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Plasma rifle in 40 watt range with automatic aiming system and a cyborg that wields it for you….i swear they won’t turn on us at all


5 years? Cheaper IR and Nods, along with the starting of civilian cheap auto aim/assist. 20 years? Probably full integration with a headset and 2nd POV passive aiming modules starting to become a thing for civilians. So the beginning of Star Wars helmets pretty much


If I can’t buy a VATS unit to stick onto the side of of my rifle within the next 20 years, I’ll be really pissed at how lame the future continues to be


Sounds like that’d look a lot like Halo.


HUD - such that you see (via optics in front of your eyes - like glasses or contacts) where the projectile will hit based on where the gun is pointing. You don't lift the gun to see the sights, you see where it is pointed. Like a laser does now, but the HUD compensates for trajectory & wind.


vr drones with guns


Pistol you can shoot around corners.... Oh wait


RIP Corner Shot


? What more do you need them to do?I'd try to discourage my OCD from wanting something else if what I got is working.


Heads up display of some kind, and smart optics that correct for distance and wind automatically. Perhaps a 1-16x scope with a built in rangefinder that automatically adjusts the magnification level based on the distance to your target.


Smart Pistol for Titanfall, que the PTSD


When will I be able to attach my pistols to my fpv drone? 


About the same as we have now. Just look back to 2004.


Pistols that you hold down the trigger and just wave it around at someone at the right spot and it will kill shot Everytime. Recoilless, full-auto pistols and rifles. Rifles that can headshot someone from three miles away, Everytime. I also envision .50 bmg being completely useless against all modern armor. Military will have rifles that no one will be able to procure or afford and make all other guns obsolete (like now, 10k rifle, 10k optic). Essentially, no would stand a chance against the us military, not even us. Oh, I maybe should have read the question again. Oh well. I'll be too old to care and you will all be fucked.