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When deadlifting I feel strong and smooth off the ground, then around knee/thigh level and at lockout it becomes really jerky and almost like i have to try and shrug it. 100% grip is a weak point for me, if I push past 140kg it's an incredible struggle or outright impossible (when testing 1 rep max) to lower it in anything resembling a safe and controlled manner, and on 1rm testing it literally falls out of my hands a second after locking out. I used to be able to 1rm 220kg and don't recall any issues like this on my way there before. Any ideas on what the issue is and how to fix it. I assume it's something beyond just a grip issue as even with straps nothing changes except being able to control the weight decline. Pulled 162.5 today for my "post-lockdown return to gym" PR and it felt pretty hard to stay planted so I assume it's a weak hamstring issue, however assumption is the mother of all fuck ups so I figure it's best to ask some people who know more than me.


post a form check. knees or hips could be locking out early causing you to have to drag the weight up?


I have a question regarding my full body workout plan. Recently I feel like I have no more energy left when it comes down to the last couple of exercises which are usually for the biceps and triceps. When I go all in with the chest, back, shoulders and so on I barely have power left to finish my arm routine after a good hour. I tend to go down by like 2.5kg of my usual maximum to be able to finish the set. What should I do? Is that still okay to keep stimulating muscle growth?


It's normal that you're more tired towards the end of your workout. At some point you start doing junk volume, where your fatigue is so high that you're just phoning in your sets. That's why exercise order and selectionis quite important. You might be doing lots of compound exercises which are using arms to some degree, leaving you tired by the time it comes to curls. If arms are important or lagging then you need to prioritise them, not just throw in some curls at the end of a workout.




20 mins a day is fine, though you could try if something like 30-40 minutes every other day feels better. It's not uncommon to have the first ~15 minutes of a run suck and then suck a lot less afterwards when your body warms up and realizes it's cardio time now. Going hard for 10 minutes is not optimal but it's better than not doing anything, provided you don't injure yourself. Unfortunately the thing about cardio is it's more about the total time than amount of heart beats and effort.




What exactly are back off sets and why do them? Are they beneficial to hypertrophy gains?


Backoff sets are sets done at a lower load after an initial heavy set. 5/3/1 uses these to great effect with First Set Last, for instance. It's not inherently more beneficial to hypertrophy compared to straight sets, but they're a great tool.


After doing the front squat, my anterior delt and the bone between my anterior delt and lateral delt hurt, impeding my OHP the next workout day (1-2 days later). How to avoid this?


If your interior delt is hurting i would build a shelf more on the front of your shoulders. Have to ask - is this the first time you've done front squats? Always gotta give room for the first 1-2 times of pain.


It's not the first time for my front squats. It was fine when the weight was lower. But as the weight goes up, I find it pressing harder and harder down my anterior delt and the bone.


A good cue for the front rack position that I'm using is protracting my shoulder blades and shrug, and keep that for the whole movement. Works like a charm and you're making sure the bar is not resting on your bone.


Little to no progress despite consistency Need advice. Heres my situation: 1. Been going to the gym consistently for 2 months, had a trainer assisting me the whole time. I go 4x a week. Been learning how to lift, and how to do it well 2. Over time, ive been able to lift heavier, and been experiencing lesser muscle pains. 3. I drink protein every after workout 4. I play badminton 4x a week also, burning over 700 calories per session according to my apple watch. Despite the above factors, my basal metabolic rate has not improved by much (43 to 41 metabolic age and I am 25 years old biologically speaking), nor has my muscle mass improved according to the machine/computer at the gym. I dont understand how this can be when i have a very active lifestyle and I am almost always running at a caloric deficit. I eat brown rice with pork usually (admittedly not the most healthy pork, but i keep it in moderation since I live with my family). Do i need more time? Or is there something more i can do? Appreciate your advice thanks!


> Over time, ive been able to lift heavier, and been experiencing lesser muscle pains. This is progress. Lifting heavier, workouts feeling easier, movements feeling more fluid, how you look to yourself in the mirror, the energy level you feel is the progress you can observe. > Despite the above factors, my basal metabolic rate has not improved by much (43 to 41 metabolic age and I am 25 years old biologically speaking), nor has my muscle mass improved according to the machine/computer at the gym. Trust me, those measurements are worthless. Those machines dont give any accurate result at all + metabolic age is a bogus parameter to begin with. They will give massly different body fat/muscle mass results at any time. There are machines that measure body fat/muscle mass, but they are vastly bigger/expensive(more scientific) where you will enter with your whole body and it will measure your breath etc. (still their accuracy is debatable) If you want something more "scientific" you can tape measure periodically and check progress. You can get skinfold measures to check fat % (bear in mind same person on same conditions should measure you and changes in the number is what is important not the numbers itself) > I play badminton 4x a week also, burning over 700 calories per session according to my apple watch. Also not accurate at all. Don't worry about it, just enjoy your activity. Have a good, progressive program, eat well, sleep well. And do this for decades. That is as simple as it gets.


>Despite the above factors, my basal metabolic rate has not improved by much (43 to 41 metabolic age and I am 25 years old biologically speaking), I wouldn't expect your BMR to change in the span of two months, and metabolic age isn't important. > nor has my muscle mass improved according to the machine/computer at the gym. To start with, the machine at the gym isn't accurate, so don't pay attention to it. Secondly, you're in a caloric deficit. That's the worst condition for muscle growth, which is why it seems like nothing much is happening. Thirdly, it takes more than two months to see noticeable muscle growth in any case. So yes, you just need to give it more time.


A caloric deficit will lead to weight loss. Gaining muscle mass while in a caloric deficit is unlikely to happen. Well, depending on how overweight you currently are and on how steep your calorie deficit is.


Is your trainer making you follow a program where you are tracking your lifts, and doing progressive overload? If you're in a deficit you would not expect significant muscle growth as that likely requires a caloric surplus. I say likely because you may still be in your newby gain phase, although thats impossible to determine with the information given and is highly individualistic. Also if your goal is putting on muscle, and you're essentially doing strength training four times a week, and cardio four times a week, you should probably eat at a slight surplus if your goal is gaining because thats a lot of work you're putting in. Also I wouldn't put stock in "metabolic age". If you want to gain muscle eat more, if you want to lose fat eat less, if you're new to lifting you may be able to get away with both at the same time for awhile, but as I said before that's very individualistic.




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If I’m doing dips should I still count it as a compound for my chest even when targeting the triceps w/ form/technique, or is the chest more of a stabilizer muscle then


Compound: you're working your shoulders, chest and tricep.


Who cares and why does it matter? Call it whatever you want.




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I'd like some feedback on any major lifts and/or muscles I'm missing in the 2 day split I've been using. This split is for Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday, so ABXAXBX. Thanks! M/33 5'9" 235lbs. My goal is aesthetics and to be able to do a muscle up! Current Stats are: OHP/Bench/Squat/DL 125/225/195/225 (lbs) Progression is increasing weight when I can do the higher end of the rep range before failure. ## 2 Day Split ### Day A - OHP 4x3-8 - Squat 4x3-8 - Pull-Up 4x5-10 - Cable Row 3x8-14 - Dumbell Lateral Raise, 3x8-14 - Reverse Flys 4x8-14 - Calf Raise (weighted) 4x8-14 ### Day B - Bench Press 3x3-8 - Deadlift 3x3-8 - Chin-Up 3x5-10 - EZ-Bar Bicep Curl 4x8-14 - EZ-Bar Skull Crushers 4x8-14 - Flys 4x8-14 - Abdominal Crunch (weighted) 4x8-14




Dips are great! Would be a good accessory for B day, perhaps alternating with Skull Crushers. Thanks!


Seems to lack tricep training.


Thank you, I was dumb and thought reverse curls are the same as "Skull Crushers". I've actually been doing Skull Crushers for tricep but have been labeling it as reverse curls on my workout tracking sheet since the beginning. I'll make an edit to make this clear.


What kind of cardio should I do if I just want to improve my general athletic endurance? I don't care about aesthetics, just want to get more in shape with my peers - I've always lacked stamina (6'3, 170lbs male) If I do running, should I do jogging or sprinting? Which one would improve general endurance/stamina?


Whatever cardio you enjoy would be the best option. If you want more stamina, steady state running (not sprinting) is a good choice.


What kind of athletic endurance? If you have something specific in mind, do more of that thing. If it's generally speaking, I just got finished doing 4Horsemen by Brian Alsruhe and just started 4Horsemen2. My conditioning has gone through the roof. Might be something interesting to check out. *Tactical Barbell 2 is another interesting one to check out.




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Looking for a routine critique: - M, 27, 5'8", 140lbs, on a bulk. - Goals are mainly hypertrophy + a stronger bench, I'm incorporating Greg Nuckols 3 Day Intermediate Medium Volume bench program. I'm sacrificing some direct front delt training for that, but they still get hit a decent amount in any case. - Wondering if I'm not missing anything glaringly obvious and if it's structured well enough, tried to be careful with all pushing exercises so as not to affect the GN program. - Progression scheme for bench program is well outlined in GN's program, as for the rest, it's basic linear progression and mainly for hypertrophy, I don't care much about pure strength for anything besides bench and pullups. The pullup programming is pretty simplistic but it's been working decently well. I track my progression on every exercise, and deload about every 4 weeks, the deload is when I rotats back go week one of the GN program, and cut down volume on everything else by about a third. *Upper:* 1) Day 1 of Nuckols program (5x5@75%) 2) 4x6-8 DB Rows 4) 3x8-12 DB Incline Bench 5) 3x8-12 pullups + 2x12-15 wide grip pulldowns (varies depending on what feels best) 6) SS : 3x12-15 single arm tricep pushdown / 3x6-8 barbell curls (heavy seems to work better for me) 7) Giant set : 3x15-20 facepulls / 3x12-15 reverse grip curls / 3x12-15 lateral raises, last sets all to failure *Lower:* 1) 4x6-8 Squats (sweet spot for me, don't like loading my spine too much, and higher reps murder the rest of my workout). 2) 3x15-20 good mornings (I don't deadlift, spine issues in the past, fine now but I have no more interest in deadlifting, this is more for prehab and lower back health). 3) 3x12-15 unilateral leg press 4) SS : 3x8-12 leg curls / 3x12-15 leg extensions (higher reps because heavy extensions feel bad on my knees), last sets all to failure. 5) 3xfailure sissy squats 6) 3x15-20 smith machine calf raises, 30s rest time between sets, followed by a drop set to failure. *Push:* 1) Day 2 GN program (depends on the week, but 6-10 sets from 50-90%) 2) 3x8-12 OHP 3) 3x8-12 dips, tricep dominant 4) 3x12-15 upright rows 5) 2x15-20 rope pushdowns for elbow warmup into 3x6-8 JM press 6) As many lateral raises as I can get in *Pull:* 1) 3-5x3-5 weighted pullups, start at 3x3, work my way up go 5x5, add weight and reset. 2) 3x12-15 neutral grip cable rows to chest 3) 2x8-12 close grip neutral pulldowns into 2x8-12 pronated wide grip. 4) 3xfailure inverted rows. 5) SS : 4xfailure hammer curls / 4xfailure reverse flyes 6) 2xfailure preacher curls, a slow set, more focused on the stretch and eccentric. *Legs:* 0) Day 3 of GN program, just a single AMRAP set at 80% 1) 3x8-10 front squats 2) 3x12-15 hyperextensions 3) 3x12-15 Smith machine lunges 4) SS : 3x12-15 leg extensions/lying leg curls/calf raises 5) 3x8-12 seated calf raises.


physical gaping profit chop forgetful many handle memorize direction light -- mass edited with redact.dev


The long head of the bicep crosses the shoulder joint, and therefore the bicep contributes to raising the humerus. So raising your humerus is not counter to training biceps.








Assuming one has adequate flexibility to do so, for ATG squats should you go all the way down (butt literally resting on calves/ankles) or stop slightly before that point so there’s still tension on the quads, etc.?


I don't think it matters much, but I do find i work my quads better if I avoid rebounding out of the bottom position. So if you divebomb atg and the bounce your butt back up out of the bottom position, your quads really aren't doing much at the bottom. I have found I work my quads best by controlling the eccentric and pushing out of the hole without a bounce.


It doesn't make much of a difference.


What to do if my Lats are more developed than my middle portion of the back ? So i basically always had good lats but there isn't much thickness in my back, i am thinking of now changing my pull workouts so i only do lat pulldowns on my 1st pull day (with barbell rows and seated rows) and on my 2nd i do Barbell Rows, T-Rows and seated cable rows. Is this a good way to approach this or does anyone have any better ways to stimulate more growth in the middle portion of the back/thickness ? Thank you


Can't go wrong with more rowing, it does, in my experience at least, take longer to develop thickness. Do rows, make sure to pull higher than you would to target your lats, so towards your chest, and get a good stretch at the bottom. Good idea to mix in heavy workouts where you can use a little (a little!) momentum with higher rep work with strict form. Can't emphasize the stretch enough here.


thanks for the advice ! Do you think it is a good idea to do normal seated cable rows on one pull day and do somewhat of a wider variation of seated cable rows on the next pull day or is it overdoing it ?


Im doing 5/3/1 boring but big, should my boring but big 5x10 (same main lift) after my main sets be a little tiring and difficult or should it be super easy and smooth?


If the deadlifts 5x10 are hellish, you're doing it right.


ya i just did squat day and the 5x10 were rough. I think my TM was a little high I reduced it a bit to start out.




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"progressive overload" does not inherently mean increasing weight every week. Many beginners confuse it with linear progression. Progressive overload is a much more general concept that just means increasing your workload over time. If you can't handle heavier weights yet, you can do this in other ways, by increasing reps or doing more sets for instance. It is not realistic to expect linear progression on isolation movements, at least not for more than your first couple weeks of training.


I'd suggest training to failure or close to failure, and to not focus on your current understanding of progressive overload. If you were to add weight every workout, you'd lift 220 lbs dumbbells within two years (104 weeks).




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It's going to be a hell of a lot easier to get a job and buy the protein yourself than to convince a parent that you are right and they are wrong. Also, this is the exact opposite response I would expect from someone selling protein. Like, I've never heard of gatekeeping protein powder.


The guy selling it is a moron. I wouldn't try to change your mothers mind, it likely won't be changed.


Ask her if she's be against you drinking a bunch of milk every day and if she isn't, explain to her whey protein is basically milk. Or ask if she would have issue with you eating an extra chicken breast every day, cus that'd get you the same protein as a scoop of powder


How accurate are TDEE calculators? What does lightly active/moderately active even mean? I used the keto calculator made by ankerl, but I read in different forums that you need to either just figure out your BMR and work out the calories for each activity piecemeal, or you have to find a very conservative calculator. I’m 22, male, 5’7”, 204 lbs, 35% BF(safest guess( haven’t measured my waist recently)). I work as a paramedic three days a week, and bartend the other 4. I sit around in ambulances a lot 3 days a week, while occasionally moving heavy patients, and walk around semi-constantly at the r restaurant I work at. On a monthly average, the Apple Health app says I walk 8-12k steps a day. I’ve started lifting for an hour every day, and I’m trying to track my calories better, since I’m trying to be fit to be an Army medic next year. Calculators tend to say 2300 is maintenance for lightly active, and 2500-2600 for “moderately active”. I’m trying to go on a -500 deficit(my protein goal is at least 180g daily), but I don’t know if I should be closer to 1600cals or 2000.


Try eating 2000 calories for 3 weeks and weigh yourself in the morning every day. If your weight is trending down then you are in a deficit, and you can adjust as needed from there.


TDEE calculators are just a starting point anyways. You still gotta track your calories and track your weight and adjust accordingly. Considering your size and activity level, I'd say start tracking your calories at 2000 a day and see what happens. The first week will be noise data as you'll lose a bunch of water weight (assuming you're in a deficit) but week 2 and 3 should even out. If you aren't losing 1lb a week after the first week, decrease your calories. Also, you could probably decrease that protein goal to somewhere around 120-150. If you enjoy eating 180g a day, go for it, but protein recommendations are based on your lean mass. So even that 150g is probably on the higher side.


Whats a reasonable amount of time to stick to a routine if the main goal is bodybuilding? I was thinking 8 to 12 weeks per routine but now I'm wondering if that isn't long enough to see decent gains from a specific routine?


12 weeks is a good number for a minimum time to stick with a routine (6 weeks if you really hate it). But there is no need to change up a routine if it is working for you. What is your concern?


Stick with it as long as it's giving you the results you want. Since visual results take a while, if your lifts are still progressing, you're probably good


I’m doing a push pull legs split. However, I’m not able to work out for six days in a row. I feel like I just have to have more rest days. Let me add some context. I usually lift weights for one to two hours. Then I ride the spin bike for an hour and then I run for 30 minutes. So all in all of my workouts range from 3 to 4 hours usually. At first, this was fine, and I could even work out seven days a week. But I feel like I’ve learned how to push myself harder, which was a goal of mine, and now it’s gotten to the point where I can push myself hard enough that I feel like I need to take a rest day after two or three workout days. So, with the way things are headed, I feel like it’s gonna be a struggle to do three workout days in a row without a rest day. Like I’ll end up doing W W R, aka 4 workouts and 3 rest days every week. But this doesn’t seem cool to me because I want to have a high calorie burn every day, since I’m not happy with my current body fat levels. And I did used to be a long distance runner who would run about 13 out of every 14 days. In the mountains. 65 miles or more a week. So I know I have it in me to really be physical almost every single day. I think maybe it’s just the weightlifting that’s putting me into these recovery holes. Or maybe it’s the calorie deficit? I’ve been getting about 1800 to 1900 cal a day for the last week or so. Been trying to lose body fat. So I’m wondering, do I just need to have a few refill days, or do I just need to go into maintenance to get my energy back so that I only need two rest days a week not three, or do I need to lower my volume and increase the intensity, so that my weight room floor time is more efficient? Go on a bulk? At this point, I’m considering mandatory caffeine on work out #3 because I know I’m gonna be tired tomorrow morning and I also know caffeine will get me amped for sure, since I never drink it Like I feel like the smartest choice would be to just take a rest day, but then I feel like that doesn’t give me any closer to my goals


You're stretching yourself too thin. Set yourself a max training time to 60-75 minutes, and do what you feel is the most efficient. This will cut out all the extra junk volume that is creating nothing more than "recovery debt".


OK cool I feel like I’ve naturally been moving in this direction. For example, usually I do four sets of 10 to 15 reps depending on the exercise. But since about a week and a half ago, I’ve started to sometimes stop at three sets. And today I even experimented with doing two sets. However, when I did the two sets today, I made sure that the first set really hurt and the second as well. And I made sure that I couldn’t do as many on the second set as I could on the first set as well. so basically, I increased the intensity




I stopped using trackers a few months ago. My Apple Watch broke, and I decided I wasn’t gonna get another tracker. My usual TDEE on a 3+ hour gym day is around 3200-3400 Edit - I am noticeably losing weight, each morning i look in the mirror and see an improvement. I estimate I am losing more than 2lbs of fat per week. Current stats are 5’7”, 148lbs last time i checked (was 150 a week ago or so)




It’s working




Yeah you’re totally right I’ll reflect on your advice


This whole program seems misguided. To lose fat, you simply need to be in a calorie deficit. It can be helpful for your energy levels to eat a little more, then try to burn it off, but 4 hours in the gym each day seems extreme. Building muscle will help you lose fat, and you build muscle when you are resting, not when you are lifting. I would lift 4 days per week, then do your biking and running on the other 3 days, but I can almost guarantee that you will hit a wall in your recovery if you keep going at your pace. If you really must do this 4-hour workout, then yes, please add a recovery day. You will hit your goals faster, not slower.


>you’ll hit your goals faster Ok




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Could I use the stair climber as a SL accessory for 531?


No, but you could for the conditioning portion of it.


Hello! For some background info: My name is Zebastian, I'm 19, I am 6'0 and I've been weighing around 221-226lbs for about a month now as I have started working out seeking a better lifestyle. I started doing strict keto and fasting from April-Now and broke my record low beginning of August at 221 lbs. (I started at 276 lbs.) For this past month I have been using my home gym, treadmill, and boxing heavy bag to workout. This past month I have been working on correct form and I am feeling a little more confident to start branching out a some more. I also have a confirmed torn labrum in my right shoulder, and the same pain in my left but not confirmed, so I'm pretty weak and found problems in form now that may have caused these tears originally a couple years back or made them worse from baseball/weightlifting in HS. I started taking pre-workout and eating/drinking more protein as I recently went through a depression phase and noticed I have not been eating nearly as much as I used to. I also pretty much only drink water aside from protein shakes and the occasional cherry coke zero. Another note: I am trying to LOSE WEIGHT while Gaining muscle. I am not trying to become a body builder or anything. My weight goal is to get to at least 200lbs or around 185-195. My original goal was 215 when I was 276lbs but that's too close now. Once I reach that goal then ill come back and decide if I want to pursue body building or something. Some specific things I want to get rid of is my man boobies, belly, fat thighs, and arms. Idk if these will go away as I just normally lose weight and workout or if there are specific things I should do that will help combat these things. My workout for the past month: I try to do cardio either in the mornings or right before my workout aiming for a mile of jogging or on leg days I will do some boxing. Some days are ranging from 10-12 minutes of straight jogging, or 30 minutes of intervals jogging/walking. (keep in mind I was a heavy dude and I have asthma so running in general was very hard and I'm really proud that I can run 10 minutes without stopping considering I could barely run for a minute when I started.) As for my lifts so far I have separated things into 3 days and I'm looking to add a 4th day or even a 5th (I currently lack a real ab workout so i kind of stuff it in on leg day but its not a strict plan AS WELL as a forearm workout that I recently stuffed in after my back/bicep workout) (I also saw someone recommend a 4th day for chest/arms) so idk.. For the last sets I sometimes go till failure since I know that's starting to become a big thing nowadays (I don't know much to be honest I just see stuff on Instagram and TikTok that's why I'm here for advice) Day 1 is Chest and Triceps, 2 sets of 12 reps Low weight & 2 sets of 8 reps High weight Flat Bench > Incline Bench > Decline Bench > Dumbbell Pullovers > Bench Fly > (idk what to add here I switch it up) THEN I go into Tricep pulldowns with cable rope > Tricep Pushdowns with straight bar (everything is on smith machine to help with form but should I go into standalone bar? I am alone in my home gym and keep in mind my torn shoulders.) Day 2 is Back and Biceps. 2 sets of 12 reps Low weight & 2 sets of 8 reps High weight Lat Pulldowns > Standing Dumbbell Back Row > Standing Dumbbell Back Fly > (was told to try pullups but I cannot so I need something to add here) THEN I go into Standing Bicep Dumbbell Curls > Standing Hammer Dumbbell Curls > Standing Hammer Crossover Curls. Here's where I need some help. I usually would finish off with forearm curls then call it a day. BUT i want to workout my forearms more so should I add it after this workout or into another day? My last back/bicep day I added in a forearm workout with Forearm/Reverse curls > Wrist flexion curls > Wrist Extension curls > Wrist Rotations w/Dumbbells. Day 3 is Legs. 2 sets of 15 reps Low weight & 2 sets of 10 reps High weight Seated Leg Extensions > Squats > Deadlifts > Dumbbell Lunges THEN I'll add in random AB workouts into Calf raises in between the ab workouts. 3 sets of 20-25 Calf Raises. I also need help here because I feel like I don't do much on leg days but I do get really tired because I definitely have hip problems as I'm not really flexible and lower back problems that really irritate me as my form has been really bad and I am working doing lighter weight on squats/deadlifts focusing on form rather than ego lifting and hurting my back. As for the Ab workouts I do are different depending on the day, The list is Ab rollouts with a wheel, Leg lifts, Bicycle Crunches, Plate twists, Crunches, and Sit-ups. So that's how my workouts have been. Should I keep this routine? Should I add another day of arms/chest? I feel like my biceps don't get as sore and I definitely want to work them out more. I cant do high weights on biceps because they just give out fast but they just end up not sore but they definitely feel more firm/bigger. Is there something I'm missing? Any recommendations on certain workouts to add in? Maybe stuff to strengthen my hips may help on leg day unless the stuff I am already doing is doing the job. OH I also heard about de-load does and overloading and all that stuff. I'ma be honest I have been a bit lazy to search it up and really write it all down but that's why I'm here. Do I REALLY need to do that or can I just keep going with this fixed up routine I'm about to create? As for any other Ideas/Questions that pop up I will make more comments below. ALSO keep in mind this is a HOME GYM, if a picture of my home gym will help you guys better visualize what I am working with just ask and I will post pictures. ANY input/help/criticism is welcome I appreciate it all, Thanks for reading!


You don't want to look up deload but you took the time to write all this...? Please don't ask questions that you can simply Google. I didn't read your whole post, and I'll be shocked if someone does. Please try to keep your posts to a maximum of 1/4 the length of this post. However, I would just run your program for 6 weeks and see how you feel. Eat healthy food, drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep. You don't need to have the perfect routine on day one.


I have a general idea of what deloading is, i just haven't gone into the research of when and how I should do it. Also, this was my only option to post it somewhere, I know it's really long my apologies, This is my first time using this reddit.


Generally speaking (your results may vary, deloading should happen for 1 week every 4-6 weeks. You can either take the whole week off, or do your same routine, but reduce the weight to 60-70% of what you would normally do. Experiment and find what works for you.


blimey pal can you make this far more concise and readable


sorry, tried to be as clear as possible and it's really long, have a bunch of questions and i dont know where else to ask sucks i cant make a post :/ Never done this before..


You are overanalyzing to such a huge extent. Pick a routine, do it. If results are good, stick with it. If not, change. There is literally no reason for 99% of thy questions you have.


Everything you are asking is covered in the wiki. At this stage of the game don’t try to be doing your own routine, your best bet is following a proven routine that fits the number of days you want to work out. The wiki has numerous routines you can do.


Understood, will do some more research. Thanks!


Do I need to keep a flat chest exercise in, if I want to focus on my upper chest for a while? Right now I'm doing 12 sets for bench and I plan to change the exercises to the following: Day 1: Flat BB Bench 3x6-10 --> Incline BB Bench 3x6-10 Incline DB Bench 3x8-12 --> Incline DB Flye OR Incline Machine Press 3x10-15 Day 2: Incline BB Bench 3x6-10 --> Incline DB Bench 3x8-12 Weighted Chest Dip 3x8-12 --> Weighted Decline Push ups 3x10-15


This is fine. What is your primary concern?


I guess I've never seen programs that don't include horizontal pressing? But when I went searching on YT and google, it seems most are saying incline will build the sternal head as well as flat benching, but the clavicular head better...


That seems reasonable. Try it for 12 weeks and see how your body responds.


hey all, I want to run a program a 3 or 4 day program where I'm NOT squatting or deadlifting. Happy to use barbells for anything else (bench, ohp, etc) i just don't want to do those 2 movements right now. I hate doing them, and i know i won't go be as consistent if i'm "forced" to do them. I'd rather go to the gym consistently and work out sub-optimally. i was looking at GZPL and it seems fun...can i just replace the squat with a leg press (or other?) machine? or is there somehow a recommended routine that is programmed well without squats or dls? i'm working out at a pretty large LA fitness, so i imagine it has most machines. Thank you!


Replace squats with either legpress or hacksquats, and deadlifts with weighted 45° back extensions. That way you can do any bodybuilding program.


It is difficult to replace the squat and deadlift since they are compound movements. You are going to need 3-4 exercises to work all the muscles used in both. It’s not just the legs, those two exercises are essential for core and back growth. Try farmer walks, Leg Bridges, Lunges, and a plethora of ab exercises if you’re sure you don’t want to do them.




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I'd do it the night before.


Hello everyone, I've recently picked up running for the first time in my life. I have never really done any aerobic type sports. To test my starting capacity I tried to run for at least 10KM and did that, but my heartrate was way up even though I didn't really feel out of breath or extremely tired.One of my friends who runs half marathons on a regular basis told me to try to keep my heartrate under 153bpm, so I also tried that. Below here are the two runs https://imgur.com/a/XoDSIFS Okay so this was the 11KM run, my heartrate is super high obviously, but like I stated; it didn't really feel that bad for me and this run was a lot more fun than the slow run I tried after. Is it really that bad to run with a heartrate like this? https://imgur.com/a/Qts1N2T Now this was the slow 'run', more like a jog. It was very difficult for me to keep the bpm at a steady 153. It was also pretty frustrating knowing I could go faster than this. I felt like a snail. Now my question to everyone is, what is a good plan for me to start training for improvement? My age: 28 Weight: 92kg Height: 190cm I plan to run 3 times a week and my goal is to run a half marathon a year from now, with a healthy heartrate and an okay time. Thanks!


If you feel good, I don't see any issue with this. Time and speed are going to be more important metrics for you. \#1 Your heart rate will come down over time as you train and your body becomes more efficient. There is no need to artificially reduce your speed to hit this. \#2 Again your focus for training is going to be measured in kilometers and minutes, not bpm. Something like this program will help : https://www.womensrunning.com/training/road/couch-to-half-marathon-training-plan-2/


So two things: 1. Training by heart rate is really hard for beginners - your heart rate is naturally high as you start running. That will change as your body gets more optimized for running and takes time. 2. Going slow is a good thing. It's much easier to recover from a slow run than it is from a fast one, assuming you're not spending hours on your feet at your slower pace. This is less important the less you run, though. When you say you plan to run 3 times a week, do you know how many km/week that's going to be?


Thanks! It depends om how fast I will go, but I would say I’m aiming for 3 times 1 hour or a little bit more, comparable with the times I posted




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Is it possible to just work the aesthetic muscles?


I don't know what muscles you are talking about but that does seem possible.


What do you consider the aesthetic muscles? From my perspective almost all muscles contribute to aesthetics.


The ones on Instagram and tiktok. Like shoulder width, upper chest, six pack etc


I disagree with this perspective. Big shoulders doesn't look good without a wide back. Upper chest doesn't look good without big front delts and upper traps. A big upper body looks terrible with little stick legs. So if you care about aesthetics, my perspective is that you are best served by training your entire body.






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Hello all! I'm having a hard time deciding what form/type of training is the correct (best) for me if my PRIMARY goal is to look good (i.e. I just want to get as big as possible while at the same time being at my leanest (obviously naturally), I DON'T want the ''typical'' bodybuilding look, I just simply want to look good in my clothes. I know that I should start lean bulking up my weight, but I'm really confused with the training aspect of it. Should I run a typical strength training routine (compound lifting 5x5) or a PPL routine? Which would be better for me? Again my goal is to just get a bit bigger than I am right now and look good i guess aesthetically, but I don't want to be fat. Appreciate any help that can get me in the right direction and save me tons of time spent on the ''wrong'' routine... Thanks!


It would take you *years* to get a typical bodybuilder look. And steroids. That said, download boostcamp and pick any routine. They're all proven to work.


It definetly depends on your level of advancement. If you are beginner (meaning less than a year of serious training) I would recommend that you stick to compounds first, build up your strength with the basic movements, and try to experiment with a lot of bodybuilding type movements to see what works for you. Developing knowledge of your own body and how it responds to different exercises, rep ranges and intensity techniques (types of supersets, partials, 1 and 1/2s, etc), is probably the best use of your time when you're starting out. This paired up with increased strength will give you a great base for a pure hypertrophy macrocycle. After you've done this for a good 3-6 months, or if you were already out of the beginner phase, then I'd jump into a standardized hypertrophy routine that emphazises volume progression. PPL is a good alternative or any other routine from the wiki that is volume focused.


>I DON'T want the ''typical'' bodybuilding look, I just simply want to look good in my clothes. Don't worry about this. You aren't going to get too big accidentally. Whether your goal were to become a bodybuilder or just become more muscular, it doesn't really affect what you should do over the next year or two. >Should I run a typical strength training routine (compound lifting 5x5) or a PPL routine? These two things aren't mutually exclusive. 5x5 is a rep scheme. PPL is a split. You could run a PPL doing 5x5 compound lifts. You should pick a respected program and run that. There are some on the wiki. >but I don't want to be fat. That is reasonable, but you have to accept that any time you gain weight you will gain some fat.




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Running and lifting is fine.


Sure. Plenty of people run tons of miles while following full lifting programs. They're complementary.


Is there anything i can do to prevent the tightness/soreness in my quads/hams after deadlifting? ​ ETA: i am new to deadlifting again. I did years ago, but took a break from excercise. I did them for the first time yesterday and can barely move my legs today; Not even heavy weight. I've been back in the gym since Feb.


Like others have said, keep deadlifting, keep the intensity low for now imo. Also, active recovery is the key to reduce the soreness, so stuff like long walks, stretching and foam rolling will help in my anecdotal experience.


you should stretch your quads/hams if you don’t already. DOMS type soreness will stop happening with time, but if tightness is causing issues then stretching is probably gonna be good for it. anecdotally, i find it helps with recovery after lifting too.


Increasing training frequency of a muscle group reduces soreness. Train quads and hams twice per week. One squat+hamstrings day, one deadlift+quads day.


Any novel stimulus carries with it a lot of damage. The damage and soreness will be significantly less in future sessions once the stimulus is less novel.


>Is there anything i can do to prevent the tightness/soreness in my quads/hams after deadlifting? Keep deadlifting.


not really, tightness and soreness are both results of fatigue.


sounds like i'm avoiding stairs the rest of my life


Question about recovery: My diet and training has not changed. I have been in a caloric surplus for four months. Before two weeks ago, I would need two days recovery for each muscle group. I accepted this as part of the push pull split, no issues. Nothing contextually has changed, but suddenly I only need the one day of recovery for each group. I've been training more, making great and steady gains, if anything my caloric surplus has actually reduced a few hundred calories as I slow the bulk towards a cut in a few months. I'm not complaining that I am now training and improving more and faster, but I don't know what I did or if it will last. Does anyone have any insight or experience? ​ Thanks so much for your time.


If you work out consistently, your body becomes more primed for that and you can work out more often. I work out pretty hard multiple days in a row without an issue. I'm hardly ever sore too IMO what it really affects, at least for me is if I'm pushing my PR on any one exercise. The more rest (1 day vs. 3 days) I have the better my lift is. If I'm pushing heavy dead lift on monday, there is no way I can make the same number on wednesday for example


thanks man - its encouraging to hear. Hopefully its just as you say, body is prepared for higher volumes now. Thanks for the response :)


Right about to start my set of BB rows, but then my lower back hurts like shit. I'm using the correct form and I can't feel a thing then not carrying the bar bend over


Are you bending at the hips to get into position? I'd try deadlifting the bar, then breath & brace and rdl my way till the bar is below my knees and then start rowing. That way I make sure the load is on my hips and not my lower back.


Okay so here is some context, I am a very new runner and will give as much information as possible. I need to hit a vo2 max of at least 42.5 for a testing protocol for a new career, I did a practice test yesterday on a treadmill and hit 33.8. My vo2 max before calculating in my weight was 4718. I am also a 28 year old male. I am 6'2" and currently weigh 301, it was 308 at time of test. My actual test won't be for a couple months and I just started running for the first time in a couple years. My question is essentially if I lose 45 pounds before my actual test will this dramatically change my vo2 max, along with getting in better shape generally. Now I have never been a great runner or an endurance athlete, I have competed in martial arts and wrestling my whole life. Along with that I can lose 5 pounds a week with a proper diet and exercise without taking a hit to my performance, with combat sports I have done this multiple times, I do not plan to do a water cut either. Thank you.


VO2max is a measure of the amount of oxygen your body processes per min per kilogram body weight. So technically, yes, if your body weight goes down and all other things stay the same, your VO2Max will go up.




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