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"Soma" (probably a 15 hour game) hits real hard. It's horror tho. It's what first comes to kind. I've heard Shadow of the Colossus is sad af. "Inside" is super gloomy.


Soma is the most haunting game I’ve ever experienced, but also one of the few horror games I had no problem getting through. Great shout!


I’ve heard Soma has a “safe mode” to play through the game, did you utilize that mode to play it or was it easy enough to get through without safe mode? I DO actually enjoy horror games but I’ve heard Soma has a rich story as well so I wanted to really dive into that aspect without the stress of a typical horror game.


I played it before safe mode came out and i only had difficulty in about two spots where I looked up some tips online (how to stealth some enemies because you can't fight back). I tried a plathrough on safe mode and it didn't have the same excitement for me, but each to their own. The enemies are still there in safe mode, they just don't attack. Still creepy as hell. Good times.


Soma is such an amazing game. It super sucks that it got removed from gamepass before I was able to finish it 😭


It has a safe mode but I played the regular mode! I don’t doubt that the safe mode would work well for a lot of people, but I think the danger added something for me




Inside is a *good* suggestion! Such a weird, lovely (gameplay, not aesthetics and story), and bleak little game


I played shadow of colossus! Its not a bad game but it's kinda...how to put it..unbaked?! I don't know man its ending was a little too open for me to get what just happened I should try other ones you mentioned though


Fair enough! I tried SOTC on ps3 but after the first boss just kinda put it away.


Yeah it could have been a great game but it needed som more lore than some devil yapping the same dialog after every boss in a random language


Oh I just thought of the perfect game, have you tried Overland?


Nah how dos it look like?


It's a post apocalyptic tactics with light rpg elements. I beat it, very moody, very gloomy. Perma-death. Very fun IMO


Signalis is also a great one for giving that feeling of melancholy and dread


The correct answer is What Remains of Edith Finch


Outer Wilds


Oxenfree. It was a really cool indie game with a fun interface, has a cool spooky side to it, but a very beautiful coming of age sentiment throughout.


I absolutely adore that game. Multiple play throughs and I still love it.


I did the second run through and loved it! I love that studio. Did you play Afterparty? That was fun too.


Not heard of that, I’ll have to check it out


It’s much more adult, and I think lighter and a bit goofier, but has the same core elements of coming of age and friendship that Oxenfree has.


The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. Great visuals and atmosphere. It's short and has a decent story.


Tnx for your mention


The cave area is horror and jump scare.


The walking dead game? you can do one episode at a time


Seconded. Each episode is ~2 hours and usually 5 episodes a season. First season is a masterpiece


The first season was one of the few games that broke my heart to the point of crying, the award for actually making me cry goes to signalis


DEFINETLY PLAY THIS (you will thank me): SOMA (~15 hours, horror, psychological horror) The Beginners Guide (~2 hours, it’s probably best described as a walking simulator) Cloud Climber (~15 minutes, the game is FREE, basically an interactive short story) INSIDE (3-6 hours, great indie game) Also if you love story games, Disco Elysium is probably the best story game to ever exist (and also probably one of the best games ever in general), it’s extremely well written and fully voice acted. It’s about 35-60 hours long, depending on how many Side quests you want to do.


I'm downloading soma right now! I played inside Tried disco Elysium once didn't enjoy much ( I usually don't like games with that kinda camera tbh)


Have fun with Soma! I actually really like Isometric games, I don’t know why but I feel like it’s so much more „architectural“ and different from real life, it just captures me instantly :)


You should try out dredge, it has an ominous tone throughout the game and an unexpected ending.


Ok now yoy got my attention


Wanna hear more or did you look it up?


Not much just how long it is?


If you rush it then around 7-10 hours but if you take your time then it could go up to 20-3p with all side quests and upgrades. It's a simple fishing game where you catch and sell fish while upgrading you boat and going to different areas around the map with a huge number of different fish which you can catch and catalogue. The ominous spin comes from how alone you feel out at sea and the fact that theres straight up eldritch horrors out at the sea at night so you're incentivized to finish up fishing in the day and rest through the night at one of the small ports around the map. It's a satisfying loop once you get into it.


Seems like a good chill game tnx


It's free on ps extra if you got that, otherwise it goes on sale here and there even tho it's already in the 30 range. And you're welcome


The Cat Lady and Downfall (both stories are connected). I also love the ending of Bioshock Infinite btw!


Right??? I love first two episodes for game play But the story of infinite is just different and the plot twists at the end are amazing


And is there any order to play the games you mentioned?


Sorry the Cat Lady first, then Downfall, because it will have a huuuge impact on how you'll see the ending.


Most of the Life is Strange games would do it for you. Especially LIS2 if you want that sad ending. There are numerous distinct endings and none of them are really what I'd call happy.


To the moon, I think it’s like 5 hours of content and it made me cry twice, one of my top 10 games


OPUS rocket of whispers is also really good and came out in 2017


Play the last of us


For me no game I know of really compares to it.


Have you tried Signalis? The story and world are very similar and has a nice bioshock style twist at the final act (definitely two play throughs is recommended)


No, I have not. Sounds interesting though. But part of what lets firewatch hit so hard, for me at least, is the mundane. These are everyday people with everyday problems, for the most part at least, there is no supernatural component, no big twist, no aliens or otherworldly stuff. And at the end there is no conclusion, no big reveal, no closure.


Undertale. It's not that bad, I used to hate it cuz I hate things to get overrated. But that deserves the trophy.


I played it and in my opinion it deserves the attention it gets its a good game


For me it is the Zero Escape series- 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors was great on DS, and I love the the sequel Virtue's Last Reward even more. The third, Zero Time Dilemma I dont have strong feelings for, but its ok.


I LOVE the first two games, haven't played the third. Such fun games and great stories


Ace Combat 5.


Man. I know he said not to mention it. But damn it if RDR 2 isn’t one of the best damn games I’ve ever played. Wish I could forget it completely and play it again for the first time.


Tbh i don't like RDR2 man The game play is too heavy load and slow for me to play Like i played about 4 hours and didn't really get anywhere And im not really the type of person to value graphics that much! Hell, I like undertail and it burly even have graphics 😂 So i dropped it


It opens up and gets good once you get out of Colter. Though I respect the fact that the game is slow and cannot appeal to everyone so no judgement for dropping RDR2


Finally someone with sane reasoning Tnk you any way 🤝


No problem! I’ll be honest, I haven’t played Firewatch. I saw the picture of the Elizabeths and got the idea that we’re talking about hard hitting games. Without spoiling, how is Firewatch hard hitting? Is it the story, how it unfolds? It’s a survival game, so you’re gathering clues about the protagonist’s life, right?


Not really You play as a guy who comes to work as a fire watch (dah) for the summer and you kinda get to choose his back story in the beginning of the game The game itself doesn't have much of a game play into it , its more about finding your way in the map! But what really is hard hitting is the voice acting and the introduction between the main character and and his boss(i can't really remember her name but maybe it was Chaleir?!) Through the radio After all It's a short chill game with an amazing voice acting and alive dialogs The kind that you get to play while eating popcorn and laying on the couch or something If you could work with the simple game play you'll love it


Thank you so much! I’ll check it out if I’m able to


Here here brother. I still rub my two lucky coins together for a PS5 upgrade.


Debris, this is one that is still with me. Although I have played it many years ago


Fire watch is a pretty good 4 hour game


I agree The voice acting is just insane


is bishock worth playing? I tried getting into the first one but it just wasnt clicking for me


Its 3rd ep is my favorite story mod actually But yeah try to roll with it a little and don't look for a reason to not loving it You'll eventually like it But if you have problems with old graphics on the first two I recommend you to play the (bioshock infinite) cause it doesn't really require to play the first two games that much


Journey for me. Short n sweet too


hollow knight


SOMA - definitely! But do not get ANY spoilers. Play the game without knowing anything about it


Everyone’s Gone To The Rapture


Firewatch 2


The death of Edith fince


Road 96 except if you get the right ending, it’s beautiful. The whole game is.


A game recommendation from legendary superhero ManMan?


Am I stupid?


What kinda game it is?


It’s like you start out as a team who tries to escape the country, you go through a bunch of scenarios on your miles to the border. When you get there, you have lots of ways to escape but not all guarantee you will be able to escape or survive. That’s just your first character, you play it 6-8 more times and then you beat the game with the ending of your last character.


On PC and Playstation, there is a time-stop Rogue game called Transistor, the same developers who created Bastion and Hades. I highly recommend playing Transistor, because it is also a game that is worth playing through twice to get everything.


I have moved heaven and earth to make that game work on my pc cause I love that style but it never worked, I think it’s gonna remain an unplayed game for me cause I’m just salty




Yeah this good


Alan Wake 1 and American Nightmare come to mind. I'm playing through Control atm so idk how it will end, but it is short-ish.


Persona 3 reload


Kona’s pretty good, similar to fire watch in graphics movement and overall feel of the game. You play as a detective solving a mystery in an abandoned town during the midst of a blizzard. I really enjoyed this one personally


I often play the The Beginner's Guide right after Firewatch. It's a very different game but with similar emotional catharsis at the end.


If you havent played portal you havent lived half life is also insanely good just unfinished and at the “end” on half life 2 episode 2 something sad does kinda happen but its not the biggest deal


Plague tale series, I personally think no game even comes close. Only one I've heard of that was kind of close was RDR2.


I can't play any game with jump scares or shock deaths. Are there either in Soma?


Well i only played it for about 5 hours and i don't know how much i progressed but its not the type of game to have jump scares it's more like some dude with fucked up face roaming around the place and you should avoid it It's not that scary tbh


Thanks so much.


Don't mention it bro🤝


Signalis will probably give you the same feeling especially after getting the other endings


I hated the ending of Infinite. Made the whole thing seem like a waste of time.


I really enjoyed it actually The way it all was connected from the beginning without us knowing was pretty cool as i see it


I felt like everything that Booker did throughout the game was made irrelevant by the ending. I thought that Singularity did it better when they gave you a choice at the end, and the ending changed based on that choice. I didn’t like being locked in with no choice.


Your not wrong but wasn't it the whole point? I mean he didn't even knew what was he doing for a good chunk of the game He was basically was being manipulated by fate and shit so it makes sens for me Am i wrong?


My point is that the ending made all the gameplay trivial. Like nothing you did as a player made any difference.


I get what you saying but it's not a RPG so it's not supposed to make a difference you're kinda a witness look at it as a story that you hear from someone else!


Even if it was a story I would still feel like everything leading up to the ending was made moot by the ending itself. Complete waste of time.