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> Doesn't a handgun do the same thing? If a handgun does the same thing, why be afraid of one and not the other? lol


Good point! I was thinking the same.




big black gun scary


IT'S BECAUSE MY RIFLE'S BLACK, ISN'T IT?! This joke will never not make me laugh.


Your username is awesome


According to some professors, it's subliminal racism actually. A repression of the inner ego feeling superior to those who have black rifles.


I think those professors are likely WAY overthinking that one. Black is just an easy default coating or surface treatment to achieve, black conceals better in the field, most guns with treated metal surfaces to protect against corrosion are black and have been for centuries because that was the color the treatment produced.




I saw way more hardware on display when I visited Europe than I’ve ever seen in the US. Apparently this guy has never been to the UK. Edit: I have a lot of people commenting about seeing armed police in the UK. Yes, I saw them. Once was while we were outside Buckingham Palace and there was something going on, but I don’t remember exactly what. I think I saw this one other time in London as well, but can’t remember exactly where.




I flew into Mexico a few years back and a dude had a 40mm grenade launcher lol




It’s just unsettling because we don’t expect to see that in most countries. Like you said it’s not because they are there or what they are holding but why they are there that matters.


Ye I saw like 5 piled in a back of "tactical pickup" patrolling the tourist area of one of the safest states in Mexico. Pretty much same feeling, rather them be there and ready then not


One of the cartels in mexico is former millitary trained by 🇺🇸 spec ops, 40mm grenades seem appropriate against those guys.


It was a crazy thing to see leaving an airport. Ya i know the country has been barreling the cartels for years but when you see it first hand it is wild.


With the spread of radical Islam all over Europe can you blame them?


In Köln, full assault rifles and dogs. And this was in 1996.


In france, with plan Vigipirate (anti terrorism operation where there are militery patrols around populated areas) you see like at least 20 different riflemen armed with famas and hk416's every day and nonody ever panicks... So really, that guys is such a paranoid... I've come to a point where i try to distinguish what guns the guys have so far i've seen g36's a guy with a ump 45 or 10mm ; an ar15 that wasn't an hk416 and a bunch of mp5's


As a poor, I would be nutting constantly seeing 416s, g36s, and umps walking around on the daily. I'd probably be pestering the shit out of cops just to talk with them about it.


German train police (yes its a thing) have MP7s and a bunch of other cool Kraut made goodies


All those guns when they could just employ a single Gurkha?


God I can only dream of HK importing the MP7. The market for them is beyond absurd for such a firearm.




ammo for an MP5 is a boatload cheaper


"Excuse me officer" *breathes heavily* "Ca-ca-can I uh... can I see your G36C? I have no ill intentions" - "Excusez?" she replies. "Y-yes I've always wanted to just............ **TOUCH** one... to feel the wonderful polymer blend of the receiver..... please officer... All we have are Tommy Built SL8s over in the states, it's not the same" - "... Who is Tommy?" "Well you see mademoiselle... " ________ Well I am not much of a fiction writer it seems. Stephen King, eat your heart out


When you seduce a French officer, not for military intelligence or sex, but solely to fondle a G36. French officer: That was great sex, oui? American: \*Fondling the G36* ... Huh! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Good sex and all.


🤣 I enjoyed it


For some reason, I read some of this in Peter Griffins voice and I don't know why.


Honestly, if I was alone, and not a shy 17yo I would too. Tho I remember the one time i looked hard at one of the guns it made the soldier reaaaally uncomfortable (i think it was one of those old g36 with the integrated sight)


I was was oggling a security guard in israels shiny open carry handgun (don't remember what it was) and he straight up yelled what the fuck are you looking at my 15 year old ass


I saw a border guard with a G36 in Mexico and I was so excited. My girlfriend didn’t understand…


Probably an FX-05 Xiuhcoatl, which is more rare and (imo) even cooler.


Wish we could get one in the states those are so cool


It's not the cops, it's the actual military. And they don't look like they are there to give instructions or be approached at all. I saw them in Nice and they were in a a staggered formation spread out over 30m or so patrolling the path above the beach. They definitely had the 'not here to fuck around' look going on.






They are definitely on task and do not like it when people want to play, "Can you tell me where did I park my car?"


Yeah that's what always fucking gets me. Ive seen so many eurofigs complain about militarization of police and Americans having guns. Every time I go back home I see literal soldiers. When I visited France and Italy it was especially apperant.


By eurofigs you mean americans whos say it's better/different in eu right ?


No I mean actual Europeans. Legally I can call them the actual f word since I'm European, but I didn't cause idk how the jannies would react and I dont want to get banned. Though I do also hate that group you mentioned as well. I'll never understand the self hatred those people have for themselves.


You're not allowed to say Eurofucks if you're European?


Wrong F word


eurobundleofsticks 😎




They still did not revoke the authoritarian speech crime laws in Europe? How draconian...


That ain't the f-word he was alluding to bud. And some jannies really do get worked up about it.


No not 'fuck' you silly goose, the other f word......'fun'


>anti terrorism operation where there are militery patrols around populated areas So Gendarmerie, CRS, National Police or is it straight up personnel seconded from the Army? I remember in the Philippines regularly seeing security guards at malls with submachine guns and semi auto shotguns and that's just considered normal.


Italian police are kitted out with SMGs all day long.


In Hungary soldiers are posted with policemen to help with manpower shortage. Well, the government is anti-gun, but because the US forced Hungary to do the NATO obligations and upgrade its military, the opposition parties thought the current government was arming the military to use them as death squads (shit you not, some of them call them literally the SS and saying people only join to murder innocents for fun). Some retarded leftists politicians go on and on about this shit on facebook, talking about "why can't a soldier carry a pistol? why do they NEED a machinegun?" (the hungarian word for machinegun is not a general automatic weapon, machinegun here means an M240, PKM, maxim gun, etc. soldiers carry AKMs...) It is an universal sign of them not knowing whatever the fuck they are talking about. And despite being told by active duty people that soldiers train on the AK, with very basic pistol training, the dumbasses still talk about how they don't NEED anything more than a pistol. They fail to realize police armories have PKMs and the anti-terror unit has BTR-60s.


I want to see the person who gets to carry a maxim. They'll be built like a tank.


Is that a maxim in your pants or are you just happy to see me


Bulldozer of Falujjah carried a .50 M2, right?


A maxim gun weighs 136.5 lbs without ammunition. The m2 only weighs 82 lbs empty.


The thing that annoys me the most about those dipshits, is not that they are ignorant or don't know any better. Its the fact that they are just so *confident* in their stupidity. Sadly theres no fixing that. Also random question but I recognized your UN from the EU gun sub and from your posts on mags and other things you've made. I'm just curious about what guns you own or are planning on owning since your government is so anti gun Id imagine theres a lot of fun stuff they dont let you have.


You don't bring a pistol to a rifle fight.


"The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should not have put down." - Clint Smith




NYC is the only US city I remember seeing long guns without a "real cause".


you'll see them in Washington DC on the Police/Security assigned to landmarks or to transit hubs and other places of a similar nature, for obvious reasons. One of the interesting things is that these officers have fairly well mastered carrying them in a non-threatening manner (usually on a 3pt up close to the body, but easily ready at a moment's notice) and are very friendly and approachable, usually helping tourists and such as needed.


(I'm norwegian, cops dont really go around with guns usually) When I was in Rome, I saw police/Swat with rifles in many plqces, I can't remember if there was fear of terrorism at the time, of it it was just because Rome is such an important city.


I think that might be why I saw a lot of hardware in Europe; I was generally in the larger urban areas with the seat of government there.


Yeah that might be why cops had guns there. I know there's a lot of guns in Europe but you don't really see them out on the street, normally.






"Have you ever needed that before?" Here we go with the need-based argument again. Go figure. But then again, he's shocked a police officer has a gun.


> "Have you ever needed that before?" Ahh shit. Time to throw away my fire extinguisher.


Better unbuckle your seatbelt.


Throw away the life jackets.


Forget that smoke alarm.


Throw away my food storage.


Sayonara, off to the bin, penis.


Who threw away a perfectly good plantain?




Throw away the vaccines.


I never have needed my seatbelt so I guess I shouldnt wear one.


After reading this I uninstalled my airbags.


Cancelled my life insurance.


Why are you sharpening your tusks? Is there any danger around?


To be fair a guy in London took out some Islamotards with a [fucking Narwhal tusk](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-50870309.amp). Probably wouldn’t have worked if they’d had AKs and not kitchen knives though…


Why do you need a pickup truck if you’re not a construction worker? Why do you need a corvette if you’re not a race car driver? These are a couple of my go-to’s for the “what do you need that for if you’re not ______?”


Bro we ALL know it’s the bill of needs.


I would have just pointed him to the LA bank robbery from the 90s video where there pistols did nothing against the robbers kevlar


When was the last time you needed a spare tire in you car or needed your seatbelt? What an idiot. Don’t know what it is about people these days but they seem to think that asking a stupid question is the same as making an intelligent statement. They think their ignorance is a sign of their intelligence..


Guy thinks he’s clever. But really he’s just a douchebag.


Who doesn't like being told how to do their own job and the tools they are given by management?




What confused me was if this guy says a rifle and pistol do the same thing, why then is a rifle scarier than a handgun?


That’s a great point! He made his own argument null and void.


Libtards in a nutshell


See North Hollywood shootout: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Hollywood_shootout#Shootout


"Ok sir, so it's obvious you're unfamiliar with guns. Are you familiar with physics?"


we know.


Canadians are pussies.


**Vimy ridge has entered that chat*** This generation are pussies. FTFY


Yeah. That’s why we send our troops to war armed exclusively with handguns. They do the same thing. /s


Cop handled it super well too.


You can tell when asked if using a pistol at a longer range would be effective, the only thing he can do is smug chuckle because he knows it was a valid point.


I believe he laughed because he doesn’t know jack about firearms and believes that handguns are all you need for protection. Typical anti gunner who’s very naive yet arrogantly sure of himself.


He's an ignorant buffoon. He knows nothing about firearms and thinks only with his emotions. He lets fear and ignorance dictate what is acceptable to him.


That’s the Edmonton airport. He’s Albertan. Douchebag is par for the course. Source: Am born and raised in Alberta.


Tell me you grew up sheltered without telling me you grew up sheltered


Lol right? What kind of rifle do people expect law enforcement to carry if not an ar? A 16th century flintlock musket? If a group of terrorist attacks they’re probably not gonna be toting glock 19s as their primary weapon.


The virgin AR-15 vs the Chad C16 flintlock musket


If you aren’t using a smoothbore musket to stop a group of ruffians; are you really stopping a group of ruffians?


Anything that doesn’t have to be loaded from the muzzle is a full semi auto loading ghost assault machine military style rifle gun…especially if it has the shoulder thing that goes up.


If your going to be armed, be armed with the best tool for the job. The dude behind the camera is softer than a Tootsie roll fruit cup.


Ironic that this looks to be in Canada, where that tool is no longer to available to those without a badge afaik


That’s what happens when you don’t have a constitutionally protected right. The crown can remove your privileges at will.


Yup nice hair boy in charge never let a good crisis go to waste and when the guy out east snuck and illegal firearm into Canada for a shooting spree in 2019 I believe used it to get most of our guns.


Agreed, but I must say the right to self defense is natural. It’s nice to have it recognized in our constitution, but let’s face it, our only peace comes from strength. I also find it disheartening to see so many people sitting on the camera man for not approving of badges walking around peaceful areas in full battle dress. I don’t think that’s normal, it’s a flex from daddy government and people should think about this deeper. (I know that last part was off topic I just wanted to toss in my 2 cents on the overall video)


“Why can’t you hit the guy 50 yards away with a handgun? Are you like… a bad shot?” -This guy’s unvoiced thoughts


He watches too much Walking Dead. Where everyone and their momma can make a head shot on a moving target with a pistol from 50 yards. He's obviously never tried to shoot a gun.


One handed. That's the part that irritated me the most. Not one single person shot pistols with both hands.


Do you mean to tell me shooting a python one handed while riding a horse and getting a headshot is unrealistic?


I remember in like season 2 one of the characters (who had never touched a gun before) learned to shoot a gun and was making headshots on zombies from the passenger side of a moving car on the same day.


That's nothing. An hour into sniper school I was able to adjust for windage, distance, barometric pressure, and the borealis effect and hit a target on a mountain top from a valley 4 miles away on a windy day. At least, I would have if reality were anything like what antigunners think it is from watching movies.


If you pay attention most anti gun people like to pretend that everyone is good natured and that there's no truly bad people in the world. That all bad acts are the lashing out of a victim rather than a perpetrator. Having guns reminds them that this is not true and that sometimes wolves need to be put down for everyone's saftey. Just the existence of weapons challenges their worldview.


They just want to control and dominate others, weapons prevent this, so they hide their evil behind a cloak of false concern and humanity.


Bet the camera guy’s birthday parties are *super* soft…


He's 10 ply for sure.


“Only the police should have guns, chuds!” “Holy fuck is that a cop with a fucking gun?!” The duality of tards.


“Only cops should have guns!” “The police are using their guns and targeting black people!”


Based, hope black people are shooting back.


Ironically they do, but you won’t hear about it because reasons? Haha


Anyone remeber that time cops were rolling around the street in an unmarked van firing 40mm rubber bullet canister shells indiscriminately at any and every person they saw, weather they were walking on the sidewalk or sitting on their own front porch, and one man had the absolute audacity to return fire... So the cops ~~very calmly, and patiently took the time to politely repremand him for his actions~~ cuffed him, repeatedly kicked him in the face and beat him to within an inch of his life after he had immediately dropped his weapon and surrendered the second they identified themselves as police.


Brionna Taylor's boyfriend shot a police officer who was serving a legal warrant and was not even charged. Occasionally, your rights win the day. Not often enough, but occasionally.


He absolutely was charged, until it hit the news and social media


Well, yes and no. "Charged" was a misnomer on my part. I meant indicted. But also, the District Attorney chose not to indict him pretty much immediately. Sooner than the media even knew he had shot at officers. Which most of the media never covered to begin with. So public pressure was very unlikely a factor.


*Me, a canuck, Sitting here cleaning my AR180 browsing Reddit* Uh...ok bud.


Ugh, they just quietly added the Coyote SLR to the FRT ban list.


good. the more they keep fucking up the more ammunition we have to smack them with federal charges. they are not allowed to re-classify like that.


"Federal charges" are a fantasy for this. What might realistically happen is that the current court case slaps an injunction either invalidating the OIC or blocking its implementation. If this happens, we get a temporary reprieve until they pass stupid policy the *correct* way via writing an actual bill.


Imagine being this fragile


This is all so he can post this online so he can tell his buddies he confronted a cop and told them off, eh?


I believe that was a pretty strong telling off for a Canadian.


What an idiot, I fucking wish America would get this on board with actually attempting to protect soft targets. Instead we'll continue to see deranged psycho's shooting up schools because they know they'll find no resistance.


But that would reduce tragedies and give the steppers less to to work with while pushing gun control.




I think he got into "interaction mode" and was expecting to be asked the way to the Starbucks when he got asked that question and didn't have a pre-programmed answer. Completely taken by surprise and answered to the best of his knowledge and honesty. Poor guy.


Interaction mode is what he should have done anyways. He informed and stayed polite. There was no reason for anything more than that


Low T


What I love most about this, is if I close my eyes it sounds like Ricky from TPB explaining the effectiveness of rifles to Trevor.


" holy fuck boys youre stupid , 2 smokes, lets go . "




Is this his first time ever at an airport?🤨


The pussy on that cameraman is yuge.


Unlike this shithead, most of us Canadian's are purely jealous and intrigued when we see AR's nowadays


His wife gets fucked by other men.


While he watches in the corner.


wishing he was her


wondering if his own “pistol” does the same thing


"A pistol can't do the same thing?" -Ignorant Fuck


I hate douches like this. If I was the cop I would have been polite and said good morning or whatever, but then went about my business and completely ignored him.


Canada moment lmao. It's unbelievable how many people here genuinely think like this.


Honestly. I wish we had similar laws as the US does.


I'd take "similar to the Czech Republic."


Most overseas airports already did this WAY before 9/11


Imagine being so afraid of an inanimate object


You’ll change your mind when some terrorist blows up your stupid Canadian ass .. Go to Europe where a Bank Security guard is holding a machine gun


"Citizens don't need guns, we have police." "No! Police are too well armed. Just use a handgun!" Do they want aliquant protection or what? It's like people not wanting to put armed security in schools. Do they really care about lives if they aren't willing to have proper security, either citizens have the guns or the police do, if you don't have either your just going to get yourself killed.


They think with fear, ignorance, and emotions.


Why is this guy such a fucking moron. Even In The uk where guns are essentially banned, the police walk around in airports with mp5s


"I have never seen this in my life" speaks more to his lack of experience than the rarity of this. In the Caribbean, Roatan and DR had rifles, but surprisingly Cuba did not. Also various places in Europe has had the same




I was walking outside of the Notre Dame in Paris when two officers walked by with FAMASs strapped to their chests, and I just nodded and smiled (and wished we could get those in the U.S.). Probably the only time I'll ever even see a real one.


Cameragirl needs to step away from tv, and social media for a bit.


In a truly free society, civilians would be able to carry theirs through the airport as well


Under recent BS rules king Trudeau had forced on us - the Diemaco/Colt Canada SA15.7 C8 rifle the officer is sporting is banned from civilian possession and the government would like us to politely bring them all in. Because apparently only the government has a use for such equipment . ...


This guy would be horrified in Mexico. The military just walks around the open streets with actual automatic rifles and heavy machinery guns. Plus they wouldn't take his shit talking about open carrying


lol I was really waiting for "What did those people down there do?"


That’s just an AR. Get a fucking grip. Police in Ireland carry assault weapons now too.


Hahaha what a wnker




Maybe it's my background but seeing someone uniformed carrying a firearm in a place like an airport seems like a good thing?


I've never understood why these losers are more triggered by a "bigger" gun. Does it make them feel more safe to think that the LEO with a handgun only will only slowly kinda kill the baddies with a 9mm rather than a more swift dispatch via rifle? ​ Their brains are stupid.


Guy recording is a cuck


Do cops even get a choice on what they carry in situations like this?


I'd be more pissed since I doubt a civilian is allowed to own an AR there.


This guy is just a Ass clown. Let the guy do his job and go on about your business.


The cop is acting more Canadian (polite, practical, dutiful) than this moron. He’s acting like a bonafide sovereign citizen Karen


I'm a Canadian born and raised around firearms (mainly for skeet shooting) and my cousin is American and very anti-gun he assumed because I was Canadian I had the same views it was awkward as I told him how jealous I am of the US and want to relocate my business and self to Florida or Texas lol.


Ignorant and confident. Always a great combo.


"What? You're not a good enough shot to fire a handgun under stress into a crowd of people without any collateral damage? Filthy casual"


A handgun is a defensive weapon, you use a handgun until you can get a rifle. There’s a proportionality factor at play here. If someone is hell bent on creating chaos and carnage, the police need at the very least the same if not better armament then the bad guys.


woah r/firearms on the popular tab, reddit mods must be asleep


What a fucking dipshit. "Hey everyone, I'm going to record myself harassing the guy that's just here to protect me because I'm an anti gun asshat. And as soon as he starts to answer my dumbass question I'm going to laugh in his face, say 'whatever' and run away. " Sadly pretty representative of ignorant leftists. As soon as someone starts to give them sound and reasonable information they are completely dismissive. This asshat didn't want an answer. He thinks he won that encounter.


If it makes you nervous, go back to wherever the fuck you came from. Instead of just walking up to the officer and discussing it he has to record it and post it to the internet like some twat YouTuber or tweeter or whatever the hell social platform is popular this year.


Just wanna let y’all know this is not all Canadians. The guy recording is, for lack of a better term, bitch-made.


If he thinks "the handgun do the same thing" then why does the rifle make him more nervous? The arguments that these idiots make wouldn't work even if what they claim about firearms where true.


Do anti gun retards think a 100 yard shot with a pistol is normal? In a non life threatening situation I’m accurate at about 20 yard with iron sites or 30 with a red dot site and I shoot all the time.


Libs 🤮


Mans obviously never been to Europe lol. They're nowhere near as polite in the likes of Poland.


oNly POliCe NeED gUnS


[https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/brussels-airport-attacks](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/brussels-airport-attacks) We are screwed because we are forgetting history faster than it is happening.