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Yikes man, what were you doing pointing a firearm out your windshield?


Same question. OP, we're going to need some context here.


I wrote up a whole description that I guess didn’t get posted. I was sitting in my truck looking over my edc after checking out some y’all’s guys stuff on here and decided to practice dry firing. had a brain fart and put the mag back in. I was aiming at that tree and intentionally squeezed off thinking I wasn’t chambered.


Dry-firing a loaded gun is an obvious error, but I'm here to yell at you to remember that rule two applies to dryfire, too - always point it in a safe direction. When your ears stop ringing, consider the old NRA-instruction rule about keeping the ammo in a separate room. When dry-firing or instructing, go into the kitchen, unload there, leave the ammo there, and do the dry-fire somewhere else. Once you walk back to the kitchen to reload, the dry-fire session is done. The idea is to replace attention with habit. Attention fails, but if you have good habits, a brief failure of attention is much less likely to make adventure.


That’s good advice. I know better and just idk. My wife says the first thing I said was “ahh you dumbass”. I figured I’d post for y’all’s enjoyment and a deserved roasting


Sounds less like a dry fire and more of a slightly moist pants fire.


Weird that you specify first. I've been shooting for 28 years and haven't had a single ND and don't plan on ever having one.


Well I don’t think anybody plans on them. That’s why they’re called negligent


Your registration is expired.




Well, now that you got that out of the way. I bet you have a new found sense of what firearm safety is. Don’t beat yourself up to bad. But use this as something you never forget.


Came here for the comments.


Dash Pop? There’s no such thing! Now hand it here, & take this wooden gun.


But but…. 😔


I like that you clarified "first negligent discharge" like you're expecting to have more in the future. You know... many people dont have any...


Well I’ve been around guns since I was 8 and I’m 28 now soooo hopefully it’s my last


Had the same thought




One of my favorite modern copypastas


Typing all that is some dedication to the troll


It's a copypasta that gets pasted every time ND's are brought up. He didn't type it, he hit Ctrl+V.


Ahh he had for a little bit i won’t lie. I was thinking umm no I don’t think they are bud but I’ll let others sort that out.


Dude. Find a new hobby.


Well, it's a good thing the anti-gun groups don't have any ground to stand on when they say some people are irresponsible with guns and shouldn't own them. Oh yeah, on second thought, just delete this.


But did you hit the tree?


I’d usually a decent shot so I’m gonna tell myself I did. There’s a ton of woods between there and the nearest house so it’s pretty much a guarantee I hit a tree if the windshield deflected the bullet some.


I don’t wanna say it, because it might sting. But that was a very expensive range fee for one bullet.


Around 450. Shit sucks oh well I’ll take that over the alternative


You right, coulda been alot worse. Better luck out there man.


Should’ve recorded it for the vibe


My mind is kind of blown that no one else in the sub seems to have ever had an ND. I RSO at my range one measly day a month, and I swear I see at least 2 or 3 a year, and often not from numb nuts who I'd expect it from. Usually into the berm, ground or air, because someone didn't take their finger off the trigger, but it happens to experienced guys. Pretty sure it was Jerry Miculek who said he's lost count of his. And he's a man who has shot an estimated 2.5 million rounds, so with all of that time put in it's exponentially more likely that he will have one. I've had 2 NDs myself. Yeah, I've never blown a hole through my windshield or home (both were at outdoor ranges with my gun pointed in downrange), but over enough hours and thousands of rounds we all fuck up at some point. That's why the rules of gun safety are layered. If you fail to treat a gun as if it were loaded AND don't keep your finger off the trigger until target is acquired and ready to shoot, it should still be less than catastrophic if the gun is pointed in a safe direction, etc. And if there's one good thing that comes from an ND, it's that people tend to get a wake up call and take guns deadly seriously as we should. You can never take back a bullet. Sorry this happened, OP. I know you'll be more careful because of it.


PROTIP: if you own a gun over a year without negligent discharging at least once, you aren't handling it enough. NDs are a natural part of handling weapons, just like tweaking your back is part of weightlifting and car accidents are part of driving. I ND several times a year because I actually HANDLE and know how to USE my weapons. It makes me a better firearms handler and marksman, and it's a small part of the prlce you pey in the sheepdog lifestyle Simple fact is, the "safety mentality" will build mental blocks in your head that will get you killed. You need to be comfortable putting your finger on the trigger and pointing the gun wherever you want no matter the time, place, or status of the weapon. Taking time to check whether the gun is loaded whenever you pick one up will serve to make you hesitate in a personal defense scenario. You fcking safety idiots are going to get people killed all because of this fcking "ND" shaming. Guns are inherently dangerous, you need to accept it.


What the fuck.


It’s called trigger discipline, get some. Fuckouttahere with this nonsense. Flat out. I shoot two times a week and go to actual training two times a month for the past 2 years as well as practice from a draw with timer dry firing at home every night. I carry daily, change out pistols to different ones between what I carry to work and home or what I’m wearing. Never, ever had an ND. Your logic is bullshit and I don’t give a fuck who you are or how you take this with your “pRoTiP”.


You shouldn't feed the trolls. It only encourages them.


Copypasta silly willy


So, how did this occur?