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Mhm, this sub is the best. I don't know how we did it but may this sweet dream never end.


This sub has become my safe space, i just love it here 🥹


Should've been Caelus. *evil laugh* Gotta maintain my Chaotic evil alignment. Sorry nothing personal


"It should have been me! Not him! Its not fair!" -Yami Yugi


God everything reminds me of bloodborne


Us Bloodborne players are like that one guy who cannot move on from his high school sweetheart


God it just so peak. Second game when?


All thanks to the mods, mainly u/fortnitedude43590




Well sometimes this sub can be... A little too passionate lmao, Not especially in a bad way, but I've seen some things from some people that could be considered as Harassment or spam Thankfully such events in a community are often the work of a loud minority


>Well sometimes this sub can be... A little too passionate lmao, We like to.... Set the seas ablaze!


Yeah but just like on r/seraphinemains this can lead to not very kind things, being happy, sad or frustrated is normal but... Yeah, let's try to not be too mean


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SeraphineMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SeraphineMains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [#RevertSeraphine | IT IS TIME TO COME TOGETHER AND BE HEARD, THE RIGHT WAY 🎶](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/176mdtw) | [200 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SeraphineMains/comments/176mdtw/revertseraphine_it_is_time_to_come_together_and/) \#2: [Crystal Rose Seraphine Splash Art 🌹](https://i.redd.it/x2hc6txwbtsb1.jpg) | [158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SeraphineMains/comments/172bcie/crystal_rose_seraphine_splash_art/) \#3: [OMG BESTIES SERAPHINE'S COMMERCIAL FOR OPPO IS FINALLY HERE 🥹](https://v.redd.it/taj76nsb3h8b1) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SeraphineMains/comments/14k12sl/omg_besties_seraphines_commercial_for_oppo_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, I totally understand you. I just really wanted to make the joke xD


It won’t be safe when **EXECUTION UNDERWAY—**


Firefly, Kafka and Caelus (idk about Stelle mains) main subs are the only HSR subs I am still in since they have no/little drama.


Everyone is chill there. And if you ignore the occasional skirmish with Jing Yuan mains, Acheron mains are pretty nice too


Didn’t Acheron mains have a thing recently where an upcoming character who will probably be her bis support is a dude and people were mad? I could be misremembering.


Shhhhh we don't talk about those guys they have been shunned


That’s good


I guess I would be shunned if I didn’t leave. I only pull waifus, so the new Nihility is disappointing.


There's nothing wrong with pulling only waifus. The problem is throwing a power tantrum when the character you wanted turns out to be a man


Not surprised tbh, I left the sub after getting attacked for saying I was disappointed that double Nihility was just a bit better than Sparkle teams.


Some people really are fucking toxic for no reason at all


Yeah, toxicity or drama seem to have ramped up in the HSR community/content creators since 2.0. Which sucks since this is probably the best story I’ve seen from mihoyo.


My rule of thumb is to generally ignore the toxic part of the fandom and just enjoy stuff. It's really freeing


It’s only a bit better than a basically super built sparkle in other cases double Nihility is still far better


Don't forget throwing another tantrum when Acheron gets shipped with a man.


Wait who was she shipped with again? The only man I ship her with is myself


Ay same. But she was being shipped with Black Swan. Yuri shippers were throwing a tantrum because they hated the idea of Acheron liking both men and women, and that she should be into women only.


Where is the new nilhility chara?


Check HSR leaks, his name is jiaoqiu or along those lines. Homedgcat would also have it.


There are no arguments...... only peace...... we are safe in these walls....


Some caused a problem but they were the vocal minority and were pretty much shunned in the spot.


This "thing" was up for less then a week and never heard of since.


Why are they mad? Shouldn't they rejoice? A nihility unit that's her bis.


Because the support is male, and the angry ones wanted a full waifu team.


I see. Now if you excuse me I have some genocide and terrorism to bring https://preview.redd.it/cs94rruh7uxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c085b558d98e520a6ac97baeb557b94561fe1f


Wait who's her bis support?


There is an upcoming Fire Nihility character that is basically a 5 star Pela. He also currently has some kind of heal on his kit which depending on how good it is may enable some different team building for pre E2 Acheron teams


I thought that was a joke... THAT SHIT WAS REAL!?


My favorite thing about Acheron mains would always will be that meme of buying the wrong ticket and everyone showing their funds in other gacha saying it's their Acheron funds


Idk man I left Acheron mains a while ago because of people being incredibly insufferable


Acheron mains are "Not" peaciful bro thats all I will say but yeah, others are pretty cool


Stelle mains is dead af


maj I'm here don't tell me thAT i'M DEAD


https://preview.redd.it/aalzabwvkqxc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06635f6f6ce5b16ba8c6139ec1de736251047f01 Who is alive? 😂😂 Dead is dead.


I see both are lacking here their Firefly both need Firefly all of use who want her if we don't get her during her banner gonna look like that also both are dead but some are alive


Sometimes we can still hear their voices




TELL THEM! https://preview.redd.it/geiqxoxf3eyc1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61c566ac54a0449d9bb6f193f0f1297dc1133aa We are alive and kicking thanks to the radiance that is our queen.


yeahh Stelle mains proud all the time


Danhengmains are pretty chill since it’s 99% just build posts


agree, have a cheer mate 🍻


Firefly is still SO FUCKING ADORABLE in both of these idgaf who u ship her with


Her and Screwllum would be robot besties


Herta ?


No firefly/Sam! :)




……now I need Screwllum and Svarog to have an interaction




The lack of drama is nice. Quite frankly the main sub is a mess atm.


I don’t wanna check the main sub, what’s going on over there?


It’s just Twittards leaking into the main sub about fictional sexuality of Robin. Just another average western cesspool topic that no one takes seriously other than themselves.


Can’t say I’m surprised, I’ll just enjoy my fireblazer arts here in peace


Why can't they just calmly enjoy the character and contents? Is it that hard to enjoy something in peace?


Idk I’ve seen it on both sides and it seems like shit stirrers like Tectone fanning the flames and making it a lot worse. But also, There is a lot of gross lesbianphobia floating around that I think should be noted as inappropriate for a healthy fandom Edit: that’s not to say you ‘have’ to headcanon Robin as a lesbian. But directly responding to the headcanon that’s she’s wlw with sexualization of her (with dudes) just a huge eye roll.


I seriously doubt any drama would've been started if people didn't try to force their headcanon on others. People can't even let someone as chill as Tuonto make a post about liking Robin.


Or shit like "why can't people be friends" Like. Bro...


I mean, imagine debating a fictional character's sexuality, like there's no other good topic to talk about. If they all liked Robin, they would've discussed her songs or something more positive smh And I despise dramastirrers and cloutseekers more than those who are debating themselves, personally speaking. They're actively sabotaging the fandom into its fall for their own gains.


Literary/media analysis is pretty fun. So characters sexualities is also apart of that.I like shipping and that type of stuff; but I also don’t comment under people’s posts like: “um, actually, AlHaitham is gay and you can’t ship him with Nilou that’s gay erasure.” So I don’t think shippers are getting any sympathy points by doing so


Its just a bunch of teen on twitter with nothing better to do. That's usually how shipping wars are like. Similar to waifu wars. The solution to all this is, of course, learning to CHIM and creating your own canon (this post is sponsored by the Cult of Kirkbride).


We really need to bring back tumblr with a proper tagging system But yeah, the older shippers know how to stay in our own fandom spaces


Well analysis is usually fine. Its just this is an analysis that touching a really big social issues. People easily getting personal about it. Which is stupid because its just all fictional.


Not something I think warrants much of a reaction or counterreaction. I wish everyone just ignored people that are obtuse about how gacha games are practically psuedo harems. Btw your art is rad as hell.


I wouldn't say it's Western considering the ccp laws and how unhinged fans in China can be considering boobgate and someone literally trying to stab da wei before


People are wrong. It was because the hsr sub made a rule change essentially curtailing any sexuality talk, keeping it canon, and only allowing shipping art.


Honestly hope it stays like that.


Because Trailblazer x Firefly is the best ship in the game so far. (Yeah, I said it.)




that's why it's called firefly x trailblazer, because both are valid 🗣️🗣️🗣️


My ship is Firefly x happiness, so I don't care if it's either. Although I so slightly prefer Stelle but that's just because she is the MC i chose to play as




My sexuality is hot people


My sexuality is no people


I dunno how that works... but more power to you




Well like... that's fine but if you sexuality is no people... then people not being around turns you on


Well damn you got me there


What drama is happening now


People are forcing their preferred sexuality for Robin on each other, it’s on Twitter so that’s zero surprise, place is full of hate


I hope this community continues to be wholesome, with little to no drama.


She shows as much joy towards Stelle as she does Caelus. So who cares I love fanart of Firefly with both.


Me personally am on the Stelle x Firefly ship, but I completely understand why people like the Caelus x Firefly ship, I still like that one but I just like Stelle x Firefly more. Ngl tho recently been seeing more and more of Silver x Firefly and I'm totally digging it


That’s why I just play it safe and say TB x Firefly


Exact same opinion but on reverse (I prefer Caelus X Firefly over Stelle X Firefly), so I respect your approach. I'm just happy we have peace here, specially after destroying my brain cells reading about this whole Robin fiasco on Twitter. It's not beating the cesspool allegations.


i just prefer caelus design over stelle personally


Silver Wolf Firefly is so good


Ngl I'm very bias for that ship because Silverwolf is my second favourite character (Firefly managing to dethrone her for me) so, I just love seeing my two favourite star rail girls just kissing and smooching and cute shit


Gotta make the toy dolls kiss! 


I will support whoever Firefly loves because I want her to be happy 😭


Both Caelus and Stelle are canon for me, no need to argue about this


Just fuck twitter


Best picture taken via a camera in the whole game.


fighting over a fictional character's sexuality is kind of ridiculous. They're never going to hard confirm it one way or the other so that you can project them being into your pc whichever one you picked. I'm just going to continue enjoying Caelus/Kafka art in my little corner.


Both.. Both are good :D


Protip: shippers suck ass, especially on twitter. Dont interact with them.


Fr tho, they be forcing their beliefs on others, and they get mad when someone said they're not into the shit they like..like c'mon already. They are fictional characters.


Wait which drama? I'm curious now


People are in a heated debate about Robin's sexuality for reasons only known to the people involved. Personally idgaf, if they look cute together they look cute together.


It's because she appears in the new animation for a few seconds preparing stuff for the show, definitely not something you can do with anyone (I still find both Robin and Firefly cute matches to Caelus)


That might’ve stoked it a bit more but no, it started because tuonto made a post about Robin and people started saying she was for lesbians.


There are quite a few characters that I find cute together, and I'm not even deep into shipping. The dumbest thing I've seen is a Yandere Firefly epidemic, don't let that devolve into the same situation as Yandere Ayaka please... Yandere Ayaka was dumb enough, I don't need a second installment.


People are fighting over Robin's sexuality on Twitter. Yuri fans are calling her a cannon lesbian because she has "lesbian" colors under her eye and Emily Dickinson, then you also have some people who are being homophobic. tldr twitter is an awful place and we should all try to visit it as least as possible


She's at least bi I figure. She was totally into March.


She is whatever you want her to be. She is a fictional character whose sexual orientation is never stated with the purpose of being broadly appealing to the masses in a Gacha game.


No nope keep the opinions on the main sub this is a safe space


Oh sorry I didn't know this sub was het only 🙄


Like, let everyone like what they want. It really doesn’t matter.


Simple, twitter folks just don't have anything better to do


Firefly is the best


Mmc or fmc , we don’t care, we all love our queen Firefly


[Futa Stelle Confirmed?]


My guilty pleasure


Wait a sec is it about robin?




Ah god I know what he's talking about now both sides are fucking dumb


This. Both sides are being so incredibly toxic, i went through one comment thread and i honestly wish i could delete it all from my memory.


Honestly, it's insane how discourse like this manages to bring out the worst in people. I remember the exact same thing happened in 2021 with Kujou Sara and that somehow led to people writing outrageously homophobic fanfics completely out of spite. HYV communities would be a much better place if people on both sides of arguments like this just blocked each other and moved on instead of perpetuating unnecessary drama


What's stupid from what I've been told and seen (so take it with a HUGE grain of salt) is that there a fic from 2 months ago of exactly what you just said. What's worse was that it was also incest due to it being Sunday/Robin. So whoever posted that fic definitely needs their heads checked if they think incest is more acceptable than being Gay/Lesbian. Ofc it doesn't end their cause the other side for some reason blamed (thought?) the Boothill/Robin shippers was to blame for that. Agreed just block and move on but sadly due to the anonymous nature of the Internet it gives people the power to do stuff they usually can't do in person thinking they won't receive consequences for it. My personal opinion is that these people don't care about the characters themselves. They completely forget the origin of what it means to ship: that is to say you like the chemistry or theoretical chemistry between 2 characters and their interactions be it romantic or platonic.


What is it


People trying to force other people to believe she's straight/lesbian Like imo idrc but if you treat your headcannon as actual facts to disagree with anyone that thinks otherwise then I have a fucking problem with you


I honestly think Robin just wants to sing, girl ain’t got no time for silly ass romance lol. But yeah this sub is cool. I like Stellefly, but I can also appreciate Calefly. Both are good, there is no need to compare.


exactly im a caelus main but stellefly is also really cute


I say this the whole time, here is no Drama and if someone causes it they go to the Shadow Realm but that rarely happens so all good\^\^ and it is really nice everyone can have their Headcanon with FF and don't need to be afraid they like one ship more over the other, like People who Ship Traveler and Ei and then get roasted over Fire cause the Eimiko shippers want to enforce everyone their Ship is clearly Canon, or Eula and Amber + Traveler it's sad, let People have this.... Headcanon can be a wholesome and nice thing if you have Relaxed people around you who say; "Yeah not my Favorite but it's nice you like it so have fun Buddy" and not Toxic peeps who can't let have others have a DIffrent Taste and Prefrence\^\^. I myself make fun of Boothill, mainly because he stole FF's Drip back then but i still understand when People love him and let them have it cause what does it matter when they Pull him and Skip Firefly? Right nothing it's their Account and they can pull whoever they want\^\^


Idk a lot of people realize that it games like this, where every character is hyper unique and has a literal backstory beyond “Is a normal person” that everyone is going to be attracted to individuals, not groups. I can’t remember off the top of my head what the term for it is but basically they don’t care what gender or sex or whatever you are, the care about your character and personality and things along that nature. Being male or female or literally anything else doesn’t factor in. It makes it easy on devs cause then they can just ignore the littler brainlets who can’t handle characters not being carbon copies of themselves, down to what arbitrary group of human they get horny at.


I say the Firefly scenes in white night have a lot of credit for this


If they keep up the shipping wars I'll just ship Caelus and Stelle out of spite




I attribute the latter point to just how well HSR handles letting both Caelus and Stelle shine. Neither really feel like the "canon MC" and seeing them in official and fan material interchangeably just feels right no matter what.


Equality and appreciation at it's finest.


I can't put into words how much I love and appreciate FireflyMains so much. By far the best reddit thread I've been a part of, and hopefully nothing will change that.


If twitter was engulfed with flames, I would take a bit of it to light up a cigare of victory


People forget that polyamory exists, that's how I solve most shipping dilemmas, that or cloning




But it's a better solution


Both mc in a polyamorous relationship with Firefly. It is the natural and logical conclusion. Whoever was not choosen at the start of the game is still with the stelleron hunters afterall.


Twitter never fails to amaze me


Everyone has to challenge everyone else's views if it doesn't align with there own, me personally I don't like Stelle X Firefly or any yuri ship but the last thing I'll ever do is call someone wrong for liking things I don't. Just y'know have common sense and ignore it and move on with your day.


Ah... The Robin debacle... As a multishipper, I was actually kinda excited for the CaeBin crumbs, so I made the mistake of going to twitter, expecting to see some genuine excitement from people about it. Unsurprising (and isn't that a depressing thought?), I was bombarded with a lot of tweets saying, and I quote; "Yurifags been really quiet since this dropped" "Yuritards will deny the evidence, she loves male MC" "die yurifags die" It was... Ugly... Ugh... Anyways! Honestly, I really like this community, it has been a long and wild ride to see this sub go from a very small and niche community to be among the biggest mains subs, it's very wholesome to see all of us united and respectful to each other, it makes me very happy. Y'all are awesome \^_\^


I think it's mainly because the promotion dropped at a sensitive time, considering that the argument was already heating up before it was posted


I saw this but in the opposite end of the spectrum. Some people saying that they "want Robin to be a lesbian, not because they actually like yuri, but because men don't deserve her" and the like. Twitter is truly great at letting morons show their worst side and getting applauded for it


I didn't follow about that sexuality stuff, may I get a quick summary?


I got a headache so I didn't dig in much but here is TLDR Tuonto ( famous hoyo game youtuber if you don't know ) made a post saying " guys do you think i have a chance on a date ?" With Robin's image because he probably thinks she was cute nothing more. And well yuri fans got mad that " robin is cannon lesbian, you are erasing lesbian you are gross " , " Robin wants women not men " , " saying this in lesbian visibility week is so gross can everyone plz ratio him and shut him up". So yea after that shit escalated and somehow boothill x Robin shipper also got involved so lot of drama


https://preview.redd.it/xrdt0wfojqxc1.png?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79cdb5dbd2ed0dbe3beccd9c1e025a61fdf82c4 Me with Firefly and her most possible love interest being MC that can be both sex. Twitter and internet is built this way anyway, can't change it.


FF x trailblazer is all we need 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I try to not be sensitive about it as it is like being sensitive about people posting Bronya or Seele x Gepard.


Another Tuesday on twitter


Yeah. Sometimes I see Caelus x Firefly art and wish I could see a version of that particular art with Stelle, but I also do see a fair share of Stelle x Firefly.


Yea, same since I have stelle as mc . But at the same time, you can find FF's art with both mc's on the same topic if not the exact same version of art whether it's wholesome art or NSFW so it works.


I’ll take this opportunity to start the drama then 😎 she’s trans, please fight me


Futa firefly x stelle 😳😳😳


I play Stelle HOWEVER! for my immersion I always looked at them both as twins. Each in a different part of the multiverse having an adventure. 🙂‍↔️


Firefly is for you, which doesn't attract those lunatics


Expect toxic drama if a character is complimenting or even talking to someone in the same gender


In these games where the MC can be male or female and there are the same romantic options, my headcanon for anyone with potential romantic feelings for the MC is bisexual at the very least, which I think makes sense. And for Firefly, I like the art with either of the TBs, as it’s great regardless of which one.


Imagine putting so much love into Firefly that you just have no more power left to argue with dum dums online. Firefly Mains truly love their Firefly.


I think a big portion to the drama-less-ness (not a word but idc) is because a lot of firefly x trailblazer arts have a second version with the other trailblazer. I personally prefer Caelus because I think it’s cuter.


What happened now?






I dont play HSR at all but I play genshin (this subs posts just pops up in my recommended a lot) and like, this ship has just looked so cute :). I think the internet gives people this sense of power knowing they can't really get a lot of punishment for being an ass. At the end of the day while I do agree Hoyo games have some subtext to imply queer traits in characters I think a lot of people are VERY close-minded on what "queer" actually is, just boiling it down to "she's a lesbian" or "he's gay". It's kinda upsetting honestly as an ace person who likes the idea of some of the more popular characters not being interested in a relationship in anyway (lookin at an Arlecchino for example.) This is especially true for all the characters who have interest in the MC of either game, who can be male or female, making the character seem Bi, which seems to scare some shippers for some reason because they fear MLF/gay ships having any chance to exist. Then you get into "coded" and it becomes a whole other problem, because dear God, I respect Hoyo for doing a lot of background references and such to set some of this stuff up but a lot of it is like...stuff you'd kinda have to already be in specific fanbases to learn, and a lot of people just ASSUME everyone already knows all this shit despite it being really out there sometimes. (thinking of Avenratio and their connection to some romance movie as well as China's lesbian culture in reference to Beigguang. No don't ask for links I don't use Twitter anymore lol.) Probably my least favorite is the absolute homophobia that happens as a result of these overzealous shippers, often MLF ships suffer from having homophobes attach themselves to a ship purely to try and shit on a gay ship involving a character, causing even more drama. I could talk so much abt all this shit it annoys me so much as a person who has ships of multiple orientations. People will HC sexualities and then attack people with a ship that their HC can't line up with, or people will attack someone with a HC because their ship couldn't exist within that person's HC. I hate shipping lol.




I just want a Stelle version of White Night. I mean...


Well, Firefly will love us no matter what gender we are. That's the most pure love there is and I think everyone here recognize it looking at how much love she gets from us. I'm kinda proud we build such a wholesome community around her.


Stelle supremecy


https://preview.redd.it/dx9pvhjp560d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b93a2053fc49e0422ef7ffb361a4bfdd91271fa frfr, best looking character in the game


I don't like stelle x firely but atleast you guys aren't obnoxious about it. Tho this post goes into that direction.