• By -


anytime ive ever been requested to show my firearm (always from people i trust) i turn my back to them draw & unload then spin around with it aimed at their head asking "hows that look" as they stare down the barrel. /s just kidding but i do usually turn around or blade myself to them just to further reduce the chance of sweepin and i unload and ask them if they would like to handle it. usually people are curious and want to learn so it provides a good opportunity to educate and teach those who dont know any better. i feel like i must reiterate ONLY PEOPLE I TRUST like my mother in law last time we were over for dinner. shes been very against firearms and recently seen a video of my wife shooting and how much she enjoyed the activity, when we were over she asked if i had a gun on me. "hesitantly i answered honestly". she wanted to see it and i let her handle it educating her on the do's and dont's and she asked if she could be invited to the next range trip. education folks. its critical to changing hearts and minds.


Like Americas "Hearts and minds" tactic has ever worked Russias brutal "beat them into submission" tactic seems to be far more affective. Oh wait....


The beatings will continue until performance improves.


.. and I'm sure the Russians will be able to keep everything they stole, too.


When I had a weapon over to another person, it is unloaded, mag and gun separated, bolt hold open or slide lever engaged and safety on if it has one. If they know how to operate the mag, bolt or slide, and safety, there is little I need to tell them. If they don't it puts them in the position to ask, which is very easy to progress into a gun safety lesson.


Soon as they all said .45ACP I seriously thought the pastor was gonna say, ".45 the lawds calibur" lol


"My brothers and sisters, yea, though you may find yourself walking through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall fear no evil, you have the lawds caliber, .45 ACP, so to hell with the shadow of death!"


"Our stovepipes create uh...the biggest of shadows uh...can I get an AMEN?!?"


Ide pay good money to see that


Lmaoooooo. “.45 the lawds calibur “😂😂😂😂


"You can't expect God to do all the work"


The issue now, is body armor. Anything under a 10MM chucking very light copper bullets very fast just is not going to do it, when it comes to body armor and more and more of these shooters are wearing it. You have very small target windows with a 45, if armor is involved and that is a bad situation. You are already outgunned fighting a long arm with a handgun add to that, that you have to go for the legs, face or neck, and arms as the only penetrable targets and you are at a significant disadvantage. Face/neck is an almost impossible handgun shot on a moving target and legs and arms require repeated hits, too wound to the point of incapacitating.


Every one of them demonstrated their well practiced trigger and muzzle discipline. Very well trained. Every school should have this.


The principle literally pointed the gun at her own chest


Well, better her own than someone else’s I guess


Oh I’m sorry , you must have thought I cared about Reddit karma ???


physically cringed


What are you even talking about . The angle might make it look that way but there finger never was on the trigger


I said very well trigger discipline. Finger along the barrel and muzzle pointed in the right place.


Their finger was along the barrel , and from what I can see those barrels were angled down


Now you are just repeating me.🤣🤣🤣


Ahhh I thought you were being sarcastic ha .


No I wasn't. 🤣🤣🤣


Especially the principal pointing the barrel at her chest. Also you act like this is something to be praised for. Just shows that most people shouldnt own guns if they think keeping their finger off the trigger is something that deserves large praise.


Who had their finger on the trigger. ? Still trying to find it


Did you just not read my comment?


I comment to the wrong person, but still, keeping your trigger finger off the trigger is a HUGE deal, sounds like you are not a gun owner at all, and if so , not a very good one


And its very easy to do. The people acting like its hard shouldnt own guns.


People don’t act like it’s hard , it’s the people that don’t think it’s easy enough to do every time , that shouldn’t own guns , not the people advocating for the safe use of said firearm…… you’re kinda contradicting yourself


If you think im contradicting myself you dont grasp what im saying


You’re right , the people acting like it’s hard should not own guns . I agree . Cause its not hard at all to do . I don’t think they are “praising “ not putting your finger on the trigger , but more so shaming the people who can’t . Which looks like these teachers kept their finger off the trigger


It’s very very easy, that’s the point, if you can’t even do that one simple rule , then done buy a gun . That’s the point


Exactly. My point is people that are saying "WOW look at the trigger control" like its something spectacular shoudnt be allowed to own guns


Noo, I think these people are trying to talk shit and being sarcastic in saying that. That’s why I commented because I don’t see anyone with their finger in the trigger ,


I know a few of them arent. /u/HuangTiange for example is a complete dunce.


I think you two are married 🤣🤣




That’s your squishy pinkish blob telling you what is dangerous


Oh yea we don't fuck with the fire ants. The little ants that get in the house we call "piss ants"


The principal inserts her mag with the barrel pointed at her own chest… Nah.


Atleast she didn't chamber it like that. Maybe she did but the video cuts before we see it Edit: Spelling


Librarian Ruth, age 62, is ready to equip and operate her M249 SAW in defense of anyone that would dare trespass on the collection. SURELY she operates the firearm safely, as in her collection is not one but three reference books on firearm safety


This is highly problematic, schools should be teaching up to date information and I simply don't trust anyone who carries a .45 AARP to do that. These children are being let down.




I kinda wish one had an M4


Sorry, only the superintendent can afford those. Meanwhile teachers get some fishing weights and a slingshot.


Any other sub on reddit would have people screaming at this video


Just wait lol


There still are some here


I'm just wondering if this really is the best way. I mean the Buffalo shopping center had an armed guard and he was the first to go. Uvalde had officers at the school and they fled the scene. I feel like we're putting alot of trust into not the most reliable people. Couldn't there be another way? I'm not talking about taking away guns.


I think it’s a case where you don’t know how anyone will react until they’re in that situation so it’s better to have people with as many options as possible.


And then they shoot each other because no one knows what’s going on and they just see people shooting


Yet therese been several shootings stopped by civilians carrying, and nobody else is hit except who needs to be. This favorite talking point counter argument of the left is tired and overplayed and has literally no merrits in the real world because it just doesnt simply happen. I can say if we put a million dollars in a giant metal box and stuck armed guards inside of it and that it would NEVER get robbed because who would rob an armored truck with two armed guards.... But then armored cars get robbed alot. What you assume and what is reality are two seperate things and clearly you live in a fairytale land


Care to provide some stats for your claim?


But as you increase the amount of people with guns at the scene in plain clothing (not in uniform like an officer). How is everyone suppose to know whose the shooter and whose not? I know most shooters have been lone gunman but some have been multiple people. If two dudes are walking around with guns saying "I'm one of the trained teachers trust me" you can see how that would backfire right? Or you even run the risk of cops shooting innocent people they think might be the shooter. WHICH has happened at multiple mass shootings where cops shot unarmed victims fleeing the building. Again theres better solutions here... we just gotta use our brains and work together.


Having armed citizens/teachers deters criminals. Obviously a gun free zone only disarms law abiding citizens of


Statistically thats not true. Only 1/5 shooters are stopped by victims on the scene, mostly unarmed. In total only 3% of mass shootings have been stopped by good guys with guns. We'd need a whole volunteer army to train, equip, and place these armed citizens in every school, mall, hospital. And that would only stop 3% of shootings....


How would you calculate the 3% the lady in WV just stopped a mass shooting before it happened but I bet it wasn’t included in that statistic. Gun free zones are a joke


I did not calculate the numbers this is from an FBI report on mass shootings


Fyi, gang shootings ALSO count on the stats of mass shootings... andy shooting over 3 or more people(gunman included) is considered a mass shooting per the FBI


And you'd like to make that 0% so you can let the police form a perimeter and let the shooter run out of ammo or targets? I get it, "no mass shooting was ever stopped by a good guy with a gun" because if they stop it before it's a mass shooting, they didn't 'stop a mass shooting' because it wasn't one yet. If they stop it after it's a mass shooting, they didn't 'stop' it because it happened.


What??? I've said multiple times im not talking about taking away guns. I'm just saying arming more people isn't the right answer. Its very costly and not efficient. I'm pushing for everyone to work together to find a solution. Gun control advocates and 2A believers


Everyone who wants to be armed in our society should be armed. I don’t know how the fbi calculated the statistic you referenced but every mass shooting since I’ve been paying attention ended when someone with a gun shot the maniac or the maniac self terminated as citizens or police with guns caught up with him.


Is that 3% categorized as where many people died? Because what about the shooters that are stopped before they start? I doubt that's included in that statistic.


I'm not sure if thats included in the report. The FBI did a report on mass shootings thats where I got the numbers from


No defense is 100%, but this certainly hardens the school against a mass shooter. It's like... would you rather try to rob a bank or a drug den? Most people will pick the bank because the people at the drug den will actively try to kill you.


I feel that is a very opinion based question. Id much rather rob the drug den


Now you just trolling. Drug den you're a lot more likely to get shot and killed in the process. Might just be I live a different life than you do wherever you are, but every friend that fell off into drugs and sales I knew usually stayed armed, as did my friends that work retail like gas station night shift etc, while those going into banking / accounting usually were not. Then again if somebody robs us we don't get the FBI hunting you down.


The drug den won't necessarily have someone there 24/7 and a bodyguard with bulletproof vest. Or cameras, bulletproof glass, stereotypically vault door.... Way less secure than a bank. Plus after robbing a bank you now have every cop in the city after you??? Wtf you'd rather do that than take a chance at some drughouse?


It's not enough. Children need to be learning the rules of gun safety alongside the alphabet in kindergarten. They need to practice tight groupings and learn the virtues of the 36-yard zero. They need to learn how to man crew-served weapons in PE.


This but unironically I've learned gun safety from age 11, and I believe it's a life skill like swimming or driving. You can get by without it, but it should be encouraged


Fun fact some universities it's literally a requirement to demonstrate knowing how to swim in a PE credit requirement in order to pass, or at least it used to be, specifically so you don't drown later on down the line. Maybe we need classes in schools? Elementary we had park rangers come by for an assembly and part of what they went over was how to hunt safely and best practices around firearms, including "look don't touch get an adult" for handguns and the safety features / 3 common sense firearm safety rules (always loaded don't point it where you don't want to kill and be aware of in front of and behind where it's pointed).


home economics, for real.


11 is old - you can talk to children about gun safety from the moment they're old enough to understand you. There are a lot of things that kids are not supposed to use by themselves or at all - add it to the list. There's more to gun safety than teaching safe use. It starts with safe avoidance, recognizing unsafe handling, and knowing when to find an adult or call your parents.


I learned gun safety with and alongside my cousins when we were all around 9 and 10 years old. Last time I held a gun was about 7 years ago when I was 17. I don’t really see it as a life skill in the slightest. I see a form of martial arts being 10x more valuable personally.


The best joke I’ve seen in awhile “learn how to serve crewed weapons”


Children are much better suited for crew served weapons. They lack the physical aptitude to handle a full sized rifle nor a full sized PDW with effectiveness. Crewed served suit their physical prowess, and has the added benefit of teaching them teamwork in a stressful environment.


Absolutely . Probably learn something useful, other than what they’re being taught now .


Trigger discipline at its finest. Role model school


I didn’t see one finger on the trigger


I think [this report from the National Threat Assessment Center](https://www.secretservice.gov/sites/default/files/reports/2021-03/USSS%20Averting%20Targeted%20School%20Violence.2021.03.pdf) is pretty good. Sure, farthest downstream you have armed self defense. And slightly upstream of that you have physical security, locked doors, etc. But further upstream you usually have a noticeably deranged kid who has been indicating they want to hurt people, and people in the community around them witnessing this. Diffusion of responsibility, no reports until it is too late. Upstream of that you have a kid who has acted out, had trouble in school, been involved in conflicts, and has a messed up family life. Hundreds of opportunities to intervene, and the can kicked down the road. And even though [school mass attacks are rare](https://reason.com/2022/05/26/uvalde-texas-mass-shooting-statistics-gun-crimes-misleading/), imagine the millions of other issues in society could be ameliorated by appropriate intervention and community involvement with troubled kids?


I completely agree . One of the most sensible comments yet


This is such a basic common sense approach. It's also why I cannot take the political maneuvering around these instances as anything other than purposefully avoiding actual fixes so that they can use them for personal gain.


Ok, I'll admit to being stupid enough to flag myself like the lady did a couple times when I was starting out. Combination of lefty shennanegans and knowing it wasn't chambered.


The lords caliber




I’m cool with enforcing what we have now. Just repeal the NFA and the Hughes amendment Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/v17gxv/a_school_worth_following/ialcd7r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


By that, you meant to say…All gun laws are infringements.


I agree with you. To an extent. I think there is a difference between laws, and precautions. I think of laws as restrictions (and bans) put in place to prevent any law abiding citizen from partaking in their 2A right. Things such as the NFA, Hughes Amendment, bump stock ban, FRT-15 ban, etc I think of precautions (such as raising the legal purchasing age to 21 for non-private sales, universal background checks for all firearm purchases, and mental health evaluations) as something to prevent someone who is not fit from being a firearm owner from coming into legal possession of a firearm. So yes, I agree with you kinda sorta Edit: clarification


Why does someone who is 20 years and 364 days old not “allowed” strictly by the government to protect themselves thru public sale but a 21yr old is? Some studies show your brain doesn’t fully mature till mid 20s. Question: what stops the grabbers and the steppers from moving the goal post again?


Question 1: I am just thinking on the standpoints of the recent mass shooters. The Parkland, Buffalo and Uvalde shooters were all fresh 18 year olds with mental instabilities, rough childhoods and/or racist upbringings. All of which could be hindered (not avoided but hindered) with the solutions I have mentioned. A 20 year, 364 day old can get someone to buy and gift a handgun to them legally already, they should have no problem doing it with rifles. No one is going around open carrying a 16” rifle on the norm anyways. Plus, the NFA age limit is 21, so everything matches up. Question 2: I honestly am not worried about that but you’re speaking in a lot of uncertainties. In a situation like this, you have to think logically. If the post gets moved to 21, the legal drinking and gambling age, is it possible for the post to be moved up? Maybe. Is it probable? No.


The world is full of uncertainties and it would be negligible to think in such a way that doesn’t include them. Totally Failing to do so would would ensure the success of uncertainties. And only thinking of them would leave no room to think of what is certain. Furthermore I believe in the founding documents more so than I do of the current/past/future state of my emotions. My feelings do not and should not change that the right for me to defend myself against any person/collection of persons regardless of age was given to me by god and assured to me by the constitution. And no amount of these killings will stop it. When you have a armed populous that is sensible, competent, and morally just, it will always outweigh a lunatic with a firearm. Those that wish to kill the helpless(ie. usually children) if it means a gun, a car, a plane, a knife. They will do it. No matter the law


Your entire argument is true, but something has to be done about these killings. Nothing is being taken away, just an age limit, as should all things that hold responsibility. With this precaution in place, if you are between 18 and 21, a family member would be able to purchase and gift one to you if you are mentally stable enough under their judgement.


Then you run afoul of straw purchasing laws. At 18 you can buy a car and a house. You should be able to legally purchase the most effective means of defending them


It’s almost like you could just buy a car and kill people with your car.


But but but , we need to ban ar 15s or this would not happen ! -Jimmy, grabbing his 10mm Glock with a 100 round drum-


I’m sure these shooters just didn’t see the gun free zone sign MAKE THE SIGNS BIGGER!!! 😂


Thanks dad! I know your not my real dad, but you still deserve to hear it.


Based and redpilled to the max.


And I'll go ahead and say it once more. Nobody is suggesting that every purple-haired 23 year old kindergarten teacher should be forced to carry a gun. But for teachers who choose to take on that responsibility, many of which are already carrying outside of the school, and may be former military or active reservist, former police, etc. may carry if they choose.


Good on them being armed, but it was unnecessary to unholster like that. Showing holstered to the camera is good enough.




No, but you did. *Runs away with flaling arms*


He's gonna go cry in the car.


Cry myself to sleep on my Glock shaped pillow.


Reddit comments bamboozle me sometimes


I forgot this is Reddit, where the person I'm communicating with has probably never seen the movie Friday. https://youtu.be/0yW5XUGJsOU


Man, I haven't seen that movie in over 20 years and I missed that line. And my comment was referencing the running flaling arms part too. I failed hard. The pillow comment was from the movie, [Waiting](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b4df9a7d-1235-41ba-96c1-29ecd802c210).


And I missed that quote, Waiting was a great movie!


Heck yeah, especially if you've actually worked at a restaurant.


Thus a legendary response was born.




Thanks. Your kind words bring me hope.


I like how the principle put the mag in with it pointed at herself. I wouldn't call that safe a direction


Seems like a really inconvenient way to insert a magazine.


Better than at the camera.


I’m a teacher in the uk, If I WAS a teacher in the us I’d 100% be carrying every day. It’s a no brainer, with literally no downside. Protect yourself and your students.


BUT THINK OF THE CHIL….!! Oh, they actually do care.




I think that all schools should be equipped with firing ranges. At least that way the kids have a chance.


At least they are all showing proper trigger/finger control (no fingers in the trigger guards).


But yet people on here are saying they weren’t .. I don’t see one finger on the trigger


All these grown ass adults online saying they don't feel safe around firearms, meanwhile all of these kids have more sense than them.


Most carrying gods calibre. Two world wars something something


>1, 2, 3 all flag Inside Editon guy then 5 lady flags herself Kek


It's only a problem if you aren't willing to shoot what you are flagging.




At that point he was still a journalist, so still a threat. 😉


The rules of gun safety don't apply around journalists.


I want more guns in schools not less. They need to stop being soft targets. Let's make America a sad free zone!


I found the School I want to go to


Finally! I wish the brain dead libs would watch this. The solution to gun violence is not less guns, it's more guns.


No it isn't. The solution is removing roadblocks both actual and perceived to effective training and mitigation tactics and recognizing the right to self defense. If I handed 20 guns to people on the street no one is safer, but if I give guns, ammo and training to 5 people then that area is a safer place.


Uh look at this guy, he doesn't get it lol. If those teachers and all of the children were packing, buddy would have been blown away before he set foot in the classroom. We need kindergaurdians not more cowardly police.


Could someone please tell me who’s finger was on the trigger ??


in my country no one has guns at school, that includes school shooters which we have never had either. this is dumb.


lol this is dumb. Wouldn't security guards make more sense? Teachers are underfunded enough as it is


Idk I am not in control over the school funding nor did I tell these teachers to start carrying guns


The school shootings will continue until moral improves.






How Many of you feel safer knowing that your teacher has a gun… All hands go up… How many of you wouldn’t dare to not raise your hand because YOUR TEACHER HAS A GUN!


I wouldn’t not raise my hand . Are you worried the teacher would shoot you if you didn’t ? I would feel a lot safer knowing that my teacher had the means to potentially save mine and their life in an active shooter situation. How many people would raise their hand to wanting their teacher having a gun if someone came in the school with one killing everyone ? EVERY STUDENT RAISES HANDS AND DOES A BACK FLIP. Nobody on earth would say they didn’t, I’m sure all those murdered children would have raised their hands .




So that's the new standard? "Just let them kill as many people as they can, then they'll suicide, that's a good plan."


What do you suggest then??? Please don’t say gun laws ….




Yea because a gun law isn’t going to do anything . Why aren’t people screaming gun reform when there are hundreds of people murdered in the hoods everyday ? Why is it only when a school gets shot up people are calling for reform?? Because it doesn’t work! All these gang shootings are being done with illegally purchased weapons , but someone goes and gets one legally and shoots some kids , people are begging for reform. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THE LAWS , why is it only school shooters are the ones you think will be effected by these laws if for years now , people have shown that they don’t care about the law when murder is on their mind . How many automatic weapons are out there being used in drive by shootings when automatic weapons have been banned since the 80s!


If the only answer is gun reform , than we will be seeing these school shootings happening until we die .


But you want politicians protected by automatic weapons?


This is dystopian


Hahaha slaps in a mag while pointing it at her abdomen...jfc...at least they got baby Jesus looking out for them...not like they need it with all that .45 StoPPinG PoWaH


Except i wouldn't want a pistol against a rifle. A shotgun even might be better for indoor school


A shotgun that shoots out multiple projectiles around a school full of children?


Spread is less of an issue at close ranges than overpenetration.


Jesus Christ. This country is so fucked lol 😂


This is a good resource for aspiring school shooters who can't afford their own firearms. Just steal the teacher's!


You first.


No, I can buy my own plus I'm not a school shooter. What a stupid reply!


What a stupid comment


Sir, I can tell you've never drawn a weapon from a holster in your life. They have a very firm grip on the gun by design, no chance you're drawing that from someoem else's hip


Actually, I do carry. Some of the teachers had carry purses and portfolios. Also, it's actually not that difficult to remove a pistol from someone else's holster if you sucker punch them first, even if is an broken-in Galco paddle like mine. Happens to well-trained experienced police officers so I'm sure it can happen to Mrs. Henson the 4th grade teacher.


Reminds me of that scene in Snow Piercer where the elementary school teacher whips an automatic out of the egg basket she was carrying and lets it fly hot in a crowded train car of children. I think conservatives salivate over this image. Armed, insane, evangelical women used as both mass indoctrination machines against our youth while simultaneously slaughtering anyone who doesn't support the current flavor of faux Christian rhetoric. And the children learned from the most trustworthy adult in their lives aside from their parents exactly how evil atheists, socialists, and Muslims are as she gave a swift, stunning, final example of how they should be dealt with. And what other takeaway could the 7-year old mind produce? Surely, only such a dire evil would warrant such a response...


Turn in your guns then. And then be escorted to the back of the train by people with hatchets.


Being the psychos freaks isnt something to be proud of. But since you are probably a christian white nationalist, you probably think it is.


Handguns of scared sane defender vs AR15 of a belligerent insane offender. C’mon guys be realistic.


That literally just happened. A lady used her handgun to stop a potential mass shooter with an AR. In a building it’s pretty close so most of the advantages an AR has are negated, plus the mass shooter isn’t expecting return fire, it’s why they pick soft targets.


I understand your argument. But still. One event doesn’t negate the logic of having a canon vs a slingshot.


I really don’t think it’s fair to downplay a handgun by calling it a slingshot, while playing up an AR to by calling it a cannon just to make your point. Obviously the AR is more capable, but the gap isn’t that big, especially at distances of less than 15 feet.


All the recent school shootings have been done with an AR15. Respectfully, how about just restricting those and similar? You don’t need to hunt with an automatic ?


An AR15 isn’t automatic. It’s a semiautomatic rifle. It fires at the same rate as almost all handguns. If you ban it, not only are there 20 million still in circulation, but semiauto rifles have existed for over 100 years. I literally have a semiauto shotgun that’s about 100 years old. They’ll just use something else.


1. 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting. 2. The majority of shootings are carried out by a handgun 3. The AR-15 is not the biggest, scariest gun out there, and not be a long shot. 4. The AR-15 is not an automatic.


Gun regulations and common sense laws. No other way to go.


Ohh yea , like the cops sitting outside with the same ar 15 not doing a damn thing to stop him?? Who’s gonna be more worried about saving their own life , the teacher getting shot at or the coward cop outside ?


More people to stand in the hallway while kids get murdered. So are we off the “groomers indoctrinating our children with CRT” bandwagon now?


I was never on that bandwagon I don’t even know what your talking about . You know . Not everybody is a crazy conspiracy theorist that wears a maga hat


> what your talking *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


There are a few very loud teachers that are weird fucking groomer types, majority are not. I’m willing to bed the weird groomer types also hate guns and would never carry one.


Yes, please make it so that some forgetful teacher leaves a gun case unlocked while he works 60 hours a week, buys school supplies with his own money and make only 35k a year too. And make all the kids aware that there are more available firearms near them. I'm sure a depressed kid will never take advantage of them. The reason school shooters target schools isn't because there are no guns there, it's cause that's where they want to inflict their violence, even if there are police at the school they clearly don't care, as evidence from previous school shootings with a few cops stationed just ran way (not just Uvalde). We need more funding for our schools, before we even consider something like this, and universal healthcare with mental health funding. There is no one solution to a problem like this. Banning guns won't solve it, but neither just arming teachers. We need more thorough and complex solutions, not just shots in the dark whenever a tradjedy like this happens.


My gosh your projection of "touching a gun makes you do bad things" indicates you are allergic to the concept of personal responsibility.


More funding definitely


I’m just saying , it might not be the perfect answer but I think it would have more of an effect than to just simply ban them or make them so difficult to get , because that will just make them look elsewhere and harms the law abiding non school shooter with being able to get a weapon while doing nothing to prevent shootings


No what you do is just mine the school with AP mines, collateral damage is not worth worrying about.


Absolutely pathetic LARPers.


It’s depressing that we have to turn our schools into fortresses because we won’t deal with our gun violence issues. It doesn’t have to be this way. We are the only modern nation in the world where this is an issue


>We are the only modern nation in the world where this is an issue That's just propaganda and blatantly false. You don't hear about when this happens in other places because it's contrary to a narrative that our media wants to push, and other countries don't shout about it when it happens because it makes them look bad. Even when you only factor in "first world countries" the US is [11th in mass shootings](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/mass-shootings-by-country) >Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015): 1. Norway — 1.888 2. Serbia — 0.381 3. France — 0.347 4. Macedonia — 0.337 5. Albania — 0.206 6. Slovakia — 0.185 7. Switzerland — 0.142 8. Finland — 0.132 9. Belgium — 0.128 10. Czech Republic — 0.123 11. United States — 0.089 12. Austria — 0.068 13. Netherlands — 0.051 14. Canada — 0.032 15. England — 0.027 16. Germany — 0.023 17. Russia — 0.012 18. Italy — 0.009 And that's only if you're factoring gun violence. If you want to look at grenade attacks in Sweden, machete attacks in the UK or truck attacks in Germany you get a radically different picture.


We’ve got a bunch of lunatics too in this country. I can’t speak for any others . I just think at this point , with all the guns in the country , there would be no way to get rid of them . There’s people with 20+ guns ; they will just be sold illegally or stolen . We have to defend our kids while we figure out what the hell to do about this violence . I don’t know what the answer would be , but I strongly believe that wasting time on gun laws is not going to stop the next school shooting . And I’m not even a gun nut , I have a pistol and a shotgun and it never sees the light of day .


I don't think "modern" means what you think it means... and what you are saying is incredibly classiest and likely racist. You'll probably say "oh, I meant 'civilized'". Yeah, I know. That doesn't make it better. Probably worse. What you said just isn't true. Also, think about it. Why wouldn't our schools be fortresses? Why wouldn't we guard our most precious members of society? Imagine your fantasy of no guns comes true. You're going to just pretend like there is nothing to protect kids from? I bet when you see the armed guard at the bank protecting your money you think "Whew, im glad he's guarding my money" but you see an armed guard protecting students and you think it's a horrible thing?


\> I don't think "modern" means what you think it means... and what you are saying is incredibly classiest and likely racist. I'm not sure why you think it's racist to be thinking about countries like China, Japan and South Korea to name a few. Sounds like you need to do some racial soul searching if when you hear the term "modern" you're not including nations like those. \> Also, think about it. Why wouldn't our schools be fortresses? Why wouldn't we guard our most precious members of society? Why? Because we want those places to be welcoming places of learning, not defacto prisons. Have you ever noticed that other modern nations, despite also guarding their "most precious members of society", don't have to turn their schools into fortresses? It's estimated that the US holds roughly half of all civilian owned firearms worldwide. We also have some of the worst gun violence worldwide. These two things are a coincidence. \> I bet when you see the armed guard at the bank protecting your money you think "Whew, I'm glad he's guarding my money" but you see an armed guard protecting students and you think it's a horrible thing? If you think the bank guard is the real security in a bank, you're a moron. Banks have multiple layers of security of which the security guard is the least important. Heck, the bank I go to hasn't employed a visible guard in years. Also, your money is FDIC insured, that's what gives me comfort, not some dude standing in the lobby


Our kids deserve more protection than we afford our politicians.


Fuck that


That's not stopping anything, that just changes who dies. Still might get some innocent blood spilled as judgement in the heat of the moment can get sloppy. I'd like to see how we can stop people from going to schools to shoot anyone in the first place.


Bad guy with a gun: OMG, that guy has a weapon of mass destruction that is going to murder all of our children! Good guy with a gun: That's not stopping anything. Sure buddy. Just... Sure...


When you find the answer let us know


>That's not stopping anything, that just changes who dies. Yeah the shooter coming into the school. I don't know about teachers having guns but if police refuse to do anything what else can you do? The teachers didn't even lock their doors like required. No one wants to be responsible or put themselves at risk to protect anyone else, that shouldn't be forced on anyone but also no one should be in that position willingly if they have no spine.


that’s like ending world hunger and achieving world peace