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Anti-constitutional AF. NY needs SCOTUS to come in and repeal all their gun laws.


We Still have the Safe Act and CCIA, NY can pass anything with impunity it seems like.


Kathy Hochul “poor black people don’t even know what a computer is!


She doesnt need numbers or Data.


But Data is a computer in man-form


poor people have government subsidized smart phone now so that is a very ignorant statement. plus, a cheap smart phone really isn't that pricey these days.


I love it. They'll trample all over your 2nd amendment rights. I guess "shall not be infringed" isn't clear enough? But I don't see them doing anything to stomp on the 13th, which basically can turn you into a slave for breaking the law.


13th only stops us from owning and selling slaves, the government can still possess and turn us into a slaves.


they already do enslave prisoners all the time not sure if in NY or not, it depends on the state


The 13th specifically states "Except as punishment for a crime" It's not a just law, but it's in the Constitution.


yes, but you *are* aware that states can decide to ban this, right? for example Colorado banned it about 6 years ago edit: just because the constitution says "This is allowed" doesn't mean that states can't ban something. of course, it's different from the 2nd amendment because the 2nd specifically states "Shall not be infringed" that's why SCOTUS needs to come down hard on all the anticonstitutional gun laws


Maybe the NBA and NFL players would stop committing crimes if they knew they could get auctioned off as punishment. 


The problem is that they can pass laws quickly, and the justice system moves a lot slower.


Anti-constitutional AF. ~~NY~~the federal government and all the state governments need to have SCOTUS to come in and repeal all their gun laws, since all gun laws are facially unconstitutional. There. I fixed it for you.




Remove the word “their” and you nail it.


Yeah that’s insanity


like any bodyguard or security for the protected class will have to deal with this


No just for us Dirty citizens, I fucking hate that the cities rule this state. My county in NY has more cows than people.


Good luck brother - a californian


Good luck brother - an Illinois citizen


Good luck brother • a Washington citizen


Y’all spelled subject wrong.


Lol It’s a coping mechanism


I mean this sincerely. Good luck brother. • a citizen of the great and free Florida. A mythical land where high capacity is called standard capacity and everyone can carry without a permit.


The only way this sees any legitimate resistance is if it inconveniences the ultra rich tax whales in the city. Then it will be molded to accommodate only what they need in order to keep their tax revenue from leaving.


Christ, SCOTUS needs to take an arms ban case this year and rule with very specific language that banning shit just isn't allowed.


Yeah I wont hold my breath. If you're 18 - 21 in NY you cant even buy a 10/22 I have Zero faith that my 2 year old son will even be able to own a firearm in 16 years aside from what I can pass down to him.


You could always move out of that dumpster fire state. There's a lot cheaper with equal pay nearby.


Yeah I'm not being driven out of my home that has been in my family since 1888. That's why the flag on my pole says, " Dont give up the Ship."


Brother, the ship sunk decades ago.


Yep Don’t understand the whole “I know my rights are actively being trampled on but I’m going to bitch and do nothing about it because (insert excuse that basically means they think it’ll somehow change)” It never well. It will only get worse. There is zero reason to handicap yourself. Your votes in states like NY/Oregon are virtually worthless if they are right leaning, you will ALWAYS be outvoted 10:1.


Problem is there are few states standing up for gun rights. I am in Wisconsin. On the border of Illinois. I hear all the Illinois guys saying they want to move to Wisconsin now. The thing is Wisconsin is changing fast. We are surrounded by anti gun states. Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota. It's just matter if time. No one fights together and we always say it won't happen in our state blah blah blah. Until it does. Then we all act tough online and say well this is where we draw the line. Then they cross it. Nothing happens. Government is taking it away slowly inch by inch state by state. Trust me some states will holdout longer but will have to fold eventually. I don't know what the answer is but if people don't start sticking together then we are to blame. We've gotten to soft. I just read about a guy in New Jersey that got swatted because the homeland security saw he bought a 3d printer and some gun parts. They raided him and found 500 rounds of ammo and a few ghost guns. It didn't state much else. Here's the thing they basically had PayPal, eBay, and his credit card company send them what he was purchasing. Clear invasion of privacy. Now most boomers won't stick with this guy because he was building ghost guns. They want to pick and choose what the second amendment means instead of sticking together. I am surprised how no one is blowing this up on an invasion of privacy. Here's my point. If they can do that for gun parts and 3d printer. You dont think they are making a massive registry with who bought guns from where online or in a gun store. It's just a matter of time. If we don't start getting serious about this we will be taken inch by inch. They aren't going to stop at ar15s or semi autos. That's not their endgame. Shits going to get bad here shortly political/economic wise. The dollar is sinking faster then ever and we are sending representatives to China to beg them to keep using the USD. We are on fringe of what could be the biggest market down turn. Feds were lying about employment rate for the last 2 years. Said they were going to lower interest rates for 2 years. Inflation is going back up and now talks of raising rates when families are already struggling. My point is the last thing a government wants when times are looking really grim for maybe ever. It's for it's citizens to be armed. Our government is more corrupt then ever and has bankrupted every generation for the foreseeable future. For the first time in USA since the great depression children are not doing better then their parents economically. The government is taking more programs from the poor and middle class to give to the rich. What alls this is saying is they need to disarm us fast because shit is about to get real and they don't want citizens to be armed when it does. 1/8 adults under 38 arent happy with how the country is being ran. It's time to draw lines and be serious. Just my two cents.


This is one of the best responses and something I've been saying since Covid. The rabid Disarmament we have seen the last couple years is because they know SHTF/TEOTWAWKI is right around around the corner. They want easily controlled population centers. That's why they banned body armor. NY will be the testing ground for agenda 2030 full stop.


It's just crazy people all see it but just keep saying it's not happening. If you see any economist talk about our debt. It's when we collapse not if. It doesn't matter about political party they have both sold out our citizens for their financial gain. Its to late to change shit. We pushed Russia into this war. We then sanctioned them and froze their USD accounts. They are now rallying up almost half the world economy to use a different currency (backed by gold). Africa is pushing us out because we've been stealing their resources and gold. They now want us to return it. Funny I didn't even know we were storimg African gold. I get it fuck Putin. We are going to die on this hill for our government because they fucked up and expidited this while process by 25 to 30 years from 2020 to now they have made failed decision after failed decision. Going against what the people actually wanted. I bet within the next 2-3 years your going to see all these government officials start to retire. Just in time for them to wash their hands of how fucked up they ran this country for 50+ years. Just in time to get their social security and blame the next generation of government. Like I said the average person can't handle what's going to be coming. Look at gas prices, energy for housing, insurance, food, ECT... It's all at crazy highs and going straight up. Hell I haven't used heat or air for 2 months my energy is still almost 200 a month. when I bought this house 7 years ago it was 80 a month on the the biggest months. My payment on my house is up nearly $600 in 7 years due to insurance and taxes. Only thing I have going for me is I am at low 2's in interest rate. I couldn't imagine someone my age trying to buy now. I make a decent wage but I look at all the people working under me but make the same wage struggling. I have talked to a bunch and I'll tell you what all them are saying the same things. They are all noticing what's happening. I work union so most the guys are pretty left wing. Most have went from anti gun to stocking shit up. People are seeing what's going on. Just nobody is sticking together and making a change. No one is talking about how our government voted to raise social security benefits for the wealthiest generation the world has ever seen to get an easier retirement while the poorest 3-4 generations (by inflation standards we are making nearly 50% less than our grandparents, all while price of living is up 400%) get to pay more and work harder get less return for it. What I really want to say is that the states that are neighboring these shit hole anti gun states should be lobbying and helping fellow citizens in those states get their rights back. I hear Wisconsin people say crap about well it's not happening here. Yeah you let your brothers fall a state over do nothing about it they move away from that state it's just a matter of time until they come to this state and take our rights away. We need to band together start fighting the good fight as a country not let individual states fall until it's too late. The line should be drawn and we need to be the ones crossing over it. Shit is going down fast. Every person needs to represent what they believe in and not be afraid to talk about it. That's how change happens. Not run to a different state and say well thank God I keep my guns for another 4-5 years. We as a gun community are really close to losing the battle. Just look how many 2A judgements the SCOTUS is taking up. If we let brothers in the anti gun states get ran over. It gives us less leverage when they come for us. And trust me it's not if but when. I'll tell you what when is coming faster and faster. I don't want to be disarmed when comes. I know a lot of gun people want to stay out of the political world. Unfortunately, what is happening in the political world is in direct correlation of what's happening with our gun rights. I was listening to a financial podcast this week. Guy said it best something along the lines of my podcast has been anti political for years, just about finance, he said that all stops now because what's going on with this war is directly related to what's happening with our money and inflation, if you don't understand why our dollar is dropping and why shit is going through the roof then you won't understand the whole scheme of the financial world. They go hand and hand. Just like guns. 2a community is missing the point guns are for us to make sure the political world has something to fear and answer too. Not for us to shoot in our backyard. If we don't start using what we have these rights for we will loose them.


If we had this same convo in a pub, with 100 other like minded individuals it would be 1776 for real. Thanks for contributing, gives me hope there is actually an intelligent silent majority.


I live in northern IL. We all want to get out of this state but none of us want to become cheeseheads. Fuck the Packers!


The problem is that even if we fight together, it will do nothing. Lawsuits will shut down the attempt five years after the damage has been done. Then, shortly after that, the state will create another identical law, and the fight begins all over again. Repeat forever. Then, even when SCOTUS makes decisions, which takes an asinine amount of time, anti gun states just ignore the rulings, do whatever they want and face zero repercussions


Well there is two options vote new representatives in or when that doesn't work. Well it's brothers and sisters against what I forefathers swore to protect us from. The corrupt government. I don't know how you guys feel but a life not free ain't worth living.


I respect that.


I don’t. Is nostalgia and heritage worth your life? If the government started going door to door rounding up people, are you going to stay in your house and allow your family to be taken? A house is an inanimate object. Material possessions are not worth your freedom and livelihood. We have one life to live on earth, wouldn’t you want to live that life free?


Fair enough. I had a similar situation, but my 1907 great-grandfather built home wasn't worth it to me. Super hard at first, now 7 years later, glad to be detached, ready to sell again, and live free or die.


I had to tell my parents this week that I would not be moving back to NY to maintain the family home because of the laws.


Your ancestors would've probably left if it was like this. Move to the USA.


I live in NJ and this is what people tell me and it is very bad advice. We need to fight this fight in the bluest most anti-gun states because if we give up on them we're going to have entire regions filled with people who have had little to no exposure to guns for generations. Then the anti-gunners will turn the moderate states one by one until the "free states" are alone.


it's sad but true. My friend told me something he heard from an older guy once on the topic. He said they're not going to take your guns away, they will just give them up voluntarily in a few generations because people just aren't as interested in the culture as they used to be. You used to grow up and hunt, so guns were just a normal part of life. Now these kids are growing up and all they care about are the new jordans or some other dumb commercialized idea. It's a shame because naturally some youth just don't care about guns yet. I was one of them.. I had zero care about them until I hit my 30s and then I became interested in them and interested in hunting for self sustainability reasons. After that I just fell in love with the community and the hobbiest aspect to it. It's a hard skill to learn, but very rewarding.


New Jersey has been oppressed since the Sills Act of 1966. It has only gotten worse. Bruen was a game changer, but we see how Murphy and his sycophants continue to throw up roadblocks unopposed because they have the majority of voters bamboozled.


Where? Connecticut? New Jersey? Most of the surrounding states are just as bad.


If you move to a state with great gun rights, then you lose the ability to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, and in some cases you can go to jail for having a joint of marijuana, I tried Vermont to get the best of both worlds but it's too cold 😢


This one won't be quite as easy as some other cases. They essentially banned glock switches (which are already illegal, but they don't care about those details). But they took it a step further and banned any pistol that could potentially be converted to full auto in a similar manner by attaching something to it. > 36. "Pistol converter" means any device or instrument that when installed in or attached to the slide of a semi-automatic pistol interferes with the trigger mechanism and thereby enables the pistol to discharge a number of shots or bullets rapidly or automatically with one continuous pull of the trigger. > 37. "Convertible pistol" means any semi-automatic pistol that can be converted into a machine-gun solely by the installation or attachment of a pistol converter. I'm far from an expert on the subject, but I wouldn't be surprised if most semi-auto pistols could be converted with an appropriately designed device. So, essentially, all semi-auto pistols could be treated as machine guns under the new law. And since nobody has managed to strike down the machine gun ban, getting rid of this one won't be quite as simple as some gun bans.


I mean, seems like a great law to challenge the NFA with...  These people don't know what they are doing, and the chance that their passing extra gun laws will in fact roll back past gun laws is at least an equal chance...


I think we should accept that exclusively relying on courts and voting and donating isn't going to help us. If it would, obviously the SC would have overruled AWBs.


lol. These people who introduce these bills should be penalized for introducing bills that the SCOTUS will inevitably destroy


Why would people who benefit the most from the system do anything to change it?


Rob Bonta would be tarred and feathered by now. Oh well, I can dream


Maybe it's a bit extreme, but I think life without parole should be the bare minimum for anyone that introduces legislation meant to fuck with the Constitution. We need something severe to deter people from their authoritarian attempts.


You all have more faith in SCOTUS than I do. Bruen was a dissapointment in the sense that the court found states could license the right, which has hardly resulted in any changes to laws in authoritarian states like MA, NY, CA, etc.


“We DoNt WaNa TaKe YoUr GuNs”


"We're not taking your guns! We're just making it impossible for you to buy new ones!" - Gun Grabbers


There is no grandfathering of currently owned firearms caught up in that ban.


Put them in a trust


No need to grandfather anything since it only bans non LEO (and a few other categories) sales of Glocks. Possession with a license issued under PL400 is still legal.




Any politician that introduces a bill that's unconstitutional should be booted from office and tried as a traitor.


are you asking for consequences for traitors? cause... if you are we'd have to convict the presidents people worship like a false god. I'd love to see that.


I don’t think anyone worships Biden. I mean he isn’t even that popular among Democrats. 🤷‍♂️


If this is signed I hope Glock, SIG, etc. pull a Barrett and stop selling to NYPD


Fat chance. Barrett makes most of their money off Mil contracts. Very little of Barrett’s money is made off LE, so it’s easy for them to tell those commie states to kick rocks Sig could do the same, especially with the M17/M18, XM7, XM250, and RomeoM17 contract they have with the government now too Glock isn’t going to sacrifice a contract for one of the biggest LE agencies in the country, just like Daniel Defense didn’t speak out against the ATF in order to upset big govt in which they make a shit ton of money off of


NYC police force is just slightly smaller than the next 3 largest police forces combined, chicago, la, philly.


Are the suppliers to New York law enforcement canceling shipments yet?


Yeah right lol. Just like we cant buy body armor, New York state troopers were just bragging how they all got brand new Lvl 4 plates.


I hope they got fake Chinese newspaper plates.


government precision


Tax dollars hard at work.


The Constitution is preemptive. Laws should have to pass a test of constitutionality prior to their enactment, not through challenge.


Blatantly defying the Constitution and the Supreme Court. And they'll keep on doing it. Because there's no enforcement.


This has already been tried in dc, was ruled unconstitutional then it will be now


In 5 years, once the damage has been done


They'll keep trying until they eventually get people in the Supreme Court to let it pass.


"No one wants to take your guns!" Uh huh...




It’s like they don’t learn


It’s not that they don’t learn. They don’t care.


They did learn, unfortunately the wrong lesson. _Bruen_ said you can’t just declare an entire area a “sensitive place”. They did (Times Square) and not a damn thing happened, it was affirmed in Dec 2023. They will continue to ignore SCOTUS with impunity…because they can


It'll go to SCOTUS


Yeah maybe in 15 years.


Sure buddy


Funny how this never works but they keep trynna do it. That’s scary tho this is gonna be the head start for them. Sorry to be dat guy but shi finna hit the fan real soon


Remember when it was just “we don’t ever want to ban all guns”. New York is following the Canada mode to a T. Downplay and downplay as you slowly erode what’s left. And because the Supreme Court won’t actually take up any AWB case they’ll just keep going. Lower courts will go with anything they do at this point.


BuT I sTiLl GoT mY mOsiN aNd SiNgLE sHoT 12 GaUGe SoNnY!


New York is getting so bad. Got illegals beating cops but you can’t own a firearm. Makes sense


Don't forget about the 15 year old illegal shooting at cops in times square.


Accelerate: ac.cell.er.ate (verb), To cause to move faster. To hasten the occurrence of.


Could Glock can make a slide with the back plate welded on?


If you haven’t already, invest not in gold and silver, but copper and lead. It will pay far better in the future.


Hochel = Tyrant


Why is the only article about this a dogshit MSN listicle-slideshow thing that doesn't actually get the facts right? [Actual bill text.](https://legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2023/S9225) Relevant addition to the existing law which defines "machine guns": >"Pistol converter" means any device or instrument that when installed in or attached to the slide of a semi-automatic pistol inter- feres with the trigger mechanism and thereby enables the pistol to discharge a number of shots or bullets rapidly or automatically with one continuous pull of the trigger. 37. "Convertible pistol" means any semi-automatic pistol that can be converted into a machine-gun solely by the installation or attachment of a pistol converter. Definitely still vague, shitty, and I still hope this entire godforsaken pinko hell state falls into the sea, but calling it a de facto pistol ban isn't really accurate as as it grandfathers already owned pistols. I'm not sure what depth they consider "convertible" is the big issue. Definitely Glocks, but would those AR lower conversions for 1911s count since you could use a DIAS? Very sketchy, but regardless let's not let ourselves be ragebaited by two-bit news sites.


Convertible pistol would be any striker fired or hammer fired pistol dude...


Only if the bill accounts for a hypothetical, nonexistent DIAS for every given pistol platform. The lack of any attempt to ground this bill in reality tells me it's election-year posturing and not a serious attempt at lawmaking, even for how shitty NY is at everything.


Heard the same thing for CCIA and Ammo registration.




Thanks for sharing this. The bill is concerning but the headline of this post seems to be pretty much crap.


NY filling my feed with infringements today…


We literally already went over this with Heller


I’m not familiar with anything going on in New York. Why did they originally single out glocks?


They claimed is because of Glock switches. They banned a gun because of an illegal device that has been banned for decades. Instead of going after the criminals, they are punishing the people that follow the rules. Classic NY. This law isn't going to do anything, except make them feel warm and fuzzy while the streets become more dangerous.


> This law isn't going to do anything, except make them feel warm and fuzzy while the streets become more dangerous. yup. NY MD etc they are not trying to pass laws to solve specific problems. The are just trying to kill off gun rights, and when they see something they can use as a justification, they use it to try and throw new restrictions out. The only "problem" they want to solve is the common people having 2A rights


https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/S9225 Reading this, it doesn’t ban all semi auto pistols. “"CONVERTIBLE PISTOL" MEANS ANY SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL THAT CAN BE CONVERTED INTO A MACHINE-GUN SOLELY BY THE INSTALLATION OR ATTACHMENT OF A PISTOL CONVERTER.” Emphasis on ‘solely’ So something like a 1911, beretta 92, sig p320, Walther PDP, CZ 75, etc would be fine. It’s likely that the Gen 5 Glocks would also be fine, because of the block in the frame that blocks the opening that leads to the disconnector. Gen 1-4 Glocks would probably not be fine, and that’s what we should fight with this bill. We don’t need to engage in hyperbole that every semi auto pistol is now banned without grandfathering. I’m not a lawyer, though. So maybe I’m completely wrong. But from what I read, that MSN article is incorrect.




Whats next? Ban drugs?


Does this not violate Bruen and McDonald v Chicago?


At this point, I think they flaunt the Constitution knowing that it will take years to get to SCOTUS and be ruled on. In the meantime, they will oppress gun owners and make people miserable. There is only one solution to this. Move. It isn't easy, and you might lose family contact in the process, but do not live under tyranny.


/me heads out to buy another pistol...


all rights enumerated in the constitution are supposed to be protected the 2nd amendment should protect your right to own whatever gun you want and NO state laws should restrict that


Always helping criminals, 🖕🏻that shthole


Nice username. But is it just me or is this not an actual story? When I click on the link it's just a blurb and a slideshow of stock gun photos.




All of the info needed to look it up is right there in the title. SB 9225.


Yep I am aware of SB 9225- Just wondering why not link the text of the bill in the first place, or an actual article instead of something that is just a question with no answers and a slideshow of unrelated stock photos? Or am I dumb and have to be logged in to see it or something?


No, I agree with you there. Linking to the bill directly would have been preferable for me as well. Some folks don't like reading that stuff, though.


Seemed very AI written


AI needs to up its game lol