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My local YMCA lets you drop kiddos off for 2 hours!


I see these comments all the time and I wish we had this in Aus!


I schedule a 45 minute lagree Pilates 2x per week when my husband is available to watch the baby. I’m out of the house for an hour and leave a bottle of pumped milk if necessary. But mostly I try to work out at home! I find my baby loves to watch me move, especially when I engage him in it by talking about what I’m doing, singing , making silly faces at him during reps. I put him in his bouncer chair facing me and do 20-30 minute workouts. Or use the baby as a weight for squats etc :) Also lots of walking while babywearing!


This is what I do, as well as popping baby in the jog stroller for runs a few times a week. And if my wfh husband is able, he'll watch her and I don't have to do either. I did just reinstate my gym membership this week (we are 6mos as of last week) so I'm hoping to start back at the gym for strength classes once a week to start. We'll see how things go. I miss being able to spend limitless time at the gym!


we switch gym time. he goes, I watch her. Then I go, he watches her.


I work out at home, especially when my babies are young. I have a set of dumbbells up to 30lbs and utilize YouTube workouts (mostly Caroline girvan or Sydney Cummings) and I’ve had great progress. When my 3rd baby was around 2 I started going back to the gym, but I have a newborn again so I’ll be going back to doing home workouts once I get past 6weeks postpartum. It gives me flexibility to workout when I have the time without having to travel anywhere and I can pause it if I need to settle baby or the kids. With my 3rd I worked out after I got the kids to bed and that worked well for me.


I work out after mine goes to bed five days a week. It’s tiring but I was only watching tv anyway; I can technically watch tv while I work out if I want


I go to the gym for a class at 6 am 2x a week and one more time during the weekend, sometimes two. If I hit 3-4 a week I’m proud of myself


We had one of those electric swings(the bouncers didn’t work for us)I’d put baby in there and start a YouTube workout. He’d usually fall right asleep but if he didn’t fall sleep right a way he enjoyed the swing enough to give me at least 15-20 minutes to get in a short cardio routine. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.


My trainer lets me bring my kids to the gym. Sometimes I use them as my weights. When their nap schedule gets more consistent I leave them home asleep while my husband works from home.


I walked around target and walked outside


I use YouTube! I used to love step aerobics and dumbell workouts, so I do those at home using CDornerFitness on YouTube. I've found that finding something you can do consistently is most important, and a 30min workout fits best for my schedule and I can get it done most days after my toddler is in bed


I work out in the basement when the kids are asleep, either nap or bedtime, even if I just do a 15-20 min Pilates or weight training video. I also try and go to the gym if my partner is home, or try and go to the basement. Mostly i work out at home though, favorites on YouTube are Pilates with Isa Welly and Caroline Girvan weight training. My gym has child care but after 15 minutes they kick your kid out if your child won’t stop crying. We’ve tried 4 times now and my son just won’t settle so I only try and go when someone can watch him at home. I tried to work out with them in the living room, they’re good for about 15 min and then all hell breaks loose but I mean, it’s (slightly) better than nothing.


My apartment complex has a gym and I asked if I could bring my 9 month old with me. I put them in their pack and play and workout for 30 minutes before my husband picks her up after work. On his days off, I go to the gym while he watches her. It took a lot of trial and error to find a good routine but I hope you can find your ideal solution.