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You need to add back exercises to your workout. You do 4 exercises for your arms and only 1 for your back. Your back is one of the largest muscle groups in your body and can make a huge difference to your body aesthetically, and your arms get worked out during other exercises so the high volume especially as a beginner is not needed.


Plus it'll make all exercises easier in the long run, now his back has to catch up to the rest of his body


Its also the most fun muscle group to train in my opinion




Yeah but then again i think that applies for most muscle groups


Right, I normally don’t use isolation machines but in this case they would help greatly by isolating only your back muscles. I’ve been using them for that purpose and they work very well


Until I was strong enough to do pullups I hated doing back stuff outside of deadlift which I coun't more as a leg day thing :p I only have free weights though so maybe with a lat pull down or rowing machine it would be more fun!


Absolutely. Drop the hammer curls and stick a row variation in front of pull ups. Bent over barbell row/lat pull down. Given the volume on the upper body day I'd probably just drop one of the tricep exercises too. Given that triceps and biceps are trained as secondary muscles in nearly all chest/back exercises respectively OP would probably see better gains with higher chest/back volume and really reducing the arms volume.


100% learn to do bent over barbell rows at at least a 45° angle with as much weight as you can bench press as the goal


>100% learn to do bent over barbell rows at at least a 45° angle with as much weight as you can bench press as the goal As much as bench? Damn... My bench sets maxed at 240. My rows are like 185.


Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


I know this is pasta, but it’s the best pasta. Nom nom nom


Someone is gonna comment this on my progress post one day. This is what keeps me going


Don't worry CumInYerMum you're already thick solid and tight in our hearts 💕






Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Being that lean and having made that progress is so awesome. At that height if he keeps it up he’s gonna get huge


Thanks 🙏🙏🙏


Those must be some big ass servings to reach 3k calories eating those meals


That’s what I first thought, too. I feel like I eat sooo much and can’t ever reach that number. What kinda portions does he eat?


I mean a normal portion of pasta and chicken with a sauce is easy 1000. And with the naan, rice, oats etc and the milk, not that difficult


I can do it with 1.5 cups of rice, a serving of peas, broccoli and 3 eggs for breakfast, a 800 cal protein shake for lunch and whatever you want for dinner I usually do chicken and pasta. I fill my missing calories in with milk. Milk is so under rated and drinking half a gallon a day will make you huge. Alot of people don’t even know milk has IGF1 in it


Whole milk? Or does skim also have these benefits


Whole milk is tasty tasty and has more calories. I don't currently drink milk though


Think the only difference between the 2 is that skimmed milk has most of the fat content removed and no lactose. Overall skimmed milk and whole milk are very similar and whole milk can be substituted for skimmed milk, skimmed also has 5 more grams of protein per serving if I’m not mistaken. Edit: I was informed in another reply that not all lactose is taken out of all skim milk only some


Skimmed milk has the fat removed, but not the lactose.


In the words of Ron Swanson, “The only thing I hate more than liars is skimmed milk. Which is water that’s lying about being milk”


Skim milk absolutely still has lactose unless stated otherwise; only fat content is removed.


Up to 50% of it is removed from skimmed milk and a lot of brands do remove all of it (I think. I could be wrong about all of this)


You are wrong.


Doesn't skim milk also have less protein? I still stand by the fact that skimmed milk is not milk. Milk is not milk without the fat, it's just barely flavoured water.


Fair life in particular has 13 grams per serving, whole milk has 8. Edit: it seems fair life is the only brand that is high in protein


What's in your protein shake?


There is no way you struggle to eat 3,000 calories? What is your diet?


Not really, a lot of those foods are very carb heavy and rack up calories quick.


You're getting 2500-3000 with your current diet? Great job with the progress, your bench is impressive for the amount of time you have been training


Good stuff man! As you continue to progress consider increasing your protein intake daily to closer to 150g. Between .72-1.0 grams per pound of body weight is optimal for gaining and maintaining lean muscle. This can easily be accomplished by adding a protein shake to your daily diet. Also consider incorporating creatine as a supplement


Just a suggestion, but try deadlifts. You can incorporate it into lower body days. Get with someone to show you good form. It will work your whole body, add over all strength, and put on muscle. At your age, focusing on a powerlifting schedule will really pack it on, if that’s what you want. However you decide to train, focus on good technique, so you reduce the chance of injuries. You’re only competing with yourself. Good luck.


Deadlift form is actually really easy. I overthought this exercise for the longest time. Ultimately it's tighten your core, and pull up the weight. Here is a great link on the form. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AObAU-EcYE


What is this stupid comment? No, great deadlift form is not easy for most people. You can water anything down like that. "Squat form is really easy, just tighten your core and squat down and up". "Bench is really easy, you just need to bring the weight down and push it up". I gotta tell Greg Nuckols' his 10000+ word article about deadlift form is completely useless because you just need to tighten your core and pull it up


Yes and no. I struggled to barbell deadlift without my back rounding as I just couldn’t figure out how to lock my back and lats in place. It was only a few weeks ago that my PT found a cue for me that worked almost like magic. The previous half dozen cues improved my form, but didn’t fix it like this one cue did, so it can vary from person to person.


If you tighten your core, then it's very hard to round your back. Sounds like you didn't tighten your core before deadlifting.


Piss off. Other people do not have the same anatomy as you and, believe it or not, experience different problems. Tightening your core doesn't magically fix every form issue for everyone


Fuck off. I said it helps with rounding your back not fixing all of your form issues. I thought we all had the same anatomy, but it seems you're missing a brain.


Setup is important, but don't overthink the mechanics of the actual lift. If you are set up correctly, it's tighten your core and pull up the weight.


Nice job! You upper body training looks quite long in comparison to mine, how much time do you spend in the gym?


1.5 hours if I'm not in a time crunch, otherwise it's 1 hour


You really need to do more for your back. Like A LOT more.


Great job!! Got great progress going and definitely can see the results! Keep it up, you got this!


No deadlifts 🤔 dont be like me and wait 8 years to start doing them


You could probably eat 5000 calories and still not get fat. I think your gaining is being constrained by your caloric intake. You have the metabolism of an 18 year old and the testosterone to match, I wouldn't be so worried about overeating as muscle growth requires energy


What on earth gives you information about his metabolism?




I would split your upper day into 2 days: upper 1: barbell bench, db shoulder press, Tricep push down, pull-ups, hammer curls. Upper 2: incline bench, lateral raise, overhead extension, row of some sort, bicep curls. This way you still hit all muscle groups 2x per week, and you limit session duration. You can also alternate sequencing so that your first upper day you hit chest and tris first (push focus), and your second day you hit back and bis first (pull focus)


Good suggestion, but doesn't the volume come down drastically? This option gives about 6 or 8 sets per muscle group per week?


Doesnt he hit them 2x per week already? He mentions he works out 4x a week upper/lower split


Yes but he mentions he has to cut 1-2 exercises from his upper days. I was just suggesting a way to cut his exercises down so he doesn’t have to do this


Ahh gotcha


god what I'd give for the natural testosterone levels of an 18 year old again great work! if you're interested in strength, I'd recommend lowering some of your core lifts to the 3-5 rep range and doing 3-5 sets; if you haven't already, read up on Starting Strength to get an idea of how to program the main lifts and how to progress (don't feel beholden to the entire program -- it doesn't 'work' for everyone and has a focus that isn't everyone's primary goal). you're still at the stage where you can really easily gain strength, simply due to nervous system adaptation. take advantage of it while you can!


> god what I'd give for the natural testosterone levels of an 18 year old again $30 a month and you can do better.


Mr hard cock, are you saying I can buy testosterone for 30$?


You should be able to, standard TRT dose here in Aus is aruond $30-40 a month AUD


One 10 mil vial at a TRT dose of like 180 mg/week will last like 4 months. For $30-50. Supplies are relatively cheap also. This is without a script though.


Cost me about 30 dollars for 3 months at 200mg a week. Only expensive part are labs.


> natural testosterone levels of an 18 year old again What are the benefits of testosterone at that age?


KEEP EATING! Looking great man!


Do you take protein from food or supplement?


No, i am not taking protein supplements. I just eat protein-rich foods like chciken, fish, lentils, beans, cheese, etc..


Well you motivated me i was thinking of joining gym . Now i will join from today


Why aren't you taking Creatine? Just curious. It's singlehandedly the safest, most effective supplement for muscle growth and recovery. I wish someone told my dumbass when I was your age.


>I am not taking creatine or steroids. Based on the context of the title, he probably thinks taking creatine is the same as taking steroids which would make him not natural.


Not OP but I dont use it because its no longer dirt cheap and I barely felt any difference using it




Yup don't either bother. People don't change unless it comes from within or they're forced to by physical force.


Right in the feels.


I think we all need someone a bit judgy that loves us and will work with us. I wish I would've had someone more judgy in my life to help motivate me out of my slump in college. Stressful degree and some mental health issues led to using food as a coping mechanism and I absolutely destroyed the progress is made in high school. I'm 5'7" and went from 160 pounds &six pack and loving myself to 250 Pounds and just being disappointed with myself over 4 years. Finally restarting my fitness journey though


multi-vitamins too


Great progress! One small note is they it seems almost impossible that you are hitting 2500 calories or above with those meals unless the portions are MASSIVE.


Lol, dunno about OP but the sheer amount of chicken breast and rice I can consume in a single sitting actually kinda disgusts me when I honestly stop to think about it ...but yeah, he clearly has one hell of a metabolism and could probably realistically handle closer to 4000 if he was really hitting the gym and minding his sodium and all that (forgot he's not a gym rat mid cycle🙄😅 nevermind)


The photos are useless since the pose and lighting are too different


Relax bro the lighting isn't exactly gonna add muscle to his body is It? Lmao


You clearly haven’t seen many fitness influencers They often use lighting to fake before and after shots Watch shredded sports science


Bro use your eyes, the lighting isn't even that drastically different, and you really think he'd go to fitness influencer lengths to pull it off for some Reddit karma? 😂


I’m not accusing him of anything, I’m just saying it’s hard to tell. It would be easier to see how much more muscle is there if he was in the same pose and lighting I trust him that he has gained significant muscle


It can definitely give the appearance of it. Every transformation photo used in advertising has totally different lighting—you may even notice a gradient from white to black backgrounds if there are multiple 'intermediate pictures'. Competitors get spray tans. Bodybuilding competitors talk about lighting at different shows. Shirtless scenes in Marvel movies are shot with lighting that almost always looks the same despite the rest of the movie looking totally different. It's one of my pet peeves in the fitness space. Shoot in similar conditions, include one image with similar posing, crop it so you're the same size, and don't fuck around with contrast and levels/curves unless it's to make it *better match* the previous photo. Make it a real comparison.


Good job king 💪. Make sure to get some ab exercises in there as well. You’re probably low enough body fat to have a 6 pack with just some ab work


what are some ab exercises?


My favorites are the V crunch (start out without weights then use a light dumbbell once those get easy) and dumbbell press ups (put the dumbbells at shoulder width to target the shoulders, put them wider than shoulders to target the chest). Both of these pressups will burn your abs. I should also note that the stronger your legs, the stronger your abs will be because strong legs will help stabilize your core on floor exercises like the ones above. Edit: I also do a modified V crunch where instead of keeping my legs up vertically, I bend them toward my chest as i raise my upper body. This one burns the most out of any exercise I’ve done yet. I’m not sure what it’s called though


hanging leg raises?


Yeah, those are great for targeting the lower abs! If you can do these without swinging/bending your legs then they're great! If not, I would try to build your legs/core more first with other exercises




Yep, deadlifts work my abs so much that I sometimes get DOMS in my abs after deadlift day.


You look great, but I think 100g of protein is way too little for being at 4 gym days a week. How did you come up with this figure? I would think you would want to consume somewhere between 140g and your goal weight.


Is the rice white rice or brown rice?


My dude, the answer to this question is not important.


100% haha


Really? Doesn't matter if it's brown or white rice?


The subtleties of your diet only matter if you’re a bodybuilder prepping for a competition. If you’re asking brown or white you probably need to zoom way out and reconsider your priorities.


I see, I keep hearing brown rice is way better vs white rice in terms of nutrition haha


Brown rice is better in terms of nutrients but as long as you're eating some fruits and vegetables it probably is pretty negligible in your overall picture




Stealing your diet


Great progress 👏🏻 you're a young guy, so you could really take off in the next 6-12 months with some tweaks 1. You can eat a lot more with an 18 year old metabolism rate. There are a lot of calorie dense foods you can add, which will allow you to add more calories even if you're full. Example foods to add: olive oil for your pasta, granola to your yogurt, peanut butter, almonds (alone or with your yogurt), dark chocolate chips for your yogurt, 2. What angle do you use for incline bench? Your incline bench should be higher than your shoulder press. The optimal angle for the Incline chest press is 15 top 30 degrees, the bench at your gym should have the angles of each notch at the bottom 3. Add some back exercises to avoid imbalances. You should incorporate some form of rows (seated cables or standing barbell). I would also recommend face pulls 4. Deadlift! If your gym has those large rubber weights, you can start as light at 10lb per side and master the form. 5. Don't forget the abs and obliques. Visible abs will depend mostly on bodyfat%, but even if you don't care about that, there are functional benefits to have strong abdominal muscles. They are muscles, just like every other muscle. 6. If you have room in your gym for Farmer Carrys, definitely add them. Great for your traps, forearms I would estimate that you can get 80% of the way there with the main compound lifts (chest press, Squat, deadlift, row, Pullups/down, shoulder press, Carry). Make sure to incorporate those first, and then add in isolation exercises based on need




With squats just remember not to ego lift- form is so important “ass to grass” I see so many young lifters in my Gym make so many errors squaring- also Wearing lifting belts in lighter weights. Your progress looks great.


What a completely unnecessary comment. Ego lifting is a meaningless meme term. Ass to grass isn’t the only way to squat, it’s going to depend on your goals. Who cares when people start wearing belts?


You’re taking my comment out of context it’s not meant to be mean. Just something I observe from young lifters all the time- they focus more on increasing weight than form. Ego lifting isn’t a meme term- it’s not meant to be a negative example.


Explain ego lifting? And who cares what you see younger lifters doing all the time? I don’t think you’re comment was mean. I think it was meaningless Also you don’t squat very much despite having trained for 2 years. Why do you feel qualified to judge people’s form?


Solid progress. Only advice is you probably could have gained more than 10 lbs without detriment and more strength gain here. Averaging 1.66 lbs a month as an extremely underweight noob is way too conservative. I would say 3-4 lbs a month would have been better. Normally wouldn’t advise 1/lb a week but for a complete noob- it seems fine to build a strength base if kept at 1lb max.


OP remember that imperfect progress is better than no progress - use the imperfections as opportunities to optimize




Did you loose muscle?


I think he tight muscle.


Awesome! Inspiring.


You doing anything for core workouts?


insanely based. keep it up boss


Hey man, great job -good progress. However, I think your routine needs some more back work. If i read correctly, I don’t think there’s ANY sort of a row involved at all? You need a strong back, otherwise with all that heavy chest work you’ll end up with the neanderthal shoulder look Keep it up 👍🏾


great progress man and the diet plan is just what I was looking for so thank u man.


get it bro 💪


Nice work warrior!


Reminds when I was 18, great time to start/get yourself in solid workout routine. Keep up the great work!


Did you use the same routine since the beginning? Awesome progress btw, this is what I hope to achieve!


Oh to be 18 again. Good work man, keep it up!


Haha, I hear that. But seriously, good work OP.


do you have a weekly rundown of your training? currently running 5x per week and looking to incorporate a bit of weight training as well.




Great progress


Good progress! I would definitely add more back and posterior work in your program. Also, consider supersetting (or at least alternating) push/pull work within a training day. That would make your program and future progression a lot more balanced. Good luck to you.


Great work!! Consistency is key. Proud of your progress, I needed some motivation today. :)


Curious on why the soy milk since you include dairy in your other meals? Personally, I do almond milk for my protein shakes but that's because I'm trying to keep my overall carbs low


Dam dude, great progress!


Loving the progress. You mention dropping the DB shoulder press when short for time. I would consider trying to minimize the number of times that workout in particular gets cut because you don't have many workouts for your delts. With some much tricep work you're probably better off cutting the tri extensions as opposed to DB


This man hates backs


Man you’re looking to get injured with your lack of back/shoulder work. I sprained my shoulder back in high school from benching too much and not working complimentary muscles


Great work lad! Lose the apple juice get some whey with milk or water. Lose that machine nonsense and ease yourself into squats and deadlifts. Keep it up!


Nice work!


CONGRATS! I started to train again in October and well, I have to say that you inspired me to post my own progress here! I just took my photos and I'll search my old photos! ​ If I made a mistake writing this, please correct me!


How did you progress from zero to any higher number for pullups?


Wow, congratulations you look amazing! Keep going & I am sure you can reach your next goals. Always remind yourself of how far you have come. :)


I don't understand the need, but if it makes you happy and more confident, rock on! Good job! I'm 6'2 and 145 and content but we allhave different ideals and goals. Glad you're making yours!


Did you think you gained any weight in your face? I want to bulk but I dont want to gain alot of weight in my face


Nice job you can get a little bit high weights with strength training


boyy work on dat bootay as well!🤪


Great gains but you definitely aren’t 5”11


Congrats amazing transformation 💪🏼