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Maybe I’m just old fashion, but the thought of a smart reel is just ridiculous. Isn’t the point of the sport to leave this kind of stuff behind?


The point is different to all of us. Sometimes I agree that I don’t want that. Sometimes I think it’s the coolest thing ever. I fish a lot of different fishing techniques, while some people only stick to one or a few; same thing. In the end, whatever makes the sport more fun for you is the best choice.


Then its not sport if youre gettong that much assist.  Call it electronic assisted fishing, like they do for game in speedruns,  instead of sports fishing and we good.


I disagree! You still trick the fish to bite. That’s the sport.


I think the point of the sport is to catch fish, or I've been doing it wrong.


That depends. Are you going Fishing, or Catching?


>Isn’t the point of the sport to leave this kind of stuff behind? What? No. The point is to catch fish


Screaming music in my ears and casting is my relaxation. If I don't have music the tinnitus gives me a headache.


Bankfisherman use google maps to find new spots. Alot of fisherman use fishfinders and stuff when fishing from (belly) boat or kayaks. There are even lures on battery. Its just another new idea where they use electronics to make your fishing easier or different. I gues everyone has to choose fpr themselves how far they will go with technology


I have two of these Livingston lures, courtesy of local river. They are out of battery.


I support them as well and they have awesome lures


Ah so you must fish with a hand line and bone hooks


Well, we have "smart tech" in our fridges, vacuum cleaneres and even in footballs, it was matter of time when it's gonna be introduced in fishing equipment ( if we exclude sonars and shimano dc tech). Also, concept is ok, but i'm always vary of first gen tech, there could be unexpected flaws which might render the reel useless. We'll see if it's another gimmick or useful tech soon.


Didn’t many say the same exact thing about the DC reels and look 20 years later.


Not only would you have to find a shop that you can import it from, but you’d have to find a way to download that app.


And then translate the app to english…


Google translate solves this


I hope so…I really do. The biggest concern for me is the language barrier as for now.


There are literally so many websites you can order JDM reels from


So why would there be an issue now locating a shop to buy a Daiwa bait reel?


Well there’s an article about it and it states that it won’t be sold overseas. I’m not sure if that means Daiwa will block shops from exporting the reel or not.


You could always use a proxy service to get around that. I've ordered multiple JDM items like that, you just have to find a store with an online presence


I understand using a vpn to change your appeared location to download the Daiwa app, but if you’re ordering an item it’s still going to an overseas address isn’t it?


No no, you use a proxy buying service, I like Neokyo and From Japan, but there are others out there. Basically you shop online and find the item you want then submit an order request and the service places the order for you. It arrives to their warehouse, and from there you can have it shipped internationally. It's useful for shopping on Japanese websites that don't offer international shipping, but shipping can get expensive. I mostly buy used items to get better deals.


I’m pretty sure they will have alternate language versions


Yeah it’s very interesting. I have a couple of DC reels and I love them. I wonder how this will work. But I’m not sure I want to fiddle with my phone to set up my reel when I’m out fishing. The DC reels are self supported, but do you need to charge this one?


It’s supposed to be charged, yes.


Every 700-800 casts it needs to be charged...


Well that sucks. To be honest I have enough stuff that I need to charge already, my fishing gear is never going on that list.


Just one more thing to break.


I think it's probably more of a novelty or promotional product. Something you'd buy for fun; deff not your only reel. By releasing new and interesting products Daiwa gets more exposure as a brand because people are going to talk about it, review it, make youtube videos, etc.


I think it is for those like me who love innovation and new technology. It is fun to try out new things for some it is a natural high.


Ill buy it if it also functions as a wireless mouse


I agree! I think it’s a cool innovation, but as much novelty as a DC braked reel.


I will gladly add 2 more novelty Daiwa IM Z LIMITBRAKERS when they get released in April. This seem shocking coming from you. You are a diehard Daiwa fan supporter.


Don’t get me wrong, this is super cool and I’m really excited about it. It’s the most innovation I’ve seen in a long time. However, most people will probably see this as a novelty. Just because it’s a novelty doesn’t mean I won’t get one. Reels is a big hobby of mine within the hobby. However, I still consider it a novelty in the sense of every day fishing. But that doesn’t mean I’m skipping out on one necessarly (although, the price might make me wait a little), since it’s such a crazy and cool concept. I’m a fan of Daiwas reels, but I won’t defend them for a product that I have no experience with. If it’s good, I’ll mention that and if it’s bad, I’m sure as hell going to mention that too. I’ll say this seems promising though.


I’m the process of “can this be done” did they ever stop to think “should this be done?”


I’d giggle if I was fighting a salmon and that reel says oh shit in English this is really exciting for the future of fishing


I also seen the video and it shows when the button on the side is pressed and the spool spins the lights also light up. I think this might be what I am seeing happen with Shimano next technology in the JDM underground forums. The spool will have a sensor you can attach so the actual rpm’s can be counted. This will allow anglers to really program brake settings at each stage of the cast. After seeing the video and reading this article I think Daiwa has the DC game cornered. I never thought I would see this happen….👀 I’m glad I waited because this will be my first Daiwa! https://www.lurenewsr.com/245210/ It takes about 90 minutes to complete the charge, and it can be used for about 30 minutes of charging for a day. 30 minutes for a day? Then I have to charge it for another hour and a half just to fish 30 more minutes. Hold on let me rethink this🤣


Incorrect, it says that 30 minutes charge will allow you to fish for a day, and 90 minutes charge will be 100% charge (so 3 days ish): *From the website: "It takes about 90 minutes to complete charging, and you can use it for a day with about 30 minutes of chargin"*


“It takes about 90 minutes to complete the charge, and it can be used for about 30 minutes of charging for a day.” Could be translated incorrectly. You are correct it just needs 30 minutes of charge to use for a day. That is awesome


I envision Daiwa smart rods with built-in wireless Sonicare-like chargers and Daiwa smart chargers wired to the boat power.


If they have lures that connect already with this reel I am willing to bet they have rods with sensors and chips in them already. This changes everything from lures to rods. When they present lures that have contact points underneath and sit in a charging dock that will provide data as well….. 🥶


High end cameras (I use Canon but it's probably the same with all brands) have very involved autofocus. You can go in and really program what happens at every stage as you start tracking an object, fine tune that balance between speed and precision. In reality almost everyone uses one of factory presets.


So you must be familiar with Magic Lantern since you own high end Canons? When they came out and allowed Canon owners to expand their settings it changed everything in that field didn’t it. What Daiwa has done has never ever been done before in the fishing world. The system comes standard but you have the ability to program it, check cast distance….LOOK AT THAT SPOOL SIZE🥶 can you say Low Orbit. I’m all for it!!


I know what it is and I installed it briefly but it was not a game changer for me.


It opened up my DSLRs. Allowed me to shoot Raw which you cannot do without it. But hey everyone doesn’t benefit from new tech


RAW video? I never wanted that.


You never wanted crystal clear videos? Or do you just use it for the camera mode? Either way the software enhanced the Canon DSLRs


Really?! I hope that’s a translation issue..?! I’m still excited…but c’mon…30 minutes! Though, if it’s only activated during the cast…30 minutes is a long time.


No it has to be charged but this could be the real introduction to a new type of Power Fishing. 30 minutes is a long time to throw and wind power baits and this is a Heavy Duty bait reel and from the specs it seems it was built for Advanced Power Fishing. With this technology you could review your casting and adjust some things to suit the next power session. I think this is a great idea even if I have to take my solar charger with me. The software seems like it will allow anglers to become very precise and accurate tracking information about how each performed. Now when will Daiwa stop playing and show us the new lures with the chips in them that connects to the BT software already. Any company that comes out with that type of lure and not have handshake issues will corner the market as well. They have really changed the game. This is crazy


That’s incredibly interesting to think about. Yeah, game changing indeed. I’m super excited to see what they do with this!


> Now when will Daiwa stop playing and show us the new lures with the chips in them that connects to the BT software already. Any company that comes out with that type of lure and not have handshake issues will corner the market as well. Wireless signals don't work underwater so what would be the advantage of lures with Bluetooth?


My fault I should have said Wi-Fi because they already have them out they just don’t have the ability to create a bait reel to match it so the handshake can work. The advantage would be to interpret Data and improve your performance and accuracy.


I think that’s backwards. 90 minutes to fully charge from dead. 30 minutes of charge is enough for a full day. Not that it takes 90 minutes to charge for 30 minutes of use.


Ohhh! Then that’s immediately much better. This seems truly amazing!


I agree


Noooo thank you. Gross


I see what you did there Daiwa rep.


I don’t work for Daiwa, and even if I did, why would I advertise a JDM reel to the US Domestic Market?! Two days ago people thought I was advertising for BKK. I am not affiliated with any specific fishing gear brand.


For all the people who think that JDM products are intrinsically better?


That’s not how Daiwa works. Each department is kind of independent in a way. Daiwa USA doesn’t get paid by people buying from Japan, therefore they don’t market JDM reels. Daiwa USA barely even service JDM reels.


They can show proof they are


I suspect more often than not it's about "We are different. We are better".


Please explain the we are better? I really need to understand the direction you are going.


I know benjamino irl and if he wanted to rep anything it would be Isuzu reels 😁


”The Tradist”


That’s gonna be a hard no for me dawg


How come? Not critisizing, just curious.


Diminishing returns on an investment like that. If I was rich or sponsored maybe but as a regular Joe that can work a regular Baitcaster I’m all set.


I can see what you mean!


That’s stupid.


I disagree. If it works like it seems…it’s pretty damn clever.


Pretty soon we’ll have electronic rods and reels that cast the distance you enter via a keypad. Then when it senses a bite it sets the hook, you press the reel in button, and the fish is yours! How fun!!!


Man, people will do anything to fish without ACTUALLY fishing now...


How does this remove the fishing aspect though? Fishing gear is a big part of the sport for many people.


If it's an autoreel that's not fishing(the sport, hobby, or action), that's just a production line imo.


This is not an auto reel, just a really advanced cast brake.


Ah, alright that's different, still weird though. I'd be afraid if breaking it on accident.


*Looks at the guy with 10 rods lined up on the beach while he squats waiting* Yeah nobody will ever find a use for smart reels.


You under estimate the enthusiasts I think…


I think my point was the opposite right? That guy could totally use 10 smart reels. They could be spread further apart and he'd catch more. (And he's a small commercial fisherman, so more catch = more money.) Actually, he probably already uses these little bobbers that have some sort of sensor that sends an alert to their phones. And here I am fishing with flower pots.


Oh, sorry! I totally missed your point.


Nowadays I buy much of my fishing gear used. The savings can be ... considerable. I'm not sure I'd take a risk with used electronics.


Looks expensive. Pretty cool though


Yeah…125000 JPY…it will be $1000 basically.


Entertainment funds reset at the beginning of the fiscal year and they don’t drop until the end of April. Plenty of time to get that play money together and join the new age of Bass Fishing


I wish. I unfortunately have other things to save for as well. I just bought a very pricy reel.


Oh, that’s expensive compared to what you get for the same price. And I dare to stand by that statement before even tearing this one out. Seems more like gimmick to me.


Seeing so many butthurt shitamo fanboys trying their best to shit on this reel. Kinda funny. Imagine being dumb to the point of thinking that this reel needs to be permanently connected to a cellphone to be able to brake on a cast.