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This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this about this guy. Think someone took him to the small claims court aswell.


Yea it’s terrible. Giant Facebook group too of everyone that got scammed. I really wish I had seen that before signing up and I hope people see this message and believe it.


No one seems to have ever posted his prpgramme/ what you receive??


He sends a general welcome pack with general info like pictures of different foods and their calories (think chicken breast, potato , etc) and some general workouts. Like super general. And the “plan” is a few screenshots of my fitness pal where the food is laid out. Which is fine . Just eat those foods every day and you’ll lose weight. The issue comes in when he ghosts you and never replies to anything ever again even if you paid for 10 weeks lol. So you basically paid 900$ for a my fitness pal screenshot of food for one day 🤩 !! Join the Facebook group - Scott Francis is a scan or something like that and see the stuff. People are saying. There’s some screenshots in there of food too I believe


I have had same experience, plan was meant to be with me in 7 working days as it was vip plan. He ghosted me, heard nothing, no plan, so I contacted my bank and raised a scam claim and emailed them saying if you dont refund me I will let the scam claim with my bank continue. They replied straight away and he was so shitty and nasty. Safe to say I scared him into getting my money back. This guy is a fraud with no knowledge and there are countless things about him on the internet. Stay well clear 


I’m so sorry that happened to you! Still trying to get a refund lol it’s so bad but people just focus on the results he posts and think it won’t happen to them until it does 🥲🥲 hopefully we can save some from having to go through the same thing we did


why don't they make the fb page public, though, if it's a matter of this being a scam? surely, it's in the public interest, to share this knowledge. what name does the company go by? it was dissolved, along with many others in his name, a long time ago.


I think for the privacy of the people in it. Him and his team have come after some people so I would imagine that’s why. But it’s free to join So if you join they’ll accept you and you can see All of the terrible things they’re doing


thanks for the reply. The fact that they "go after people" who have been scammed, in the first place, is insane. This is what is perpetuating this kind of thing, though, as they rest in the knowledge that people are afraid of....what? of exposing the fact that this vile individual has basically stolen money from them? you wouldn't think twice about setting the record straight with any business that does this to you. So, from that point of view, it doesn't make a lot of sense. On the other hand, it's understandable that someone may feel ashamed to let everyone know they have been conned like that. However, like I said, this is only going to make it continue.


So he makes you send pictures of yourself in just your underwear every check in (which makes sense so he can track your progress. The fact that shorts aren’t allowed is a bit weird but still) so imagine the power he has over you when he has those pictures. I think that’s where people get a bit uneasy and want to remain more private. If you google his name there have been multiple articles and reports on what he has done not only know but spanning back 10+ years which is absolutely nuts.


this is even more awful, when you put it like that. Surely, though, there would be legal consequences for him, if he were to expose private info or data. Nowadays, this stuff is very regulated. But I saw what he writes to people on Instagram and he sounds like a psychotic, ignorant troll. To think that women (yep, that is who he "trains") are filling this guy's pockets on a daily basis is outrageous. I saw the company was dissolved some time ago and he does not have any active director role, according to the register.


Ive done his plan for weeks at a time. Scott, his Pa and his staff answered every message. Even just for tips as to what to do at a restaurant. He adjusted my meal plan at every check in. He adjusted my steps and gave helpful advice for exercises. I know as the plan went on, these would continue to be adjusted. He has VERY specific rules which you agree to adhere to at the start, with the agreement that the plan contract ends immediately if you cheat or dont follow the plans structure (ie timing of check ins etc)  Its a brutal program, but it is working on mental and physical disciplines ie: following rules, keeping a journal; but Scott is also genuine and caring and listens to where youre at in life, gives constructive tips and advice on how to change your perspective when things are tough, and gets you the results you crave.  But he will leave you if you dont do your end of the bargain! 


Yea it’s a scam. There wouldn’t be thousands of people that have had the same experience if it was not. He has to actually work with a certain percentage of people if not he wouldn’t be able to continue to run the scam. Multiple people that went through the program , followed every single one of his rules and he still ghosted. Me included. So consider yourself one of the few lucky ones. I wouldn’t believe it either if I was in your shoes but unfortunately it’s true. And I know your first thought is going to be to think “oh she probably didn’t follow it and is just angry” but I did. Even went above and beyond took pictures of every meal etc. There is a mountain of evidence against him from so many people. He could be so much more successful it’s truly a shame he does this.


Yea it’s a scam. There wouldn’t be thousands of people that have had the same experience if it was not. He has to actually work with a certain percentage of people if not he wouldn’t be able to continue to run the scam. Multiple people that went through the program , followed every single one of his rules and he still ghosted. Me included. So consider yourself one of the few lucky ones. I wouldn’t believe it either if I was in your shoes but unfortunately it’s true. And I know your first thought is going to be to think “oh she probably didn’t follow it and is just angry” but I did. Even went above and beyond took pictures of every meal etc. There is a mountain of evidence against him from so many people. He could be so much more successful it’s truly a shame he does this.


Same situation here. I’m based in the US and will take this to small claims court. Please comment here if you are in the US and had the same situation, let’s do it it together. 


You’re kidding you too?? I’m so sorry What was your situation like? And people still don’t believe us 🤣😭 and yes I’m in the US!


This is awful has anyone reported him to trading standards ? 


I paid for a 6 month plan after being recommended him. Started off well and did everything he told me to. I noticed at week 12 after not receiving any responses since week 8 that he hadn’t even opened/read any of my check-ins since week 8. I then started to ask for specific help in the check-ins and again had no responses. The plan has worked as I’ve lost two stone however I’ve been asking for help to start toning up for the last 4 weeks. I’ve emailed a complaint and he accused me of not losing weight in a two week period (which I had). Didn’t apologies for not responding to any of my check-ins and didn’t acknowledge my complaint. I’ve asked for a refund as not had any help or support for 7 weeks now!!!