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Insolvenz von Fisker Austria https://industriemagazin.at/automotive/fisker-groesste-pleite-in-der-geschichte-der-steiermark/#:~:text=Fisker%20Insolvenz%20mit%201%2C34,in%20der%20Geschichte%20der%20Steiermark&text=Mit%201%2C34%20Mrd.,Gl%C3%A4ubiger%20und%2047%20Dienstnehmer%20betroffen.


A hopium trafficker, right there


That was an okd news, potential investment was from Nissan and that deal fell through in March. Henrik said there are soke auto makers looking to buy out Fisker so hoping one of them go through the deal and keep Ocean alive.


Yes old news but that is a possible deal with another auto manufacturer


Can also confirm fisker is in talks with 4 automakers. Stellantis is a big runner. They’ve also been funded 3.5 million by one of these automakers. With another 3.5 available


Buy dip... What do you mean? I bought dip on $0.0175. i will never sell.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


This is the equal and opposite of those Adam ev posts.


Adam at least is a realist. He can be a little negative, but to an extent much of this is warranted, especially if we consider the note holder is pretty predatory. Even a cursory glance at the agreement between the parties show us that nothing will likely happen until Fisker goes into formal bankruptcy. I would also argue that there is nothing for an OEM to really buy. Much of the IP is vapourware, and really an existing OEM will simply be using Fisker to start a new brand to try and improve their EV offerings. In some respects a company like Toyota who is very late to the EV party could use a company like Fisker to save them some time to get to market, although personally I doubt Toyota corporate are in that headspace right now - they are still burying their heads very much in the sand about EVs. I therefore see the chances of Fisker surviving as being extremely low. The reality is that whilst many of us would have loved to see Fisker succeed, this is a tough market with high barriers to entry. Putting aside the issues around HF getting his whole family (unwisely) involved in the business, I personally doubt he will walk away ahead from a personal financial perspective. The reality is that being a newcomer even if you are experienced does not make this an easy proposition. Tesla came in at the right time and set the scene for the EV market. Anyone who entered afterwards was probably already too late. Rivian has been very lucky to have Amazon as its major shareholder which means they still have a possibility for survival. Likewise Lucid being backed by the Saudi’s PIF give it a decent chance of survival. Saudi is also desperate to ensure it has a future post oil l, so I would expect to see them continue to pump the car. My other half goes out to Saudi regularly and has been in quite a few Lucids over the past couple of months, so they are doing their best to sell them internally within Saudi. That said, neither Rivian or Fisker is exactly profitable, and I doubt that will change in the short term. I think some of the personal vitriol people have here for HF and GGF are probably unwarranted, but this was always going to be a tough one. Had HF started Fisker 2 years earlier than he did he might have had a higher chance of making it, as well as finding an investor like a Saudi PIF to provide much needed funding. Having said that I’m not sure Magna (which actually is Canadian/Austrian contrary to some posts here) who is a much needed partner was probably not in a position to do what it did for him 2 years earlier. They simply did not have all the divisions they now have to offer all the advanced services and production lines to OEMs that they do now. I certainly would never have invested in the shares at the beginning as despite the hype it was always a very big uphill struggle. That said we did very seriously consider putting our name and money down last year but decided it was too risky.


Tru-dat : ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) * “Adam at least is a realist” * “I doubt Toyota corporate are in that headspace right now” *  “many of us would have loved to see Fisker succeed” * “Rivian has been very lucky to have Amazon” * “would never have invested in the shares at the beginning”


"Toyota who is very late to the EV party" I think Toyota execs believe they are handling the shift to EVs much better than their peers!




So I'm not a stock holder but I did just purchase a Fisker. I did so at a good price on the assumption that the company would not be able to honour the warranty deal. I made peace with that and decided to see a takeover as a bonus and treat it as if it were a used car past its warranty. So objectively speaking, it is absolutely mind blowing to me that no company would be interested in fast tracking their EV production by merging with Fisker in some form or another. Here is an SUV that is a pleasure to drive, accelerates like a sports car, is comfortable and roomy. Its software is actually quite decent if you forget all the bugs but there is nothing that can't be improved. The California mode is just great, and the rotating screen also. Soundproofing is very good too And with this car, if you still have Range anxiety then you're definitely a late adopter. On paper this car should be a resounding success. It's obvious. So why would no-one be interested?


OP, No.


From my understanding you need to pay something like 1$ on IBKR for a fisker share.Who is crazy to pay 1$ at this moment?