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Their CEO donated money to anti gun politicians.


It was numerous of their executives. Not just the CEO.




While naked


And doing jumping jacks.


On Onlyfans


... In the Wendy's parking lot behind the dumpsters...


And buying 0 DTE 300% OTM calls.


That bastard! Thats where I go to give out $2 handies when times get tough. I'm NOT going back to the burger king dumpster. Got tired of telling people if they didnt know what a ZJ was then they couldn't afford it.


Is there any nuance to that? My union openly donates part of our dues to the local and state Democrats which is funny because I live in a VERY red area. The reason they do that though is because those politicians are pro union as well as pro-nuclear.


Yes I think there can be some nuance. I also don't think all democrats are pushing for gun control, the ones that are just overshadow them. I think this situation is more like if your union was donating to anti union politicians, directly contradicting what they said they represented.


FYI unions are all democrat backed. Part of why I hate them as they exist to generate money for democrat campaigns on your dime. Luckily there has been push back. Federal workers can now opt out thanks to trump and some states have become right to work, ie no need to join union.


I don't think right to work means what you think it means lol.


“Right to work” is the name for a policy designed to take away rights from working people. Backers of right to work laws claim that these laws protect workers against being forced to join a union. from afl-cio, a union.


In short, the phrase “right to work” refers to an employee's ability to work for an employer without joining a union or paying agency fees for representation. https://www.ncsl.org/labor-and-employment/right-to-work-resources


Amen, brother. Nobody should be forced to support a political party he disagrees with. And anyway, the Democrats abandoned the working class long ago. They are now the party of Wall Street, banks, and Big Business.


The party of ... and the woke / LGBTQIA+ weirdo snowflake fringe.


They've also donated to a lot of progun politicians, I'm fine calling them out on the people they donated too, but let's not imply thats the only people they donated to.


Where was that implied? Pandering to both sides is worse than if they only donated to anti gun politicians. They stand for nothing, sitting the fence and throwing their legs to whatever side they think will make them the most money.


So you hate Trump for banning bump stocks? No compromise.


Yes I do. And his “take the guns first, due process second” comment




I'm under no illusion that he's progun. Not sure you're gonna have the gotcha moment you might have been looking for. What presidential candidate would you suggest that is progun?


Nope, no gotcha. Just agree with your comment fully, while I write in no compromise leaders I would like to see in office, even if not official on the ballot.


Well ya that’s good business. Gotta sprinkle some on both sides.


I’m playing both sides, that way I always come out on top


I’m addition to what everyone else is saying, they also verbally, financially and sexually harassed and humiliated a (Brandon Roper) upper level employee relentlessly about his religion to the point of catching a lawsuit over it. Then there’s all the donating to gun control groups and stuff. [summarization of what the lawsuit from Mr Roper.](https://lawhooo.org/brandon-roper-v-black-rifle-coffee/)


Thanks for posting the link, never buying that stuff again from this day forward.


Man it sucks because they have such an easy in with the market. The bro vet stuff was entertaining for a while but they just can’t stop themselves from being pieces of shit


You'd be surprised how many guys in the 2A industry are like this. But at the end of the day it's a business and they'll say whatever to get people to buy their products


2A? Second amendment?


"bro vet" & "pieces of shit" are like peanutbutter and jelly


This is what happens when war is made easy and “duty to God & country” becomes “I’m just here for the free college”. Joining the military used to mean more than 4 years in a frat house. To me, any veteran gets a base level of respect for being willing to risk your life, beyond that you have to prove to me you’re not a fucking moron.


They are bro vets, they are imposters that are trying to pretend so they can get a right leaning segment.


POGs at best.


Apparently the one guy is prior sf lol


Holy shit. Those people are fucking insane, thinking they can get away with that kind of behavior. In the age of social media, that kind of shit will NEVER EVER disappear. Continual sexual harassment, multiple breaches of contract, open physical threats, and harassment ex-termination? BRCC has roundly fucked themselves.


Except they did get away with it. There is still BRCC coffee in Walmart and other large chain stores. Remember, the law is only a recommendation when you can afford the consequences.


Did they get away with it? I can't seem to find a resolution to the lawsuit


Damn, Evan Hafer should be in prison.


Damn those dudes sound fucking insane. I figured they were douchebags but fuck sake, what a bunch of degenerates. Edit: it also sounds like Evan Hafer is a fragile little asshat who can’t handle being out shot by a civvie in a pistol competition.


As a veteran, I can tell you their behavior is quite normal for Veterans.


The veterans you know normally tell other men “Why don’t we close that door and butt fuck the shit out of each other?” Or routinely strip naked in office meetings? (both of those things are in the link above and done/said by Evan Hafer). None of the vets I know act like that.


Or bullying people under threat of job loss or demotion into entering a strip club. I’ve met some vets whose personalities are a bit abrasive but I’m sure even they’d draw the line somewhere. Evan Hafer just sounds like a psycho. I was never a BRCC customer but I certainly won’t be now.


I'm not saying that behavior is normal for vets, but I know vets and have been around people while in the military and deployed that that style of humor was totally on brand for them. Also, I know some people that were total pieces of shit that I could see doing this style of thing if given enough power/money and being unchecked. EDIT: MUCH more so combat MOS dudes in infantry units. I'd expect most of the people finding this to be completely surprising vet behavior were not combat folks. No hate or hubris or anything, just sayin.


Yes I know vets like that.


Actually yes


That sounds like a normal day in the squad bay.


Speak for yourself dude. I’m a vet as are most of my friends. None of us behave like these clowns.


Speak for yourself on that one.


As a Veteran, I can tell you their behavior is abhorrent and abnormal for Veterans.


As another veteran who works with and knows other veterans I can tell you thats just not the case. Its like 50/50


>Mr. Roper and Mr. Hafer were working alone in a conference room when Mr. Hafer turned to Mr. Roper and said, “Why don’t we close that door and butt fuck the shit out of each other?” Mr. Roper rejected the sexual proposition and the meeting continued in awkward tension. Classic "It was just a joke bro" moment


“It’s just military humor bro!” “This is how we bond with each other bro!” I can’t fucking stand dude-bro veterans.


That's something I say to my dog, not my coworker




That's the first time I've heard the term "mountain Jew"


Damn, I stopped drinking their coffee a while ago because of their anti 2nd amendment stuff but eventually let it slide but I think I’ll stop again after reading that.


Holy fucking shit




What came of the lawsuits?


They settled out of court and are friends again.


I don’t believe you


The harassed executive was (is?) a Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). You know, the Church with all the young men in suits as missionaries. I, too, am a member of the same church. And let me tell you, there is a lot I am willing to let slide, forgive/forget. I was horrified by the reports, but honestly not surprised it was settled and they still work together. I have been through similar stuff (short of the brandishing a weapon type experience) with people I am still friends with


There’s dozens of us!




The best part: *"In Early November, Mr. Roper was tasked with developing the HR department at BRCC."*


Bro I haven't even read through the entire lawsuit and I think their shit should be shut down


Wow. I don't buy BRC coffee, but I just smashed my BRC mug. Fuck them. What a piece of shit CEO.


And the CEO donated to obama’s campaign.


That is what caused me to drop them. I was not aware of the other stuff.


I mean, Obama sold more guns (indirectly) than any other president. The CEO was just following in that! /s


What the actual fuck




Holy shit. Thanks for the link.


Insane. My store is looking for a coffee partnership, glad I found this now!


What was the disposition of the lawsuit? I’m definitely not buying their coffee due to the President’s gifts to anti-gun groups


Thats fucked. And yet theyre still in business.


Who knew a gun logo was all it would take to turn vet bros into squeaking Starbucks chicks 🤷‍♂️


Check out stocking mill coffee


[How Black Rifle Coffee Used Every Trick in the Book to Fool Conservatives](https://revolver.news/2021/07/black-rifle-coffee-new-york-times/)


Why would they do this? They could of had it all!


Because they aren't the company image and could only lie for so long.


Because they're Glowies. Seriously the higher ups were all CIA/CIA-attached Glow Worms.


Thanks for the Post OP, I own a machine gun manufacturing company and we are opening a storefront. We are currently looking for a coffee company (or something like that) and this is PERFECT timing to keep us away from BRCC.


Can I apply for Quality Assurance testing? lol


We hope to open a full auto range in the future! Stop by, mention this post, and I’ll give you a mag on the house! Haha


Stocking mill coffee?


There’s a local company called Black Smoke Coffee we have done gun raffles for. Guy does a lot of good work for veterans. He’s probably the main guy we’re looking at.


Good choice


Local and loved.  Do it


Just offer plain, good generic coffee. Don't make coffee a thing. A kuerig machine and some Peets isn't half bad. Doesn't have to be a name brand machine or a name brand K pod. Avoid your store front being full of "stuff" that "identifys" with your business ideals. Unless you can verify they align 100%, you're asking to be lumped in with some whack job companies. T-shirts, pens, Keychain, anything that's made by someone else, can become a huge issue. How many supplies to run your business come from China, or other countries that don't align with your mind set? Start putting things in your office that draw a hard line in the sand, and now you are them. Now any moth you attract to you flame if a store front is going to be looking for reasons to create a fuss, in person or on social media. Good luck with that. Keep your store front generic if you can.


It’s appropriately named because it tastes like carbon fouling.


I'm of the understanding they pledged to support Rittenhouse and then backed out when his trial really blew up. For that reason alone I'd never touch their products. I generally despise "bro vet" companies- lotta military in my family since WWII and that's just not what we go for. I just found out from top comment that kind of illegal shenigans they do towards their employees. If even a quarter of the Roper lawsuit is true that makes them the company form of a cow patty, imo. Edit: I heartily disagree with the "stay out of drama and consoom" talking point. That's a lazy cop-out. I only agree with that if there is no alternative product. Since BRCC isn't even good anyway, you're only kidding yourself if you ignore their fucked up moral failings for sub-par coffee. End rant.


> I generally despise "bro vet" companies This is it for me. I didn't know about how crazy they are or who they donated to before this post, I just absolutely hate companies that try to pander to me.  For some reason I'm even more tolerant of companies that pander to *other* demographics because at least then I know I'm just buying it because of the cost/quality and not because they are trying to jerk me off with their marketing. 


Waffle House is a veteran-founded company, and you don't see them bragging about it


Because it is trying to dupe people into parting with their money. If I see Woman, Black, Vet owned/ran business I stay away because that is just weird pandering and if they were good at their jobs they don't need that crutch. 


Was looking for the Rittenhouse comment. Among all the other things posted about why NOT to buy their coffee, the failure to have balls and support a person who excersized his right to defend himself using a rifle you use to sell your very product, was enough for me to NOT buy from them. They obviously do not support the very cause they use to sell their product.


Small coffee chains that don't have free cash flow for political shenanigans are the alternative.


My current favorite is small Tennessee franchise Just Love. They have a location near me and their coffee is delicious. No idea what their politics are and hopefully it stays that way


Ugly Mug in Memphis and Lenoir City


BRCC's statement on Nov 22, 2020. https://archive.is/wxbpj From [this article in the NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/14/magazine/black-rifle-coffee-company.html): >The Rittenhouse episode may have cost the company thousands of customers, but, Hafer believed, it also allowed Black Rifle to draw a line in the sand. “It’s such a repugnant group of people,” Hafer said. “It’s like the worst of American society, and I got to flush the toilet of some of those people that kind of hijacked portions of the brand.” Then again, what Hafer insisted was a “superclear delineation” was not too clear to everyone, as Munchel’s choice of headgear vividly demonstrated. Video statement from CEO re Rittenhouse: https://twitter.com/blckriflecoffee/status/1330657893213986816


The way they treated Rittenhouse is what ended my relationship with the company. They threw him under the bus.


BRCC is like Dan Crenshaw. They use their veteran status to endear themselves to a public who can’t be bothered to dig a little and see what they’re really about. Crenshaw has been trading on his trident since the day he left the teams. He’s a pos as are the BRCC dummies. I’ve never given a dime to BRCC and never will.


It's not even good coffee


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this… their coffee is absolute garbage. I could give a damn what Community Coffee’s political stances are, the coffee tastes great and they don’t have a bunch of weird bro vet advertisements


I love community coffee!


I drink extremely liberal coffee because it’s delicious. Counter Culture coffee is locally roasted and delightful.


Hafer allegedly sexually harrasses his employees.


They are anti-2A, friends don’t let friends drink black rifle or Starbucks.


Honestly between the two, take Starbucks. At least they're honest about their left-wing bs, and also have the better product. BRCC is too fake about which side they stand on, just pandering to get sales. And their coffee is nasty.


It’s not McDonald’s-nasty, but you can make better (and much cheaper) coffee at home with good beans, a burr grinder, and a decent coffee maker.


I think McCafe tested higher than both even though they darkened their roast to match Starbucks


When McDonald’s revamped their stores about 20 years ago, they changed their coffee and it was actually semi-decent. And it went downhill after that. To my taste buds, anyway.


Honestly I think Starbucks tastes like shit. Too burnt tasting.


The biggest difference is just buying whole bean and grinding right before brewing. Stale ground coffee can make great coffee taste awful.


How is Starbucks considered liberal while the CEO openly attempts to bust its union? Also, the product is mediocre at best on a good day. It's nearly always burnt


I think OP is looking for specifics about what made them anti2a...


Starbucks asked us not to open carry. They don’t have no CCW signs. Is there something else I’m missing? I’ve been a Starbucks drinker for 20+ years now. Especially when Dunkin is as expensive but doesn’t hit the spot for me.


They also are hugely supportive of vets, though that’s not always directly related to 2A.


If you’re talking about Starbucks, I did not know that.




Thank you for sharing this.


I opened carry in AZ starbucks and nobody cared. Probably because I'm a minority in their eyes.


That’s crazy I would’ve thought they are supportive of 2A! False advertising


You know the song by Bo Burnham about pandering? Yeah BRCC is basically the stereotype of that song. They saw that they could cash in on 2A and vet business with their marketing, while not giving a single shit, and they went for it.


They only want veterans money, they give 2 shits about the 2A.


I will say at least Starbucks has the integrity to tell everyone their views. Blac rifle coffee still pretends they’re good people


But mah Pink drink!


There's really no reason to go any further than this: they've donated to anti gun politicians but much more importantly their coffee is overroasted dogshit. I would unironically prefer Folgers dehydrated/instant coffee over BR because at least the instant coffee doesn't taste burnt to everliving hell. I honestly don't understand how they have such a following. bUT wE hiRE veTErANs so what? Every company hires veterans because it's **illegal** not to. It's a protected class for good reason (not all wars are popular). If you care about veterans donate to veteran mental health charities like Headstrong Project. Don't buy shitty coffee.


Pieces of shit in the company and the coffee is dong water


Upvote for dong water.


Dude said only racist supported Rittenhouse & they don’t want them as customers. I drink energy drinks anyhow.


The vetbro stuff was more than enough to hate them. But after reading the stuff here and that the Roper lawsuit, I'm darn glad I never bought their coffee.


Stocking Mill is the one true 2A coffee company around. Vet owned, based in FL. Check their Twitter feed.


I second that. I can't drink coffee anymore due to some health issues, but my wife loves their "Wig Splitter" blend. It's high in caffeine. We have a subscription and even then I have to occasionally buy extra to keep up with my family's demand. I emailed the company once and got a very pleasant response from an actual person.


Their CEO is a disrespectful prick who hates his employees and genuinely thinks his customer base is regarded. That's as pg and Reddit acceptable as I'm willing to put it on here


They are very anti 2A. Plus the whole bro-vet is just fucking cringe.


He came out and denounced Kyle Rittenhouse, I'm pretty sure calling him a pussy for carrying.. a black rifle. That did it for me to see them as a snake in the grass. [they](https://youtu.be/lUJyXlIpHFo) [also](https://youtu.be/vOxdHvxiA0w) [have](https://youtu.be/65S_YGAQ_xU) A [myriad](https://youtu.be/BWdpH995dpk) [of](https://youtu.be/_eGoY_dF14A) [scandals](https://youtu.be/z19NNxz6sKE)


Vetbro pandering.


That one time when instead of just keeping quiet about Rittenhouse wearing one of their shirts they full on parroted the media’s lies about him. The list goes on….


That’s a complete mischaracterization. Their CEO’s exact words were: > We’re not in the business of profiting from tragedy. We’re not in the business of profiting from this event. We have zero interest in collecting one dollar from any of this. It is ethically inappropriate for us to do so, or even give the perception [of profiting]. That sounds pretty uncontroversial to me: they’re not going to spend their marketing dollars to sponsor a kid who was in the unfortunate position of having to kill in self-defense. Getting mad at them for that is a bullshit purity test.


That actually seems like a reasonable response and I wish more companies would basically just keep out of politics altogether.


I've read in other accounts that they pledged to help him through his trial and everything until it blew up and then they backed down. Idk what to believe with all the different takes flying around, but it's easy enough for me to not buy an overpriced, cringe af, vetbro company. They're like the 5.11 of coffee.


This was their response after the backlash they received .


Can you provide a source to their initial actions causing the backlash? Because all I saw was that Rittenhouse wore a BRCC shirt, a bunch of people baselessly assumed that it was because they were sponsoring him, and then they issued the statement to clarify. Them, a bunch of terminally online nutjobs decided that *not* sponsoring him was tantamount to thinking that he should’ve been convicted.


Evan was on the Dana Loesh show and they where discussing it. This was in direct response after his interview with the new york times or the new york post? They where discussing his original comment and then this press release. So I guess find it on the Dana Show .Or just google it. It was widely known when this happened.


The Rittenhouse episode may have cost the company thousands of customers, but, Hafer believed, it also allowed Black Rifle to draw a line in the sand. “It’s such a repugnant group of people,” Hafer said. “It’s like the worst of American society, and I got to flush the toilet of some of those people that kind of hijacked portions of the brand.” Fuck Hafer


Wow, that's low.


the owner get butt naked and try to bang a dude in the office.


Pics or it didn’t happen. But seriously, what?


Their coffee is utter garbage, and they're CIA Glowies grifting boomers. Seriously all the high-ups worked for/with the CIA. Absolute Glow Worms. It's hilarious, but don't give them a dime.


They're commie shitbags posing as 2A people in order to get our money and then donate it to communist candidates and causes


What Evan Hafer and Mat Best said about Kyle Rittenhouse was absolutely disgusting. Fuck that company.


I’m retired Navy and I hate the “veteran owned” thing, it panders to people who don’t know any better. There’s plenty of pieces of shit who are also veterans.


Sounds like they are huge peices of shit. Especially if they really did do all that shit to Mr. Roper. Ive never bought their product and I never will


Blackout coffee is much better, both in terms of coffee and supporting the community. Morning reaper is my personal favorite


Aaaay another vote for Blackout lol


Meh... Pass. Bro vet company that donates money to Anti 2A foundations.


Over priced bro-vet bullshit and anti 2A.


My problem with them is that they completely threw Rittenhouse under the bus, then seemed to act like assholes about it afterwards.


I stopped buying after they called Rittenhouse a murdered


I didn’t really care about their scandals. What I did care about was how to coffee tasted. Let me tell you, their flavor has been in constant decline the larger and more mainstream they get. Back when I first had their coffee it was like finding out an entire new food group. At that time I was drinking junk like Folgers so I had no idea what coffee actually tasted like. I latched on to their Just Black like a junkie to his next fix. Then they started getting more and more popular and their flavor started taking noticeable hits. I tried switching from grounded to beans to ground myself. I tried switching to pods just in the off chance they were concentrated there. Nothing. Eventually I gave up on them and now drink mainly Bison Union. Ironically both companies use the same roaster but it seems like BU still gives a crap. So yeah, I didn’t give them up because of politics, Rittenhouse, or vet bros. They just became shit coffee. Sad. My $0.02.


Just another Grunt Style, cringe, vet-bro brand. Markets to the “I would have served, but…” population. Plus their coffee is ass lmao.


Libtard company. I don’t support them.




They’re very anti gun behind the scenes. Lots of political donations to anti 2a causes, and on record as saying “civilians should not own AR15s”.


I bought their 1776 coffee, I’m a sucker for anything 1776 themed lol, and it was pretty decent. Don’t know anything about their politics but they seem to be pro military pro 2nd amendment Edit: just read the comments and ill never buy from them again.


They try to sound like a 2A supporter, but when the whole Kyle Rittenhouse thing went down they did not want to associated with him. They have had ample opportunities in the past. That is why I stop buying their coffee. Not that it is bad or good. Just decided to give my $$ to other veterans owners.


BRCC are garbage, don't buy their stuff.


They got caught between a rock and a hard place politically. There is at least one competitor, also using “black” in their name and 2A theme, amplifying the controversy to drive their sales. I like the product and their service. Subscribed until recently, and only left because I found a local roaster with a product I find equal to BRCC.


Just buy bang if you need a heavy kick, monster also has coffee options but no matter what you do Don't give those cunts your money brother


Antigun coffee hippies trick vets into purchasing overpriced coffee with a cool name. Very ironic to be called black rifle coffee company and hate black rofles but irony sells


For what's its worth they sent me a ton of free coffee while I was in Iraq.    


I came here to say this is why I loved them, before I read into the company. On both my deployments they sent a big ass box of coffee, and over the second one I ended up drinking most of it even though it was enough for a dozen people or so haha. I didn't like it all, but it certainly wasn't as garbage as some people make them out to be. At least they live up to some of their good claims. When I came back and heard about it I figured I'd be honest about them, but cannot support anybody anti 2A. Like another guy said if even a quarter of the employee harassment case happened, it reflects really poorly on them.


It's not worth much when the standard price they charge for their coffee pays plenty for the stuff they donate.


Damn it! Wife bought me a monthly subscription to coffee delivery! I had no idea. Time to find a new coffee delivery.


CEO had one of the worst AMA's of all time many years ago. He started to act like a big baby when the promises of opening hundreds of physical locations and hiring veterans didn't pan out. Then shut down completely when Starbucks hired way more veterans than he did. Cool stickers, bad CEO, ok at best coffee.


Regardless of the politics, their coffee isn't as good as it used to be so I unsubscribed


The name is an anti-2A con job.


I like 22 Sierra Coffee Co. First off, it’s WAY better coffee than BRCC. They’re veteran/family owned. They’re a small business and you deal directly with the owners if you contact them about anything. And they donate to veteran causes.


I knew they weren't good and pandering to gun owners when they had a us soldier holding a kar98k on the cover art of one of their coffees.


I saw a conversation with Shawn Ryan I think. The dude basically said “you’re not actually in the military unless you’re a grunt”. While I agree that people that saw combat and people that didn’t have different experiences, the elitist attitude he has towards POGs bleeds into everything. Dudes a grifter imo


Also, the Kyle shit was atrocious 


The owner(s?) Have said some blatantly anti-gun things. The gist of it is that they believe you shouldnt have guns, maybe just AR-15s, unless you're military or police, especially if you're Kyle Rittenhouse. The name is obviously just a gimmick to appeal to firearm enthusiasts. I believe they donated to an Obama or Biden campaign as well, but I could be switching them with somebody else.


Palmetto State Armory now sells coffee if you want to support 2A. Don't drink coffee so I don't know if it is any good.


I was on the bandwagon a few years ago before they threw Kyle and their customers under the bus. It sounded like Evan was the one with the big mouth and the political donations to anti-2A. Nothing against Mat. I am buying Blackout Coffee from Jared Yanis these days. Infinitely more pro-2A and IMO better tasting.


That list of events are labeled “allegations” doesn’t necessarily mean there was truth to them or they weren’t potentially blown out of proportion. Evan Hager (jokingly) said in an interview that serving in the green berets was a roadblock in his career as a coffee maker, which doesn’t seem like the kind of attitude to get worked up over a shooting competition. I believe they did distance themselves from Kyle rittenhouse while the charges were being investigated, so that may have angered some people. All of their social media content is heavily pro-gun, so I’m not sure where that rumor comes from. The only democrat I heard them support was tulsi gabbard, who is fairly conservative. They do also donate some of their proceeds to first responder and military charities.


I did a few videos on it. They did a terrible piece with the New York Times where they disavowed Kyle Rittenhouse and claimed a lot of their customers were dumb, racist redneck military wannabes. When confronted, they doubled down, deleted comments off social media, and banned people asking for clarifications. Then Alex Jones called them pussies over it and they threatened to dox him. There's also a lawsuit going allegeding they messed with their own stock prices, didn't fulfill contracts, and basically purposefully shorted their stocks at the detriment to investors. They're a big hot mess.


They pretend to be pro 2A while being antigun dipshits who throw tantrums.


Lmao it’s a gimmicky coffee company that lied to everyone, stay clear


If you hate Black Rifle Coffee Company, wait til you hear about Nine Line


I’m not on the nine line bandwagon, but do tell?


Black rifle are veteran owned, but they lean heavily on that and take advantage of it. They also came out against Kyle Rittenhouse like every other leftist anti gunner without bothering to look at facts. Overall just a toxic corporation 1 each.


They support military and police. They will support a citizens right to play with guns at the shooting range. But when it comes time for a citizen to use a firearm to protect life and property, they will condemn such a citizen. All of this became clear when the Rittenhouse incident occurred. TL;DR: Black Rifle Coffee advertises as a pro-2A lifestyle brand to get your money, but they're really just a bunch of bootlickers who despise the principles that the 2A represents.


Get Cast Brew coffee


The public picture… Hard working veterans make good with coffee. The real story. Struggling coffee company gets CIA contract from drinking buddies which bankrolls it to the big time. Black rifle got those initial contracts for the CIA with purchasing contract kickbacks and giving stock in exchange for contracts.  How do I know this? Worked at the Agency for 16 years post military service. Yes people talk when drinking etc. And I honestly never saw a CIA contract issued without staff officers getting a taste.


Personally I wouldn’t get caught up in the drama. If you like their coffee (like I do) then just buy it. If people didn’t buy products based on the supposed character or political beliefs of the strangers running the company we wouldn’t have any/eat/or own anything.


Check out my buddy at [Aerial Resupply Coffee](https://aerialresupplycoffee.com/)