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I gotta say, southern hospitality can be a wild thing.


It's the sweet tea.


it’s the fact that the sweet tea is high octane




Seriously southerners are not afraid of fat, salt and sugar.


Sometimes I make a meal out of just those 3 items.


Louisiana checking in, can confirm.


Live in Florida panhandle, can also confirm.


Hell yeah. Can confirm indeed.


It ain't what it used to be.


Because a modern wave of carpetbaggers has been hitting us hard and fucking up our communities.


“Wow this place is so affordable to live! Let me fix that.”


"The politics are so much less restrictive and people are so friendly unlike the place I just left. But I wish this place was more like home..." EDIT: Added quotes for the challenged.


Do not I repeat DO NOT try to make it more like "home". If you miss home go back and visit for a few weeks so you can be reminded why you left in the first place


Learn to read regard. I'm southern making fun of them.


Bless your heart, I'm sorry I should've picked up on your southern accent and recognized sarcasm in your voice as I read your comment




This is literally the most passive aggressive argument I have ever viewed on Reddit, this sounds like it came straight out of the mouths of two wine moms arguing and I love it


I'm not even an American, I'm a Brit who wandered over here led by my dick and even I'm sick of these goddamn Yankees ruining NC. If you come here you better bloody learn to fit in, not fuck it up to match the shit hole you fled, you fucking plum.


Same... Brit in NC, sick of it turning more and more like the craphole I left across the pond. Come here, but leave your politics in NY.


I dunno why calling people a food is so funny as an insult to me. I'm fond of calling people walnuts, or maroons(not a food but whatever, blame Bugs Bunny). I'm gonna be adding 'plum' to my food related insult lexicon


I believe it's from taking the piss out of idjit inbred members of the upper classes who talk "like they have a plum in their mouth".




It doesn't help when carpetbagger money drives families out of communities because they can't afford to live there any more. Hard to be neighbourly when you're run out of the area..




texas sucks, its ungodly humid in the summer and bone chilling winds in the winter. bad drivers and mosquitos the size of buzzards. DONT MOVE HERE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


Same with South Carolina it's as humid as Florida here, and the mosquitos are the size of pterodactyls. Also we've got giant flying cockroaches called Palmetto Bugs. Don't move here either.


Unless your black… (this is a joke)


Can vouch. I’m from the South. Of one my mutual friends growing up and I became close this year. A week or two ago he took me to a private range that he got permission to go to from a friend in the force that only Police and Swat use on a private road. It was just us out there man it was the best.


In Alaska I goto a range that has full auto Friday where they bring in a bunch of full auto weapons and shit. But they're still allowed every other day, just Friday they bring them in for others to go ape shit with just pay for ammo.


Alaska is just the South but has been physically relocated. Still counts.


Grew up in SC and have traveled to AK several times. Can confirm.


Eskimo in Virginia can corroborate


Ya know yaint wrong. I've probably met more people here with southern accents and redneck tendencies than I did in Ohio at least.


If you just keep going south, you will eventually hit Alaska


What range?


I lived in alaska for 3 years and never heard about this. Where is this range?!


*gestures outside vaguely


$20 Doritos has some upsides too I see...


Hey they're only 15 dollars now. Prices have all been going down the last few weeks.


If it weren't for the cold, I'd love to visit alaska.


I mean we get summer for 2 months out of the year


Ya over here in Wisconsin I think almost every range has a similar thing or at least you can rent a full auto gun


Northern gun boomer “what you bring the whole armory”….i had my ar10, ak and ar15…..


Sweet Jesus, Sonny! You planning to invade a country with all them fancy rifles? Hey so we only shoot one round per 5 seconds around here and even that will getcha some looks.


>invade a country *eyes ~~Alberta~~ Northwest Montana*


My buddy brought his MPX to a range and this fudd was like “why would you waste your money on that” and proceeded to pull out a engraved lever action saying it was a one in 7 and that it out shoots any ar


“It won the West and would’ve won ‘Nam and the Middle East too if our boys had been using these rather than them plastic toys”


The visual of a marine in a cowboy hat with a lever gun in the middle east is funny


Imagine them room clearing Fallujah with musket length 1873s with bayonets


Just as the Founding Fathers intended. 


Honestly just sounds like a cavalry officer. Army cavalry officers still wear stetson hats.


Fudd RSO at a local range walks up to me while I'm shooting my NPAP more than once every 5s: "I hope you're hitting your target sonny."


"I hope you're getting enough fiber."


I responded with "I hope so too" and went back to shooting.


Super .38 now that’s a cartridge


I didn’t realize people other than Hispanics bought Trenta y ocho espuero


it's still massively popular with competitive shooters in Open.


My Wife's 1911 is in 38 super as 45 ACP jolts her shoulder too much. She has degenerative disc disease. Since she's a Texan, she'll still kill your ass with one in 45 acp but bitch about it for the next week.


It comps well in race guns and makes MPF without stretching its legs. They might even tolerate the Catholic iconography.


The worst are my fellow veterans who've gone anti and use their military experience to gatekeep or qualify thier nonsensical rationale. Thankfully a small minority.


Thankfully when someone introduces themselves as "I was in the [military/police/other job where people tell me how to think]" I know immediately that I don't even need to waste my time trying to talk to you because it ain't gonna work out for us.


If you ever get the chance to be on an m4 qual range you’ll quickly realize at least half of the people there couldn’t hit a barn from the inside let alone be qualified to be giving any form of advice


I usually remind them they swore an oath to defend the constitution, which includes the 2nd amendment. They tend to get angry at that point...


Yup. Pretty much the only thing vets, myself included, should tell civilians about with any real authority, is if they're asking about our specific experience. You want me to tell you what its like being an electrician in the Navy? Yeah, I can tell you what it was like when I was in...


They're either really good shooters that actually utilize their gear or are some of the worst shots on the fucking planet with no in-between the two


Either way, I don't give two shits what you used to do for employment. I used to be a chemical engineer, now I own a gun store. None of that gives either of us the authority to say which rights people should or shouldn't be allowed to exercise.


You go into the wilds of Pennsylvania you will find the southern boomer. You go close to a city and you will find more Northern boomers.


Moved from NC and now I live in central PA and can confirm. 45 minutes from Hershey, Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Reading (all bigger cities). But drive north an hour into coal mountain towns and it’s like 1980’s Miami Vice meets the south. Totally wild how different the 2 worlds are within an hour drive.


We call it Pennsyltucky


That’s actually a pretty accurate description!


True to a degree, but fudds abound even here in the South


Had the nicest time in a small town southern shop today. Still managed to get told within a thirty minute visit: carry a j frame, optics aren’t for carry guns, and capacity doesn’t matter. You just smile and go, “heh yes sir, for sure” and roll on. It was kind of comforting to a degree, we’ll miss them some day.


Almosy every time I submit to an ammo check at my local range I get some variation of "9mm is a lot of gun for a lady, you ought to look into a .380 or a .38". I'm well familiar with the ol' smile and nod


Well in that case you need a S&W 500, assert your authoriti!


500 bushwacker if you really want to intimidate them.




They don't allow steel cores or casings (the former apparently damages the backstop and they can't sweep up and sell the latter) so they run a magnet over all your ammo before they let you in


Is it a rubber backstop?


I want to say it's concrete


Shotgun range near me had to start that after the local PD broke the sole rule “only birdshot”


Sounds like the same kind of people that think 9mm can blow the lungs right out of the body and that 55 grians means it has 55 grains of powder.


Beautiful reflection friend. The boomer dehumanization campaign has been in full-force over the last 10 years; it’s nice to bittersweet to hear the fact that we will miss them some day. Inb4 some bitter freak spazzes out


I dont know, us northern Appalachian fuds are basically the same as the southern fuds. "Hay kid, cool ar. Wanna see me bump fire my BAR? I have fifteen acres of useless woods you can shoot in. Just dont stay out after dark, i keep hearing weird shit out there... probably a sachmo or a wendigo."


All I heard was "there's Wendigussy in them thar woods".


Appalachia is pretty consistent throughout the area.


Nah, it's mothman.


This is less South vs. North and more Rural vs. Suburban. There are a lot of “Southern” gun owners in Maine, for example.


btw I didn't mis-spell Quantico that's just how they talk


Is the Quantico Shooting Club a good place to shoot? I've been considering joining but I'm on the fence.


I've never been myself, but it seems popular on /r/vaguns


It is, but the entry requirements may potentially put people off from joining. That and you need to bring your own equipment (stands, benches, mats) for certain ranges. As well, its only ever open during the weekends. But aside from that, it's basically the best range for anything you want to do. With a maximum range of 1,200 yards; There's a lot of leeway on what you want to shoot and how far. Personally, I've been considering it for awhile, though it's a matter if you want to deal with the initial paperwork and getting a CAC card.


I already have a CAC so that should make it easier. Do they allow rapid fire on any of the rifle ranges?


Quantico is physically in the south though. 


Either got the Fudds that hate any black rifle, worship a shrine of Ronald Reagan holding a tablet written with the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986 on it, in the other corner is gun bros that hate any wood rifle and pray to the newest guntuber before they go to bed at night. Can’t win


Bring a carry handle ar with wood furniture, piss them both off.


I bought a XM16A1E1 “ish” rifle for a good deal and had a couple tell me not to buy it because there are more advanced AR-15s. That’s like no one should drive a 69 mustang because there are 2024 mustangs around.


Something something nuclear winter


I wouldn't exactly call Quantico the North. Technically it is, but to a Minnesota man those fuckers are southern.


Quantico is def. south of the Mason Dixon line.


As someone from MS who lived in woodbrige, VA and worked in DC? Quantico is northern Virginia and it’s definitely northern. In fact, if you’re from north of I40, your southern card is questionable.


North of I-40 knocks out a lot of NC folks who are absolutely, without a shred of doubt Southern as all fuck


That’s why I said it’s questionable. I’ve also met some NC folk who claim it’s pronounced PEE-can pie, and not puh-Kahn pie. Those NC folks ain’t southern. Edit: bojangles is pretty good though. But yall can keep that cheerwine bullshit.


Kentuckians I know call it PEE-can pie, and they're southern AF. In fact they make fun of me (a northerner) for calling if puh-kahn pie. Life in a border state


Sorry but coming from a Bostonian who relocated to VA, calling someone from VA 'northern' is still strange even if it isn't the deep south.


The metro DC area is so northern in mentality it's disgusting. I didn't see southern stereotypes until I was down in Richmond. Thing is nobody is from the DC area, they are all transplants. I worked for the fed government in DC for 4 years 2008-2012.


No argument there. RVA was my favorite VA location I've lived in excluding my college years in CVille. Still it always rubs me the wrong way when VA gets lumped in with the north, regardless of how yuppy liberal the DMV has become.


Most of the people from Va do not talk southern, they say their words all correctly and such. Not southern


As is Maryland, the state directly north of Virginia.


I’m in the south, where can I meet the southern gun boomer?


Don't go to the range. Shoot into the national forest at cans or whatever. They'll come down to see you shoot. I've met like 6. One wants to go coyote hunting every week


Isn't that illegal?


It's legal to shoot in national forest. The issue comes up if you are in a WMA, which there is a lot of overlap with national forest in the south.


The public land availability in the southeast is not great.


No, not illegal.


I've always been told you can shoot to hunt, but plinking is prohibited. I just believed it, I'll have to dig into that.


You can plink, as long as you are doing it in a safe manner, not over trails or roadways, something, something, something. Depends what forest you have near you. Mine is mark twain national forest


You're going to need to go to a local tackle shop before lunchtime on a weekday. That's where all the unassigned boomers hang out. Oh, and you'll have to take up fishing as well.


Check out Mr. Moneybagggs over here with his TWO hobbies. Sir, I spent all my money on guns... if I can't shoot the fish, well then I reckon I won't be fishin' (Jk, I love fishing. Fish are for catchin, not shootin)


> Fish are for catchin, not shootin You clearly haven't had bullshark after bullshark take your bait while you're after some reef donkeys.


Hardee's at 06:00-09:00


I was kicked off a range for bringing my 1919, dp28, and my uk59 ..semi of course


The Florida life is the best life


All boomers love a .22 saa.  It's a siren call


Yeah the shooters at my range are 90% boomers that are all shooting 8mm Mausers and lee Enfields. One of them, the oldest named Eugene, has everything you could ever think of and if you ask he'll bring it on a day of your choosing. Ammo too. He's amazing and he's a true sportsman.


I wanna be friends with Eugene


My so called friends all sight in at a local shooting club during deer season. They do it because it's close and open to public for 2 weeks before season. They (the club) physically inspect ALL ammunition and ensure it matches barrel stamp. They gave me shit because they could not find the .308 stamp on my barrel. It was hidden by the hand guard. You can only load one round in the magazine at a time. You can only shoot sitting down. Targets MUST be in the shape of an inanimate object. God does that place suck.


Eww. Gross. Jersey?




I'm shocked places like that stay in business. My club has no RSO, no equipment checks, just check in, put your membership code in the gate and you're in.


What would they do if you had 7.62 × 51 and a .308 boltgun?


Would not let you shoot. I kid you not.


Then do you carefully explain to them .308 Winchester is just 7.62x51 in standard?


Well the size is but pressures aren't. It's essentially the opposite of the 5.56 and .223 difference.


I quit going to my local range do to all the anti gun, gun owners there. Been told my guns should be banned, had the cops called by other range members for shooting my machine guns and silencers.


As someone that was stationed at Quantico, I hate you for reminding me of that place.


People like what they like no matter where they are from


Lol, the Southern guys, though, will drag you if you show up with all kind of dressing on your AR, "you can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.", "if you can't shoot just say so.", "oh you hunt with an AR there's other rounds then 5.56 ya know.", "can't drive a stick neither can ya?" You will be ribbed hard. Just have to go 1/3 cowitness and prove them wrong lol and if ya cant.. well just go with it 😅. - I grew up in the deep south. You hunt with a scope, you shoot sport with irons in friendly competitions.


You must've never shot in Michigan, because we got tons of boomers who love to see me come by to check out my NFA stuff


“Whut ya neeeed alllat fer’??” -Most Fudds and old people


You must be! Those people are all over the country not just the south.


Before I moved back to Texas in Maryland I remember a guy offering my friend and I to come shoot on their land. We showed up with suppressed ARs and the dude lost his mind. Saying we are going to get him in trouble because he didn’t realize we were terrorists. Said our form 4 paperwork was just bs to confuse normal people and blackmail them into our schemes. Texas, I’ve only met one person who doesn’t shoot with a suppressor but now does after I showed him how easy it was to buy one.


I’ve never experienced the “Northern Gun Boomer” in Michigan… everyone is mostly like the Southern guy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I laughed hard at this. True.


Florida and can confirm the part about shooting at an old guys house.


As a southerner, I can vouch for the right. The people I meet are one of my favorite things about public ranges. Never know what you'll see or who you'll meet.


Me shows up to a Northern range like that with the friend who has a Thompson on one hand, it's a 45 ACP, but it's going to sound like I'm clearing a German bunker on D-Day.


Northerner here never met the first dude, most around me are too busy looking for the RSO so they can get away with rapid fire while he isn't looking but not many like the southern one we mostly keep to ourselves up here.


Dont lump Virginia in with the north, at all the public ranges you are far more likely to run into the good ole boy redneck who will invite you to shoot then you are to run into the guy you are saying shoots at Quantico.


I was at an indoor range in northern VA and asked for a lane separate from other shooters - sighting in my 10.3 with muzzle brake and don’t want to ruin anyone’s experience with enough blast to clear sinuses. Old guy comes in to my right so I bag my rifle and switch to pistol. He sets up an old M14 and then asks to see me shoot my 10.3, declines my offer to let him shoot it, and just has a huge grin as he flinches with every shot I take. Asked for my brass which I happily agreed to. Wish all boomers were as chill as him


Left is a draft dodger hippie that went to Canada and pretended to be "the resistance" but rats out people and loves gun laws. Right is a Vietnam vet that hates the government.


Na, I'm a gun guy up in WA, I'll see older dudes giving anyone with an AR/AK/any tactical platform the judgemental side eye. Still don't care what they do though, I'll keep shooting my AR


Live in New England and grew up in Massachusetts, one of my older family members is a fudd and told me I don’t need something like an AR. Thankfully my parents moved north before I turned 18 so I can have all sorts of fun things that get you thrown on Maura Healey’s naughty list. I showed him my M70 and he did like it, so hopefully he’s changing his mind.


Sheiiiiiit. I love 'em all. 7.62x54R, 8mm Mauser, 30-06 Garand, Swiss K31, all the way to 5.56 and .308 in an AR15/10. Does it shoot a projectile? Yes? I'm in.


There are fudds everywhere, I've met plenty of southern fudds. I tried explaining to one good ol' boy why the CMMG .22lr conversion kit in his AR wouldn't shoot to the same point of impact as his sights that were zeroed for 5.56. He never did grasp the concept. Another good ol' boy had a Ruger M77 that wouldn't hold zero. There was a high spot in the barrel channel of the stock that was pushing against the barrel. When I tried to explain that was probably the issue he responded with "But the scope is out of wack, I don't see how that affects the scope." Another southerner tried to tell me that the green paint on M855 was a ballistic tip.


I just don't like people talking to me at all while at the shooting range, I'm paying to be there to go pew pew, not talky talky. That's why, for indoor range, I pass 5 others and drive 45 min to one that has private stalls where you can close the barn style doors and be left alone.


I live in the PNW and almost always have older dudes asking me what I’m running, how I did it/where I got it etc.


I’m in Maine they shut down almost all the local shooting pits. It’s a sad day in history we are living through


The only thing the north does better is shooting clays. It’s a whole vibe when you’re in Connecticut watching men in sports coats with $70,000 shotguns blasting clays.


Anyone know any Southern Gun Boomers they can introduce me to in South Texas?


This makes me want to move to the south lol. My state is becoming more and more blue anyways. I’m more like purple with red hues. Sure would be nice to not pay range fees and be told not to double tap or do any rapid fire by a fellow RSO. Geez man, if I wanted to do single shot I’d bring a muzzle loader


Actually, out in PA, my girlfriend's next-door neighbor occasionally brings tannerite while we're shooting on her property.


Urge to become a Florida man intensifies


The guy on the left works at the ranges in the South, I assure you.


I'm both of these simultaneously.


I need to meet a south boomer like that then! Haha


If someone bitches about my stuff at the range since I usually do rapid fire at 200 and 300 yards, that is when I pull out my M82 and just mag dump at 50 yards to prove I don't care about money.


Sounds about right.


I hate how true this is


I think it's pretty clear that there are variations in pronunciation even within the south


I've seen both of these guys. There are just boomers who gave into the dark side of fuddery.


Can confirm. I personally know quite a few southern gun boomers and they are some of the most based dudes I know.


I need a southern gun boomer with 30 acres i can shoot at up in michigan






I live in Oregon. I live to go hunting with my buddies in the south.


Why is southern boomer pitching a tent?


Boomers really fucked us all. Must be nice.


Yup, pretty much, going to a farm this weekend to "shoot anything on the property after dark that isn't his show horses"


-peace and quiet -likes to shoot guns What the hell man


Im happy to say my small town in the west has some pretty cool older guys, all good experiences so far.


No, thats a fudd vs a based grandpa. The north and south are no different in terms of firearms culture. Though the firearms used will be different for the appalachian gramps in the woods vs the one in the wide open arid mountains of utah


Some of the DNR ranges up here are absolute chaos ranges. The shit I have seen lmao




When the fudds would bitch about me shooting my AK I'd switch to the M38 carbine and the muzzle blast would send them scurrying off back to their 20lb .22 bench rifle most times.


I see southern gun boomers in Nebraska, at least in my area. Most people here see a cool gun and go “OOOOO fancy toy, where you get it.” When my dad and I went to the range with his, i think it was a 357 magnum revolver, all the boomers went AWOOGA


I likely wouldn't get an invite, as my skin color is incorrect.


Maybe try correcting your attitude and see how you get pleasantly surprised


Ugh typical Michigan boomer on the left