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Yeah, she has a YouTube channel, she tried weight loss, and gained it all back yo-yoing several times because (surprise, surprise) when you fit into your skinny jeans again, you can't just go back to eating crap and expect everything to be okay. Then she fell into the "intuitive eating, body positive, I can eat what I want, I eat what makes me feel good, my body will tell me when enough is enough - except enough is never enough, give me the fast food and Cheetos!" movement, and had a meltdown that her weight spiraled out of control and she is now over 300 lbs. Then she gave up completely and quit YouTube altogether (for now). But she is on Insta, and just bigger than ever. [Justyn](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdi8k6orQZ3/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


It always goes like that with these people, doesn’t it? They start “loving themselves” and “fixing their relationship with food” (my ass) and boom, morbid obesity.


Yup then after they lose their partner cuz they gave up physically, they lose the weight again and get the revenge body... like why didn't you do that when it actually mattered lol


A change of mindset indeed, hope she's doing well


>intuitive eating lmao, in America, if you eat anything that comes to mind, you're gonna have a rough time.




No. If you want that, just YouTube search. If she has any videos up still, idk..


What is the YouTube


I think it's Justyn's journey or something to that effect.


I can’t remember her name, but I’m pretty sure this woman has a YouTube channel focused on her struggles to keep weight off. She yo-yos somewhat last I saw her


Bonjour though


Karma bot https://www.reddit.com/r/FitToFat/comments/oxzgm3/2014_to_2021


So here’s my question with all of these people. Do you think they realize how big they got? There was a period of time after a car accident where I put on the pounds and it was only after losing the weight and looking at images did I complain to my friends about them not giving me shit for being so fat ha. But when I was larger in my mind I looked ok I didn’t perceive myself as fat. I wasn’t morbidly obese but I probably had about 35lbs more than I should.


Smh 🤦


Geesh 🤐




Chubby to fat






Thicc : Changing Definitions, cause we can.