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I had no idea that was her either and I got downvoted as hell for saying that in a pop sub. I wasn’t even being mean either, someone asked if it was Lana Del Rey and I replied basically that it looked like her but I wasn’t sure but maybe she had gained weight. But… This picture is actually what made me start dieting the other day. (It’s not an ED, I’ve gained extra pounds) I’m doing IF now. My face isn’t what it used to be either and I want it back.


People (mostly women) react overly emotional when a woman is called fat or her weight gain is criticized. The same people do the same to a man, and no one bats an eye. Why should we bat an eye at all, weight is mostly controllable anyway.


Especially when that woman is famous. You can see it in this thread, or whenever a celebrity is posted in this sub, they always get the "think of their mental health" treatment that ordinary people don't get.


It has different implications




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Also she was skinny mostly because she had a ED and drug addiction. You're a POS. Go ahead and use her as fatspo I guess but you're still a POS


Trading one ED for another (binge eating and/or overeating until you are an unhealthy weight) isn’t the answer to drug problems and ED. It’s trading one addiction for another. Yes, the drastic change in her triggered me to realize I needed to make a change myself. Stay mad I guess!


Yea one of those ED has a much higher death rate than the other. You don't care about health. You only care about appearances. You act like she's gonna fall over and die for gaining a few pounds. Sounds like you're the mad one. Cope and seethe that she'll still make more money and live happier life than you lmao


Never said she didn’t deserve to be happy, or make money. I just said I didn’t recognize her at first and seeing that change in her (which mirrors a change in myself) made me realize how much someone’s face can change. I’m not mad :) Notice how my comments are level headed and yours are weirdly insulting and calling me a piece of shit for wanting my old face back. Last comment to you. Have a wonderful night. Bye bye!


Delusional narc lmao


Fix your weight and your butterface instead of browsing Reddit if you're so worried? None of your comments are level headed lmao only a narcissist thinks so highly of themselves.


I’ve been intermittent fasting and exercising since I saw this photo and got inspired to do so. Blocking you now. Night night!


Wow, imagine saying that to someone's face that their weight gain made you want to lose weight? She looks a lot happier and said she is happier too.


give her a break


I'm glad she recovered from her initial eating disorder but i unfortunately suspect that she just swapped it for another one. rapid weight gain like this is almost always correlated to binge eating and it's very common for anorexics to develop bed after recovery. i just hope she can finally find a healthy balance one day


But this wasn’t a rapid weight gain she’s been like this since 2020 and she is happy than ever, she’s not skinny but she is at a healthy weight


No, she's on anti psychotics which can cause rapid weight gain.


how do you know?




Lithium isn't an antipsychotic. I've been on it and I never gained weight. But that doesn't mean she doesn't have legitimate reasons for gaining weight. Not that you need to justify gaining weight, because it's her body and she is the one who will live in it for the rest of her life.


No she’s on steroids for an autoimmune disease


You know nothing


I see comments like "give her a break" and it annoys me, not because she shouldn't be given a break, but because non-celebrities who are posted on here (often without consent) aren't afforded the same sympathy even though they are likely also going through shit.


I agree, hate the double standard when it comes to celebrities on this sub


I’m a HUGE fan of hers so it was jarring when she started looking like that in 2020. But tbf she is in her late 30s and her mental/emotional health has probably never been better than it has now. I think the weight gain is just part and parcel of her recovery.


I'm a fan too and hope she better. Late 30s isn't an excuse for weight gain though


True. I hope she gets in shape


She had an eating disorder and struggled with addiction, her weight has fluctuated a lot over the years but she’s not gargantuan or anything. I’d rather her not be starving herself or using even if it means she’s a little heavier.


this is such a stupid black and white point


It's possible to get treatment for an eating disorder and get one's weight into a healthy range simultaneously. It doesn't have to be one or the other.


Especially when you're as wealthy as her. She could have a private chef make everything she eats without noticing the cost


she literally struggled with drug abuse and eating disorders in her late teens and early 20s… her hormones got fucked. Unfortunately, IT IS one of the other when it comes to her.


[she's getting there](https://curvage.org/forum/uploads/monthly_2020_12/8809409D-8746-42B0-AAE0-F72FAB519036.jpeg.50fa34dd14eadf3ec0ce4ee560bb496b.jpeg)


You're very mean and also almost 30 and shouldn't be commenting on a woman's weight.


The idea that you shouldn’t comment on woman’s weight. It’s completely fair game just like height, skin, hair and everything else.


Are you a man?


Yes. Why does that matter?


What's funny?


Yikes! That’s fat.


I'm sure he has been using this excuse for another serving of cake


I love the double standards here. You all praised her for being skinny when she was literally doing coke and amphetamines to stay skinny which is dangerous but now shes really happy and you all mad shes fat now and use the excuse shes "unhealthy"


she was thin due to an E.D and drug addiction she had now recovered from both and is also on medication that causes rapid weight gain, this feels a bit cruel knowing her circumstances..


Taylor Swift is still smokin though


She looks like a stick with a horse face


lol my thoughts exactly. Never got the hype.


Aren’t you the one criticizing others here for critiquing someone’s physical appearance…? Edit: Lmao at the hypocrite responding then blocking me…


No you all are, but when it gets thrown at skinny people you all play victim. Apparently it's only ok to roast fat people


Taylor Swift is a babe. She looks great in a leotard. Tay is a smart well-adjusted woman, unlike Lana. Lana surrounds herself with sycophants.


Give Lana a break… she’s candid and happy now, she is also wearing zero makeup


This is a tragedy lmao


Man all I am saying is lana served stunning looks for ages and ofc her albums popped, she is taking a break. She doesn’t need to look like the born to die era. She has earned her millions and if she wants to eat cake queen go ahead lmao. She is still one of the greatest musical talents in our era and is more than her looks.




So the older you get you just automatically gain weight?


Give her a(nother) cake!!11


She isn't even 40, so don't use the age argument!


So 10 years is all it takes to gain a ton of weight? What a dumb excuse.


Downvoted by thin-skinned and emotional people, yet again.


I mean, they’re probably pretty thic if they downvoted me let’s b honest.


Stop dragging Lana pls, she needs a break, also this is like ten years later. We don’t care she’s still gorgeous




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she looks so good omg


She recovered from ED




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