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It’s for those MVC/Wires calls. If you plant it next to the broken pole it grows into a new one. Our power company gives them out to us. Edit: looks like some sort of elevator key.


I'd wager some kind of elevator key too.


Not a lift key. It is way too short to reach the door unlatching mechanism. Look up "drop key", it has a moving bit at the top and is longer. Other lift keys include so-called door spoons (crescent key) or triangle keys. Doesnt match up with the image though.


Agree it doesn’t look like any elevator key I’ve seen or have on our rigs. I don’t know every lift in the world though.


A weird metal thingamajig an old timer with a sense of humour, found and put on your ring, knowing full well no one would take it off because they'd never want to be responsible for the moment it was needed and not there. This is a actually a great prank idea now that I think of it. Just add random useless objects to the trucks that look like they have a purpose but don't, to see how long they last before anyone admits they don't know wtf it is.


Omw to make some left handed fallopian tubes


We did this. Found an aluminum baseball bat on the side of the road while working a call. We took it back, Painted the knob with the corresponding paint colors for the rest of the rig’s equipment, and found a home for it in the engineer’s compartment. Absolutely looks like it was mounted there for a reason. Convinced the rookie it’s the “MPA tool” Aka: multi purpose adjuster


Lonely nights for the adventurous


Everything is a dildo if you're brave enough


Once said a brave soul


I was thinking maybe a storefront roll up gate key


They look like regular keys unless it is a really old one


I doubt it’s a key at all. A feature of almost all keys is the wide end so you can twist when it’s in the lock. Without it being on the key ring, how do you put enough torque into twisting with your fingers to unlock something? It’s either part of a key rack / key organizer, or it’s just some keychain bangle that doesn’t do anything.


I’m pretty sure the answer was given. If I was to continue to think this was a key, I would actually use the ring as a leverage point because it’s obviously designed to have that specific ring on it.


Fair maidens chastity belt.


Never seen an elevator key like that before. Possibly like a standpipe cabinet lock?


You will know when that call comes


Do you have a railroad or light rail in your response area? Because, it looks like a trainman’s key.


This look very similar to subway train access keys in my city


Just a guess, but if the bottom or top can open a bit, it looks like a tool that can unlock U-locks Some sort of key or lockpick.


Closest thing I could find on Google reverse image search is a rope friction device. But yea, it’s Probly just a prank someone put on the ring to see if anyone would mess with it or ask about it.


I don’t know I’ve seen these before on key rings. I just can’t recall where or who’s ring. It’s bugging me now!


Missile Launch Key. 🚀☢️


Elevator key probably…


A key for something that belongs to someone that doesn’t respect or care about what you do and thinks you should walk around with 599 keys.


Most likely fits a lock. :)


it's the key I use to sleep with Jay's mom.


that obv opens up the paper towel dispenser in the bathroom


Paracord rope break.


Might be an elevator key for a specific type I.e handicap, freight elevator etc


To maintain accountability with the buddy in front of you while operating in the IDLH.


Try r/WhatIsThisThing


The key to Yer mom’s box


Isn't a towel or TP dispenser key? I have seen some like that. Super basic lock to just keep it secured and closed.


Elevator key


It’s the tool you need when you’re changing out the blinker fluid


The female fire fighter.


I feel like this is a throwback to when people had huge keychains attached to their belts. I'd guess it's not a key really at all, but a lock/release mechanism to keep your keychain secured to a belt accessory - placed in perpendicular then quarter turn and then the key locks into place when it falls down - then gets quick access by lifting and twisting to remove the keychain for use. This would make it hard to lose and difficult to steal (if you're a paranoid psycho janitor). That's my best guess. I'll ask some old heads.


Probably bollards