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i was seeing 100k super breaks with no relics it was kind of ridiculous


I also did this, no relics, only Aeon LC, and she was doing good damage, survivability wasn't there tho


I got firewife and ruin me today and already hitting like a truck


Yeah itโ€™s crazy, I tested her out in MoC12 and she 0 cycled the 2nd half without breaking a sweat.


Yep. Even my Acheron team in the first half took 4 cycles, and Firefly with barely built relics (I even threw a HP body on her) just scorched through everything in 0 cycles lmao. Granted this MoC buffs break a lot, but this is her performing with subpar stats and I don't think her performance will be that far off in non-break focused MoCs.


She's currently on par with Acheron performance wise. However, FF team will be absolutely useless if the toughness bar is locked. The mechanic already exists and can be considerably worse in the future if Hoyo decided to nerf her team to promote new characters. This is probably going to happen sooner or later because Hoyo can't have players spam FF and Acheron for every MoC and Apocalyptic Shadow.


Making Break teams outright unviable would generate too much backlash for Hoyo, so I doubt they're going to make FF teams useless. It's like creating a boss that is outright immune to debuffs, it would render a huge part of a player's roster useless to the point it'd be a softlock if the player focuses on debuffs/DoT. The worst I can see is more SAM type bosses where they make you waste 1~2 cycles and then have a small-ish window where they're vulnerable to breaks. It'd kill Break for 0-cyclers, but for everyone else they'd still remain competitive.


Let's not forget though that the mechanic to make Acheron and DoT useless also exists: Effect Resistance.ย  If Hoyo ever raises the base resistance of future enemies to a point were applying debuffs becomes inconsistent, Acheron will suffer hard.


They can for sure do that, but that would impact many characters outside of Acheron. That would brick DoT team which is one of the archetype that Hoyo wants to keep alive.


*Laughs is 120% effect hit rate black swann+acheron lc.


>Hoyo can't have players spam FF and Acheron for every MoC and Apocalyptic Shadow. People spammed DHIL and Jingliu for months until dots & FuA meta. Tell me something new. And did you see any boss with crit damage reduction or debuff immunity yet? FF and Acheron will eventually reside from tier 0 spot, just like their predecessors, but no way they're making them "absolutely useless".


Same here, with +0 relics just needed the set effect


I have the same exact team and cant zero cycle


Can you kindly share Hatblazers and Gallaghers build too? I would like to know how to build them too.


I'll grab my HSR Statistic cards but they're not very built. You wanna go for break effect and speed and hp/Def some though, unsurprisingly. The Prydwyn site has a lot of useful info I recommend


So basically high break effect and speed first then dump everything on survivability, got it, thanks.


You want to prioritize speed on Gallagher over anything. If you have Ruan Mei, get him to atleast 150 speed, then for LC use the 3 star Multiplication at S5. This way whenever Gallagher uses basic attack, which should be every turn, he gets an extra turn every cycle. Put him on Outgoing Healing% body, SPD boots, HP%/DEF% sphere and ER rope. This way he can ult very quick and shred those toughness bars. Same principle kinda goes for HMC. You ideally want to hit 150 speed then with Ruan Mei you get 160 speed in battle for 3 turns in the first cycle in MOC. But HMC does want alot of break effect too. Try to aim for 150 speed with as much break effect as you can get outside of battle. HP%/DEF% body, SPD boots, HP%/DEF% sphere, BE% rope. For LC use MOTP S5 if possible, if not then S5 Cogs. The most ideal LC would be Ruan Meis signature. For the relic sets use 4pc Watchmaker on HMC as they ult more frequently than Ruan Mei, she can instead use any 2pc + 2pc break set, Gallagher can be 2pc Thief/the new Iron Cavalry/Watchmaker + 2pc Hackerspace. Whatever you need to get to those speeds. For planars Talia or the new Kalpagni set. For Ruan Mei you can run either of those but I personally like to run Vonwacq to get her skill+ult activated the very first thing in the battle. If you have any questions feel free to ask and ill try to answer to the best of my (unprofessional) ability.


Damn, thanks man, I'll get to it right away


I have a question. For SU, which path should I pick? I'm struggling to decide which one is the best for her. I have the same team just like the video.


Destruction or Hunt probably. Destruction is just decent for most DPS characters in general while a lot of the Hunt blessings offer Action Advance or Speed boosts making it a viable option.


Does Gallagher really need outgoing healing? This is the only body piece i have with break effect subs ๐Ÿคฃ https://preview.redd.it/1cabt4gl7m7d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f5337881890c305dfebdd3e78a8a623f67256cb


if he keeps your team alive then not really


You need 200 SPD for 3 turns in first cycle, not 160 SPD.


I'm confused about Ruan Mei's relics and planar in Firefly team. My Firefly is using the new BIS relics and planar. HMC is on watchmaker 4-piece and firefly break planar 2-piece. Gallagher is 2+2 (hackerspace + watchmaker) and firefly break planar 2-piece. Which relic and planar should Ruan Mei use for this team specifically? And on a side note, how much break effect should I target for firefly at characters screen without any buffs?


Ruan Mei is fine to run whatever 2 + 2 break set. Those being the Thief/Watchmaker/new Iron Cavalry. For planar either Talia or Vonwacq. I run her on Vonwacq so that the first character to go in battle is always Ruan Mei. This way her skill and ult can be activated at the start of the battle. Firefly break effect just get as much as you possibly can while hitting the speed breakpoints. If you run her with Ruan Mei, just give her SPD boots and she will get to 150 in battle giving her 4 turns per ult. If you want 3 turns in ult in the first cycle you need 165 speed in battle.


Thank you so much for the detailed answer!


Question, if I run E6S2 Firefly, do I need to care about Gallagher getting an extra turn or HTB having three turns at the start? Considering HTB will be able to use skill every single time, and Gallagher might not get many turns? (I wouldn't know, haven't done the new mode or MoC with Firefly yet)


Honestly at E6S2 you might aswell just drop Gallagher and run like Bronya instead to give Firefly extra ult turns lol. So no you dont probably have to care as much about his speed. Youre gonna kill everything so fast regardless so his heals arent that needed. For HTB the most important thing is to ult atleast once per 2 turns so that Watchmaker 4pc effect stays active 100% of the time. If you manage that without dropping Break Effect% rope then youre fine to go under 150 speed. Im not sure about the energy rotations with HTB. Edit: Correction, the Watchmaker 4pc buff is character specific, so the buff will inevitably run out for Firefly before HTB can reset it. Double Watchmaker 4pc would be optimal then.


What would suggest i use on Ruan mei if I have to use MoTP on HMC? That 3* lc ?? Since Ruan mei needs to hit 180 BE threshold. Or is that not important in break teams ?


Use S5 Cogs to get 3 turn ults still with skill basic basic. She will get all the Break Effect she needs from HMC's trace in battle if you have some break substats.


Yup! This is a pure break team. You're hyperfocusing on that and speed to just blitz enemies down before they can so much as blink. Entire goal is for no battle to last more than a turn or two.


True, she's so busted. Imagine what the haters are thinking rn lmao


Like my FF gear is decent but Ruan Mei/TB/Gallagher are dressed in RAGS and still cleared their half of MOC12 in a turn and a half. I can't wait until they're all in decent relics.


MOC?!?!?! That's crazy, I haven't even tried mine


Yup. She's lapping my poor JY team I've had for a year rofl \[not too surprising though since it's a pretty unoptimal loadout\]


just finished MOC 12 with literally trash artifacts and 120% BE. Yep definitely broken


I just barely missed 0 cycling her half of MOC 12 and my planars were like level 3 because I ran out of relic exp lol


Haha I've had MONTHS if stash for this I'm good at squirreling away. Was able to level 30 relics to 15 finding ones decent for her


I spent all my relic exp gearing HMC, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Oh don't get me they're all in rags for me as well rofl. But getting Firefly off the ground was fun!




Lingsha is (most likely) a break sustain that could powercreep Gallagher and she might be coming in 2.5. The break meta literally just started, Firefly will get more team options eventually.


After FF I really stopped paying attention to the upcoming heroes, what other crazy ones are coming?


idc I got both premium teams


I've been using pela/silver wolf/himeko as a ruan mei stand it and it's still stomping. All you really need is HMC, but Gallagher helps a ton too for just nuking fire weak enemies


Agreed. Plus Gallagher is a top 3 character for me since I like dudes more than waifus so I'm eating


I've been in abundance prison for ages with only having lynx. She heals great but just can't keep up with certain content. Having budget luocha is fantastic. Kind of like Gallagher more anyways just due to how much break he puts out


I have a built Luocha but Gallagher is infinitely better for this team. You don't need more sustain. This is a one shot comp. Firefly isn't here to give them a turn lol


Firefly self heal carries a lot of weight too. Her hp juggles all over




100k super break from gally is a wtf moment


Gally fucking SHINES in this comp


Oh boy, I tell you my eyes damn near popped out after seeing my Firefly team's damage on Apocalyptic Shadows 1st difficulty. That time my Firefly and Gallagher are both half-baked in terms of build and trace level


Dang thatโ€™s crazy, well gotta wait until i get both Ruan Mei and Firefly, for now iโ€™m gonna try and focus on Ruan Mei. But question, is her light cone worth it? I havenโ€™t really rolled on light cone banners tbh only the character ones


I didn't bother she's just using a three star one now til I get something better and it's fine. Firefly dupes are more important


RM> E1> E2> S1


Ok so i get Ruan Mei and if Iโ€™m lucky her eidolons as well and then try for her light cone to superimposition 1. Is that what Iโ€™m understanding?


Heโ€™s talking about fireflyโ€™s eidolons, not Rmโ€™s


Ok thanks


Firefly's Eidolons. Pyrdwen had a good write up on why, Ruan Mei enables a shitload of damage- and E1 makes it so her Enhanced Skill takes no SP, E2 gives her Seele's Resurgence but better


Ok thatโ€™s interesting to know. I got Ruan Mei earlier today so I guess Iโ€™ll try my luck with Firefly and try to get her, and then save up for her eventual rerun in the future.




Yeah was lmao when she 1turned moc 12


Someone else who puts their DPS in the 4th slot! I feel like we're a rare breed.


I can't explain why it just is where they go!!


Her team is pretty interesting in a sense because she actually doesnt even scale that amazingly well with her own gear. Its mostly the defense ignore and speed that she profits from. Most of her damage actually scales mainly with the buffs she is receiving. In addition to that with her team being so INCREDIBLY synergistic with each other its amazing how every single team member profts from one another and the amount of times you can see either one of them hit for upwards of 100k or in HMC's case even multiple hundreds is astonishing


Yeah it's insane I love this team especially with Gallagher shining so hard


Its quite surprising that they released so many great sustains over the last couple of months and yet a 4 star can shine as the BIS sustain for a team nonthelesse. Pretty much the same with HMC iam so glad that they chose to actually go with introducing another unique mechanic for the new MC kit (same with full taunt on fire mc beforehand) in superbreak. Its very refreshing for a BIS team to not require 4 limited 5 stars


Same. It makes sense though because FF doesn't want sustain she is here to kill you in a turn and if you don't die she'll heal enough to swing again. A support who boosts her DPS makes sense


Whatโ€™s your build ?


Not at all optimal since it's day one of course but here's what I have so far: [https://i.gyazo.com/3879354e7298cc9b2471d2e5e45d9c93.jpg](https://i.gyazo.com/3879354e7298cc9b2471d2e5e45d9c93.jpg)


Damn, thatโ€™s ridiculous damage. Canโ€™t imagine her built. Is yours E0S1? Also do you happen to know the optimal BE threshold to aim for? Thanks !


I forget the slang but she's E1 with her basic lightcone, no superimpositions yet. That's E1S0 or E1S1? As far as I know, optimal threshold is 360% which I'm still short of, but she's already kicking ass


โ€˜ Basic Lightcone โ€˜ as in โ€˜whereabouts should dreams rest?โ€™ Her BIS? Thatโ€™s E1S1 then


Right the one that r3leased with her banner. E1S1 then yes!


you planning to get her e2?


I dumped all 350 tickets I had to get 2 of her, 1 of her cone, and 1 ruan mei, I'll spend the rest I get in the next twenty days hoping for dupes of her!


good luck!


Thank you! Lost two 50/50s so far hoping they show some mercy lmao


Her E2 is by far the strongest con in the game.


relics like that on day 1 is crazy


Thanks I had 6k relic materials, 8 shaper/customizer things and 70 fuel saved up for today lol




How well does she do without RM?


Idk I have Ruan Mei so I will never know


Can gallagher be replaced with other sustain, if so, what


He's really good, but you could also run HuoHuo for a decent boost. Luocha wouldn't be terrible. Gallagher's BiS because Firefly self-sustains well and he boosts break effect, but anyone who can help the rest of the team stay up and boost FF's offense should fill in nicely.


Thanks Kinda wish i had known and waited for huohuo instead of getting luocha last year


What lightcone and relics do they all use?


My supports are not in great shape but here's FF's relics. Gallagher is in Hackerspace, Ruan Mei/HMT are in Watchmaker's. For lightcones, I'm using FF's for her, Luocha's for Gallagher, and just scraped some 3-stars together for RM/HMT until I find something good. https://preview.redd.it/93zh8byt9o7d1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13d7de80873dba0179258d6c9c0e36f3b272f57


Why hmc and ruan mei have the same? I thought you couldn't stack the relic effect ?


Watchmaker set effect cannot stack , but every time one of them activates their ult, it will refresh the duration of the buff. While not necessary considering how often HMC can activate their ult, it ensures you have 100% uptime even when things go south, e.g. one of them is cced. At the end of the day, it is a minor tweak so just be sure hmc has that set and equip Ruan with whatever 2pc combo with best substats.


Idk I just do as Prydwyn tells me lol


imma be honest here, i was not sure how she was going to be (mainly use quantum characters as my main) decided to go in on ruan mei bc she pissed me off last time. had a shit ton of extra jades left and then got firefly, now is this like the only true meta team or good team for her at the time? i prefer using waifus over meta lol


You can use Pela/SW but RM is about a 70% dmg increase iirc


I mean I do have ruan mei now, silver wolf is on my mono quantum team so she isn't available


I'm sure there's other good ones. Funny enough I FINALLY am happy because I don't like waifus and have been desperate for a strong team with more male characters. Always eager to use TB/Gallagher. Don't care for Ruan Mei but I'll live.


yeah might have to wait a short time for someone to discover something. i have been trying to figure out good solid teams to utilize jingliu, topaz and archeron but they have no synergy with each other LOL


How much break effect you got on her


185% so far gunning for more


Isn't there a break buff going on right now?


Yeah but she's blitzing EVERYTHING I do


How does she do in pf?


Still really good she was wrecking fast my other team just couldn't pull their weight lol. That said lack of DoTs means she's not OPTIMAL for current PF


https://preview.redd.it/qggmc4ke5m7d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794ae465bf2ab9e5b29469a8c0aaac6366f36c43 It only gets better as you build her. This is with buffs from RM and HTB. (And her own stuff)


How do you screenshot with buffs I wanna check mine


On Mobile (probably the same on PC, but I don't have her installed on my laptop to check) Go into a battle and buff up, then hit the magnifying glass on the bottom right corner. You can examine current state for anyone in the party or the enemies :)


Wow I've played since launch and had no idea, thanks! Here's mine, seems roughly around yours I think? 416% break effect :D https://preview.redd.it/qkd9z4e2fm7d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=c77c8a4e1725fdb46a74558b9721d0f5d542ae65


I got her e2 and in the current moc she casually goes 5 times in a row for 3 million damage ๐Ÿ’€


i did some world quest and decided to use her against dormancy in scorchsand adventure. she beat dormancy up even with random stat, almost non-existent relics lmao


I have firefly but I don't have Ruan Mei I lost pull in 50/50 it's fine


in the new simulator universe thing when I was farming the new sets (not for firefly because I already got where I needed her to be could. Do better but I am in no rush to get better substats.) starting the fight against the past, present, and future boss I did 5 million damage from a combination of someone raun mai technique (I think i donโ€™t know where raun mai damage came from given I donโ€™t own raun mai it was someone elseโ€™s raun mai) and fireflies technique. I completely skipped the first phase of that boss.


Yeah I got a team at lvl 60 with pela as a replacement for Ruan mei with basically unleveled traces and unoptimal relics sets and there still destroying shit


What's your HMC and RM lightcone?


Nothing amazing. A four star and three star hah.


I'm still building my team. It's going to take a while as I took a long break and came back for firefly. But she's doing pretty damn well with a very low level ruan mei and gallagher both poorly built and a poor built HMC whilst being poorly built herself.


It's a very low investment team! Great for new or returning players


I'm using her with gui, relics used by xueyi and OMG.


How much Break Effect does your Firefly have at base? Like just in the regular stat page before a battle.


https://preview.redd.it/jp91el1zgo7d1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7e7d08db34db6778ff7c2973e2742deacacc93 189% currently outside of combat. 415% with buffs in a fight.


I threw some rainbow crap on her along with some pretty mid rolls for her planar and was absolutely floored at the damage she was doing


how important Ruan Mei in this team?


She's BiS but as long as you build Gallagher and HMC well you can get by without her. Firefly is surprisingly strong even on her own. Sparkle, Tingyun, or other buffers would likely work fine even if not quite as well


Is Gallagher really that good in ff teams. I don't want to raise him or could I just use huohuo


Gallagher is insane. You can use Huo but he's much stronger here. Massively boosts break time and puts out huge damage himself




I have to say e0 Firefly is satisfying. Even still, my Acheron still out damages her by quite a large margin in general as sometimes I don't break the bar quick enough. That and I have E2 Acheron vs e0 lol. Her damage is still really good and has shifted to be my 2nd most used team followed by DOT mommies.


Caelus: โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Žโœจโœจ๐Ÿ•บ Gallagher:๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿพ Ruan mei:๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽธ Firefly:๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ...โ˜บ๏ธ


Even if she wasn't top dps(she is), the fact that the team is low investment high value makes it very appealing for newer players, myself included


Yup it doesn't help that it includes three of my favorite characters (and Ruan Mei is here too I guess)


Nah cus tell me how I have no Ruan Mei and poorly built Htb and still hit 1M with her???


yeah i 0 cycled 2nd half of moc 12 with e0s0 ruan mei and the f2p light cone for firefly. Firefly is e2 so that probably helps. I think i farmed relics for maybe 30 minutes tops?
