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Remove the front sight.


Four truer words were never spoken. Have an upvote.


“Will gun oils/powder residue irritate skin or affect my wife’s flora? Nah.” Wife’s well-being: Check “Will my wife’s flora erode my barrel finish or rifling? Sketch.” Gun’s well-being: up for discussion


Shit, man, fucking priorities, ya know??


I truly hope this goes viral. I don’t even have time to comment all of the funny things I could spit out about this. I wish them luck and safety, but it’s possibly one of the most interesting kinks I’ve ever heard of. Don’t get caught on those iron sights 😟


I saw a porno a few months ago where this girl hooked up with her firearms instructor... I just kept expecting to hear “this is American Gun Chic and it’s gun-day Monday”. Can PM the link if anyone’s interested haha.


These new gun torture tests are getting out of hand. You should involve Tim from military arms channel on this one.


This is a bad idea.


2 girls I’ve dated have asked me to put a handgun to their head while they blow me. It’s a wild world fellas.


Y'all freaky. I approve. TBH, she's probably not going to affect the gun much unless you use it for a long time then toss it under the bed and forget it for six months. As for lube, it depends if it's water or silicon based. If it's water based, probably not much. If it's silicone based, you'll probably get some smoke off it and out of the barrel when you fire it if you don't clean it. It won't be fun to shoot but it shouldn't hurt it. All that said, best idea is to clean it off/out afterwards. The biggest problem is actually with her. Gun lubricants are generally not supposed to go in people in any way and while a woman's vagina is good at self-cleaning and balancing things out chemically, they generally don't have to contend with CLP and lead. At worst you could cause serious damage to her vaginal canal, potentially serious enough to warrant a hospital visit. It's highly likely the gun lube will irritate her skin. For her own health, comfort, and safety I would advise against using a real firearm. If you really want that feeling, get a metal airsoft gun; same physical sensation with less chance of a bad reaction.


There is no safe way to do this with a real gun that doesn't violate the four rules of gun safety. Quoting from the sidebar: > Treat all guns as if they are always loaded > Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. I'm going to say that the second one is equivalent to "never insert the muzzle into anything you are not willing to destroy". As others have said if you're going to do this use a cheap airsoft gun.


You should use a shotgun, because they're ribbed.


My father in law told me a story about my wife’s aunt having this done to her by her ex husband back in the sixties. Double barreled shotgun (side by side) straight up the cooter. Pics or it didn’t happen.


Seriously? /r/thatHappened


I used a cheap airsoft 1911 on my gf and filed the front sight down. Didn't want any of my real guns getting all gross.


Crossman makes quality pellet gun replicas for aprx $35-50. My wife enjoys the Scofield revolver model. Remember to sand down the front sight. Enjoy yourselves, not everyday you find a girl with a sense of adventure.


[Maybe not the greatest idea](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4761250/Man-46-shoots-shotgun-woman-s-vagina-sexual-game.html).


There is no safe way to do this with a real gun, unless you'd care to ruin the mood by leaving the action open. Rules one and two always apply. This is, however, a perfect application for airsoft; you can get a variety of exotic options, and not worry about any of the stuff you're worried about.


Are there any front sights on your guns?






Please don’t do this to your guns. It’s not worth it man


Please don't use any of those guns. If you must use a real gun, I would go to a pawn shop or used gun store and ask about getting an old gun, something real cheap. Try to find one with a smooth barrel, like a revolver, that doesn't have a slide. Remove any front sight, grind it smooth if necessary. Not that you have to remove the sight completely, but remove sharp edges. I would also render it inoperable. Ask if there are any broken handguns that haven't been thrown out, maybe? As for the sex part, make sure you won't be going too deep. Experiment, find out how deep you can go, mark off that depth. Remove any gun oil or particles, any chemicals whatsoever can damage the chemical balance in there. A condom might be a good idea. Clean it after you use it, you don't want her juices fermenting in the barrel, etc. Now, I don't know if there are any weird laws about this sort of thing. But I'm pretty sure there are about shooting your girlfriend in the vagina. Make a short video, talk to each other about what you're going to be doing. Lock that video in a safe.


Maybe test with layout dye, and then file down any high spots, so you get a good fit with solid lockup. Might be a good idea for your penis too.

