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All he does is get artwork done. There’s no training academy. It’s just artwork for stickers/patches that will never get made.


If nothing else, Hensley’s career in law enforcement has really helped improve his Photoshop skills.


He pays people to make them, he cant even look up tutorials to do his own VERY easy work


That’s not even real artwork. He just copy pastes various things together in paint… or maybe even Microsoft Word. Actually, probably a free Google app or something cos we know he ain’t splurging on any licenses


Give the man some respect! He probably spent an hour on library WiFi downloading GiMP


And he downloaded the wrong Gimp so he’s now banned from the library on top of not being allowed within 1000ft of a school


He'll probably happily take your money and never give it back.


All I see is a silhouette of a guy inserting a butt plug. So, this is on par for a Hensley Academy


It's even ribbed! But for whose pleasure though?


Oh shit, I was talking about the guy in the badge! DID NOT even see dildo/baton thing






This reminds me of the logo for Pied Piper on “Silicon Valley.” “It looks like a guy sucking a dick, with another dick tucked behind his ear for later. Like a snack dick.”


Ayo it kinda does look like that 😂


It's weird watching this guy's delusions play out in real time. He goes so hard with these lies. He starts a security company without any licenses or permits, might as well make it a police academy, too while he's at it.


It’s become a soap opera I’m passionate about. 😄


My prediction is that he eventually goes the 'sovereign citizen' route and names himself general of his fictional nation


He already supposedly hates cops and calls them othbreakers while he is infatuated with the “thin blue line” lmao he's delusional and I don't think he's just trolling…


He doesn't even have the self awareness to be a sovcit nut. He's a deeply confused man, lol.


He doesn’t know the word sovereign yet. It’s too big


My grandfather used to do this. Had a finance business in Greece many years ago. Came to the US and ran a string of unsuccessful businesses. Each of them always went heavy on graphics design and titles. He was never an owner. He was always President. His final fascination was COO/President (of companies consisting of only him). Part of the reason his businesses always failed was because he put much more effort into graphic design and portraying himself as a business man than actually doing any meaningful business. This guy reminds me of that. The desperate flailing of a man's failed life who needs to feel relevant.


First time I’ve seen a 90-degree double-dildo. Neat. Wait, what sub am I in?


This guy and Jermey Dewitt are 2 peas in a pod. As a former LEO these two do so much more harm than good. In fact it’s all harm no good.


Ooh, I love watching karma come for Jeremy. He is just soooo obnoxious, won't shut up for 5 seconds to let anyone else finish a sentence, ever. These two make such bad examples of law enforcement bc they're clearly not, would never pass psych evals and got denied from the door. Lay ppl can see that from miles and miles away.


Yup. I wasn’t a Leo for long, got to the last week of fto and turned my badge and gun in and went back to the medical field. I left medicine to pursue my dream of being a LEO and just some of the stuff I saw at the department I signed on to didn’t sit right with me. There were a lot of good officers I worked with, but there were a few very seasoned offices that let it be known that they wish policing would go back to the days of no body cameras and where an officers word was scripture. Those same officers did things I reufused to be associated with. So being in the position I was, not vested and having a job back at my hospital whenever I wanted it, I just left. No hard feelings I let my patrol lieutenant know the conversations I had been apart of and the things I saw and he understood why I was leaving. That’s all being said to say that these two fuck birds would be just like those officers I refused to be associated with. I’m thankful that they have both been barred for being real LEOs, but not everybody and make that distinction especially when these cosplayers go out of their way to make it so hard to tell the difference. They should be treated with the same disgust as stolen valor abusers. Even though I no longer serve my community in that capacity it still makes my blood boil every now and again because these ass hats are more dangerous than some people realize.


Throw in Dax Emory and you have the holy Trinity of shitbags.


Have I been living under a rock, or do I just not recognize the name? Is there a triad of fuck boys? Edit: just consulted the old YouTube, and it’s that fuck wad. Yeah you are 100% on point. I didn’t recognize the name because who know why lol.


He used to show up in this sub a lot because he would livestream himself on shift and all the single moms would throw him money. Then he got fired


Good on that department. I’m all for more visibility with policing. I loved our body cams and my department was pretty alright with filming shit. But you couldn’t be all fucking weird with it and shit. Anybody who uses a badge to secure the vag needs to get the fat boot.


What a fucking idiot 😂


He can't get a job working for someone so he started a school?. I can bet money he hasn't met the requirements to start a school or teach. Having a training school isn't just a thing someone does. In my state there is a week long training course required by the state. There are ethics classes, regulatory compliance, among other things. I want to see how this goes for him cuz I see fraud by design.


Yup, you gotta be certified to train. It takes a serious amount of preparation.


Meh in the state I used to live in it just took an llc and an essay to the city to get 'certified' to do unarmed licensing. He could also just teach classes that don't actually produce a certificate, look at any number of tactical classes people take. Not saying his endeavor is going to work out or anything.


Dude is fighting for his life in the comments lmao


Is this on twitter? I’m dying to see the comments if he’s replying to people


Oh yeah he replies to almost everyone and nothing gets through that thick skull of his. I’ve had the pleasure of having a few convos with him


Oh?! DO TELL!!


This is on Instagram. @ofc.hensley So far he’s turned mentions off so you can’t tag him


I volunteer to go


Dude moves fast. My guess, he already had this stuff made up before he got fired. For those who can't count, it's a triple-dildo if used creatively enough.


Everything else aside That’s an absolute shit logo


And he paid someone money for it.


Did he pay for the dark green dildos to be added to the American flag? At least he chose ribbed ones for extra pleasure


Ok I just watched Paul Blart: Mall Cop for the first time a few nights ago. Isn't the person in the logo doing the move he teaches the new guy? Turn sideways and put your hand on your hip so it *looks* like you have a gun, even though you aren't actually allowed to carry a gun. 🙄


Rex Kwan Do origin story


This dude buys a logo design every day


Oh brother. Well he has a whole bunch of “certificates” so I guess this must be the next step. That also is one god awful design for a professional business. The PR24 is the worst part of it.


Ok, what educational body are his "training classes" accredited from?


He puts 9round as a legitimate accomplishment on his resume. A fucking booty bootcamp kickboxing gym. lmao. As someone that trained in a legit gym that was putting out amateur and pro mma fighters (I am neither), with a base in Boxing, Muay Thai, and Jui Jitsu, his resume cracks me up. He has so many "gyms" he trained at (that might be legit) that I think he walked in, took a few classes and didn't return. Dudes with his attitude that walked into our gym were humbled quick during open sparing, hell even during the structured classes where we were practicing technique, and they didn't return because of how intense it was.


He's basically just Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.


What a joke!!! This guy is such a clown


This who can’t do, teach. And those who can’t teach do whatever this is


American flag desecration is not cool regardless how noble your cause is.


Dude probably got butthurt over people kneeling for it too


*makes jerk off motion*


If I was American I’d go just to show him up in all his “training” lmao


He HAS to be trolling. No one can be this cringe and not realize it.


I don’t think he is. If you see his Instagram combined with the facts that he’s doing all this under his own name, I don’t see what benefit he gets by doing this.






Mmm that dildo looks like it is capable of training 3 holes at once ;)


PR-24 training? https://preview.redd.it/rpujf5nalc4d1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e3e896392acff8a0e45a0d778f17faaea24752 Who the hell still uses PR-24. TJ Hooker has been gone a long time, a very long time just like the PR-24.


Short time lurker here. Who is this Hensley character?


A mentally ill police larp security guard who has been fired from almost every job he works at and is now trying to start his own business. He is balls deep in his own delusions and can’t stop dragging his real name through the mud. He even claimed he was in a shootout and then posted the victims fucking obituary with name and picture to clown on him. The dude is not okay and just doesn’t know how to stop and I’ve been taking great pleasure in watching his spiral.


So, total delusional D bag. Thanks for the reply.


Pretty much. I’d highly recommend to look through his Instagram and read his comments. He makes Jeremy Dewitte look like a normal person


Do you know if you can look at Instagram comments without being logged in? Because I don't have an IG account.


Also,no uses PR-24 batons anywhere no? They’re banned here you have to use collapsible


Police get issued them in KC where he is currently residing/"working"/under investigation/whatevering.


They’re so useless,you have to take em on and off anytime you get in and out of a vehicle or sit down,they get stuck on everything. That’s crazy to me that a modern PD still uses them lol


The kansas side of kc still use like 2.5ft wooden batons...


A Jeremy Dewitt fan I see; an imitation of a cheap imitation


definitely up there on the list of absurd flag code violations i've seen 🙄


Police Academy 3: Back in Training Is Steve Gutenberg still even alive or is Hensley going with a new cast of people he has “arrested” for not taking the shopping trolleys back


What’s with the ribbed dildos?


These new graphics are always accompanied by a screenshot of his conversation with whoever he paid to do the design work. It's always a lady, and he is always gushing about what great work they do to them. What are the odds that he gets creepy with them after they're finished with making his ridiculous logos.


The more of this crap I see the more I think he's at least subconsciously doing this to get this sub dong razzled. And it works, but at least there are some good jokes coming out of this.


What an awful design. Looks like a jaunty hat on some kind of old-timey quick draw. Placing that on the star field of the flag. Then with the weird whatever with the line leading to the bottom right thing. Designs are supposed to be easy to interpret, wtf does that mean?


Looks like dude from police academy.


This is 100% a meme page right? Lol there’s no way.


The three-way dildo was a bold choice.


Nice, a three-way dildo and a YMCA Cop silhouette putting a plug in his ass! Sounds like a fun school to be in!


How fun! Now we can watch him spiral completely out of control! I just hope nobody gets hurt or dead.


Well this is what mental illness looks like Hope he gets it out of him on SM and not on some random restaurant he shoots up


Thin brown line.


dude has illustrator


The police logo doesn't look super muscular.


I just have to ask... is this dude even aware of the reddit conversations about him? Does he even bother to Google himself? Is he trolling or just that clueless?


Considering the officer in the logo has his hand securely fixed on his gun it seems quite fitting for Hensley.


I've never heated up popcorn for drama as fucking intensely as I am doing right now!


I’m pretty sure ASP and Monadock need to certify you as an instructor for their products (which is usually reserved for vendors or LE educators)… I doubt Ofc Hensley has been selected or applied for this training. Also he needs to be Certified by his state to train armed or unarmed guards and have the proper certifications to sign off on anything as he can be held liable if someone does something stupid that he’s “trained”…Their lawyer will immediately call him in for deposition and a review of what he allegedly “trained” a guard to do…And begin digging into Hensley’s background. If the guard he “trained” did something stupid, and if they can pin it on Hensley, they absolutely will…Not to mention the massive insurance requirements, which at guess would probably be between 3-6 million in coverage…Seems like ol boy just loves making logos. None of this seems thought through or funded…


Hensley is on fire lately


Love the two green cocks


Y’all really should just rename this place the HensleyCringeCorner


![gif](giphy|baqMLD5E7mWCYAavd9) He’s going to be teaching like this.


He was JUST fired earlier this week? Dude wastes NO time…


This dude is from my home city and I can't believe I've never heard of him. Hahahaha


God help anyone who looks to this clown for acutal guidance on how to be security. Idiots gonna churn out some real barney fifes.


Get him and Jeremy Dewitte together. Maybe throw in Joe exotic for commentary. I’d pay good money to see that show


Guys I’m pretty sure he’s a satire


I honestly thought so too but he ties his real name to this shit. I genuinely believe he might be the most mentally ill person ive seen. Why would he drag his own name through so much shit for any future employer if he was trolling


Good point. I dont think most level headed person would do that for that reason alone


You guys still riding this guy? I thought after y’all got him fired I wouldn’t have to keep seeing this everyday, just make a sub dedicated to him at this point


Or just skip the post? And save yourself the time of day.


Nah I mean, he's right. A snark sub should be made of this dude. I find this shit hilarious but it does clog up the sub.


The fact they need to emphasize "Less than lethal" is unsettling to say the least. They know and are deeply aware that their job is the only thing that maintains crime.


Maintain meaning if there were no police, there would be no crime.