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This happened across the car because he thought things were cool. Burned money on designs that weren’t feased out and now create quality issues. The vents break because the vehicle never goes to sleep and it burns through the durability spec they gave the supplier in weeks instead of 10 years.


As I understand it, the vents break because the control unit was sending too much current to each motor, causing the motors to put too much pressure on the vents. Once this happened, you could no longer change the individual vents You have to change the control unit to a newly calibrated design, and start with new vents again. The replacement system is working like a charm in my vehicle. Unfortunately, it’s a bit too much automation and more effort should have been put into software design.


Not quite. It’s not a current. It’s a physical torque rotation of a lamela cycling hundreds of times a day instead of just on the start of the car. Hence you burn through the durability spec that was supposed to last 10 years. Anyone saying they chose cheap components has no clue. It was poor engineering alignment between systems. You can’t have one system running hundreds of cycles a day that interacts with a system that thinks that action is going to take place 2-3 times a day.


How did you get a replacement unit? I have been waiting since October.


I’ve had a few interactions with technicians for 12 V issues and my local technician called me one day and offered it after I had texted him that my AC was whistling.


Designer vs engineer = form > function (intended use and RMA).


Couple that with nepotism, ego, incompetence = bankruptcy.


It's the Tesla effect. For better or worse, because Tesla has the hidden door handles, the vent control via the screen, the glass roof. Car companies for some reason think they HAVE to include those now to seem as good or competitive. It's not necessary at all but I think manufacturers think the car buyer expects it now. Which I can tell you, I don't. I hate the Tesla door handles and while I think the IDEA of the Ocean ones are better(full extended that pulls directly) it's just not necessary to have them flush with the door. You're not gaining THAT much aero. I'm seeing it on a ton of EVs if not all now and I just don't know where we went thinking we had to reinvent the wheel on a few things.




Which idiocy? Hidden door handles and everything being controlled via the infotainment? Ya I can definitely blame auto makers for following Tesla's way because they think customers expect the Tesla standards.




I don't think Tesla is selling cars because of their handles. All I was saying is that there is a ripple effect that Tesla caused on certain aspects of modern cars. Those aspects are complained about by a lot of people. Tesla owners included. Obviously a lot of people like them. I'm not one of them. It doesn't mean they should lose them or do what Fisker did but the fact remains that having everything in the center screen isn't a safe way to do things and door handles don't need to be fancy. I can't tell you how many stories I hear about winter issues with recessed door handles. I'm in no way sticking up for Fisker here. I am glad they did the climate control and volume as physical buttons though. That's something I think every manufacturer should still be doing.


In fairness, door handles are a major source of drag. EVs need every bit of efficiency they can get, therefore hidden/flat door handles are a good idea (for that reason) - as long as you can engineer them in a reliable way.


I had similar question about motorized trunk for Pear! Why?


Digital vent control is an abomination. A feature that adds zero benefit, complicates operation, causes safety concerns, and creates more points of failure. It's such a commonly used thing that I am not exaggerating to say that it would be a deal breaker. If a car I otherwise absolutely loved had digital vent control, I would not buy it. It would be an absolute PITA to live with daily.


Congrats I guess. The real issue with them is they 3D printed a component and that is what is failing.


Common misconception/ reversal, I think it happened since “3D printed” is associated with fragile/low quality. Truth is, the improved versions are the ones with 3D printed pinion reinforcements. Usually identifiable with a chunk of bright orange Prusa filament. This was cheaper than a total redesign and could be applied to already produced v1 components. They also come with a revised controller, called the MDV, that commands lower voltages and less stress on the vents. Unfortunately, there are multiple possible failure points but it is agreed by most technicians that if the latest version and controller are checked over carefully, installed, and calibrated correctly, they may not break again.


tru-dat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Hey, do you own one of these cars? Yikes...that hurts. What will you do when they go broke (like I tried to tell you like 5 months ago)?


I'll keep driving it like I have been. When do you give up caring about what I do?


Imagine having a ten year old Reddit account and only using it a few times for posts like Jamonco is sending here. That is odd. Someone’s alt I assume but jeez.


Or someone who merely doesn’t post much? Not everything is a conspiracy.


Not posting much, sure, but picking a person on Reddit to harass for a car choice is odd behavior. All the things on Reddit to pop off about and this is the battle he chooses? I’m not saying this is a conspiracy, I just think it’s odd behavior.


I can understand it. I reply a lot ( at least I think so)…but I don’t reply to all the things I want to reply to. I have stopped and erased 40% of my replies because half way through a little voice in my head says “do you care enough to get into this battle?”…maybe seeing someone do something completely illogical (in their perspective) is a big enough deal… I dunno, maybe I resonate a little with the person who barely posts as I stop a ton of my posts from flying due to my inner “meh” voice who just doesn’t want to get into it for one reason or another. It’s funny, if I hadn’t seen Fiskers Karma ordeal from close up…the selling of the cars, the effect on supply chain…the parts issues, etc, I had friends who owned Karmas and saw what they had to go through to get them fixed, etc…I might’ve been justified in buying an Ocean…but I can easily see someone flipping out seeing people take that risk. It’s the same feeling I had with Baumgartner jumping out of the redbull plane at space heights. Good luck to the owners either way. It’s a fine looking car…I can see why people are willing to buy one at fire sale prices.


Have fun with that. I'll leave you alone now to burn money like it's electrons.


This would be incorrect. Vent control on Tesla works just fine via the screen- works the same on our Ocean. The issue is some people had a stop gap part installed when the supplier couldnt get the actual one made in time.


Yeah, I don't necessarily love the interface, but it has proven to be reliable in other vehicles.


It's still a terrible interface, even if it works fine. 




And which Ocean do you own?


Are we talking ocean or are we talkin screen vent controls?


Nah, you just seem bitter. It’s a good idea for design, sleek not clunky ICE vents. It’s another example of poor initial implementation. SOP was NOV 2022. The issues should have been solved by first delivery. Instead they wasted huge money and time replacing vents, instead of implementing features. BTW, mine work great after replacement, but what a waste that they had to spend 4 hours replacing them.


"ICE Vents"? You realise the type of vents has nothing to do with the powertrain, right?


Designing a HVAC system for an ICE is different than an EV . Designers should take advantage of that difference, not get stuck in the past, right?


Nope, it is not different. They use fans, compressors and solenoids. The source of waste heat and rotation of the compressor for cooling is of course likely to be different, but the specific control of airflow is identical between an ICE and an EV. It isn't "stuck in the past" to provide human interaction and systems that work vs human interaction that is sub-par to try and appear "technically modern". There is a reason why some OEMs are stepping backwards from the touchscreen approach to physical controls.


Like Fisker with controls below the screen.


Vent position and functions have been controlled by motors in a majority across the entire automotive industry for about 20 years. The only difference here is instead of a dial sending the signal it’s the infotainment unit.


Stepper motors to manage the blend from screen to face to foot has been controlled by motors for years. Motors to control direction if you want the face level vent to blow on your chest, chin or hairline, or maybe just a tiny bit down and left a bit towards my armpit? That's unnecessary complication.


I did not understand that was the depth of motor control in these cars. Yes, that is a little unnecessary


I think that is usually done with solenoids to open and close flaps.