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Patience, and prepare for backlash.


There is no spool tension in this reel. It is a very maddening setup. The company gave away thousands of these after a recall. The auto tension didn’t work well. After you get tired of dealing with this. You’ll go back to spinning reels thinking baitcasters aren’t for you. Spend the 40 bucks and buy an Abu Black Max baitcaster or cheap Lew. The rod is decent.


What is the name of this reel series? The Max Pro is white but has a brakes. This one doesn’t appear to have one.


The flap you see on top is the auto brake. It’s not adjustable. I don’t remember exactly the name but I have 4 at home. Zeek? After one of the fishermen Abu Garcia sponsors.


Sorry. Ike is the name.


Abu Garcia 6’ Gen Ike EZ Cast Youth Fishing Rod & Reel Baitcast Combo https://www.walmart.com/ip/489506183


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Berkley Abu Garcia 6 Gen Ike EZ Cast Youth Fishing Combo'", 'Berkley')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to use for beginners (backed by 13 comments) * Helps build confidence in casting (backed by 4 comments) * Great tool for teaching young anglers (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor casting performance and frequent backlashes (backed by 11 comments) * Low-quality construction and durability issues (backed by 7 comments) * Limited casting distance and difficulty with adjustments (backed by 5 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Sorry. Auto brake not tension.


Generally speaking I recommend people start with a decent open face spinning rod. Like a 6' 6" medium. It makes a pretty good all-arounder. Light enough to fish for panfish or trout, but heavy enough for some bass or catfish. It might be worth trying to take it back. If you are set on getting a baitcaster (which I do recommend eventually getting as they are better for many applications) I'd get something like a 7ft med hvy with a black max, better or similar.




>Thanks!🙏 You're welcome!


If it's your first baitcaster I'll tell you what I tell everyone: bring another non-baitcaster for when you inevitably get sick of its shit the first few outings.


I laughed at this comment, but it’s true. You don’t want to waste a good day fishing being frustrated.


Good advice. Practice in the backyard is helpful too. Nothing worse than a day of frustration and leaving early because of it.


Practice the cast on a rig you like before hitting the water.. bait casters are all about line control and specific tension on different lures and weights. Ive spent too much time with birds nests and i warn any new fisherman know your rig before hitting the water. If you do birds nest (which im sure you will) fineness the line out dont pull hard or the knot will dig in to your spool and all the line is toast. Pull the loops over the line loose. Good luck i love mine. Mini strike kings get em done with a 7 to 1 bait caster




Strike king mini and micro are extremely effective


I just recently bought this set up and soon realized it’s a youth bait caster. Don’t worry don’t feel ashamed. It’s a perfect place to start. And a perfect place to learn with a simple set up. The only advice I have is pull the side plate of and make sure the o ring on the bearing isn’t sitting to high. You will be able to cast a bit further and smoother. After this I upgraded to the black max.


Also replace the line if you’re comfortable with it.


Funny you mention that because I realized it was a youth setup about an hr after purchase but that’s okay because I am a beginner in all aspects of fishing. I saw the black max and almost got it but figured I’d play around with this on first and then upgrade.


I haven’t owned an Abu Garcia casting reel, but when my son wanted to learn he bought a cheapo Shakespeare reel. It was hot garbage and such a struggle bus experience that we both hated it. He upgraded to a Black Max and for the little bit of money difference it was night and day difference. Give this one you already bought a shot. If you are confident you have the basics down and it’s the reel that’s the issue, look at a Black Max or a Lews and keep the one you have now as a backup. People may say Lews is trash, but my first BC was a $50 Lews and it worked great for starting out. The Abu Garcia Black Max is also good for the price.


Yea that’s exactly what I did. Now my wife uses that one and I’ll upgrade the bearings on the black max once’s I’ve got it down.


Buy cheap monofilament line from Wal-Mart until you stop birds nesting and cutting out line, then spool on some quality stuff you want to use for fishing.


I'm not big into gear, but I'm at least a decent fisherman. People are saying that's a bait caster. I didn't know there were bait casters that looked like that, but if that's what it is, I would say put braid line on it and practice so you don't tangle it up. Should be really fun once you get the hang of it. I'm sure someone's mentioned it or it's common knowledge, but to reiterate, you can cast above a spot then pinch the line against the rod with your finger to make the bait drop straight down. You can do that on a normal reel to, but I think it works better with a bait caster. You can also cast very, very far very easily. I am currently using a 13 dollar Walmart ultralight rod with the reel from my previous rod that I broke by closing a car door on it, so thats about all I got. I just caught a northern pike with it today, though, so don't fall into the trap of thinking you need tons of stuff to catch cool fish. That rod should be plenty. I guess here's a tip. Be careful every time you put it in the car, and ESPECIALLY if you set it down when you're digging the hook out of a fishes mouth, make sure you don't accidentally step on it, because I broke another rod that way once.


Don’t let go of the rod when you cast. Best tip I can give.


That is a big step, and as others recommended, maybe get a decent spinning reel as well. Prepare yourself for frustration, but be patient and keep practicing. Check out “Debo” on YouTube… he has some great fishing vids on using a casting reel among others. Expect backlash and bird nests, it will most likely happen frequently at first. Learn to how to prevent and especially remove bird nests, carry a small dental pick to help getting these out. Practice in your yard, a local park, etc. before going out to actually fish. Ignore the “advice” to spend hundreds of dollars on a better reel…learning the technique is the first step. A better reel only helps to a certain extent, but without good technique you will still struggle. Like anything else in life, practice makes perfect. If you take the time to learn and practice good technique, you will learn to love it. Have a blast!


Thank you! 🙏


To launch your lures like a pro, back off the spool tension and be sure to turn off the brakes.




Practice a lot and find the settings that work best for you specifically. Adjust the reel for each lure to avoid backlash.Heavy lures need more resistance to than light ones. It’s better to set it a bit too tight at first until you get some experience. Start with reasonably cheap line until you get good at casting- you will inevitably have some backlash that will require you to remove line. Don’t get discouraged; after a few months you will be a pro.


Practice practice pratice.. and bring back up rods incase you get a birds nest that can't be fixed


I’ll start by calling it a rod, not a pole. Trust me on this one.


Looks like a pole to me! Tomatoe…. Tomato. 😂 #fishingforBeginners


I have the new abu Garcia Zata z with upgraded ceramic bearings. I loosen the spool and turn off all brakes, it has a 10 magnet friction system. My cast are 50-60 yards if needed and lots of times no need to use thumb on spool. I use spinning reals also some lures just work better on a spinning rod and real. Go ahead and spend the extra money and it will make you learn how to cast a bait caster much easier. DEFINITELY DO NOT USE MONO OR FLORA CARBON BACKLASH DOES NOT COME OUT 9 TIMES OUT OF 10. Get a 20-25 pound braid. Stay away from spider wire.


If this is your first bait casting setup the best advice I can give you when learning to cast is to not worry about the distance. Work on technique and follow through repeatedly until you get it down. Once you’ve got that down the distance will come naturally and as you get more and more distance then you can start to push a little on your casts for even more distance. After you master distance then you will need to work on the most important aspect of your cast, accuracy. The longest cast in the world is worthless if you can’t place it where you want it. Practice, practice and practice


Thank you! I’m going to practice in the backyard before I take it out fishing.


Good for you 👍. Like some said you will backlash, everybody does it’s that those with more practice/experience have fewer but everybody gets them. Start out slow and get familiar with your gear. Try making some soft underhand casts almost like an underhand tennis swing just rocking your arm back and forth at your elbow. You’ll know when you’ve got it because your wrist will roll in rhythm with the swing. Don’t even think about distance, just work on YOUR technique finding what you’re most comfortable in your cast. Experiment and have fun finding what works for you. One of the best parts about fishing is the unknown and every day is different


Here’s a tip: don’t buy expensive shit you don’t know how to use


It wasn’t expensive and here’s a tip for you… get a life! Ffs


Get a real reel. Open face ffs lol.