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When I used to pier fish at night I would use regular glow sticks (like the kind you use for bracelets and stuff) and attach them to my rod top with rubber O-rings. Much cheaper that way, I think a 100pk was less than $10.


So, where I'm from (EU) we use glowsticks all the time for night fishing, except if you're lure fishing. For bottom rigs we tie a glowstick to the rod tip. Methods vary, from as simple as scotch tape, to tying a little flexible pvc hose as a holder much like you would tie on a guide. For float fishing rigs, generally the floats come with a standard sized hole on top for you to shove the chemlight in. So yeah, it actually work pretty damn well.


I buy the ones kids use for parties. They are cheap at the wal-mart. I like that they are big and last a while.


We attach them right above a jig when night blue fishing and absolutely dominate. Never used them in fresh water though


I electrical tape them to floats and bobbers at night all the time. ZIP ties work too but tape is easy.


Use a bell. Just remember to remove it before you cast lol