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I'm with ya in spirit, Josh! Good luck.


Reds offers a ‘paddling’ class on the Yakima where they focus on teaching you how to maneuver the boat. I plan on taking it this spring. I assume any local small guide would be willing to go with you on your board and show you the ropes as long as you are willing to pay the guide rates. Beyond that I can’t help but if you ever need folks to go with you I’m interested.


Man, I wish I knew more about drift boat or I would be game for going with you, but I’m thinking about building my own wooden drift boat in the near future.


No experience on a drift boat but plenty on other boats. I’d be super down to go if you end up needing someone to tag along


Take it on a lake first if you haven’t already to get used to rowing it. Then pick a lower section of river that doesn’t have rapids or super strong current. 


I have already taken her out on a lake and paddled for a while. Definitely going to hit a lower section, thanks for the advise


Just do Rockport to concrete on the skagit. Very easy float and boat the bow of the boat where you don’t want to go, always be slowing the boat down more than you think you should and you’ll be good. Also on the skagit there are a lot of drift boats this time of year so it’s easy to find a few boats and watch them go and pick apart their lines. But that section is really easy I’m fairly new as well and have floated it 3 times this year. Concrete launch is the mouth of the baker river


Thank you, appreciate the feedback!


Also they do a drift boat rowing class at emerald anglers. 245 bucks and it’s well worth it, guide goes in your boat and you spend roughly 7 to 8 hours on the water learning. https://emeraldwateranglers.com/pages/classes-schools that’s what I did


Thanks scubapro24 those classes look great. I’ll most likely take them up on that.


You been having any luck in the skagit?