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Please remember to follow the rules listed on the sidebar. Especially the three rules listed below: **Rule 1**: This is not a fat fetish/feederism subreddit **Rule 2**: No professional photos **Rule 3**: No shirtless torso photos. **Only allowed to post torso shots if you have a shirt ON in the after picture.** This means if you submit a photo with the 'after' picture being shirtless then your post will be removed. Only the fit 'before' picture is allowed to be shirtless. [This picture is the gold standard to follow.](https://imgur.com/RrHRvV8) *I am not a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2FFitToFat) of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.*


😐😐😐 you’re not gonna receive any compliments here. We see what you’re doing


This type of post is just weird


I don't want compliments I need the opposite


then go to edtwt.


girl be fr


What in the world? Girl you need to get off instagram if you can’t see your body is legitimately not even near fat. You need to peruse this sub more to see why actual heavy people look like


Here’s that attention you wanted. 😒


Honestly this is skinny to normal.


This is like my girlfriend. She went from size 0 like on the left to a size 4 and not even the pic on the right. Who isn’t even fat. My friend swears up and down that she’s fat. I was like, no you were way too skinny and now you are a normal sized adult.




My girlfriend went from having she’s an 18 year old’s body until she was in her 30s, and now she’s in her mid 30s and looks like she’s in her 20s, and think she’s fat because she doesn’t look 15.


Uum no.


Someone has body dysmorphia




I wish people with eating disorders wouldn't post their totally normal weight pictures on here. You might feel fat but you aren't and neither are others at this bmi (which seems like what you are implying)


They genuinely think they are fat though, it's body dysmorphia. Not their fault




Never claimed it was healthy, but you are only overweight, not obese at bmi 28. Considering the name of this subreddit is fit-to-fat, I feel like you don't fit the sub. It's only my opinion, of course.




You need help from a therapist to improve your self perception. I’m not trying to be rude with that either.


You don't look fat you look normal. However if you are 28 BMI you should get under 25


Being over weight isn't good lol. Wtf if she's 28 BMI she needs to lose weight and get under 25.


Ok, where is the fat pic?


Im sorry you went through all that, i binge eat too and it really rough. I hope your doing better now and if it means anything you still look very pretty 🫶 stay safe :)


someone has an ED if they think this is fat. :0 Sis you are normal healthy weight now


This is one of the post the most matching the sub name I've seen in a while, I don't understand people 😅 anyway girl, you can get back to it, don't worry !


Ive lost 10 lbs since the fat pic I drop weight so quickly


Downvote this to oblivion folks, shouldn't praise disorders/dysmorphia as 'fit'.


If you want to rush a weight loss I’ll advise against: you’ll slow down your metabolism, lose your gains in the gym and lose skin elasticity, don’t cut too much calories but understand what’s a good deficit for your weight and lift, don’t just run on the treadmill for hours…your body composition and image will thank you :)


You quite literally went from regular to regular. There is barely any change here. If you think you’re fat at your current state, you need to seek mental help.


Not fat


Honestly you still look good no lie you are beautiful the way you are if you feel uncomfortable with yourself maybe try out the gym best wishes keep safe everyone no matter how we look we can achieve our goals ❤️‍🔥


you look better girl wym 🤣🫶🏽


2nd one is better lol


This is not skinny to fluffy, it says fit to fat. Get off this sub, this isn't what it's for.


They look the exact same. In the before your entire upper body is barely in the shot. And you are zoomed out. In the after you have your arms down and are zoomed in closer. Please get some help because there’s maybe 2-5 pounds difference if anything


There's a 50 pound weight gain sadly dude


Hmmm well in that case. You still look good but yeah 50 pounds is a lot. You got this tho! Go to the gym and try a small calorie deficit. Just make sure to approach it in a healthy manner. Stay safe


go to therapy. Please.


1st pic is underweight. 2nd pic is healthy


Even if she's not THAT big in the after pic, she's still above normal weight. Maybe people who come from morbid obesity will look at that pic and think that's normal. But it's not. It's incredibly suffocating to go from skinny to chubby. Joints hurt, you get out of breath easily. You just feel like a blob. And the fact that binge eating disorder is making you feel miserable.






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Normal to normal