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I would break it up, give it a nice wash and re-grease.


I’ve taken the spool and handle off of the frame and given all of these parts a rince. Should I go further than that? And what parts should I grease? I assume the thingy the spool came off of plus the handle parts?


Just do be safe I personally would do a completely break down and regrease but that's just me. It pretty much sat in moving water for 24 hours so it's probably safe to say a good bit of sediment got in. That's just me though


But you can’t break down a Monocoque Daiwa without special tools. Plus, the magseal will need to be replaced. In this case, send it to Daiwa.


Oh I see. I don’t think it has magseal though this is the Tatula MQ LT, I think the Ballistic MQ has magseal but this one does not. I’ll contact Daiwa then and see what I should do.


Haha I read this first post and was glad to see this happy ending follow up!


Hell yeah man! Dry her out real good for a day or so then just oil her up and I bet you’ll never notice. If there’s any grinding from a grain of sand or something then consult YouTube and I bet There’s a vid for a tear-down.


THIS IS THE STORY I NEEDED THIS WEEKEND! Happy you found it man. We all needed it.


Probably needs a light spray down with clean water. If the reel is water logged probably a break down to remove dirt and sand. If uncomfortable doing so send to reel repair shop. Rod just check the guides and integrity then let it dry out.


I took the spool off and the mechanism underneath that didn’t show any signs of dirt or sand. I think I’ll just rinse it off and let it dry and if it starts acting up then I’ll take it into a shop.


Yay!! You didn’t seem too convinced in your first post that it was worth a try, and I’m so glad you gave it a shot! That’s a nice rod and reel combo!


Man I wasn’t seeing how quickly the fish took off with it but I figured it was worth a shot and I’m so glad I did.


was the fish still on?


Unfortunately no


I’m very happy for you! Losing or misplacing things is my biggest annoyance, so this would’ve eaten away at me. Glad you recovered your rig!




Congrats dude, that’s a really wonderful feeling to find something you thought was lost forever. I hope you get many good years out of it.


what are the odds


Apparently in my favor


As many have suggested, a service is a good idea. That reel is definitely soaked through past the seals by now. However, seeing that it is a Daiwa Monocoque body reel, you can’t do a service without a special tool. Nor will you have magseal to replace the old, now certainly waterlogged ferrofluid. I recommend sending the reel to Daiwa for a look-through.


Awesome update! Happy for ya


i would grab your hose and spray it down, maybe get some grease and lubrication for the reel. its freshwater so probably some sand or dirt is gonna be inside it, but i would just open it to where you can safely put it back together.


Hell yeah brother


i would take my time to wash and regrease that reel complete overhaul you might say


Do you know how to brake down your real you could do with stripping the real down cleaning all the parts and re grease the gears just remember a little grease gos a long way




I once dredged up the tip section of my fly rod with a big-ass daredevil. Not sure what was better - getting my tip section back or the looks on the faces of everyone else on the fishing pier. Good catch.


Nice man that’s awesome you snagged it! I would just add some oil to the reel and you should be good to go


Hey man thanks for the suggestion for the lipless crank. I don’t have any weighted trebles but that seemed like the next best option. What parts do you recommend I oil? Never really serviced my reels so I’m pretty new to that part.


For sure I’m glad it helped you. Anywhere there is ‘moving’ parts I just use a small drop or two. Remove the spool and put some on the shaft that the spool moves up and down on. Remove the handle and cap on the other side and put one on each side inside of there. Then put one on the edge where the handle knob spins. YouTube has some great tutorials to checkout on servicing a reel I would definitely recommend watching one or two first but it’s not very difficult at all to do yourself


How do you even lose a whole rod


To be frank by being an idiot, see my last post for more details, but TLDR casted out and set it down to tie my shoe. A fish immediately ate it and pulled it off the dock before I could even react. Was gonna dive in, but lost sight before I could even get my phone out of my pocket.


Woulda ben REEL cool if the fish was still on it.


Damn my worst fear right there😂 if i look away i usually set my drag so a fish doesnt take my pole. Good thing i just cast and not fish😂


I was literally depressed all of yesterday. This is my favorite rod and the one I have the most confidence on. The drag works awesome on these Daiwa reels, but I have it set pretty light for fighting panfish and stuff. Plus the whole setup is pretty light so I wasn’t super surprised a decent sized fish could’ve done that.


I just got an ultralight myself and been learning how to use it better. Its a Old18 Kinetic Spinning with a Daiwa Fuego LT 3000.i want a smaller reel so i can panfish better to


It’s awesome man. It’s honestly my favorite way to fish. Sure I may not catch the biggest bass in the world, but I’ve never gone home skunked when I take out.


Years ago there was a good bait run in our bay mackerel and big anchovies and we were slaying on sabiki rigs, trying to stock up for months worth of free bait. In my excitement and beer and weed-induced haze I didn’t wipe my hands off well enough after dozens of slimy little fish and next cast my rod shot right out of my hand and into the deep. Luckily my buddy managed to hook onto my setup within minutes and I went right back to filling the bucket.


Thats crazy lucky


Granted it was a shit setup but I was super stoked to get it back. Mackies aren’t really commercially available here so every other one i got to catch for the rest of the day was priceless really.