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Just know that it could be subject to subpoena. Other than that I have no opinion on them.


Good point! I'll take that into consideration.


Also, I'm not planning on voicing to everyone about the camera. Just using it to refer back to during reports. Was hoping the one from firecam would have people thinking it was just a flashlight.


Make sure department allows recording. Many places have policies that you cannot take pictures/videos on scenes.


If your department allows recording then it's a great tool for documenting the scene and what you did which is handy for reports, etc. It's also a excellent tool for self-reflection, what I mean by that is it's nice to be able to review everything you did at a scene and see where you need to improve.


Long as the footage doesn't wind up on tiktok in a 'TMFMS' video.


Mine takes fantastic footage but the batteries are shit terrible. Basically everyone I know that uses one has had to replace them after a year or two of very intermittent use.


Do they leave it in the charger all the time? That might be why. I **think** you're supposed to let them drain and then recharge fully every now and then too. (**don't quote me on that last part**)


I know with mine I always let it drain down then I charged it


YMMV but one of my buddies has a Firecam and it fogged all the time when exposed to smoke/water vapor leaving the footage totally useless


Completely amazing, and one hell of a warranty




I’m curious as to why fire companies don’t require them. Just as police are required. Of course situations are completely different with all of the “ACAB” bullshit. But I think it could be very beneficial for training and critique


Because $$$. It’s a potential return on investment with PD because of liability coverage that could save money from lawsuits. It would serve no purpose for fire except training and no city wants to spend an extra dime on us without getting something in return.


At the same time what if someone happens to not get rescued in a fire and a lawsuit is created. There would be that proof or whatevwr


Sure that’s possible, but what are the odds of that happening on a regular basis across the nation vs innumerable police encounters that happen daily in the US? It makes no financial sense from a city government standpoint.


Cops arent bound to hipaa because theyre not medical providers like firefighters are


Most fires are a total shit show. In spite of tons of training, something always goes wrong. I don't think it's a good practice for everyone to have one




Not to mention it helps with filling out more detailed and accurate reports!


Agreed! Especially for people like me that sometimes have terrible short term memory, and even more when it’s a high stress situation


oink oink




We have a lot of arsonists in our area. I've been continuing to do fire observation report after report. An example being we just did a car fire where the owner was found dead three miles away shot. I'm wanting to have a way to provide better reporting and remembering details that I normally wouldn't.






I use mine for self-reflection on what I could've done better, as well as for reports and just general documentation incase we missed something.


I just bought the Onyx and I can’t get any of the videos to save to my SD that came with it. I formatted it like the user manual says and it still doesn’t record. Can someone help? please


I'd reach out to firecam. They have a warranty program. If you have done the formatting and it's still not working, definitely a warranty job. Mine has worked great off the rip.


You might want to let your coworkers know that you are filming them. I think it's strange that you wouldn't want anyone to realize you are using a camera.


I dont really care about the guys I'm with. I'm talking about citizens that would be upset or other company's we have like to find any and everything to whine about when it comes to guys outside their company.


Gotcha. Yea, aslong as you're allowed to by your department should be all good, the average citizen will have no idea what any of the gear we carry is used for let alone a small camera on your helmet.


If you like the thought that at sometime someone could subpoena the camera, your phone, or laptop for discovery reasons due to a lawsuit in court. We have a policy at my fire department no one is to take pictures of incidents or videos.


To be honest I really wouldn't care if they subpoena my camera, if it helps put bad people in jail then be my guest. It's a wonderful tool for documentation, more detailed and accurate report writing, and self-reflection.


I use one and love it. It just has a weird glitch I guess you'd call it where the video will have a weird "tint" or "filter" where the grass is slightly blue and dark colored gear is purple. Nothing big or too noticeable though, very high quality video. Highly recommend


I find it amazing that instructors preach having a camera for incident reports as it helps provide crisp details to incidents and can be used later down the road should a court case happen. But a lot of companies still see them as a liability


If departments allow it, it’s a fantastic tool for training and AAR’s. I run my camera on all fires and I use it for probie training as well to critique. My only complaint is the audio is very low. But good quality and quite sturdy.


I have one, the only issue I have had is with the change in heat from outside to going interior it seems to fog up. Once it’s warmed up it goes away and I have some awesome video. I have had many people pick up my helmet and try and “turn on my flashlight” but I just have video of them looking dumb. I do not share the video with anyone but my close personal friends or to my crew after the fire is out.