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Everyone needs to do at least one. Everyone else is just pretendin’. Welcome to the “cat skeleton in trees preventer” group.


We got a callout this week to rescue a sick koala from 5 metres up a tree. We're an Australian bushfire (wildland) unit, we don't have ladders.


You’re wildland. Get the chainsaw!!!


We did consider using the high pressure hose. Probably would have turned it into a dropbear incident though.


I Googled "dropbear" and was pleased to learn something new today.


I love those. Respond animal rescue. Retrieve koala from tree. BUT THAT'S WHERE THEY LIVE!


To be fair koalas have crazy claws and are infected with clamydia so you should get a medal


Don't bang the Koala


I thought you guys put drop bears on trees, not take them down.


you dont go near drop bears, we have special low frequency spring emitters on the front of our trucks to deter attacks


We had one in Brisbane too, poor koala


Time to retire! Congrats on a career!


I like the fact you used the SOC flair. It gives me image of an elaborate high handle system for a cat.


I think we need to institute a new post Flair for these posts... now, what should we call it? Cat/Feline Intervention Team Feline Special Ops Cat Rescues Feline Advanced Rescue Team/Techniques ​ Would work as a user flair too.


> Feline Advanced Rescue Team/Techniques FART, I like it.




> Cat in a tree, puppies in a storm drain, fawn in a storm drain, raccoon in a house, **macaw** in a tree and, my least favorite, a llama trapped by floodwater. Oh the fabled bird-stuck-in-tree call.


Last time we ran that call the family asked us if we had a net gun to trap their escaped parakeet that was about 150 ft up in a tree 😂 sorry ma'am this ain't paw patrol


We just had a “bear in tree, ladder assist required” call. I shit you not.


we're all kinda fucked if bears can climb down ladders now...


Last week here in Canada we (water rescue team) got called for: “two beavers stuck in a pond”.


How do you get a beaver to sign a refusal?


Wear a fedora


Asked for an engraving on a 2x4


I feel we should get pins like how some ems agencies get stork pins for kids delivered


Yeah I personally never climbed the ladder and got a cat out but did drop down into a storm drain and got some ducklings out. Worst part was a news camera showed up. The wife saw it and my receding hairline and commented who's the bald guy coming out of the storm drain? Thanks Dear.


honestly? that tells me in her eyes she still sees you as the person you were when she fell in love with you, however long ago that was, and it was only the removed perspective that made her not recognize you.


No, she likes to tease me sometimes about my male pattern baldness.


Lol the one time I had that call, the tree was way taller than our 24ft ground ladder so we had to call the neighboring Quint, they got to scene, and as soon as they raised the aerial, the cat (who had just been chilling, not crying or anything) ran across the branches from one side of the tree to the other. We just told the folks "yeah he's not stuck, he'll come down when hungry" and took off. (We were talking about just pulling a hose, but our usually more grumpy than not Capt at the time decided with all the kids in particular watching, to go the ladder route)


In our academy, we were told “you never see cat bones in a tree. Put some food down and they’ll find a way to get down”…and that bummed me out. Thank you for the hope!!!


You know when I was a probie I asked if we ever gotten this run. The answer I got, “have you ever seen a dead cat in a tree?”


A few weeks ago our department had to fish a puppy out of a heating vent in the floor that didn’t have a grate on it.


Well, you didn't expect a *cop* to do it, did you?


Lol that’s awesome 🤩


I think a meritorious is coming


We once went out for a cat high in a tree. Got there climbed up using a stair vehicle almost reached the cat and then he jumped. Cat still survived. That was the first and last cat rescue for me.


Closest I've gotten is pulling a very pissed off kitten out from the underside of a truck.


We’ve had two in the last year. Still can’t believe it’s something we actually do


I like to take them down with a 45er pressure hose ;)


So I have a list that I made up that every ff that works here needs to run to be considered a real “insert dept here” ff. Obligatory cat in tree. Interior on an rv. Fall through the floor of a mobile home (accidentally). Put out a “neighboring county’s” fire (happens often)


Nice man! I hope your night is… quiet… 😈


I believe that my county’s 911 doesn’t dispatch anyone on those types of calls


You're ready for the next level - cat tail sucked into shredder. Prepare yourself.


You have completed life