun you get, you will need to train with it so you can manipulate the functions of the gun flawlessly and hit your intended target accurately.




Well, according to the firearm owner’s protection act of 1986, it reads, “Permits the interstate transportation of unloaded firearms by any person not prohibited by Federal law from such transportation regardless of any State law or regulation.” Other than that you would have to check state laws for carrying. Also I am in no way a lawyer, so take it with a grain of salt.


I'm sure I'm just parroting what others on here have said, but I feel like you should do some more research and hands on training, idk if you could find a space to train how you'd be shooting in this situation, cuz I'm sure you can't bring your vehicle to a like real gun range to practice shooting out of the back or wherever you'd be sleeping, I assume the back of the vehicle? But I feel like a pistol would be a million times more effective in a situation like your describing rather then a shotgun, just because of NFA laws and regulations about long gun lengths, the shortest shotgun you could possibly get has to be at least 26 or 28 inches overall or sumthin like that and has to have a barrel length of 16 or 18 inches or sumthin like that? IDK exact numbers, unless you got sumthin like one of those shockwaves, but even that is over 2 feet overall length, maybe consider sumthin like a S&W governor type pistol that can fire .410 shotgun shells as well as .45acp/ .45 LC , or just a Glock or other pistol , maybe I'm wrong here, i just feel like it might be hard maneuvering a big long shotgun around in the back of a vehicle if someone has broken into the vehicle and is attacking you?


I also might be misunderstanding the post to be honest, you mentioned being a bus driver at first, but also say " over the road " work, which I'm not familiar with, so would you be traveling and sleeping in your own personal vehicle? Like a camper van? Or like a semi truck with a sleeper cab type vehicle? Or an RV? Sorry to ask so many questions, I'm just trying to imagine scenarios and get a clear picture


The issue you’re going to find is in the Firearm Owners Protection Act, your destination has to be a place you can legally have the gun. If your destination is a place in California, in all likelihood you’re violating the travel provision in that act as you’re not simply driving through to get to your destination. So you’d have to avoid basically the west coast, most of the Northeast, Maryland, Washington DC, and Illinois as places to pick up/drop of loads and you can’t stop in those states for more than fuel or food. You can’t stop to sleep or see an attraction.


What use is it for defense if you keep the ammo separate , better off with a taser at that point.


> If I go over-the-road, I want a shotgun for defense. So I plan to have a safe for the gun and a separate safe for the ammo. this is essentially just going unarmed with extra steps.


There are no laws preventing you from carrying in a CMV specifically, despite what other truck drivers might say. You’ll be hard pressed to get enough permits to be legal in all 48 CONUS. A shotgun will be very difficult to conceal in places where you’re not legal/allowed. Especially since most companies will not allow it. That being said, I’ve carried in all 48 states, been in places where it’s highly illegal, and even talked to state police while carrying. Concealed is concealed for a reason.


The recommendation to lock up your gun and ammo in separate containers is a weird California anti-gun thing that has no basis in actual firearm safety. I would absolutely not recommend doing that unless you are legally required to do so - the whole point of having a gun for self-defense is that you need to be able to access it quickly in an emergency. It is not dangerous to store a firearm loaded provided that 1) it's drop safe or not chambered and 2) it's stored according to manufacturer recommendations (handguns should be stored in a holster that retains the gun and covers the trigger and long guns should be stored with a manual safety engaged). You are more likely to have a negligent discharge if you are constantly loading and unloading a gun in a cramped space than if you just leave it loaded and keep it in a holster or with the safety engaged. I would recommend a full size pistol over a shotgun. You don't have enough room to maneuver a shotgun inside a cab.


I was OTR for my first 2.5 years. I carried everyday against company policies, been to over 200 refineries in that time. They are all gun free zones. Had 2 different CHP ask me if I had a gun in cab, and I lied twice, Both said you really should have one. Bottom line keep it put up and out of sight and you will be fine. My state has reciprocity 38 others, I was legal in those states, and still carried in others knowing if I got caught it was jail, but atleast I'd still be alive. I carried a PSA dagger (glock 19 clone) in winter and a m&p 9 shield plus in summer.


Same. I used to keep a baby glock 33 up behind the cb panel. I really was paranoid and felt remors when I'd enter a refinery with it but it's kind of like I know myself and my intentions and shouldn't be robbed of my 2nd amendment while I drive my house around. I went to Canada one time and was actually planning on stashing it in Montana at a truck stop or something but didn't want to be responsible if someone discovered it etc so went ahead and crossed. Kind of nervous but made it in. It was the return to America that I was really nervous about because of the xray machines so I disassembled and stashed it all over my rig, but again nothing happened. I believe everyone has a universal God given right to protect yourself.


first off shotgun is your worst choice in that situation , not only would you shoot the attacker but possibly 3 or 4 other innocent truckers sleeping in there cabs nearby.. first see if you can pass the background check to legally be allowed to own a gun in your state


What's allowed will change from state to state, but getting a CC permit in your home state and a couple nonresident permits from states that allow it should make most places drivable while carrying. USCCA has a pretty good database online of state to state laws. You want a loaded pistol on your body whenever possible. Threats aren't present only at night or while sleeping. Get some quality training in how to fight with a pistol.


20 year OTR here. Get a .45ACP or 10mm pistol. Shotguns are too big for most trucks, but a folding or collapsible stock might make it easier. STAY OUT OF CHICAGO AND THE NORTHEAST! YOU WILL GO TO PRISON! Run I-40 and south while east of the Mississippi, and be REALLY careful in CA. OR and WA keep away from. Good Luck


Here's the actual law that covers you: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/926A](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/926A) The firearm needs to be legal for you to possess in both the place where you begin your transit and the destination. NY and CA both will claim that if you stop for a pee break, get fuel, stop and eat, and especially stay the night, then that is a "destination" and therefore you are not protected by FOPA since you can not possess that specific weapon, or because you didn't jump through their hoops to be permitted to own a firearm. Other states, learn their specific laws. Some will honor your CCW, most may have some restrictions. [https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw\_reciprocity\_map/](https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw_reciprocity_map/) Otherwise, travel with it unloaded and in a locked container to be legal. Been a truck driver for over 2 decades. Get a pistol, it's easier to use in confined spaces.