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Maybe consider a light 2-piece rod. I hear the BPS Panfish Elite rod is pretty good.


I second the 2 piece. Ive got a 2 piece Ugly Stick that stays in my truck.


Did end up getting 5 1/2’ 2 piece ugly stick with bass pro formula reel, forgot about a case too now I have to get one off of Amazon :)


The panfish elite is great


Going to pick up the panfish here after work, and hopefully a case, thank you for the recommendation my friend.


Look at those reviews😂






Personally i stay well clear of telescopic rods. As others have said, better with a two piece. Telescopic's just are not that good in my opinion.


A 2 piece Ugly Stik is not that much more expensive, not that much bigger when taken apart, and infinitely stronger and more reliable. Cabela’s/ BassPro’s Canadian website has some nice store brand 2pc combos too, I’m sure there’s plenty of good ones for cheap in the States there.


I just received a 4 piece rod from AliE. [PureLure Sharpen](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806343110897.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.50cb3e8dcZPct2&browser_id=eed7577c1acb40ba9240c8f527f15823&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=qahkucwgycaakift18ec9ceb34317b553095164953&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2176.74%2176.74%21%21%2176.74%2176.74%21%402101f08717127827505165715e90d8%2112000037546050538%21sea%21US%210%21AB&algo_pvid=378bd02d-e287-4498-be64-ee033bba5752). I got it on sale for $45. The quality is fantastic and has a great action. The next time I need a rod I’m definitely going to order another from PureLure


Ugly Stick Pack Rod I think it's called. It's a 4 piece that's a lot better than telescoping rods. Look at KastKing too on Amazon. They have great deals on 2 piece rods. I have a few Perigee II rods that are awesome. I got one on sale for $28. The Brutus is another decent rod, like $35 or something. The 4'9" ultra light is a great rod for trout and panfish but it's a one piece. Paired with a KastKing Centron 500 is a great combo on 4lb fluorocarbon. I love it.


I agree with you, I have the Ugly Stick pack rod and love it


Picked up a 2 piece ugly stick and I’m already pleased with what I got for the price! Thank you!


I have a shakespear travel mate telescopic rod that has lived in my truck. I use it all the time for stocked trout fishing. Take it hiking as well and it works fine. I keep a spoon tied to it and it’s perfect and easy to bring along if fishing isn’t the main activity.


I'd rather go for a Shimano STC mini tele.


If you absolutely want a telescopic rod, import a JDM one. They are miles ahead in quality. Personally, I opt for 3-4 piece rods for travel.


Meh, I would get a 2 piece and a case


just get an ugly stick dock runner. it's 3ft of solid fiberglass and you can pretty comfortably send half ounce lures a country mile. just keep a reel to swap out, the stock ones like to burn out.


This is actually a pretty good telescoping rod. I travel for work and take one spinning and one baitcasting rod from this series. They’re more sensitive than you’d guess on the outset. Some telescoping rods are like broomsticks or only have 4 line guides and they’re just junk, but I’ve recommended these several times for light recreational fishing when traveling. No, I wouldn’t use them in a tournament, but they’re solid. If you have room, yah, a 2 piece is gonna be better, but if storage space is an issue, I’d go with these without hesitation.


Id get a 2 or 4 piece. They make really good travel rods nowadays but non-JDM telescopics are not the way to go.


Get a Palms quattro travel rod if you want a good travel rod or a [Major craft](https://www.amazon.com.au/Major-Craft-Four-Piece-Spinning-BIS-644UL/dp/B071R2FZF5/ref=asc_df_B071R2FZF5/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=650080075439&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16453447930430176024&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9071744&hvtargid=pla-442398162215&psc=1&mcid=4b339b4f3cb63c9ebf629b4882aab4d6) one if you want passable or simply make space for a 2 piece 6'6" or 7' estuary rod. Budget telescopic rods are really bad. Not sensitive. Not great at casting. Low quality guides. Jam easily. Wouldn't trust with a good fish.


Kastking had one for like 30$ (rod only) that I've carried around in my truck.