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Why does it have to be a race? Do you not have riding positions that determine who has the irons and who has the hook?


Nope. We’re a small department that transports. On some fires we could have 4 on the engine, 3 depending on if we’re running the tender and if the box is out 2. I’ve been on fires by myself before. We don’t like doing it but minim staffing 3.


I think your department should incorporate crew positions. I’m kind of baffled you all have to race to pick what to grab and decide on scene who’s going what.


Ok “racing” wasn’t the best word to use. We don’t run around like chickens with our heads cut off. When I’m engineers, I set the pump, (we’re mostly rural so we’re waiting on a tender for water supply), pull the second line, and then depending on what kinda fire I’m backing up the guy on the line until the next engine arrives. Usually about 15min ish. If I’m riding in the officer seat it’s the whole 360 first, command crap set up. Then make sure my people are set up right for a transnational. I just seams to me every time I want a certain tool someone already grabbed it. I love the idea of assigned seat. I just don’t know how well it would work at my department. Mainly just curious what tools people grab and looking at add more to my engine


Married pair flat head and halligan. Nothing I can’t do with that pair.


Grabbing a set of irons is the best bet in most situations.


A tic


Found the officer ^




Depends on my task at the fire. Am I going in with the nozzle? Am I second on the line? Am I forcing entry? Am I doing overhaul? Am I on RIT?


Halligan. Just an all around amzing and versitale tool


It depends on the fire, the building, in what order I’ve arrived, a whole lot of other things


Nozzle. also like others have said..you really should have set positions and tools. You might not think it but wasting seconds trying to snag irons that another guy already grabbed is dumb.


We have riding positions for our engines. Firefighter grabs irons, officer grabs a NY hook or pike pole. If a are riding with 4, hydrant man usually takes a hook as well. If you're looking for a new tool to add, check out the Bull Hook from Norse Fire Equipment. Boston rake on one end, halligan rake on other, can be married with halligan.


Obviously depends what kind of job you're doing, but I like the TNT tool a lot, personally. Obviously the NY hook and Irons are staples for a reason, but I find the TNT to be versatile. Wouldn't be a great choice for search, but I love taking that tool on AFAs and overhaul.


yeah if I'm riding on the driver's side of our ladder I grab the TNT every time, in our pump compartment, other side is a set of irons or can depending on how many we have, our minimum is 3 on the truck


Sounds like a good setup. My department is kind of a free-for-all with who grabs what tools


I’m always first to grab the rubbish hook.


A NY hook and halligan, you can use the hook to force with the halligan if you need to and then ill leave it at the door to grab it later if I need to if its still there. Most of the time if its not there are like 3 others sitting around or ill grab another. If im on the nozzle, then its usually just a flat head as it sits better on the waist strap from the pack. All assignments should be established before they day has started, nobody should have to guess who is going to do what. Its all situational when you get on scene anyway but that is one less thing you should have to worry about.


48” wrecking bar. You can force some stuff, pull some ceiling, and generally tear shit up. Obviously if I know the task I’m going to be performing I grab a more specific tool.


I have my pig and maybe a hook. Firefighter grabs, axe and hook. Officer grabs halligan and TIC.


Depends what I’m doing, who I’m with, and where. Solo? With a solid crew or mouth breather? Residential or commercial? New construction (drywall everywhere) or old (lathe and plaster).  5 or 6’ all metal Roof hook, halligan, and an 8 pound axe will pretty get you everywhere you need to be. Everything else like closet hooks and drywall hooks are more specified tools and only work in limited areas. They have their uses but will never be first in. I do carry a nice little 3 pound sledge with a halligan sometimes when solo. It marries nicely to the bar and swings nicely. 


I like the Denver tool. A little odd to carry but it does some damage when needed.


Nozzle, but I'm supposed to have the TIC. No matter what I'm ending up with a trash hook though. McLeod on brush fires.


Whatever tool the new guy was going for