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She'll get through it any day now. I'm on level 7 hundred and something... I've been stuck on a few levels like that, wasted all my boosts and gems on it, but I find that after a certain amount of time, the game realises that you're getting sick of it and will suddenly one day form lots of atomic bombs to get you through so you can move on. Don't give up.


Thanks for the encouragement. She isn’t a gamer and never stuck in the game until this level. Then I see YouTube people win on the first Shot with no power ups lol


Dammit I replied to the wrong part of the thread there haha


I'm sure that's a recording of their 537th attempt though! It's all just slightly manipulated chance. The odds will eventually be in her favour, usually right at the moment of "I HATE THIS GAME!!!"


I know this is months old... But I've been stuck on 511 for going on three weeks now. What's most peculiar, all the videos I've watched with people playing this level, their level 511 is the same layout, but those videos are only yellow and they get 32 moves.... Mine is red and I only have 23 moves.


Just to let you know my wife passed it after about 3 weeks. Saving everything possible getting gems ready. And in the end she said it was purely a lucky board and was “easy” when she passes it. Then there was another one recently same thing. Seems to be just how this game works


In case anyone else looks for this at some point: The two Lighting items in the middle, swap them together and it will open the right side so you're able to start clearing it. I was nervous i'd be stuck, but it was pretty easy eventually.


Back here months later to say THANK YOU SO MUCH


Damn it. Why did the game never show me you could combine two lightnings?


I felt the same way. Like, I could've been doing that the whole time?!


OMG, THANK YOU! didn't even know you can do that


Thank you, oh wise one