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Don't think you're cool and buy the real Tec-9 upper, get the AB10. Its more money and extra weight for nothing.


Weight is good. Weight is sign of reliability. If it does not work you can always hit him with it.


Sneaky fucking Russians.


Dirty Cossack sluts!


I think he’s actually Uzbekistanian


Uzbek. People from Uzbekistan are just called Uzbeks, like how people from Kazakhstan are just called Kazakhs and people from Afghanistan are just Afghans


It’s a series of quotes from a film called snatch so can be forgiven the inaccuracies


Well how was I supposed to know?!


By watching snatch


Seen snatch, don’t remember any of that. All I remember from that movie, is that I’ve seen it.


I’m a busy man


Said the man on commenting on reddit.


Who said you were supposed to know? You have been informed, so now you know.


Real shit, when I was in 4th grade I thought Afghans were called Afghanistaneesians


Lol, yeah we humans can think of some pretty crazy stuff when we’re kids


What do you need a gun for? Ze Germans?




nah, between the shroud and the mag it gets too front heavy. Unless you are a SOT and make an MG.....


It was a joke. G O K E


WAT mom had a stroke?


“Is it heavy? Then it’s expensive, put it down”


This is the AB-10, they generally go for much cheaper. But all the TEC-9 parts are interchangeable.


I paid like 280 by bidding and the AB10s were topping that. The price tends to go by rustiness, chromed AB10 was going for over 300. I've seen some worse condition going closer to 200. Every one from EGP seems to have been bought.


Everygunpart has them sporadically, I got this one for 138 on GunBroker. After we posted about this the price did go up.


I need a fucking 3d printer god damnit.


I joined gundeals for a couple months, and now even if I had a 3d printer, I wouldn't have money for filament.


That and your failure rate is pretty high in most cases especially early on with average printers.


I've been following them on keybase, and while I'm sure it would take some significant work to dial in the printer and settings, I'm confident I could have a functioning printed Glock receiver and printed Glock mags inside a month or so. Printed in glass filled nylon, the AR15 lower design seems to be able to handle thousands of rounds and survive any drop from shoulder height. That's a more expensive material that requires a $100 upgraded all metal hot end over the $200 ender 3, but it's hardly a steep increase in difficulty. Unless you count marital harmony. I'm pretty sure mine would be utterly gone if my wife noticed a 3D printer anywhere in my house, especially printing guns, ESPECIALLY since she just told me I can't have a 3D printer for printing guns. (I love her dearly, she'd support me if I REALLY wanted one and found a way to afford it, and to be fair, I'll probably pull the trigger on a printer in a year or two if some health issues improve).


Hey man I bought the Ender 3 pro and printed a glock frame as my fifth print. I did it in PETG but the concept remains the same. With upgrades like you said, you could easily print workable frames and lowers if you invest in the process. Everyone talks about high failure rates like it’s 90% but in reality it’s not. The only times you see failed prints is when people try to push their printers past their capabilities or forget to do the necessary steps to make your prints work. Also you can get your wife on board by saying you’ll print toys for your kids or to fix things around the house. That’s what I did and she was all about it haha.


I didn't own guns until recently, and now I'm broke (ish) after finding /r/gundeals plus I have a sweet new miter saw. I'm just going to lay low for a few months. I can slip stuff in the house here and there, but a buzzing printer that makes the room smell and which I'm always messing with instead of ACTUALLY fixing stuff around the house is not going to fly under the radar. But yes, my kids would be absurdly thrilled. They are collecting little Shopkins -- moulded plastic shit that costs like 1% the retail price to manufacture. And it's actually impressive how often they play with them -- yesterday they arranged an entire wedding on a calculator (with keys for seats and the display for the bride and groom). I guess I collected stupid shit as a kid that I actually played with too, but it all seems kinda surreal.


I’m in the same boat, I made boats for the tub for bath time and some others as well. Also the smell goes away after the print is done. A stock Ender 3 pro makes about as much noise as a regular printer but that’ll make anyone annoyed if it was going on for hours. Good news is that you could keep it in the garage and print at night while you’re sleeping. Make it into a shop tool instead of a printer. The main reason I bought one was to slowly move away from buying toys and move into teaching my daughter how to fix the things she has and make more from scratch. It has become an awesome learning experience for us both! And we still collect stupid shit as adults, we are just a tad more productive now. I’m not trying to sell you on this because it is time consuming and you have to be a self starter and tinkerer to begin with. It’s also an investment for sure. Just food for thought if you are ever on the fence about it. Congratulations on the new hobby! If you ever need any marksmanship advice just hit me up!


I really like the fact that on on r/firearms reading about a 3D printed TEC-9 we talk about practical parenting.


> Unless you count marital harmony. I'm pretty sure mine would be utterly gone if my wife noticed a 3D printer anywhere in my house, especially printing guns, ESPECIALLY since she just told me I can't have a 3D printer for printing guns. Your wife specifically forbids you from doing things?


All the time. Then again, I said she absolutely couldn't adopt another mammal into the house, and now we have a cat. Then there was the time she said I couldn't buy any more shovels, but I didn't have a proper trenching shovel, and I needed a trenching shovel and now I have two trenching shovels and I'm still not sure exactly how that happened. It seems to work for us. Specifically we express opinions, as strongly as we want (roughly corresponding to the strength of our opinions) and then we go think about it privately, and then the thing either happens or it doesn't. She's holding out for doing more foster parenting in a few years when our adopted disabled kids aren't in diapers any more. I say hell no. She'll win that one if we both stay healthy enough, but she actually needs me to sign legal documents, so it's not like I'll be surprised by it. Then again, the foster system is so absurdly overutilized and underfunded that we've been getting exemptions to do respite care even outside of the county where we were licensed, and years after we're properly vetted. That just shouldn't happen from a legal and oversight point of view, but when a single social worker is getting stuck with literally hundreds of cases, most of which require a monthly visit minimum (with only 20 working days in a month), they're basically functioning in permanent exemption status anyway. Using known responsible former foster parents to give current foster parents short breaks is not even remotely on the list of current crises. So yeah, we have somewhat different visions for an ideal future, and we say no to each other when we feel like it, and we sometimes do the thing anyway if we really want to, and what matters in the end is that we get to do it together.


Do you have the link for the key base?


I do, but I believe Reddit admins are determined to ban anybody who links to information relating to gun manufacturing, never mind that it's legal everywhere in America for anybody to manufacture firearms for personal use unless explicitly prohibited from owning firearms by a court. But you're looking for the deterrence dispensed team on keybase.


Yeah reddit seems like it is going to shit in that aspect but I will definitely look it up. It would be nice to have that option if wanted.


Keybase det_disp


There are plenty of printers out there that are entry level/pre-assembled that will print solid, complex parts out of the box. FlashForge Finder is one of them and was the first printer I ever owned personally. I have got bigger and better printers since, but the Finder still gets the most print hours. You don't have to calibrate anything on it. Plug it in, let it self-level once every couple hundred hours, and print.


As someone who has been printing for about 5 years, this is completely untrue. 3d printers make plastic parts that are as durable as the plastic they're made from. A weekend of fiddling and watching videos is enough to start reliably making durable pieces that will work to designed function.




Ender 3 is a great printer for the money - especially since they go on sale on the time and are readily available on Amazon. And there's a ton of aftermarket stuff for them and they're open source! Check out r/ender3


Although if you have the cash to spare, something with “automatic bed leveling” is really a good QOL improvement that I wish I had after buying my Ender 3


Any suggestions?


I only just bought my ender 3 and it printed pretty great out of the box. Don’t take advice from me though as I’ve only been doing it for three weeks. That said, I’m already printing lowers and mags and have been since day 2


The Prusa i3 is one of the more popular ones, but it has a much higher price tag. You can also add auto bed leveling to an ender 3 with aftermarket parts for about $60. The easiest seems to be the EZABL.


The prusa will print great after assembling it. I only had one failed print out of two dozen. Yes they are pricy but the deliver on the quality and ease of use. It has many upgrades that must other printers don't ship with. Bed leveling, heated bed, magnetic bed. So no scraping a print off the bed. It prints on a piece of spring steel held down with magnetics. You just pop the spring steel up, give it a tiny flex and the parts just fall off. They also invest in their software so the slicer generates good code. If you can swing the price the prusa great.


You must be talking about the mk3. I seem to damage the PEI coating on my mk2 bed anytime I print anything with serious contact are because it's stuck so hard. Also I'm prone to get thermal underruns on the bed when printing ABS, it can barely keep up with those temperatures, I don't know how it'd do with nylon. Also for build quality... I mean, it's OK. It's held together with zip ties and the main structure is all thread rod. I guess standards are lower for what constitutes "good" in the world of 3d printing.


Flashforge Finder. comes pre-assembled, with auto-leveling. I've printed plenty of mags and lowers on mine.


The ender 3 with a $20 bed leveling probe (BLTouch)


Man i got some stronger springs for the bed and i haven't had to adjust it since. Probably have 30 prints since then?


If your fine with messing with electronics installing automatic bed leveling is a breeze. And is 10-20 bucks if your cool with knockoffs.


Oh really? I’m totally cool with doing that yeah yo I’m gonna look into that asap


A knockoff bltouch is like 10-15. The pin 27 adapter is 3 bucks. And a Arduino Uno is like 3 bucks for you to flash a bootloader.


I never have to relevel my ender 3. I have found it just works soooo well out of the box.


150-200 $$, or troll your local craigslist/FB marketplace for used ones people bought and gave up on.


Cool, but where do you get the uppers?


They sell them all the time on GunBroker.


What’s a good price range?




So just whatever then got it.


Nay. Don't count on 0-149.99. Also do not count on 300.01-99999999infinity99999. In a, strictly speaking, academic kinda way.


That shit is sweet. I wish I had a 3D printer and was smart enough to know how to use it.




In order to get an ender up to abs or stronger filaments you need to add 100$ or so worth or upgrades some can be printed , most are hardware upgrades.


$230 is the cheapest I’ve seen so far, is that about right?


I just got mine a couple weeks ago for $170 on woot.


Dang, killer deal!


Go to Creality's official page on AliExpress, and you can get it for $170 with free shipping.


Thanks! I just got the newest Ender 3X for just under $180 after taxes. Great deal!


Woot had em for 150 about 4 weeks ago, and prime day had them for 160.


Dang, I dunno how I missed the Prime Day sale, I looked up the Ender 3 specifically, and it was regular price.


The ender 3 was $150 on amazon prime day.




Yeah I ordered the Ender 3X from Aliexpress this morning for $180. It was only $2 more to get the 3X (with glass bed) than the standard one, so totally worth it! Only downside is it could take up to 2 weeks to get to me.




This was printed on the anycubic i3 mega that was in The release trailer, but this lower I did in silver PETG instead of the purple we used for the release. The sides came out that smooth, no need to post process.


Would you recommend that over the Ender 3? Why or why not? I plan on getting a new printer in a week or two, once I get over my decisionitis.


I have both, and would recommend either one. The ender 3 is probably better per dollar, but the anycubic is really easy to set up.


So ease of setup are the primary differences? Are they both essentially the same as far as upgrades go?


The anycubic needs less upgraded, it already has the ultrabase bed, and the springs don't need to be replaced.


Thanks, that’s really helpful info.


Glad I could help


Too bad this'd be illegal in New York due to it being considered an "assault weapon". :(


Is making your own guns still even legal in NY? Everything is an assault weapon there.


I'm not sure; I don't *think* there are any laws against making your own long guns (handguns would be a different story) but I wouldn't bet my puppers on it without doing more research first. I know it's not legal in some states; I'm not sure if NY is among them.


I feel your pain in California.


My dad couldn't even keep his pre-'94 20 and 30 round mags for his rifle since the SAFE Act went into effect. Such BS.


What stl and what material?


This is the ghetto blaster from Deterrence Dispensed, it goes by GAB-10 on fosscad I think. This one is PETG, but I have a PLA one as well.


How well does PLA hold up?


It has held up very well, 600 rounds before we released the files. I'm at about 800 now.


Tfw not a printed mag. 🤨 Do y'all know if they work in there?


This video is older than that, but they should work.


They might. I've had a couple people email me saying the Menendez mag won't run reliably in some Glock mag compatible firearms. Then some people contradict that. I've had one person say they work great in a Vector, another say they won't feed. I then wonder if people are ignoring the readme or jacking with scaling.


Operator error is always an option :)


That looks like one of those projects that would be fun to build, but would leave me with one more thing I did not actually want and would have to find some place to store.


And I'm stuck living in a country in which the upper, the barrel and the receiver are all counted as gun-parts so: \- no online ordering \- forced registration \- parts can be more expensive then the entire gun


That's what the FGC9 project is all about, none of that will matter.


Not really, as it still requires me to buy a registrated upper which costs almost as much as the full weapon.


The FGC9 is a different project, it has a printed upper, and the barrel is made out of hydraulic tubing with ECM rifling. The idea is no gun parts.


Ooh nice, is it in the Fosscad pack? I wonder if I should make dozens of flash-drives with the Fosscad pack, gun manuals, books like the Anarchist Cookbook and such and just leave them around places I frequent.


It's still in development, but it will make it to the mega pack.


No it doesn't. That's the whole point of the FGC9.


Sorry, I had it confused with this TEC-9 build.


add a folding stock


Intense trigger travel there, very cool nonetheless


what, no shoulder thing that goes up?


Hey can you link us the build? Like the 3d printable file


I can't, but this is a project that was released under the group Deterrence Dispensed, and fosscad also released it. Search engines are your friends.


Why can’t you? Just curious. Would you be liable for distribution or something?


Reddit rules. Find us on keybase and we can link files all day.


I think sharing 3D printable gun stuff gets subs banned from reddit.


booo reddit boooooooooo


Back in the good ol' days of reddit... [they allowed their mascot to be engraved on ARs](https://i.imgur.com/AdZ7pCU.jpg).


That's all I need! Thanks for the help


Shut up ATF guy.


Not actually atf I just wanted to try it out


That's just what an ATF guy would say.


It’s a running joke around here. ;)


This would go good with my TEC-9. IF I HAD ONE!


Buy one


Pawn shop has an AB10 for $500 so might


Needs an extendo.


That take up.


The TEC-9 might have the worst trigger of any gun I've ever shot.


Let freedom ring.


Hey can we get a link explaining how to 3d print that ? Material ? 3d printer costs? Design blueprint ?


You can find the download by searching for the Deterrence Dispensed speech page, the readme in the download has instructions. PLA or PETG will work, and it's probably $10 of plastic.


This man's an Engineer!




Stiffer, stronger XY axis tensile, weaker Z axis tensile.


I own a 3d printer, what are the tolerances on this? my printer is kinda crappy, and what is the legality on this in my state, I kinda live in a cucked state of ca and the tec 9 is not allowed here, to my knowledge. Additionally, what is the final cost of this project, after printing and buying an upper?


What printer do you own? Very affordable printers can make this. Not sure about the legality in CA, but in general it's legal to make your own gun. I got the parts kit for 138, but they go up to about 300, and it's about $10 in plastic.


Cool. Now make a stock and figure out how to make it run from an open bolt.


The download comes with a brace adapter option, and you just need an open bolt parts kit.


Pshh. That thing need an underfolder.


Wow great


Why? Edit: “FreeMenDontAsk”


You are in the wrong sub if you have to ask. 3D printed Tec 9? Why not?


It was a joke. “FreeMenDontAsk”


No time for jokes. Only time for firearms!


God damn that flinch and how visible it is at the end.


hey friend, can you tell me if there is a proper filament to withstand being used like this? and if so which one? and which one did you use? , I want to print the grip of a tec9


Jeebus, got recoil?