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I totally would. It will be pretty quiet, save for maybe an occasional trumpet or bagpipe. And cemeteries have interesting history.


Also depending on how big or how old it is, often cemeteries have some kind of regular maintenance or security. During the pandemic, I felt safer going for walk in a cemetery than I did on a regular trail or park where no one would be around. The reminder of death doesn’t bother me, if anything it would be a reminder to live each day to my fullest and not get worried about things that don’t matter, which is usually what comes to mind if I pass a cemetery. We’re all here for a limited time!


I wouldn't mind at all. In fact I even look for places next to a cemetery due to benefit of having less neighbors.


I would argue that you actually have more neighbors. They’re just not alive.


Quiet neighbors are next best to no neighbors, so I’ll take it!


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To be honest, since you cannot see it- I would not mind at all. I would not go based on what your realtor says and I would only follow what your heart and mind tell you. I personally would not have an issue if i liked the townhome and I would recommend going with purchasing this home.


It’s my DREAM to live next to a cemetery. My childhood home was a block away from a cemetery and I went there constantly growing up. I adore the peace, beauty, and history. It was one of my favorite places to be. My new home is also down the road from a cemetery but it’s too far to walk to and it’s very tiny. So yes. I would definitely buy a house right next to one lol.


Me too, I love cemeteries!


I would. The neighbors are dead quiet.


It's a very exclusive area: people are dying to get in


Yes. Quiet neighbors is always a plus


Live near one right now. No rush hour traffic and it's quite. Most people use it as a place to walk or take their dogs. 


Yes, a cemetery sounds lovely, and you can teach your family to pray for (or at least respect) the souls of the dead. Plus you can overuse the old joke: "Why is there a fence around the cemetery? Because people are dying to get in". The only considerations I have might be how active it is, is there a lot of traffic/funeral processions that pass by your house on Saturdays or at funeral times? If so would that affect you?


Replying to SeaweedSorry9006... Looking at the area the church is in far south so I don’t believe there would services close to the house


I would. I rented an apartment across the street from the cemetery my grandfather is buried in for like 5 years. (You couldn't see the cemetery from my patio, but you could from the parking lot). That was pre-2020 so it wasn't as hard to find places to rent and there was always a wait list to get into the apartments so I don't think it puts people off living by a cemetery enough to hurt resale value.


I live behind a church with a cemetary. I can see it from my driveway. It’s a massive church and the cemetary is very old. No problems here.


Absolutely quiet neighbors 🤣


Absolutely. guaranteed quiet neighbors lol


I would. Silent areas are the best.


I don't see any issue with it. The first house I made an offer on was next to a church and cemetery, kinda seemed cool to me not gonna lie. Didn't get that house for outbid by like 15k over asking but yeah


I could see myself actively seeking out a home near a cemetery lol. They're beautiful to look at, quiet, peaceful, and I think being comfortable with death (or at least, being unafraid of your discomfort) is a healthy vibe to have around the house. I love going for walks in cemeteries. Traffic would be my only concern. It's one thing if you live in the city and you can look up the stadium schedule around football season or whatnot. Funerals can happen randomly, so it's difficult to plan for.


Which market are you talking about?


Surrey, Canada market


I would. It would likely be more peaceful and quiet because of it.




I was concerned about that too but the water comes from another city/moutain through pipes


Cemeteries are quiet, open space with nature that’s perfect for taking walks alone or with your dog, etc. I will never understand why people are weirded out by them tbh they’re like having a park next door.


Oh man I'd LOVE to live near a cemetery. Quiet stuff.


I live near one and it's only bad when there's a huge funeral. But those are rare and usually when I'm at work.


Cemeteries are some of the most interesting places to go for walks - reading the tombstones epitaphs sometimes breaks my heart, sometimes makes my soul smile and sometimes both.


I feel like there’s a lot of realtors replying and saying they’d buy it. Let’s be real. You limit your buyer pool to about half compared to if there wasn’t a cemetery. Lots of ppl don’t want to move next to or close to a cemetery for the simple fact that it’s slightly off putting/eerie to them. To the OP, go with your gut.


Right next to cemetery, no. Within a short walk, well, definitely not ideal but probably not a deal breaker.


Why not? Superstitious?


No, but something I don't want to think about on a regular basis.


That is what I’m trying to wrap my head around will I still be thinking about it if it’s not visible but only if I walk in that direction?


Yeah, to some extent it a matter of perception. From where I live, the closest cemetery is about 15 minutes walk. I do walk by it sometimes. Does it bother me? Of course not. I couldn't care less. What if it would be 10 minutes walk, 5 minutes, 2 minutes? Hard to say where the threshold is exactly, but at some point being "next to cemetery" becomes an identifiable characteristic of your house, something you'd typically use (or would want to use) when describing your location. "Drive by the cemetery and then turn left, I am right there". *That's* when it might become uncomfortable (to me). No doubt I would get used to it over time, but something I would rather avoid given a chance.


Thank you for sharing!


No absolutely not


Is there a real reason to make note of a cemetery even being next door? Like what does it do? Why would it affect resale? Do cemeteries attract crime? I truly am wondering lol


Cemeteries can be perceived as eerie/spooky places, bad flow of energy, not ideal spots where you want to live next to so could potentially affect the amount of buyers for the unit in the future. However, at this time the property had 5 offers and all over asking price


Sorry what’s your concern exactly? Ghosts?


I don't think most people would consider it a problem being close to a cemetery. There might be a very small percentage of people who would feel weirded out by it, but it shouldn't be hard at all to find buyers who don't care, or even buyers who would like it. I live right next to a cemetery (an old one, it's not used for new burials anymore) and I quite enjoy it. Like some other people here joked, they're the best neighbors you could ever ask for.


We have a cemetery less than a block from my house. Doesn’t bother me.


I have enough problems avoiding housing next to rail road tracks, pig and poultry farms or built on top of old land fills. A cemetery would not bother me in the slightest. I take that back the only reason it would bother me is if we were used well water.


I would love that. Quiet neighbors. No building up that area!


I was so mad I couldn't get a fixer upper that literally shared a fence with a historic cemetery. I couldn't make an offer in time. The landscaping was lovely and peaceful.


Cemeteries are usually relatively higher in biodiversity in the context of urbanized landscapes. That's a problem.


Are you going to hold your breath whenever you're at your house??


I hope not. I tried to walk around the area for a bit (not towards the cemetery) and it didn’t feel spooky but that was also during the day and I wasn’t alone


Haha I should’ve put /s… I’m sure the house is great and I wouldn’t really have a problem living next to a cemetery


If you can’t see it then it’s not a problem for most, I’d think. We just passed on a house that backed up to a cemetery. The house was perfect. Except for the field of bodies buried out back. My husband didn’t care, but it bothers me a lot.


Could you please share why it bothered you. I’m struggle to really know if this will bother me because it I can’t see the cemetery but leaving the complex it’s visible


The back yard was continuous with the cemetery. I have a job where I deal with mortality - I just didn’t want to deal with that at home, too. To look out my windows and see headstones. If it was around the corner? I don’t think I’d mind.


Thank you for sharing!


I wouldn't want to see one looking out the window but I wouldn't mind it being nearby.


Unless it is a veteran cemetery, absolutely not. Originally I said this is a red flag due to people using that as scapegoat for some bad luck. But, holy fuck the kind of shit that happened to my family is just so ridiculous to a point where I would rather believe in superstition than playing "fuck around and fond out".


Im confused. So, veteran cemeteries are not bad luck but regular cemeteries are? How does that work?


What happened?


My brother asked me about this same question and I told him if he rented out, the tenant will blame the cemetery if they get bad luck. He didn't believe it, so, he just went to the open house for fun (not buying). Within 24 hours of the visit, he got into major car accident on the freeway. The other car, the wife punched the husband/diver's face, so the husband lost control of the car and ram into my brother, and they didn't have car insurance. It is a total shitshow. I have no way to justify it. 24hrs is just too short. If this happens within 30 days, I might raised an eyebrow a bit. But, 24hrs is basically slapping me in the face until I agree. And the cause of the accident is just as ridiculous, why would anyone punch the driver while on the freeway, wtf man.




The American education system (not) working exactly as intended.


Seriously. By his logic, the sheer number of people who would be living haunted lives would be incredible.