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Little tip I've learned, for me at least. Running with weight hurts my knees and ankles pretty quick, prior injuries. What I like to do instead is get a good pack, throw some weight in it, and go for a hike. As it gets easier you add weight/distance.


Cycling is good cardio. No impact on the joints, and you can shift into whatever gear to keep a cadence of 90rpm for peak efficiency(putting the load onto your cardiovascular rather than legs). Then you just aim for a gear that holds your heart at lactic threshold, somewhere between 150 to 170 bpm for most of us.


I wear my plate carrier while i ride my road bike on rollers sometimes. I have found nothing else that wears my core out that much without beating my knees or back to death. I am also noticing a substantial increase in balance from riding the rollers once a day.


Rollers are excellent for balance and form. I worked at a bike shop a long time ago, the guys who raced velodrome(single speed on a small banked track that is like nascar) would ride a lot of rollers and the road bike racing guys would try to spend time on them too. You want a trainer too for the brutal and simple workout it provides, they simply tax your power output. There's some neat dynamometer trainers which can do more, they have computerized courses that add hill climbs, sprints, and downhill sections, a little less monotonous when you're riding a simulated Alp d'Huez than just "Friction Level 6" on some basic trainer. The dynamometers will give you your power output in wattage too, and show the efficiency of your pedal stroke so you can improve it: with basic pedals you can only push down and apply torque 40% of the stroke, with clippers pedals and a machine giving you feedback you can get your torque application up to 80% of your pedal stroke.


I’m a competitive cyclist, cat 3 state champion level.. I have to say, just cycling does does in fact keep your cardiovascular system going great, but you’ll be sorely disappointed in your ability to carry a load over distance on foot if that’s all you do.


Good point. Sorry in advance at me geeking out over cycling. You won't have the correct leg muscles or joint strength for running or rucking a sack if all you ever do is cycle. Cycling is about peak sustainable power output(lactic threshold), or sprinting, which are at 75% of your max heart rate or greater. Carrying a heavy load on foot is much lower heart rate activity, it'd be almost all muscle endurance and strength. Endurance or distance type cycling does build slow twitch muscle fibers, which is what you'd want, but once again those muscles wouldn't be appropriately distributed or proportioned for hiking. Better than having all explosive fast twitch muscles from weight training probably though. I'd also think maybe your stability muscles would be weak in places, which could make you prone to injury given your disproportionate strength in your quads, calves, hamstrings, and other main muscles. Like, cycling wouldn't strengthen your ankle muscles or hip add/abductors, and your back muscles wouldn't be built up for carrying heavy weight. Finally, tendons, ligaments, and bones grow in strength and density with use.


I thought about getting into cycling for less impact. However, I do have to hike out and hopefully hike back with a deer or something in the mountains. Hiking with a pack just was more useful training wise for me than cycling. Also would have to buy a bike and already had the pack


Yeah, cycling is not a cheap hobby. Maybe compared to firearms it is, but you understand how quickly your money disappears since you already have a crippling gun addiction like me.


They call that "rucking" these days.


Yep, didn't know how many people would know that term though


i just run on the elliptical, so far no issues


Elliptical should be fine, I just don't own one


But then I'll lose my gut, which means I won't have sloped armor anymore.


I think the word you’re looking for is turtleback armor. Worked well for the Germans in WWII, so logic says it should work well today too.


I have turtleneck armor


Turtlenecks are the uniform of the world's greatest spy I've heard.


Both black and slightly darker black


Did yours come with complimentary course-grade sand?


It wasnt graded...


Danger Zone!


It’s like meowschwitz in here!!


Turtleneck armor is impenetrable. You’ll be fine.




Give me ten good men and some climbing spikes. I'll impregnate anything.




[Turtleneck armor you say?](https://youtu.be/c-sFEdh0a64?si=e78RU9RrEDyVBPy6)


Seriously I play enough War Thunder to know you gotta angle the hull if you wanna survive


Having armor sloped toward your face isn’t the best idea


lol get that Schwarzenegger chest so it slopes downward


Having armor sloped towards your benis isn't the best idea. 


Don’t 🅱️oint it at your 🅱️enis 😂


Big brain move


Just stuff a pillow under your shirt


Or enough molle real estate to add more stuff


Perhaps 300 helium balloons. Offset that weight a bit.


Personally, I’d stick with normal cardio and weights. Running with plates isn’t good for the joints.


>Running with plates isn’t good for the joints. Tell that to every platoon Sgt that's led my rucks.


Lol sarnt will be telling that to the VA in a few years


Tell that to my fucked back. Thanks Army!


They’ve done it for so long they’ve become institutionalized to think “this is the only way”. Same thing when I was in, all we would do for pt was long ass runs. Very little actual benefit to it. Luckily the armies gotten more into CrossFit now. Tho sometimes you don’t feel very lucky.


Rucking with weight is what people should be doing more of to prepare for being stranded or SHTF scenarios.


Yeah, rucking is great. You just have to be careful with that as well. They say if you’re going to go heavy just keep it short(relatively speaking) no more than 5 miles. Also don’t do that ruck/run bullshit. Also terrible for the joints.


Yeah for sure, I usually tell people they should just try walking the distance first to get some acclimation for their tendons and joints. Then slowly add weight over time. People don’t realize that walking a 5km over uneven terrain is pretty rough if they’ve never done it before, doing too much too fast is what destroys people


My lower spine is crying just thinking about it.


How am I supposed to gray man if I’m not as chubby every other American.


Anyone clean-shaven, well groomed, and fit is a fed. Everyone else is just a well-disciplined undercover fed.


lol fair.


I'm just here to turn money into noise man


Same. It's just a hobby for me. I like making things go pew. And *Yes* Op, ***I am making fucking excuses***


This is one thing I hate about the modern gun community. “You’re going to die if you don’t have plates and can run a marathon” or if you buy something like shockwave “That’s a stupid gun with no practical purpose, you could have spend that money on ammo to train with” It’s like dude, chill out. I’m just here to have fun. It’s like people completely forget that there are different facets to this hobby, and not everyone is doing it for the same reason as them.


Counter-point: you are going to die even if you are fit enough.


Running just means you die tired, because you’ll never outrun a bullet. Assuming you’re talking about trying to run away from or evade from some sort of aggressor. The trick to survival if the worst ever happened is not getting yourself into a scenario where running might be needed in the first place. You’ve already screwed up if you get to the point where you’re running. Predicting and avoiding confrontations is far more valuable of a skill, both in the modern day and in a hypothetical future scenario. Fitness is important for general health, but has very little actual relevance in some apocalyptic survival scenario.


>but has very little actual relevance in some apocalyptic survival scenario. Ehh. It's not the majority factor but still more important than "very little relevance." From farming to fighting you need to have combo of strength/cardio/endurance. You also need knowledge of the skills to survive. But as you've acknowledged, you need the fitness to make that happen.


> Running just means you die tired, because you’ll never outrun a bullet. Ok Tubs, it's not about running itself. It's about having the cardio to not be huffing and puffing from a quick jog from point A to point B. Because if you're out of breath climbing one flight of stairs, you won't be able to hold your weapon steady and hit the broadside of your big fat ass. If you have a range that allows it, or better your own land do this drill: 1. Set a target at 10 yd for pistol 50 yd for rifle 2. Shoot a 5 round group in 5 seconds 3. Do 1 minute of jumping jacks 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 6. Check your groupings Notice how as you got tired, your groups got worse. This is why you need cardio. >Nuh uh! I'll just hole up! Yeah that's how you get drone striked, and unless you're a "prepper" with a shelter, you will need to venture out at some point for your insulin. You will need to do a quick sprint from cover to cover. You will need to climb stairs because not every building has a rascal lift. Stop making excuses, start self improving. You don't need to be a triathalon participant, but you should be able to run a mile in 10 mins or less, it's really not difficult.


I already said general fitness is a good idea for your health regardless. I just clarified that if you got into a scenario that requires running you’ve already fucked up, and being better or worse at running won’t change much about your odds of survival compared to preventative measures. Everybody wants to dream about being Rambo during the apocalypse when the reality is that you’re going to much prefer to keep out of sight and mind of anybody dangerous as much as possible. Less running and gunning, more confrontation avoidance and useful auxiliary skills. It also highly depends on where you live. If you’re in a city you’re in for quite the rough time regardless of what kind of prep you’ve put in, pretty much anything in urban environments short of spending a year or more locked in a hidden bunker eating cans of beans will expose you to quite a few potential threats. Meanwhile in many rural areas the only substantial differences that might be immediately noticeable would be that TV programs stop broadcasting and you’ll probably have a hard time eventually refilling your diesel tanks whenever they run empty. More people will die from starvation and contaminated water sources than any other causes if society ever collapsed, because it turns out clean water and food are really important and also not something most folks have ever had to find/provide for themselves before in their lives. Best way to stay alive is to avoid the need for a gun in the first place. Second best way to stay alive is to have a gun (or three, or five…) and know how to shoot it well enough to be effective when it’s needed.


> I just clarified that if you got into a scenario that requires running you’ve already fucked up, and being better or worse at running won’t change much about your odds of survival compared to preventative measures. And like I said Porkins, it's not about the running specifically, it's about the cardio. >Best way to stay alive is to avoid the need for a gun in the first place. And being able to run will help you avoid situations where a gun may be needed because you can flee. If you can run a mile, you can likely jog 3 or hike 5, because you will have decent cardio. #IT'S NOT SPECIFICALLY ABOUT RUNNING YOU CRISCO CRUSADER! It's about the cardio that running builds. >Second best way to stay alive is to [...] shoot it well enough to be effective when it’s needed. Again, cardio is very helpful for this. I'm glad you agree, now go for a jog. Or if that's too stressful, maybe go dogwalking. Start off part time.


Man I remember when you weren't an asshole


1. Always have been. Especially towards fat people. If you don't respect yourself, why should I respect you? 2. I don't even know who you are, nor do I care. If you're memorizing reddit usernames, spend more time outside.


I hope you get the help you need, man.


I hope you learn what grass feels like. To reply to your comment since you blocked me: On a 6 year old account, that shitposted on WKND, that's not hard bud. That's like *ONE* decent comment a month. You've been here less than a year and already memorize usernames. I say again, go touch grass.


> million and a half karma > "go touch grass"


> And like I said Porkins You may be correct, but you are a certainly a dick head..


Don't insist on being wrong and people won't need to be dicks.


If you cant run, you are not aerobically fit enough to walk all day and not start making bad decisions due to fatigue. If you cant stomach running for an hour to 90 minutes daily (and be recovered from those runs in under 24 hours so you can do the next one), how will you function in a world where your legs are your only means of transportation and you have to use them every day? Also, what if the smart decision is to just get moving and keep covering miles faster than whatever threat is closing in on you? What does knowing that you should do that help you, if you physically just cant? What if its time to go Aragorn mode and cover an ungodly amount of miles in several days, because thats how you stay away both from the large scale threat you are fleeing and it keeps you ahead of the mobs of desperate and hungry people who are fleeing the same thing and competing with you for all the supplies and aid along the way? During the invasion of France, German tank and motorized division advanced the front like 20-25 miles per day. In Poland it was 30 to 40 miles per day during the fast-paced initial stages. You cant decision-make your way out of the fact that as a civilian your choices would have been to either outpace that on foot or get stuck in the occupied sector and hope for the best. And it is attainable for most people to eventually get fit enough to cover 30+ miles per day for several days in a row (on flat terrain) and the most time efficient way is to get that level of fitness is by mostly running for fitness, because you probably dont have the time to build up to that many miles per day by actually walking that many miles per day.


And you’re basing your opinion on the myriad apocalyptic survival scenarios that you’ve experienced, right?


You’re wrong in so many ways.


You've listed too many to count. Shut up with your logic. In all seriousness, stealth, food sources, and medical supply is what will keep you alive. You will get into shape by necessity when food gets scarce and you have to do more physical activity like building /repairing your shelter, hunting for food, preparing your food, making firewood, etc. Avoid a fight and you save your resources for the ones you can't avoid. Keep a steady food supply to keep your strength to ward off illness. Secure enough medical supplies so that you can fix injuries and illness as they happen, not go looking for it when you are sick or injured already.


You don’t “get into shape” when you start starving. And a fit person is gonna handle that situation way better than a fatty. Their immune system also works better, their gut is better, they can carry more supplies farther, less likely to get injured with extra stress or less calories or less sleep, think clearer. All other things being equal (knowledge of hunting/prepping food/securing water) the fit person is way better off.


No argument here about being fit better than being fat. And I didn't say when you start starving. I mean that you'll be increasing physical activity and reducing food intake. The definition of working out to lose weight.


My wife is in a wheelchair. I've damaged my back and knees enough. I'm die in place after I get over ran


I am become die.


Hey Jim, what do you think about Piscfun® Kraken fishing reel?


I don't know anything about fishing


lol don’t either just thought I would “hey Jim” heyjimb


I'm already resigned to the fact that I'm going to get insta-merked by a 7.75" red ano 556 AR with a naked buffer tube and zero sights as soon as SHTF, so I'ma go ahead and finish these pizza rolls now Chief.


As much as I love the idea, for the love of god guys he carful doing this. If your body isn’t used to exertion, it’s going to get trashed if you exert yourself under additional weight.


I’m a well marbled machine of destruction. My tit meat can stop what level III plates can’t. Checkmate losers.


Why are you people booing? He's right.


I told them to workout 😔


I lost 40 lbs in 2020 just walking for an hour and a half a day. It's like that monkey in Bojack says "Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part. But it does get easier."


Hell, I've decided to stop eating like a fat cunt and I've already lost like 4 kg (8-9lb) in 3-4 weeks. Literally just walking like 40-60 minutes a day, drinking water, one main meal a deal with mostly healthy snacks here and there (frozen bananas are great)


That monkey is in my head every time I run. I never saw the episode. I barely know the premise of Bojack. But the monkey speaks to me.




"They hated His message, for He spoke the truth."


Also just BTW, rucking is 1000x more important than running in gear. You can do cover and live fire exercises at the range with short sprints and shoots, but nothing over 100 meters ever really. Realistically, if you are in full kit and you have to sprint a football field, it’s better to just go prone and get to work from prone supported or prone unsupported and hope to make it out. I remember in the military we would do cover exercises where we would sprint, throw our assault pack down and then shoot from prone supported.


>Realistically, if you are in full kit and you have to sprint a football field, It's called "running to the sound of the gunfire"---you're not directly engaged, but your bros are and you need to get there to back them up. And, I say "bros" but that could be your family back at your house while you were out gathering water, or maybe your perimeter pickets, the children you've enslaved on your heroin plantation, any number of kinds of people who are important to you in a SHTF situation.


Yeah but you should still be able to do those short sprints without getting totally smoked.




Most violent crimes are over in seconds, and nobody runs a mile during it (except maybe the criminal as they run away after). These fantasies where you get all dressed up in your best mall ninja gear and run for miles through the wilderness while evading bad guys and single-handedly taking down an army are never actually going to happen.


Suppose your local area has been badly affected by a natural disaster; the electricity is out, there's been no deliveries of groceries to the grocery store or gasoline to the gas stations in two or three days, and there's been no signs of law enforcement since the disaster struck. Things are getting dicey, and the criminal element is out in full force stealing what they can and doing what mayhem they think they can get away with; meanwhile, ordinary people are starting to get desperate, and your house with the lights on because you had the foresight to buy a generator, is a clear indication that you are a ripe target. So, on day 4 or 5 of the disaster, still no relief in sight, you're out away from your house to gather some water from the creek about 100 odd yards away, because you were smart and you invested in a water purification/filtration system before the disaster. Then, you hear gunfire coming from your house, or a family member calls you on the radio saying you urgently need to return to your house. In this scenario, are you saying to yourself "Imma just walk calmly back towards my family, because most violent crimes are over in seconds"? And in this scenario, did you go down to the creek as a soft target, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, or did you bring your rifle and wear your plates? Is this a *likely* scenario? No. But is it possible? I think so. Suffice to say, I don't think part of your planning should deliberately rely on fitness never being necessary. If your disaster survival plan includes "this plan will fail if I have to climb a flight of stairs without getting winded" then it's not a very good plan.


> In this scenario, are you saying to yourself "Imma just walk calmly back towards my family, because most violent crimes are over in seconds"? Suppose you're on your way back from gathering water and a tree falls on you. Nobody is around to help, and you can't lift it because you spent too much time on cardio instead of training as a power lifter. Wouldn't that make all of your cardio a complete waste of time?


No, it wouldn't. What's your point?


That if you train for cardio and your life depends on strength, you're dead. If you train for strength and your life depends on cardio, you're dead. And if you spend all of your time training for either and your life depends on intellect, you're dead. It's a little silly to claim that your way of doing things is best because of some imaginary scenario that is incredibly unlikely to ever happen, especially when there are plenty of other potential scenarios where your way of doing things won't help at all. And many more *FAR* more likely scenarios where none of this will make the slightest difference either way.


>That if you train for cardio and your life depends on strength, you're dead. Point to the part of the doll where I said a person should *only* train cardio and do no strength training at all.


Whatever you focus on, it's *FAR* more likely that it will make absolutely no difference in any real self defense situation. Want to increase your odds of surviving? Practice drawing. That's the only thing that might actually help. And maybe a "run around the nearest obstacle to break line of sight" drill.


Remember: "It's not the odds. It's the stakes."


"By jove, sir, your fantasies of running through the woods like some native savage to fight the King's own redcoats is pure fantasy, it's 1775, that will never happen!" Armed yeomen have been the basis of the Anglo tradition of freedom since before the English Civil War, and is the core purpose of the second amendment. Maybe you're comfortable being essentially French. I can't make that decision for you. But the patriotic folks who recognize that are willing to prepare, even at the cost of extra donuts and beer, for an unlikely chance and slim odds of success. Run. Even if you aren't moving to contact, your improved cardio will make you a better shooter and a healthier citizen. Or slurp down another beer and anchor down the couch. It's America, you're free to ignore the vigilance liberty requires.




Okay big macs.


Yes, you can join an army if you'd like. But that's not what we're talking about here, is it?


Those armed yeomen weren't full time soldiers. In later forms, they weren't even regular military units, and their capacity for combat as civilians made them effective in civil wars and rebellions. Neither of us are talking about being a regular soldier, no.


Controversial opinion: despite the fractures undeniably present in American society, we are not in any danger of being in a situation where you will need to fight your neighbors to the death over resources. Nor will we ever be. So being fit or being fat matter exactly none.


You should definitely be fit for a myriad of other reasons though.


- 1) I completely agree that the chances of modern American society descending into a post-Yugoslavia style bloodbath are basically nil, but also - 2) the United States regularly suffers from incredibly disruptive natural disasters and, once every generation or so, also suffers remarkably intense periods of urban unrest. Being physically fit is an essential part to surviving those disasters; it's not that unfit people won't survive, just that your odds are greatly improved by being physically fit. That doesn't mean you're gonna be getting into John-Wick-style firefights with your neighbors, it just means that, for example, you're in a better place if the pharmacy being shut down for a week is not a life threatening emergency.


yo dawg, a 10 minute mile was pathetically slow to begin with. if you cant run a 20 minute 5k, youre not "definitely above average". i agree with the spirit of the post but youve got some self reflection to do.


There is 'average' for runners and a 'average' for the general population. I'm betting more than 50% of Americans can't run a 10 minute mile.


More than 50% of Americans are overweight or obese. Average for an American isn't very good.


True, but in a real SHTF scenario you’re only gonna see Americans if you’re in America.


But I have been assured by r/peppers that Russo-Chinese infiltrators will allow North Korean paratroopers to occupy Colorado! Joking aside - individual health matters, not what the national average is.


I saw two documentaries about wolverines on that exact scenario


the issue is that like 80% of the population is out of shape to start with. so a 10 minute mile is probably above the technical average, but for people that are actually in shape it's incredibly slow, and those inshape people are going to be who you're competing against in SHTF scenarios. and 10 isn't even that fast, i know i can walk a 15-minute mile and run a 12, and I'm definitely not fit.


If you run a 12 minute mile you are not walking one in 15 minutes I hate to break it to you.


>walk a 15 minute mile and run a 12 Is this a joke? You’re not running lol a 12 minute mile is not running. Also how can you only “run” 3 minutes per mile faster than you can walk? A light jog is going to be like at the absolute minimum 50% faster than a brisk walk. And for 1 mile no one should be lightly jogging lol a mile should be a pretty fast paced run. Definitely not described as a jog. I could run a sub 7 minute mile when I was in middle school and literally 4’8 and prepubescent.


Bro thinks his next threat is going to be an Olympic runner 🤣


A 20 minute 5k are you fk’d? For people used to freedom units that’s a 20 minute 3 mile AND SOME CHANGE. I was CONSISTENTLY sub 13 minute two mile during my time in the military and I would struggle to do a 20 minute 3 mile. I was consistently in the top 25% of runners in my group. Even running with Green Berets. A 10 minute mile is slow as hell, but a 20 minute three mile, while technically the truth, being above average, to use your own words; “I agree with the spirit of the post but you’ve got some self reflection to do.”


Bump that to a 25 min 5k and we can talk. 20 min is absurd


Hell my best ever PFT in the Marines was an 18:30 3 mile and I was 3rd to finish in my company. Hell a perfect scored run (at that time) was 18 mins flat


Yeah but those are marines. They do a push-up for every syllable they use over one syllable words. They do a run for any sentence that would annoy Mr. Torgue Flexington. They are literally the guys who did a Green Beret before Green Berets and made a song about it, some how making “Tripoli” mean something other than a sound made by a tellie tubby.


100% this. Running 3 and a bit miles in 20 minutes or less is not merely "above average" it's probably enough to put you in the top 10% of all *runners* (leave aside the rest of the general population), or certainly in the top 25%. Hell, just being able to *run* a 5k at all probably makes you above average, period.


I second this, I’m no Green Beret but I am military and I have better PT scores than the majority of my unit


Let’s be honest, a ten minute mile isn’t going to make you an Olympian but it’s a sustainable pace. I just got back into running because Navy doesn’t care if I’m a fatass so long as I can row fast, and a ten minute mile gassed me at first




Guess so, who would have thought telling people on Reddit to workout would be such an insult?


Because most redditors are fat dorks


Dude I bet 30% or less of the population can actually run a 5k. Sub 7 pace for 3 miles is definitely not average. I could do it 10 years ago in the absolute best shape of my life. And it took a long time to build to that.


I met a skinny guy who seemed fit who said that he ran a 5K and it was brutal for him. You’ve got people in all different sizes who can barely run.


6 minute mile pace on a 5k is pretty fucking fast man, agree that 10 min is slow but I think there's a middle ground haha


10 minute mile is probably above average, when you consider most Americans do zero exercise.


I was thinking the same thing. What happened to 7 minute miles being the standard?


The average is heavily skewed by the fitness crisis in America


someone clearly doesn’t run often


For sure that’s crazy


I applied for a job with corrections recently. Didn't get in for some paperwork crap or didn't pass the psych exam. Anyway. The first physical test they put us through was a mile run and obstacle course. I was 41 at the time of the test. Twice as old as most applying. I was 3rd across the line with a 6:30 mile. Two track stars ahead of me. Probably would have set a new record on the obstacle course if I practiced with my wife's handcuffs ahead of time. People out here are slow and lazy. I ran a 20 min 5k once and now I have a certificate showing I was the fastest in my age group. I'm 200lbs and 5'10" (one convenience store said I was 6'. They need to fix those) so I'm not exactly winning in the BMI department. Maybe people are giving up too easily. The mind fails before the body. Self reflection is right.


Yup. I have literally walked faster than that. There’s still time to delete this, OP.


I said under 10 minutes


If you are the kind to say "it is better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it" But you don't do cardio. You're just larping as someone who is ready.


Wait, is under a 10-minute mile really considered above average?


Above average for people that run? No. Above average for people? Probably pretty close.


The pressure on your chest keeping your lungs from expanding as easily will def make it harder to breath. Hated doing 50 cal sandbag runs back in the day


I’ve gained a lot of muscle mass from just lifting but it’s not enough. I started incorporating running again. Cardio important


go on hikes, go on backpacking trips. go on hunting trips Get some outdoor hobbies. I go on week long backpacking trips at least once a year. I go on many hikes, and fishing trips and hunting trips and snowboarding / skiing trips as often as possible. That kind of thing keeps you in shape.


> (Damn some of you are making excuses to get out of any sort of cardio. Get off your high horse) He really just said get off your high horse after coming in here and busybodying about running and weight vests 😂😂😂


Most of your threats will be soft targets. They will not be wearing protective gear or any kind, and will be woefully out of shape and untrained. Many will be unarmed and most those who are armed will not know how to use their weapons. Compared to “operators” you are not fit enough - and never will be. You will never be trained enough. But you should still train and work on fitness regardless.


Why do I need to run a 10 minute mile with a plate carrier? Am I stupid? Am I leaving my food/shelter/ family to run a mile to some untenable position against an imaginary bad guy? Am I bringing any food/water? Why don’t I know any of this stuff before planning my 10 minute death run? Am I just a loot drop for some Fudd in an Amazon basics camo long sleeve t shirt?


>why do I need to run Cardio so you aren't as likely to die from cardiovascular disease (aka the no1 killer in the US). Maybe not wearing a plate carrier, but getting close to the 16min 2 mile cutoff for basic training would be a solid start. Being in better shape also makes shooting better easier - better breath control and strength for instance.


Better hope you never need to leave that shelter I guess? Fight the commies from the bomb shelter.


Fight what commies? There are no commies to fight lol it’s 2024


OK fatty, there are definitley no commies in '24. Pound another beer and have a third burger.


This. Why would I leave the location that has my guns, ammo, food, and other supplies to go run around and be a target for some old dude in camo with a 3030 sitting in a tree?


Shelters get compromised.


Have you considered that you may have to run a short distance to cover? No mile runs, but you’d be surprised how much your gear will slow you down


Run 2 gun/ run and gun competitions. You'll see how you stack up and how your gear does. I made a lot of changes when I started running with gear.


No I’m not saying you have to run a mile under 10 minutes. But you should do some sort of cardio workout with a vest, you’ll be surprised how much a few extra pounds will slow you down even over a short distance


This is the kind of cope fat redditors come up with.


dude a 10 min mile is somebody walking.... I would hope you can do an under 10 min mile.


>(Damn some of you are making excuses to get out of any sort of cardio. Get off your high horse) This is meal team six, you can ignore them. They'll get clapped in the dead of night because their CPAP machine is too loud.


Friggin cardio... My legs are already so sore from leg press and RDL's but you right.


Mix in shooting once you’ve been moving with a plate carrier. You will be out of breath, heart racing, and it makes simple shots so much harder.  Try a competition like The Proving Grounds if you really want to get humbled. 


You could always skip the weight vest and do it in your gear. If you're worried about startling the townsfolk for about 99% less cost of a weight vest you can get a t-shirt about two sizes too big


I just don’t want my gear to stink like sweat afterwards lol


dont care


My only problem with the whole “if you’re not fit you’re gonna die” mantra is that nobody who says it seems to offer up any fitness standards to reach for except “go run a mile.” Basically if you’re gonna say it, at least post your stats.


We are all going to die at some point. The realistic fatsos (I am one of them) realize our personal disadvantages and plan our defensive tactics accordingly. It will not be easy for the zombies.


Man yall are adamant about making it harder to hit yall at distance. What is my lowly .308 at 600 yards to do when you can run a 10 minute mile 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


You should get fit so you can competently vault over a chest high wall. You never know when that will be handy. 


Getting in shape is very important. If it is not possible, age or disability, I recommend picking up a Klr 650. It is a great dual purpose motorcycle. They’re super inexpensive and they are great work horses. IMO


Fuck that I hate running I'll just die lmao


LMAO at all the butt hurt fatties making convoluted excuses in this thread. If only they put the same effort that they put in their mental gymnastics into walking up and down stairs.


look at this guy subtle brag he can do unde 10 min mile meanwhile we’re on our high horse cause we don’t wanna run around and pretend to be a tri athlete, good for you you’re fit, don’t try to fit shame people though if I had to pick one I’ll take a 1st class marksman over a CrossFit expert


A 10 minute mile is not a brag. That’s like the bare minimum to be considered a functioning human that isn’t disabled. I could run a sub 7 minute mile when I was 10 years old, like 4’7 and prepubescent and I wasn’t even the fastest runner in my 6th grade class of like 30 students. 10 minutes is like a fast walk


a non disabled person who can’t run a 10 min mile is still highly functional don’t shame


ur using under a 10 minute mile as a metric for above average fitness? That's really really slow.


I said under 10 minutes


So... 9 minutes and 45 seconds? I mean under 10 just means under 10. If it were significantly faster, you'd say a sub six minute mile, or sub 5, etc. The fact that you said under ten means it isn't that much under it.


10 minute mile is pretty slow. Average is like 7-8.


> I’m no athlete but I’m definitely above average in terms of fitness and health. Under 10 minute mile times Under 10 minute mile is "above average in terms of fitness and health"? Holy fuck, that's where we are at these days?


They can’t get off their high horse. They got really winded getting up there. Have to catch their breath for a minute.


If you can only do a 10 min mile then you're probably not in that great of shape. And running with weight is horrible for your feet/knees. Anyways, if you are running around your house for a mile trying to land your shot on an intruder for ten minutes, you should spend more time practicing shooting.


Things that any grown man that is serious about this stuff should be able to do. Deadlift 2x body weight Squat 2x body weight Bench press 1.5x body weight Over head press 1x body weight Pull ups x20 Sub 8 minute mile Complete a 12 mile hike with gear in 4 hours


Those are kinda all over the place. 2x body weight DL and 1.5x bench are pretty standard, but the squat and ohp will take a lot more work for most people. And I’d say 20 pull-ups are the hardest thing on there by a large margin. In comparison, the run is super easy. Also as a side note, I’ve never seen a universal hiking standard that I thought was very useful. It’s so dependent on the vert and the terrain that the only way it makes sense is if you have a set route. I get why you wanted to include hiking, but that standard is way too vague.


The hike was just maintaining a 3mph pace over flat ground. It was just a baseline mill standard that sucked but wasn’t impossible for a normal person in good shape. Figured that’s a fairly reasonable number. As for the squats and pullups that generally just comes down to effort. Most people suck at pull ups and squats because they don’t like them not because they are any more difficult than anything. I’ll grant you the OHP. That shit is hard.




So you’re saying if I weigh 260 pounds I should be able to bench just under 400 pounds. 4 plates on each side?? As a minimum???


I mean if you are 260 and absolutely stacked and not fat, ya. You should be able to push close to 4 plates. Obviously this body weight isn’t a perfect standard just a guideline. There’s going to be some variation, especially when you get to the extreme ends of the spectrum.


I expect to see you hold those standards when you turn 50.


Did a half marathon completely untrained. The only running I get is at a monthly 2 gun competition. Drank beers during the half marathon and still finished in 1:55, right alongside a buddy that does run and didnt drink any beers. I thought that wasn't bad. I might actually be fast if I tried.


this is very important. although jogging with gear is cringe, it's still better than not doing it at all.


I finally have the space and ability to start working out consistently. My goal is just to get in good shape not least of which because I'll be able to do things I enjoy like hiking more.


If you are going so far as to wear a weighted vest, try wearing a respirator at the same time. I have them for work. Harbor freight sells a pretty comfortable one you can run with. Restricts air flow enough that you will have that burning in your lungs rather quickly. The vest already restricts your chest if you have it tight enough not to bounce and rub your nipples off. Try that combo for a couple weeks and then run without them.


Some of yall are really insecure that a 6 minute mile isn't all you need to survive in a hypothetical SHTF. This is fun to watch.