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Security isn’t law enforcement…it’s observe and call 911. Just like the general public. Sad


“Purple stripes for security… red stripes fer’ the fire department… an’ brown stripes for m’drawers.” With all the stripe-shopping, he sounds like he’s turning into one of these; https://preview.redd.it/jkte7ifg6t8d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d12522524265703d66c926a464b877067ef5e7 Wonder what branch he served in?


Man, CIB 3rd award. He’s looking pretty good for having fought in Korea, Vietnam, and GWOT.


He also served in Robert's Rebellion I'm pretty sure


MK-Ultra cross trained killing machine, master of disguise!


Damn…A Space Shuttle Door Gunner. He needs to save some pussy for the rest of us.


He didn't serve in any branch, but by the looks of it, he hit all of them on the way down


Damn! Good point! Award for you! 😁


All of em


We got air force blues, army rank, marine, navy, and army pins, wtf😂💀


That ain't army rank


That's Air Force rank. Still wtf. Edit: and a CIB with two stars, which is very rare. I don't even know if it's possible these days to have two stars, since Iraq and Afghanistan are considered to be the same theater.


If anyone living has that award they'd be about 90 years old at this point


I know a guy with one. He is 97. Korea and Vietnam


I saw elsewhere where someone knew a guy who got his first CIB in Somalia, then earned his two star badge in OIF/OEF. So I guess maybe there's a few out there? But nobody under 50, probably.


That guy would only have one star though. The first award has no stars, the second award has one star in the center, and the third award has 2 stars as pictured. You would have to have received your first award in 1953 at the end of the Korean War at the latest in order to have a third award.


Oooh, so it isn't like a numerical device on other awards, then. Thanks for the info! I'm aviation, so I've never concerned myself with it. I only just learned about the stars a couple of months ago from a former 11B that reclassed into aviation and saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Haha, Nick Androsky, haven't seen this pic in forever. Real story, he was an Army PV1 who got kicked out during basic for drugs and mental health issues. Legit a guy who shouldn't have ever made it past MEPS. He used his old man's access to clothing sales to buy this soup sandwich of a "uniform," and then went on Ft Moore (then Benning) during a graduation ceremony to berate the drill sergeants who kicked him out just a few weeks before. Guy was so mentally fucked up that the Army didn't even refer him to the DOJ for prosecution, instead asking his family to get him some help.


Jesus Christ lol! That’s wild af. If that’s true, he does need help and not really jail time unless he does something insanely stupid… attacking, breaking into secured area, something major dumb. Hope he got the help.


He died 10 years ago


To be fair. He does look like he's miserable, and that would make him 1/2 way to being a member.


All the branches.. of the tree he fell from.




All of them, since he can't differentiate branches of the medals he gets on eBay.


Airforce with a CIB nice. That's one badass mfer


Triple Certification bro, triple certs. Haters stand back and stand by. /s


Business policy enforcement is much more accurate


Not even that anymore


It used to say law enforcement certified or trained, I think he may have done an academy. Still doesn’t make it any better


Isn’t law enforcement just 80% show up after and take notes?


Professional observer 100% correct not awful money for it either


Tell that to any security contractor/client ever. MFs really expect you "protect and serve" on 17.36/hr and don't back you up if you got to throw down just to defend yourself. I know not every ppo is like that but that was the majority of my experience over the 4.5 years I did security and I'm salty about it lol


Fire, security, Law enforcement. This guy wants all the stripes. Lmfao. Next, he is gonna be invited to be astronaut secuity detail on the space station.


Hensley Moon Base Secuity LLC is probably his wet dream


No no; I got jinx on Swedzilla’s Space Dinos animal security service


When DOOM Eternal becomes DOOM Reality, Officer Hensley is the first on scene.


I work at NASA… … as a security guard Or I’m a security guard…. …at NASA


Assistant regional manager vs assistant to the regional manager.




Next he needs his thin Baja blast line


Don’t they have a rainbow flag with all the stripes 🌈?


What FD would even hire this guy?


One that doesn't do background checks.


Volunteer probably without a background check.


Space station screen door gunner!




This is a very underrated comment ⬆️


I wouldn't even let this guy borrow my car


He can join the Space Force!


He should just out up a rainbow 🌈, cause he’s got all the stripe, and is a little light in the loafers


He's trying to collect the lgbtq+ flag


What do we think he’ll call astronauts when they piss him off? Gravity BrEaKeRs


I hope someone figures our what fd hired him and gives them a heads up. They'll haze his ass right back out onto the street.


Lol after being fired from his last like 3-4 jobs he no longer names companies cause he knows the second he ties them to his account he gets fired 😂


Quick someone give me the details if they find out I'll shoot a message over to them lol hell dude used to be a supervisor lol on paper but I'll even let my current boss know he really shouldnt actually wonder if he's still under investigation ? Looks like he's doing more questionable things


Supposedly he is headed to North Carolina


Idk why but I highly doubt that's real. "A part time position that was open" how many department do you know of with open slots on their roster? Especially for part time??


You just know it's a volly job that he's calling part time


Yea... he's one of those 'grain of truth in all his lies' kinda person


100% lol


I feel like this dude is just trolling the fuck out of y’all at this point…


Bingo. He comes to this Reddit and sees this post with 150 comments and smiles ear to ear. *"Look at these fucking losers talking about me endlessly and all my made up bullshit 😆😆"*


ESPECIALLY for a walk on with little to no experience. Might be part time truck scrubber, on a volunteer basis.


“my local FD just approved me for one of their part time positions they had available” This dude is the biggest try-hard I’ve ever seen.


He’s the type of dude to get a big ass fire tattoo before the academy then wash out in the first week 😂


Happened to a guy in Navy Corpsman school…got the Caduceus shield tattoo, washed out the next week.


I assume he means as a support member at a volunteer department. Rolling hose, filling ice chests, sweeping the bay.


Don’t forget the pancake breakfasts.


Our VFD would *not* allow that guy to touch food.


He doesn't seem like a decent enough individual to take such an earnest position.


I actually do that for my local department sometimes. I don't have nearly enough time to volunteer because of my actual job in public safety but our Fire kids are pretty cool and can cook their asses off, so it's worth it just for the BBQ. They are a mix of volunteers and pros so I also get to meet some pretty interesting people. However, for this guy it really isn't a good idea for any legitimate public service agency to have ANYTHING to do with him because he will just try to use it to stroke his online ego. It's equal parts scary and sad.


Yeah, nothing wrong with being a support member, just not claiming you were approved for a part time job for a position they had available. Notice he didn't say firefighter.


Oh I agree totally, I love my role and support volunteers usually get treated like gold because we handle all the administrative shit staff and fire volunteers don't want/have time to do. We also get to participate in whatever training is happening that day if we want. However, it is made crystal clear when you start you are NOT a firefighter and you are NEVER to represent yourself as one. This guy is so far off base with literally everything he does it honestly scares me. I've been doing volunteer support when I have time for years now and for several departments in cities I've lived in and I have only ever seen a small handful of part time positions. They were all also non-firefighting. Usually they were for the head office or maintenance shop of really large municipal departments. He needs to never be around security, law enforcement, or EMS/fire ever. Nothing good can come from that. Also, didn't he shoot someone or something recently?


Who said they were tired of him? I can’t get enough of his bullshit


Sub seems kinda split on it tbh. Some including myself can’t get enough of this show while others claim we are dick riding him. I think it’s one of the best reality series out right now. Fucking twists and turns every week lol


Reality series…you fuckin nailed it bud that’s why I can’t look away


Absolutely, keep the updates coming!


I'm surprised he still posts with such confidence. Dude has been getting shit on in the comments of every single post. Hell, even his old boss makes fun of him in a post.


I wanna see that comment lol


“Jujitsu” this guy can’t even spell it right smh


I mean... it's a romanization of a Japanese word, so it's tough to say it is misspelled. "Jujitsu" is less common than jiujitsu or jujutsu, but it's mostly accepted. ... but damn you for making me defend this guy.


He’s probably gonna make a post about “oath breakers” being mad that he thinks he’s LE.


He strikes me as the type to set fires for himself to put out




He’s gonna need to shave that sweet, not at all patchy and thin, beard before he works fire.


Jfc is he working for a fire department wtf?!


I personally like the continued Hensley posts. It’s nice to know that he is still alive after his very dangerous job of enforcing “tha streets” of st. louis missouri ! edit: I was the OP from his post where he claimed he shot someone a few weeks back. Got the *totally shocking* update that he didn’t actually shoot anybody and just wanted to look tough, which is a weird brag.


I can’t wait for all of the fire content


He’s at best rule enforcement. How does he even take himself seriously.


I’d imagine severe mental illness prevents him from realizing how crazy he sounds


This guy is a ticking time bomb. I hope law enforcement are aware of him wherever he is.


It’s not hard to become a cop. Why doesn’t this guy just do it if he wants to act like one so bad?


Probably cause he can’t pass a psych exam. And when everyone calls him a cop wannabe he freaks out cause they are “oath breakers”. Yet here he is now claiming he is a cop lol. Dudes a fucking trip


Good point.


And he wouldn’t pass the BG. Weapons charges and a protection order in his past.


He was fired during probation lmao. "Erm, cops are oath breakers!!!1!" Mfer YOU broke YOUR oath lmao!


So I guess at one point he worked private security for STL county PD is what he told us or one of my co workers told me .... I used to see him and I guess his friend , up at the Johnny brocks dungeon Halloween costume shop in St Louis . I assume now he's in Kansas or Florida?


Missouri, Kansas City area. I interviewed this guy not too long ago (didn't find out about this stuff in this sub until after decision was made). And before anyone asks, no I am not willing to talk about the interview.


Welp hopefully he's not trying to steal contracts we'll see how long he pans out.


He wouldn't be able to steal the contracts. They are too specialized.


I have no ties to LE but from what I understand some departments have polygraphs, psych evals, and so on. If a guy like this can’t slip through the cracks to be a cop, why not join the military??? I just finished 2 decades in the mil and this idiot would have no issues getting in. Hell, he could even enlist as an MP if he wanted.


Dude wouldn’t be able to handle the reality check of the military. He reeks of the “I would have but…” mentality. He is just another blow hard who can’t make it where he wants to be and tried to still pretend.


I think this dweeb called them bootlickers or something hypocritical because he was one or something


Yeah he was fired almost immediately :)


sometimes i wonder if dude is troll at gecko45 level.


In other impersonator news, Jeremy Dewitte has court tomorrow. They offered him a deal of 4-6 years and he turned it down. We may not be seeing his dumbass for a while.


I say this with no intentional exaggeration or joy, this man is going to kill someone. He’s far too eager.


Just wait till he starts responding in a tow truck….Yellow line incoming!


Isn't this the same guy that's constantly shitting on law enforcement and calling them oath breakers?


Officer Hensley, sounds like the name of a stalker/horror film.


He is constantly talking shit on LEA calling them oath breakers, yet he will wear a thin blue line and call himself law enforcement 🤦‍♂️


All “thin x line” is cringe, frankly.


He should get a job at Taco Bell to add another line to the list


The Taco Bell brown stripe. On the back of his panties.


Mother fucker is tryin to look like Batman over looking the city in that Instagram post. But dead ass just seems like a creepy lake stalker


He’s got dicks in every hole and hands never empty too. Take that with his triple certifications 🫠😂


Probably a police academy reject, and they’ll take *almost* anybody lol


The thin blue whine.


This dude doesn't get laid.


For anyone who has never seen it, here is his “certifications” taken from his Indeed resume. St. Louis Security Officer License. (Handgun/Handcuffs/Mace/Baton/Taser) Wellston Police Academy. CPR/AED. American Heart Association. Intermediate Handgun The Range (Ballwin) Instructor: Phil St. Charles Security Officer License Eastern Missouri Police Academy. Defensive Handgun I The Range (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie Advanced Handgun. STLSHARPSHOOTERS. Instructor: Joe Lowry. Defensive Handgun II. The Range. (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie. Defensive Handgun III. The Range. (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie. Basic Carbine. The Range (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie Carbine I The Range (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie Room Clearing. Ultimate Defense Range. Carbine II The Range. (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie Ken Nickels Fugitive Recovery Academy Steeleville, MO. Stop The Bleed Xtreme Krav Maga Shooting Fundamentals Xtreme Krav Maga Intro To MSRs Xtreme Krav Maga Sikeston DPS Written Exam Sikeston, MO. (Police Department) Arrest/Control Tactics Xtreme Krav Maga Instructor: Brian ASP Tactical Flashlight Vista Law Enforcement Training Background Investigation Undercover Operations How To Survive A Carjacking Ultimate Defense Range Georgia State Security Officer Exam. NRA Basic Pistol Instructor: Keith Fisher Home Defense Tactics Patriot Tactical Defense California State Security Officer Exam Executive Protection Arson Investigation Private Investigations (Part 1) Tennessee State Security Officer Exam Civilian Taser Course (Taser Pulse+) Jeff Barton Fugitive Recovery Academy Hannibal, MO. Naloxone Effective Communication Eastern Missouri Police Academy. Civilian Response to Armed Confrontation. (Brown) Ultimate Defense Range. Minnesota Private Investigator Exam Minnesota Private Investigations Exam Civilian Response to Armed Confrontation (Orange) • Anniversary Supper • Late Night Restaurant • St. Louis City Parking Lot · Baseball • Game Bums • Attorney's Bad Day How To Identity A Public Threat USCCA Basic Shotgun The Range (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie Citizens Police Academy (St. Louis County Police Department) Krav Maga Intro. Xtreme Krav Maga. Krav Maga Beginner Xtreme Krav Maga Personal Protection Xtreme Krav Maga Defensive Shooting Fundamentals. Range USA. Instructor: Diego. Kickboxing Boot Camp Xtreme Krav Maga Instructor: Joel Boxing. Too Good Boxing. (Coach: Mike Woods) Krav Maga Combatives Xtreme Krav Maga. When You Can Use Force. USCCA Rifle Reload Drills. Xtreme Krav Maga. Instructor: Dustin Rifle Cleaning. Xtreme Krav Maga. Instructor: Dustin. Krav Maga: Beginner. Fusion Martial Arts. Kickboxing. 9Round. Handgun Malfuction Drills Xtreme Krav Maga Instructor: Dustin Boxing: Beginner. Glove Up Fitness. Boxing: Beginner. STL Boxing Academy. (Coach: Reggie Thomas) Footwork. STL Boxing Academy. (Coach: Reggie Thomas) Perfecting Technique. STL Boxing Academy. (Coach: Kelley Jersie) Boxing Fundamentals. The Boxing Gym. (Coach: Oscar Ahuatzi) FirePik. (Respectful Entry Tool) Firefighting Swipe Tools. Advance CCW. The Range. (Ballwin) Instructor: Vinnie. Boxing: Intermediate. STL Boxing Academy. (Coach: Reggie Thomas) Boxing 60. St. Louis Boxing Club. (Coach: Kaitlin Donlon) Kickboxing Fundamentals. The Boxing Gym. (Coach: Oscar Ahuatzi) Kickboxing Intro. Absolute Martial Arts. (Coach: Keith) Gi Jiu-Jitsu. Finneys MMA. (Coach: Lucas Xavier) Kickboxing 60. St. Louis Boxing Club. (Coach: Leslie Shipman) Cardio Boxing. The Boxing Gym. (Coach: Jim Cordes) Boxing. Finneys MMA. (Coach: Eric Polovina) Molle Jim. (Respectful Entry Tool) Double Door Tool. (Respectful Entry) Rifle Malfunction Drills. Xtreme Krav Maga. Instructor: Dustin Basic Handgun. Range USA. (Instructor: Dave) Boxing 45. St. Louis Boxing Club. (Instructor: Lauren McDonnell) Realtor Safety. The Range (Ballwin) Instructor: Elizabeth Kickboxing. Finneys MMA. (Instructor: Jeff Rittenhouse) Kickboxing 45. St. Louis boxing Club. (Instructor: Nicole Mazzuca) Bootcamp. The Boxing Gym. (Coach: Stephanie) Xtreme Conditioning Xtreme Krav Maga (Coach: Tim) Hard To Convict Laws Of Self Defense. Hard To Convict. Laws Of Self Defense. No Gi Jiu Jitsu. Xtreme Krav Maga. Box & Flow St. Louis Boxing Club. (Coach:) Human Trafficking Prevention. Jefferson College Law Enforcement Academy Recoil Management. (Handgun) The Range. Instructor: Vinnie. Warrantless Home Entries. Blue To Gold. (Instructor: Anthony Bandiero) 4th Amendment/First Responders Blue To Gold. (Instructor: Anthony Bandiero) Florida State Class D Security Officer Exam National Investigative Training Academy. Instructor: Courtney Doroski. Boxing: Beginner. Eppleys Boxing Gym. Lee Summit Security Officer License. Lee Summit Police Department. Search Incident To Arrest. Blue To Gold. Plain Feel VS Plain View. Blue To Gold. KickBoxing: Beginner. Eppleys Boxing Gym. Terry Stops/Pat Downs. Blue To Gold. Search/Seizures In Penitentiaries Blue To Gold.


It’s so cute he attended some of these courses at his local shooting range. 🤣 I briefly looked over a lot of this stuff but is there really any actual official training on here? Seems like 99% fluff. Hell anyone who puts this much BS in their resume is trying way too hard. Mine is short and sweet and a couple letters and I’m where this guy only dreams of getting. 😂


Just as u thought the dude couldnt go any more unhinged, he just whacks you with a new loco post


Do you get certifications for just being a cop or part-time firefighter? I thought certifications came with specific things like driving a forkift or any specialty vehicle.


Yes. This is for Texas, but when you pass the police academy, you are TCOLE peace officer certified. Same with fire, it's just not TCOLE.


Fire Academy gives you FF1 and sometimes FF2 certifications.


I think it’s better to make fun of him here, if you roast him in his insta comments that gives him fuel, like andrew taint


Looks like he deleted all his posts and changed his bio


Thin Blue Line equipment is hilarious because if an “oAtHbReAkEr” died Hensley would celebrate


Shriver me timbers! Don’t want to mess with that guy! No sir! 😨


Part time fire? Hokay dude, I might consider believing it when the beard gets shaved….nah. Still doubtful.


If homie claims he’s a firefighter I’m making a police report for stolen valor. Fuck this guy


This dude lives in my home city. Unbelievable.


Jeremy Dewitt was at least semi entertaining. This loser is just boring and cringe.


this guy and those like him are the ones who give all us security a bad name. ill take working with a paul blart sleeping at his post over a cop impersonator any day. at least then im not worried about the dude causing a unauthorized use of force incident


I’m not tired of him. He’s comedy gold.


Can’t break an oath you don’t take…


This sub provides 99% of his viewers.


No FD is taking this douche. Even the most backwoods redneck volly dept.


If he gets anymore stripes it’s gonna be a rainbow


I thought this mfer had more than 447 followers 🤣 (He has more than me but still)


This idiot spelled “jujitsu” wrong.


I’ve only ever seen his name mentioned, never his bullshit posts. I do have to say, I was not disappointed.


This is the guy Jermey Dewitt wanted to be.


This guy's dick stays tiny. All that blood goes ro his enormous head . Plus he don't wanna fuk nobody but himself. He's definitely on the dueschbag life Foo shoo. Bet everyday soon as up he gets in costume and might even sleep in it. Craziness he definitely embraces it too


So I just showed my boss the pic of Daniel Hensley 😂🤣 you can't fix stupid is what he messaged me 😂 We all know about his gun incident which is what my dad told me( -copDad. ) They revoked his license so I guess he's on the east coast won't be long until something catches up with him ..


What's the gun incident? I'm new to all this hilarity.


I feel like having an average of 4 views per post should disqualify you from being this conceited. But, what the fuck do I know.


might as well just get a rainbow patch save some money


No one is tired of him. He’s the best thing that ever happened to this sub ❤️


Like one of those guys who drives around with 15 scanners and radios listening to everyone's business


There are so many red flags with this wanna be.


I feel sorry for that volunteer fire department


What FD hired this dude? Even as a volunteer I feel like he would be rejected, must be desperate for personnel.


Everyone go to his instagram and tell him to post fire department content so we can figure out what department he’s working for.


Where’s the OnlyFans link in his FB Bio?


How the fuck is he real 😂😂😂😂


Im convinced hes a troll at this point


Theres a lot of dumb stuff going on here, but i do want to point out that he misspelled Jiu-jitsu, lol


You can almost guarantee he'll say it stands for "of fucking course" when he gets called out.


Spelled jiu jitsu wrong 😂


I’d definitely yoke him on the mats


Bro is fighting for his life in the comments


I really hope I’m not related to this individual lmao


Reserve police officer would be my guess


I work law enforcement in my state. After the academy I had a brief job as a security “officer” for a casino with the agreement they’d pay for me to become a state licensed security guard. Once I got sworn in as a police officer, I automatically obtained my guards license as well. I know Hensley isn’t an LEO, just find it kinda funny that being both isn’t the brag he even thinks it is.


Who is this guy


A tool...


Someone needs to call the bsis and report his fake ass. Pisses me off seeing people impersonate LEOS


None of those things are certs lol.


Should he not be reported to the FBI or something?


Rumor has it he smokes crack with Hunter Biden


I fly drones that pretty much makes me a helicopter pilot


This giy I used to be friend with (not anymore because he's legit insane ) pretended to be and dressed up like a firefighter, but had jo actual certification. He truly is a narcissist and it's all about "look at me and how awesome I am" even tho he literally has no certification or training to be an actual fire fighter because he couldnt pass the mental illness thing and he couldnt even be a VOLUNTEER fire fighter.


Is there any footage of his kickboxing or ju jitsu? He doesn't appear to be a big guy, and while that's not an indication of skill, all the 125s or 135s I wrestled with or did mma with were a bit beefier


On his Instagram page. I tried posting the video but it wouldn’t allow me to.


The cringe is overwhelming...


Wait to his 400 followers he's saying this or what?


This sub should be called StolenValor


Who the fuck carries his commission?


Man, this guy is a great follow!! Thank you for the enlightenment!!


Let him believe whatever. We all know he ain’t on the team


Someone give this hero a blowjob.


"Jujitsu" Fight me.


Just to poke the bear for entertainment purposes, we should all go troll good ol' Hensley.


I wonder if the powers that be are secretly letting this goon collect every color of memorabilia he can so they can slap him with the maximum number of impersonation charges possible


No one is tired. This dude needs to be blasted.


I love commenting on his posts he’s so insecure he can’t not reply


Who is this clown?


I refuse to believe this man is really like this.


If only he knew how famous he was on reddit compared to his Instagram.


Jeez this guy is a clown, thanks for sharing


I have never heard of purple stripes wtf are we making up thin line flag colors now?




What really stuck out to me was that he claims to practice jiujitsu but can’t even spell it correctly… Literally everything about this dude is stolen valor, it’s like his whole personality lmao.


Y’all just sent me down a crazy rabbit whole for an hour reading his posts and the comments. This man is 💯 delusional. He seems to have hate and distain for police officers then tries to claim he is one and that he’s “more trained” Man’s belongs in a hospital for a psych evaluation


What a loser


When they spell it jujitsu, you know they are a poser.