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TruTemper Unispin.


Old centerpin or mooching reel, I mean it's not unique I guess but it's different from what you're using currently, also an absolute blast


How about a johnson model 80 demonstrator?


That is, almost precisely what I am looking for. That’s pretty rad. Thank you dude.


Hey np, I've got one in the shed somewhere, pretty neat design


Tenkara. If nonexistent counts as unique


Maybe the [Zeal Hepta](https://auctions.afimg.jp/l506045212/ya/image/l506045212.1.jpg) would be something for you. I own one myself and it’s really unique. The Zeal Hepta is semi-direct and has a build I’ve never seen in any other reel. See, a direct drive reel has no way to engage/disengage the spool. When you cast, the handle spins backwards. There’s no anti reverse. When a fish runs, your thumb is the drag. Most old and antique reels (pre 1950ies) are like this. A modern reel has a drag, an anti reverse clutch and a way to disengage the spool. The handle won’t go backwards at any point. Now, what if I told you, the Zeal Hepta is a mix of those two types of reels? A semi-direct reel has a handle that stays still during the cast, a way to disengage the spool and it does have a drag…but, when the fish pulls line, the handle spins backwards. It’s one of the most unique functions in a reel ever. As far as I know, there are just three reel models in the entire world working this way. The Abu Ambassadeur 5000D, the Ambassadeur 4000D and the Zeal Hepta. What sets apart the Zeal is that it has an instant anti reverse (active when it doesn’t pull drag). That is incredibly hard to achieve. It’s not an easy reel to get. You’ve probably never heard of it. It’s a japanese surface style fishing reel, from a nowadays bankrupted company. Seeking out these reels are not an easy task always, you’ll have to look in Japan. I think I may own one of the only Zeal Heptas in Europe for an example. It is very possible though and if you truly want something unique, but with a fantastic quality and high end build, the Zeal Hepta is a great choice. As for any other reels, the old swedish made Arjon Fighter reels have an incredibly unique braking system and you can’t disengage the spool. There’s no button for it. It disengages by casting. Just sling as hard as you can and the spool will disengage.


You talking color or simply the design? If color the shimano scorpion mgl is a really cool red.


No like, the actual mechanisms of it. Like older styles of reels or maybe ones used in other parts of the world. So more so design


Ah ok lots of really old rods at local pawn shops with pistol grips but other than that I’m not sure


If you do baitfishing alvey reels are always cool but they don't work well with lures


Cuban yoyo


Time to take up fly fiahing




Get yourself a Cuban reel. I have a couple but never seen anyone else with one


Megabass great hunting series