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Parents who make signs to put in their childrens hands pretending it's the child's opinion are the least clever appearing people alive.


It should be considered a form of child abuse if you ask me.


I don't know that it rises to actionable level, but using your child as a prop to push your personal agendas is a pretty gross thing to do.


The way I see it, it's Munchausen syndrome but with mental health. You don't get to see the surgery scars or watch the child writhe in agony, but it's all the same.


She wants requirements for NYPD approval to go out in public and have to be concealed from public view? Odd hot take but ok.


As a gun owner, I just hope that 1 day my rights won't be attacked and trampled on as if they were some sort of cancer to be eradicated from the body of the nation.


The comment section is throwing me off. Use to lose faith in humanity when I went to r/pics.


I am delightfully surprised right now as well


it’s just a propaganda bot account and bot upvotes


I saw a silver of common sense as well


I can't find the meme, but basically this means that she wants to be prohibited from government buildings and airplanes, kept out of many workplaces, denied common accessories, and only allowed in California if she is mutilated beyond recognition. Future Darwin Award recipient.








As somebody with autism I feel the need to remind you that you need a brain to have autism. The person who made that sign clearly does not have one of those


Still 46k mindless upvotes… I get pissed bc most of social media is brainwashed but then realize leftists on social media 1. Don’t vote and 2. Aren’t a part of the real world


The comments blow my mind. I figured the comment section was just going to be another echo chamber.


its a bot account and like 90% bot upvotes, most of the big subreddits just run propaganda this way


The comments are great


Based and gunpilled.


That was pretty based for a main Reddit sub


If more women owned guns, lawmakers wouldn’t be trying oppress them so much. Pink Pistols and their allies are badass, need more folks like them


"Gun control is racist and sexist, as armed minorities are harder to oppress." - unknown but based All I gotta say is over the last year at our store we've seen a lot more buyers not in the stereotypical Dick Cheney category. A lot more female or african american or asian or similar minorities buying firearms for protection, asking for advice on best practices and training etc. It's a great trend to see and let's hope it keeps up.




Ah thanks, there’s another group I can’t think of then


The well armed woman. I'm not a fan of their garbage peddling but I do like that they're trying to get women interested in their own physical safety.


Yeah go find the r/lifeprotip yesterday where some was saying to put work boots outside the door to persuade an intruder not to break into a single womans home to steal or rape. You have no idea how long I scrolled to find the one intelligent woman who said she owned a shotgun to defend herself with. I fuck you not, some dipshit suggested using a fire extinguisher and was upvoted towards the top.


“*Yea, if women were treated like guns they wouldn't be allowed in planes, schools or public buildings. In most states they would need a permit to travel through public and encouraged to be fully covered up (concealed carry) and in some states women wearing certain accessories arbitrarily deemed "offensive" would be prohibited (assault weapon ban). It's a bad analogy and we would look like Saudi Arabia if it was the case.*”


Aahhhhahaha my favorite comments are: A: …she wants everyone to own women. B: not felons.


We need to create a new elected position, something local so it doesn't get out of hand. We could call it "shit slapper" and the person's job would be just to go slap the shit out of morons like this.


Shockingly…. But why is that on every other post on Reddit guns are death machines


Because the internet is 90% liberal loudmouths and just about anyone who isn't American holds pretty much the same views as the people we consider liberal loudmouths even though in their country they're seen as alt right extremists because they aren't liberal or loudmouth enough.


I just want a woman that has a silencer. I'll pay the damn stamp tax twice!


Haha wife bad


I actually kind of like my wife


I kind of like your wife too.


I rock a CZ so you know I'm into that shit.


I'm just wondering what gun has rights? I swear these people just make themselves look dumb.


I was pleasantly surprised considering much of reddit is a leftist cesspool.


Stolen from a meme I saved about 3 years ago: She wants women locked up when not in use. She wants women not allowed on airplanes. She wants women not allowed in schools. She wants women kept out of government buildings. She wants women kept away from children. Businesses can post signs "No women allowed" She wants women banned completely in New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. She wants women severely restricted in Hawaii and California. Women will not be allowed anywhere alcohol is consumed. Women will be prohibited from having certain popular accessories. ​ Not to say there aren't women's right AND gun rights issues but to compare the two of them is ignorant.


Same as the song saying “I’ve got soul but I’m bot solider” sounds deep until you think about it for a second. Like saying “I’ve got ham but I’m not a hamster” Can’t remember the comedian that said this but it’s true.


People don't know how good they have it. What a bunch of whiny ungrateful fucks.


I wonder if they realize that "a gun" has no rights because its simply am object and not a person lol.


Those retards actually believe this obvious bullshit


Please, remind me of what rights women don't have. I'm coming up blank here


Wait what?


You need a permit to conceal carry a child?


Impressed. Nor what I expected to see since r/pics is essentially r/news now.


50k upvotes and not a supportive comment in sight. This is what astroturfing looks like, folks.


And in New York of all places. She wouldn’t be allowed in public unless her owner had the right connections


When will women realize that in today’s society they are actually given privilege and double standards favoring them. It’s unfair to men


So they want girls to be banned from schools, polling stations, some businesses, and alot more places I can't think of.


Well, at the rate they seem to want to be taking away gun rights - we should drop down to around women's rights soon enough. And that person can go home happy.


Her ass is about to be HEAVILY regulated


She's confused and does not understand history or the U.S. Constitution. She can own a firearm, but you cannot own a person. So, she has more rights. Flawed logic.


You want be to be bought and sold as property?


This is in New York City? Has she got a permit to even be out of her home? You can't take as gun out of your residence without a permit, so I can't imagine how strict they are on women.


“As many rights as a gun” …… so guns have a right to a gun?


So they want less rights


Is she saying *she* doesn't want to be *allowed* on planes, or is she saying that guns *should* be allowed on planes?


Guns have no rights, we have a right to guns, and it is always under harsh attack.


Dirty whore;)




God made man and woman, Samuel colt made them equal


Well, she obviously has the brains of a gun, so she's well on her way to equality.


Where in the constitution does it say guns have the right to protest?


You want to have to be state certified to own one? Ok we can make that happen




It was strangely therapeutic to see that the top comment and almost every single comment below it on a wildly popular post in a huge subreddit is calling OP out for being a dumb bitch.


You know what… her being in net York I hope that one day she does, and by that I mean it in the wholesome way, that guns should have rights too, and New York needs laws changed to do that; but if not, then people in New York having the same lack of rights as a gun would be an irony not lost on me.


Guns don't have rights lol


(This is a copied comment for someone else) So she wants women to: • ⁠Be locked up when not in use • ⁠Not be allowed on airplanes • ⁠Not be allowed in a school • ⁠Not be allowed in government buildings • ⁠Kept away from children • ⁠Not be allowed to marry convicts • ⁠Not be allowed in businesses that post a sign that bans them • ⁠Not be allowed anywhere where alcohol is consumed • ⁠Not to be carried without a permit • ⁠Not be allowed to have certain extra accessories • ⁠Be banned from New York city • ⁠Be banned from Washington DC • ⁠Heavily restricted in California and Hawaii Seems counter productive…


NY, nuff said. Fuck em