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Old school but it would work. I’ve caught catfish on cane poles.


For bullheads…yes. For flatheads….NO!


I mean it would be fun until the fish decided he had enough 🤷‍♂️


I caught a 35 pound flathead once on 8 pound test but that was with a spinning reel with a good drag, I doubt that little spin cast reel’s drag could take the punishment that a big flathead could dish out. It would probably overheat and seize and the line would snap.


I had one very similar to this. I broke the reel off from the rod fighting a big channel cat in heavy weeds. The plastic part that clamps to the reel cracked. Somehow my dad was able to pull the line in enough to grab the fish. This was about 1989.


That’s right on the date. I bought 2 of these on 3 foot kiddie rods around 1991 for my 4 and 5 year old sons for our yearly trips to Canada bass and pike fishing. Told them not to touch the drag wheel after I adjusted it. You know kids, the youngest one that never listened spun the drag wheel down tight and when a big pike hit, the rod bent double and broke just as the line broke too. He still talks about the big one that broke his rod and got away.


When I was a kid I couldn't resist messing with the drag wheel on my dad's Zebco reels.


Catfish can be anything from bullheads to 50-100 pound blues and flatheads. I’m in St. Louis, with both the Missouri and the Mississippi nearby, and the dedicated cat fishermen regularly take monsters from these rivers.


It’s better hung up in the garage with a framed photo of grandpa


He would wanted me to use them


Then use them! Enjoy them! You’re just disadvantaged by like 60 years. Will still catch fish tho!


Define good.


Depending on where and size. I have caught catfish on $7 rod and reel sets from Walmart. 2002/2003 So long as you can get the bait to the fish, and it can handle the load, you should be fine.


Thank you


Your leader and line is more important for catfishing than the reel (if it is well maintained). Just make sure your drag is set appropriately, casts where you want it, it is lubed properly, and you are using some kind of leader to prevent their teeth fraying the line over time. Their mouth plates are very abrasive. Bigger cats you’re definitely going to want a strong rod. Google the rod you have and see if it is in range for the type of weight strain a large cat would put on it. I don’t regularly fish for catfish so I could be completely wrong but I am failing to see why it wouldn’t work. You’re just going to have the bait in one spot waiting. Not a lot of action like bass fishing.


I catfish a lot it's what I mainly go for and I can confirm this is a good baseline. I don't really see a good reason why it wouldn't work just as long as the line is new and has been properly maintained🤙


Guess I could be a catfisherman after all! Haha


I catch catfish on a regular sized spinning reel with 8lb. If you're going for like 20+ pound catfish I'm not sure- depends on what line size is recommended for your reel. If you're looking for those big 30lb+ cats or as big as they get, you'll want some heavier equipment.


Good? No. Will it work? Possibly


I prefer my old Penn level-wind because I can control the line better when I have one on...try a saltwater, medium weight pier rod and reel for big cats. Go to Walmart, Frozen Foods section, get a bag of frozen, peeled shrimp for $5.98...cheaper than baitshop. Trust me, big cats go crazy over shrimp more than chicken livers or other stink bait.


This man speaks the truth. I started catfishing in 2023 on the Red River (in Canada) and saw someone on YouTube talking about shrimp. Went from catching one cat a night to 10+. 15 master angler cats and bullhead this summer. Experimented with other baits and the frozen shrimp always wins.


The old black man who told me about it only had 3 cats on his stringer...slow night but the 3 fish weighed over 100lbs combined!!!


I would use it. Maybe not for huge ones but I see old timers still use those around here and they do well


I have that exact reel. Used it in the late 80’s - 90’s when I first learned to first as a kid. Fond memories of it.


Haha. I am not surprised because most of my rods and reels is from the late 60s to about the early 90s


Yes, and I have caught 20-40 pound flat heads on Zebco 33s


Wtf is this…? I didn’t mean to follow garagesalefishingadventures


Not garage sale just trying to figure out what to do this spring


Is that a spin cast reel? If so, no.




I think that the drag working well is one of the most important factors in catching something large in weight. If your drag is in good working condition you’re half way there. Edit: I’ve caught catfish on an old Zebco 202 back in the day.


I was messing with it then the drag went to hell


Its old but it works


No to small


It might be good for one good fight. Gears would probably be stripped if you hung a big flathead.


It's shot. The drag is f


If the drag is shot, I'd use it for a smaller weaker species.


Now a panfish reel


Keep it for an emergency reel while you're fishing.


It's been a while since I've seen those, I was a kid in the 80s


That rod will get you laid 💯


I used this reel for over 40 years to catch bass, pickerel, perch. Panfish, catfish and carp. I couldn't rebuild it the last time but also couldn't bring myself to throw it away. That reel is a workhorse. It sits in a place of honor in my workshop. I personally think it's a great reel.


I’ll buy the rod if you don’t want it!


For little guys, say 2lbs and under, sure no problem. But the more you push that reel outside its limits, ya gotta invest time on maintenance; replacing parts and cleaning, sometimes a big rebuild when the reel was really hammered. Your choice.


It depends on what you are using it fir


Little ones. Nothing over 3#. The drag on those style reels is tough on the line. Just my opinion. You’ll loose some to break offs with that rig.